+/* Set an array of Redis String Objects as a Lua array (table) stored into a
+ * global variable. */
+void luaSetGlobalArray(lua_State *lua, char *var, robj **elev, int elec) {
+ int j;
+ lua_newtable(lua);
+ for (j = 0; j < elec; j++) {
+ lua_pushlstring(lua,(char*)elev[j]->ptr,sdslen(elev[j]->ptr));
+ lua_rawseti(lua,-2,j+1);
+ }
+ lua_setglobal(lua,var);
void evalCommand(redisClient *c) {
lua_State *lua = server.lua;
char funcname[43];
+ long long numkeys;
+ /* Get the number of arguments that are keys */
+ if (getLongLongFromObjectOrReply(c,c->argv[2],&numkeys,NULL) != REDIS_OK)
+ return;
+ if (numkeys > (c->argc - 3)) {
+ addReplyError(c,"Number of keys can't be greater than number of args");
+ return;
+ }
/* We obtain the script SHA1, then check if this function is already
* defined into the Lua state */
lua_getglobal(lua, funcname);
+ /* Populate the argv and keys table accordingly to the arguments that
+ * EVAL received. */
+ luaSetGlobalArray(lua,"KEYS",c->argv+3,numkeys);
+ luaSetGlobalArray(lua,"ARGV",c->argv+3+numkeys,c->argc-3-numkeys);
/* At this point whatever this script was never seen before or if it was
* already defined, we can call it. We have zero arguments and expect