]> git.saurik.com Git - redis.git/history - src/scripting.c
for (p)expireat use absolute time, without double recomputation
[redis.git] / src / scripting.c
2012-03-28  Nathan Fritzadded redis.sha1hex(string) as lua scripting function.
2012-03-27  Salvatore SanfilippoMerge pull request #389 from huangz1990/patch-1
2012-03-24  antirezMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/unstable' into...
2012-03-20  antirezSupport for read-only slaves. Semantical fixes.
2012-03-09  antirezMerge conflicts resolved.
2012-02-24  antirezLua_cmsgpack added to Redis scripting.
2012-02-22  Salvatore SanfilippoMerge pull request #304 from bradvoth/unstable
2012-02-16  antirezMerge branch 'issue327' into unstable
2012-02-14  antirezMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/unstable' into...
2012-02-13  Salvatore SanfilippoMerge pull request #334 from lsbardel/quantredis
2012-02-13  lsbardeladded lua struct c extension
2012-02-02  antirezNow Lua scripts dispatch Redis commands properly callin...
2012-02-01  antirezSORT is now more deterministic: does not accept to...
2012-01-31  antirezOrder output of commands returning random arrays using...
2012-01-30  antirezMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/unstable' into...
2012-01-30  Salvatore SanfilippoMerge pull request #319 from fawek/lua-error-location
2012-01-29  Jakub WieczorekLua reports line numbers off by one in error messages
2011-11-18  Salvatore SanfilippoMerge pull request #173 from jasondavies/typo
2011-11-18  antirezNew script timeout semantics and SCRIPT KILL implemente...
2011-10-27  antirezIf a Lua script executes for more time than the max...
2011-10-25  antirezDon't timeout scripts if the instance is a slave.
2011-10-25  antirezSCRIPT LOAD now returns the SHA1 instead of +OK
2011-10-25  antirezFixes for the scripting refactoring and new commands...
2011-10-25  antirezSCRIPT LOAD implemented, scripting eval command refacto...
2011-10-24  antirezSCRIPT command for introspection and control of the...
2011-10-20  antirezRedis.call is now split into two variants of the same...
2011-10-20  Salvatore SanfilippoMerge pull request #147 from janoberst/unstable
2011-10-19  antirezMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/unstable' into...
2011-10-19  antirezJSON support for Lua scripting, based on work from...
2011-10-05  Salvatore SanfilippoMerge pull request #118 from dvirsky/unstable
2011-10-04  antirezreplaced redisAssert() with redisAssertWithInfo() in...
2011-09-27  antirezScripting engine now only loads selected libraries...
2011-09-27  antirezReturn errors if a write command is called inside a...
2011-09-27  antirezDeny commands flagged as REDIS_CMD_NOSCRIPT from Lua...
2011-09-23  antirezLua math.random and math.randomseed replaced with our...
2011-09-22  antirezmerge conflicts resolved
2011-07-13  antirezMerge branch 'unstable' of github.com:antirez/redis...
2011-07-13  antirezReplicate EVALSHA as EVAL taking a dictionary of sha1...
2011-07-12  antirezmaster branch merged into scripting.
2011-06-25  antirezunstable merge conflicts resolved
2011-06-14  antirezUpdated to unstable
2011-05-25  antirezMake sure error and status replies emitted by Lua scrip...
2011-05-25  antirezFix for wrong error level detection in redis.log()
2011-05-25  antirezAll commands exported by Redis to Lua scripts are now...
2011-05-25  antirezEVALSHA implemented
2011-05-25  antirezNow it is possible to return multi bulks of multi bulks...
2011-05-25  antirezfor performance reasons only set the debug hook if...
2011-05-25  antirezLua max exec time fixes: redisLog() to log the event...
2011-05-25  antirezcall the Lua hook with minor frequency. It is already...
2011-05-25  antirezLua scripts max execution time
2011-05-25  antirezcall lua_gc() for incremental garbage collection. Likel...
2011-05-25  antirezLua scripting: Honor SELECT command in both ways
2011-05-25  antirezFixed a problem in the script engine that crashed the...
2011-05-25  antirezStatus replies converted in a special way like errors...
2011-05-25  antirezFixed nul bulk parsing in Redis protocol to Lua type...
2011-05-25  antirezMulti bulk to Lua table now working
2011-05-25  antirezFixed arity detection of Redis command executed from...
2011-05-25  antirezfull conversion from Lua return value to redis reply...
2011-05-25  antirezpupulate the Lua global tables KEYS and ARGV before...
2011-05-25  antirezfunction to access to Redis command from Lua renamed...
2011-05-25  antirezCorrectly glue the reply buffer. For now returned as...
2011-05-25  antirezLua call of Redis command work in progress: sorry I...
2011-05-25  antirezLua function creation on EVAL, basic Lua return type...