3. Change directory to wx\samples and type 'nmake -f makefile.nt'
to make all the samples. You can also make them individually.
+Notes: if you wish to use templates, please edit
+include\wx\msw\setup.h and set wxUSE_DEBUG_NEW_ALWAYS to 0.
+Without this, the redefinition of 'new' will cause problems in
+the headers. Alternatively, #undef new before including template headers.
Visual C++ 1.5 compilation
// In debug mode, causes new to be defined to
// be WXDEBUG_NEW (see object.h).
// If this causes problems (e.g. link errors), set this to 0.
+ // You may need to set this to 0 if using templates (at least
+ // for VC++).
// Set this to 0 if your compiler can't cope
--- /dev/null
+include ../../setup/general/makeapp
--- /dev/null
+# WXXT base directory
+# set the OS type for compilation
+# compile a library only
+# define library name
+# define library sources
+bombs.cpp bombs1.cpp game.cpp
+#define library objects
+bombs.o bombs1.o game.o
+# additional things needed to link
+# additional things needed to compile
+# include the definitions now
+include ../../../template.mak
--- /dev/null
+// Name: bombs.cpp
+// Purpose: Bombs game
+// Author: P. Foggia 1996
+// Modified by:
+// Created: 1996
+// RCS-ID: $Id$
+// Copyright: (c) 1996 P. Foggia
+// Licence: wxWindows licence
+#ifdef __GNUG__
+#pragma implementation
+#include "wx/wxprec.h"
+#ifndef WX_PRECOMP
+ #include "wx/wx.h"
+#endif //precompiled headers
+#include "bombs.h"
+#include <time.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#if defined(__WXGTK__) || defined(__WXMOTIF__)
+#include "bombs.xpm"
+// Called to initialize the program
+bool AppClass::OnInit()
+ srand((unsigned)time(NULL));
+ // Initialize all the top-level window members to NULL.
+ BombsFrame = NULL;
+ level=IDM_EASY;
+ BombsFrame =
+ new BombsFrameClass(NULL, "wxBombs", wxPoint(155, 165), wxSize(300, 300), wxMINIMIZE_BOX | wxSYSTEM_MENU | wxCAPTION);
+ int xmax=BombsFrame->BombsCanvas->field_width*BombsFrame->BombsCanvas->x_cell*X_UNIT;
+ int ymax=BombsFrame->BombsCanvas->field_height*BombsFrame->BombsCanvas->y_cell*Y_UNIT;
+ BombsFrame->SetClientSize(xmax, ymax);
+ return TRUE;
+BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(BombsFrameClass, wxFrame)
+ EVT_MENU(IDM_EASY, BombsFrameClass::OnEasy)
+ EVT_MENU(IDM_MEDIUM, BombsFrameClass::OnMedium)
+ EVT_MENU(IDM_DIFFICULT, BombsFrameClass::OnDifficult)
+ EVT_MENU(IDM_EXIT, BombsFrameClass::OnExit)
+ EVT_MENU(IDM_ABOUT, BombsFrameClass::OnAbout)
+ EVT_MENU(IDM_RESTART, BombsFrameClass::OnRestart)
+ EVT_CLOSE(BombsFrameClass::OnCloseWindow)
+BombsFrameClass::BombsFrameClass(wxFrame *parent, const wxString& title, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style):
+ wxFrame(parent, -1, title, pos, size, style)
+ // Initialize child subwindow members.
+ BombsCanvas = NULL;
+ SetIcon(wxICON(bombs));
+ CreateStatusBar();
+ // Create a menu bar for the frame
+ wxMenuBar *menuBar1 = new wxMenuBar;
+ wxMenu *menu1 = new wxMenu;
+ menu1->Append(IDM_EXIT, "E&xit"); // , "Quit the program");
+ menu1->AppendSeparator();
+ menu1->Append(IDM_ABOUT, "&About..."); // , "Infos on wxBombs");
+ menuBar1->Append(menu1, "&File");
+ wxMenu *menu2 = new wxMenu;
+ menu2->Append(IDM_RESTART, "&Restart"); // , "Clear the play field");
+ menu2->AppendSeparator();
+ menu2->Append(IDM_EASY, "&Easy", NULL, TRUE); // "10x10 play field", TRUE);
+ menu2->Append(IDM_MEDIUM, "&Medium", NULL, TRUE); // "15x15 play field", TRUE);
+ menu2->Append(IDM_DIFFICULT, "&Difficult", NULL, TRUE); // "25x20 play field", TRUE);
+ menuBar1->Append(menu2, "&Game");
+ SetMenuBar(menuBar1);
+ menuBar=menuBar1;
+ menuBar->Check(wxGetApp().level, TRUE);
+ // Create child subwindows.
+ BombsCanvas = new BombsCanvasClass(this);
+ // Ensure the subwindows get resized o.k.
+// OnSize(width, height);
+ // Centre frame on the screen.
+ Centre(wxBOTH);
+ // Show the frame.
+ Show(TRUE);
+void BombsFrameClass::OnCloseWindow(wxCloseEvent& event)
+ this->Destroy();
+void BombsFrameClass::OnExit(wxCommandEvent& event)
+ this->Destroy();
+void BombsFrameClass::OnRestart(wxCommandEvent& event)
+ BombsCanvas->UpdateFieldSize();
+ int xmax=BombsCanvas->field_width*BombsCanvas->x_cell*X_UNIT;
+ int ymax=BombsCanvas->field_height*BombsCanvas->y_cell*Y_UNIT;
+ wxGetApp().BombsFrame->SetClientSize(xmax, ymax);
+void BombsFrameClass::OnAbout(wxCommandEvent& event)
+ wxMessageBox("wxBombs (c) 1996 by P. Foggia\n<foggia@amalfi.dis.unina.it>", "About wxBombs");
+void BombsFrameClass::OnEasy(wxCommandEvent& event)
+ menuBar->Check(wxGetApp().level, FALSE);
+ wxGetApp().level=IDM_EASY;
+ menuBar->Check(wxGetApp().level, TRUE);
+void BombsFrameClass::OnMedium(wxCommandEvent& event)
+ menuBar->Check(wxGetApp().level, FALSE);
+ wxGetApp().level=IDM_MEDIUM;
+ menuBar->Check(wxGetApp().level, TRUE);
+void BombsFrameClass::OnDifficult(wxCommandEvent& event)
+ menuBar->Check(wxGetApp().level, FALSE);
+ wxGetApp().level=IDM_DIFFICULT;
+ menuBar->Check(wxGetApp().level, TRUE);
+BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(BombsCanvasClass, wxWindow)
+ EVT_PAINT(BombsCanvasClass::OnPaint)
+ EVT_MOUSE_EVENTS(BombsCanvasClass::OnEvent)
+BombsCanvasClass::BombsCanvasClass(wxFrame *parent, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style):
+ wxWindow(parent, -1, pos, size, style)
+ int sx, sy;
+ wxClientDC dc(this);
+ wxFont font= BOMBS_FONT;
+ dc.SetFont(font);
+ long chw, chh;
+ char buf[]="M";
+ dc.GetTextExtent(buf, &chw, &chh);
+ dc.SetFont(wxNullFont);
+ dc.SetMapMode(MM_METRIC);
+ int xcm = dc.LogicalToDeviceX(10.0);
+ int ycm = dc.LogicalToDeviceY(10.0);
+ // To have a square cell, there must be :
+ // sx*ycm == sy*xcm
+ if (chw*ycm < chh*xcm)
+ { sy=chh;
+ sx=chh*xcm/ycm;
+ }
+ else
+ { sx=chw;
+ sy=chw*ycm/xcm;
+ }
+ x_cell = (sx+3+X_UNIT)/X_UNIT;
+ y_cell = (sy+3+Y_UNIT)/Y_UNIT;
+ dc.SetMapMode(MM_TEXT);
+ bmp=NULL;
+ UpdateFieldSize();
+ if (bmp)
+ delete bmp;
+// Called when canvas needs to be repainted.
+void BombsCanvasClass::OnPaint(wxPaintEvent& event)
+ wxPaintDC dc(this);
+ // Insert your drawing code here.
+ if (!bmp)
+ { bmp=new wxBitmap(field_width*x_cell*X_UNIT+1,
+ field_height*y_cell*Y_UNIT+1);
+ if (bmp)
+ { wxMemoryDC memDC;
+ memDC.SelectObject(* bmp);
+ DrawField(&memDC, 0, 0, field_width-1, field_height-1);
+ memDC.SelectObject(wxNullBitmap);
+ }
+ }
+ if (bmp)
+ { wxMemoryDC memDC;
+ memDC.SelectObject(* bmp);
+ dc.Blit(0, 0, field_width*x_cell*X_UNIT+1,
+ field_height*y_cell*Y_UNIT+1,
+ &memDC, 0, 0, wxCOPY);
+ memDC.SelectObject(wxNullBitmap);
+ }
+ else
+ DrawField(& dc, 0, 0, field_width-1, field_height-1);
+// Updates the field size depending on wxGetApp().level and
+// redraws the canvas
+void BombsCanvasClass::UpdateFieldSize()
+ { field_width=20;
+ field_height=20;
+ switch(wxGetApp().level)
+ { case IDM_EASY:
+ field_width=10;
+ field_height=10;
+ break;
+ case IDM_MEDIUM:
+ field_width=15;
+ field_height=15;
+ break;
+ field_width=25;
+ field_height=20;
+ break;
+ }
+ wxGetApp().Game.Init(field_width, field_height);
+ if (bmp)
+ delete bmp;
+ bmp=NULL;
+ wxWindow::Refresh();
+ }
--- /dev/null
+; bombs
+; Generated by wxBuilder
+NAME bombsapp
+DESCRIPTION 'A wxWindows application'
--- /dev/null
+// Name: bombs.h
+// Purpose: Bombs game
+// Author: P. Foggia 1996
+// Modified by:
+// Created: 1996
+// RCS-ID: $Id$
+// Copyright: (c) 1996 P. Foggia
+// Licence: wxWindows licence
+#ifndef _INC_BOMBS_H
+#define _INC_BOMBS_H
+#include "game.h"
+ * Forward declarations of all top-level window classes.
+ */
+class BombsFrameClass;
+class AboutFrameClass;
+ * Class representing the entire Application
+ */
+class AppClass: public wxApp
+ public:
+ BombsFrameClass *BombsFrame;
+ int level;
+ BombsGame Game;
+ bool OnInit();
+class BombsCanvasClass;
+class BombsFrameClass: public wxFrame
+ private:
+ protected:
+ public:
+ // Subwindows for reference within the program.
+ BombsCanvasClass *BombsCanvas;
+ wxMenuBar *menuBar;
+ // Constructor and destructor
+ BombsFrameClass(wxFrame *parent, const wxString& title, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style);
+ ~BombsFrameClass(void);
+ void OnCloseWindow(wxCloseEvent& event);
+ void OnExit(wxCommandEvent& event);
+ void OnRestart(wxCommandEvent& event);
+ void OnAbout(wxCommandEvent& event);
+ void OnEasy(wxCommandEvent& event);
+ void OnMedium(wxCommandEvent& event);
+ void OnDifficult(wxCommandEvent& event);
+/* Menu identifiers
+ */
+// File
+// E&xit
+#define IDM_EXIT 2
+// About...
+#define IDM_ABOUT 3
+// Game
+// &Restart
+#define IDM_RESTART 5
+// &Easy
+#define IDM_EASY 6
+// &Medium
+#define IDM_MEDIUM 7
+// &Difficult
+#define IDM_DIFFICULT 8
+class BombsCanvasClass: public wxWindow
+ private:
+ protected:
+ public:
+ int field_width, field_height;
+ int x_cell, y_cell;
+ wxBitmap *bmp;
+ // Constructor and destructor
+ BombsCanvasClass(wxFrame *parent, const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize, long style = 0);
+ ~BombsCanvasClass(void);
+ void OnPaint(wxPaintEvent& event);
+ void DrawField(wxDC *, int xc1, int yc1, int xc2, int yc2);
+ void Refresh(int xc1, int yc1, int xc2, int yc2);
+ void OnEvent(wxMouseEvent& event);
+ void UpdateFieldSize();
+/* Menu identifiers
+ */
+/* The following sizes should probably be redefined */
+/* dimensions of a scroll unit, in pixels */
+#define X_UNIT 4
+#define Y_UNIT 4
+/* the dimensions of a cell, in scroll units are in
+ * BombsCanvasClass::x_cell and y_cell
+ */
+#define BOMBS_FONT wxFont(14, wxROMAN, wxNORMAL, wxNORMAL)
+#endif /* mutual exclusion */
--- /dev/null
+bombs ICON "bombs.ico"
+#include "wx/msw/wx.rc"
--- /dev/null
+/* XPM */
+static char *bombs_xpm[] = {
+/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
+"32 32 6 1",
+" c Black",
+". c Blue",
+"X c #00bf00",
+"o c Red",
+"O c Yellow",
+"+ c Gray100",
+/* pixels */
+" ",
+" oooooo +++++++++++++++++++++++ ",
+" oooooo +++++++++++++++++++++++ ",
+" oooooo +++++++++++++++++++++++ ",
+" oooooo +++++++++++++++++++++++ ",
+" oooooo +++++++++++++++++++++++ ",
+" oooooo +++++++++++++++++++++++ ",
+" oooooo +++++++++++++++++++++++ ",
+" ",
+" ++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ .... ",
+" ++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ .... ",
+" ++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ .... ",
+" ++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ .... ",
+" ++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ .... ",
+" ++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ ",
+" ++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ ++++ ",
+" ++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ ++++ ",
+" ++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ ++++ ",
+" ++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ ++++ ",
+" ++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ ++++ ",
+" ++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ ++++ ",
+" ++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ ++++ ",
+" ++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ ++++ ",
+" ++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ ++++ ",
+" ++++++ ++++ ",
+" ++++++ OOOOOOOOOOOO XXXXX ++++ ",
+" ++++++ OOOOOOOOOOOO XXXXX ++++ ",
+" ++++++ OOOOOOOOOOOO XXXXX ++++ ",
+" ++++++ OOOOOOOOOOOO XXXXX ++++ ",
+" ++++++ OOOOOOOOOOOO XXXXX ++++ ",
+" ++++++ OOOOOOOOOOOO XXXXX ++++ ",
+" "
--- /dev/null
+// Name: bombs1.cpp
+// Purpose: Bombs game
+// Author: P. Foggia 1996
+// Modified by:
+// Created: 1996
+// RCS-ID: $Id$
+// Copyright: (c) 1996 P. Foggia
+// Licence: wxWindows licence
+ * implementation of the methods DrawField and OnEvent of the
+ * class BombsCanvas
+ */
+#ifdef __GNUG__
+#pragma implementation
+#include "wx/wxprec.h"
+#ifndef WX_PRECOMP
+ #include "wx/wx.h"
+#endif //precompiled headers
+#include "bombs.h"
+/*-------- BombCanvasClass::DrawField(dc, xc1, yc1, xc2, yc2) -------*/
+/* Draws the field on the device context dc */
+/* xc1,yc1 etc. are the (inclusive) limits of the area to be drawn, */
+/* expressed in cells. */
+void BombsCanvasClass::DrawField(wxDC *dc, int xc1, int yc1, int xc2, int yc2)
+{ int x,y,xmax,ymax;
+ char buf[2];
+ long chw, chh;
+ wxColour *wxBlack = wxTheColourDatabase->FindColour("BLACK");
+ wxColour *wxWhite = wxTheColourDatabase->FindColour("WHITE");
+ wxColour *wxRed = wxTheColourDatabase->FindColour("RED");
+ wxColour *wxBlue = wxTheColourDatabase->FindColour("BLUE");
+ wxColour *wxGrey = wxTheColourDatabase->FindColour("LIGHT GREY");
+ wxColour *wxGreen = wxTheColourDatabase->FindColour("GREEN");
+ wxPen *blackPen = wxThePenList->FindOrCreatePen(*wxBlack, 1, wxSOLID);
+ wxPen *redPen = wxThePenList->FindOrCreatePen(*wxRed, 1, wxSOLID);
+ wxPen *bluePen = wxThePenList->FindOrCreatePen(*wxBlue, 1, wxSOLID);
+ wxPen *whitePen = wxThePenList->FindOrCreatePen(*wxWhite, 1, wxSOLID);
+ wxPen *greyPen = wxThePenList->FindOrCreatePen(*wxGrey, 1, wxSOLID);
+ wxBrush *whiteBrush = wxTheBrushList->FindOrCreateBrush(*wxWhite, wxSOLID);
+ wxBrush *greyBrush = wxTheBrushList->FindOrCreateBrush(*wxGrey, wxSOLID);
+ wxBrush *redBrush = wxTheBrushList->FindOrCreateBrush(*wxRed, wxSOLID);
+ xmax=field_width*x_cell*X_UNIT;
+ ymax=field_height*y_cell*Y_UNIT;
+ dc->SetPen(* blackPen);
+ for(x=xc1; x<=xc2; x++)
+ dc->DrawLine(x*x_cell*X_UNIT, 0, x*x_cell*X_UNIT, ymax);
+ for(y=xc1; y<=yc2; y++)
+ dc->DrawLine(0, y*y_cell*Y_UNIT, xmax, y*y_cell*Y_UNIT);
+ wxFont font= BOMBS_FONT;
+ dc->SetFont(font);
+ buf[1]='\0';
+ for(x=xc1; x<=xc2; x++)
+ for(y=yc1; y<=yc2; y++)
+ { if (wxGetApp().Game.IsMarked(x,y))
+ { dc->SetPen(* blackPen);
+ dc->SetBrush(* greyBrush);
+ dc->DrawRectangle( x*x_cell*X_UNIT, y*y_cell*Y_UNIT,
+ x_cell*X_UNIT+1, y_cell*Y_UNIT+1);
+ *buf='M';
+ if (!wxGetApp().Game.IsHidden(x,y) && wxGetApp().Game.IsBomb(x,y))
+ dc->SetTextForeground(*wxBlue);
+ else
+ dc->SetTextForeground(*wxRed);
+ dc->SetTextBackground(*wxGrey);
+ dc->GetTextExtent(buf, &chw, &chh);
+ dc->DrawText( buf,
+ x*x_cell*X_UNIT + (x_cell*X_UNIT-chw)/2,
+ y*y_cell*Y_UNIT + (y_cell*Y_UNIT-chh)/2
+ );
+ if (!wxGetApp().Game.IsHidden(x,y) && wxGetApp().Game.IsBomb(x,y))
+ { dc->SetPen(*redPen);
+ dc->DrawLine(x*x_cell*X_UNIT, y*y_cell*Y_UNIT,
+ (x+1)*x_cell*X_UNIT, (y+1)*y_cell*Y_UNIT);
+ dc->DrawLine(x*x_cell*X_UNIT, (y+1)*y_cell*Y_UNIT,
+ (x+1)*x_cell*X_UNIT, y*y_cell*Y_UNIT);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (wxGetApp().Game.IsHidden(x,y))
+ { dc->SetPen(*blackPen);
+ dc->SetBrush(*greyBrush);
+ dc->DrawRectangle( x*x_cell*X_UNIT, y*y_cell*Y_UNIT,
+ x_cell*X_UNIT+1, y_cell*Y_UNIT+1);
+ }
+ else if (wxGetApp().Game.IsBomb(x,y))
+ { dc->SetPen(* blackPen);
+ dc->SetBrush(* redBrush);
+ dc->DrawRectangle( x*x_cell*X_UNIT, y*y_cell*Y_UNIT,
+ x_cell*X_UNIT+1, y_cell*Y_UNIT+1);
+ *buf='B';
+ dc->SetTextForeground(* wxBlack);
+ dc->SetTextBackground(* wxRed);
+ dc->GetTextExtent(buf, &chw, &chh);
+ dc->DrawText( buf,
+ x*x_cell*X_UNIT + (x_cell*X_UNIT-chw)/2,
+ y*y_cell*Y_UNIT + (y_cell*Y_UNIT-chh)/2
+ );
+ if (wxGetApp().Game.IsExploded(x,y))
+ { dc->SetPen(* bluePen);
+ dc->DrawLine(x*x_cell*X_UNIT, y*y_cell*Y_UNIT,
+ (x+1)*x_cell*X_UNIT, (y+1)*y_cell*Y_UNIT);
+ dc->DrawLine(x*x_cell*X_UNIT, (y+1)*y_cell*Y_UNIT,
+ (x+1)*x_cell*X_UNIT, y*y_cell*Y_UNIT);
+ }
+ }
+ else // Display a digit
+ { dc->SetPen(* blackPen);
+ dc->SetBrush(* whiteBrush);
+ dc->DrawRectangle( x*x_cell*X_UNIT, y*y_cell*Y_UNIT,
+ x_cell*X_UNIT+1, y_cell*Y_UNIT+1);
+ *buf = (wxGetApp().Game.Get(x,y) & BG_MASK) + '0';
+ dc->GetTextExtent(buf, &chw, &chh);
+ switch(*buf)
+ { case '0': dc->SetTextForeground(* wxGreen); break;
+ case '1': dc->SetTextForeground(* wxBlue); break;
+ default: dc->SetTextForeground(* wxBlack); break;
+ }
+ dc->SetTextBackground(* wxWhite);
+ dc->DrawText( buf,
+ x*x_cell*X_UNIT + (x_cell*X_UNIT-chw)/2,
+ y*y_cell*Y_UNIT + (y_cell*Y_UNIT-chh)/2
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ dc->SetFont(wxNullFont);
+ if (wxGetApp().BombsFrame)
+ { char buf[80];
+ sprintf(buf, "%d bombs %d remaining cells",
+ wxGetApp().Game.GetBombs(), wxGetApp().Game.GetRemainingCells());
+ wxGetApp().BombsFrame->SetStatusText(buf, 0);
+ }
+/*-------- BombCanvasClass::Refresh(xc1, yc1, xc2, yc2) -------------*/
+/* Refreshes the field image */
+/* xc1,yc1 etc. are the (inclusive) limits of the area to be drawn, */
+/* expressed in cells. */
+void BombsCanvasClass::Refresh(int xc1, int yc1, int xc2, int yc2)
+ {
+ wxClientDC dc(this);
+ DrawField(& dc, xc1, yc1, xc2, yc2);
+ if (bmp)
+ { wxMemoryDC memDC;
+ memDC.SelectObject(* bmp);
+ DrawField(&memDC, xc1, yc1, xc2, yc2);
+ memDC.SelectObject(wxNullBitmap);
+ }
+ }
+// Called when the canvas receives a mouse event.
+void BombsCanvasClass::OnEvent(wxMouseEvent& event)
+{ float fx, fy;
+ event.Position(&fx, &fy);
+ int x = fx/(x_cell*X_UNIT);
+ int y = fy/(y_cell*Y_UNIT);
+ if (x<field_width && y<field_height)
+ { if ( (event.RightDown() || (event.LeftDown() && event.ShiftDown()))
+ && (wxGetApp().Game.IsHidden(x,y)
+ || wxGetApp().Game.GetRemainingCells()==0))
+ { wxGetApp().Game.Mark(x,y);
+ Refresh(x, y, x, y);
+ return;
+ }
+ else if (event.LeftDown() && wxGetApp().Game.IsHidden(x,y)
+ && !wxGetApp().Game.IsMarked(x,y))
+ { wxGetApp().Game.Unhide(x,y);
+ Refresh(x, y, x, y);
+ if (wxGetApp().Game.IsBomb(x,y) || wxGetApp().Game.GetRemainingCells()==0)
+ { wxBell();
+ if (!wxGetApp().Game.IsBomb(x,y))
+ { wxMessageBox("Nice! You found all the bombs!", "wxWin Bombs",
+ wxOK|wxCENTRE, wxGetApp().BombsFrame);
+ }
+ else // x,y is a bomb
+ { wxGetApp().Game.Explode(x, y);
+ }
+ for(x=0; x<field_width; x++)
+ for(y=0; y<field_height; y++)
+ wxGetApp().Game.Unhide(x,y);
+ Refresh(0, 0, field_width-1, field_height-1);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ }
--- /dev/null
+// Name: bombs1.cpp
+// Purpose: Implementation of the class BombsGame
+// Author: P. Foggia 1996
+// Modified by:
+// Created: 1996
+// RCS-ID: $Id$
+// Copyright: (c) 1996 P. Foggia
+// Licence: wxWindows licence
+#ifdef __GNUG__
+#pragma implementation
+#include "wx/wxprec.h"
+#ifndef WX_PRECOMP
+ #include "wx/wx.h"
+#endif //precompiled headers
+#include "game.h"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+#define PROB 0.2
+#ifndef RAND_MAX
+/*-------------------- BombsGame::~BombsGame() ---------------------*/
+ { if (field)
+ free(field);
+ }
+/*------------------ int BombsGame::Init(width,height) -------------------*/
+/* Initialize the play field. Returns 0 on failure */
+int BombsGame::Init(int aWidth, int aHeight)
+ { int x, y;
+ int xx, yy;
+ if (field)
+ free(field);
+ field=(short *)malloc(aWidth*aHeight*sizeof(short));
+ if (!field)
+ { width=height=0;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ width=aWidth;
+ height=aHeight;
+ for(x=0; x<width; x++)
+ for(y=0; y<height; y++)
+ { field[x+y*width] = ((float)rand()/RAND_MAX <PROB)?
+ }
+ bombs=0;
+ for(x=0; x<width; x++)
+ for(y=0; y<height; y++)
+ if (field[x+y*width] & BG_BOMB)
+ { bombs++;
+ for(xx=x-1; xx<=x+1; xx++)
+ if (xx>=0 && xx<width)
+ for(yy=y-1; yy<=y+1; yy++)
+ if (yy>=0 && yy<height && (yy!=y || xx!=x))
+ field[xx+yy*width]++;
+ }
+ normal_cells=height*width-bombs;
+ return 1;
+ }
+/*---------------------- BombsGame::Mark(x,y) -------------------------*/
+/* Marks/unmarks a cell */
+void BombsGame::Mark(int x, int y)
+ {
+ field[x+y*width] ^= BG_MARKED;
+ }
+/*------------------- BombsGame::Unhide(x,y) ------------------------*/
+/* Unhides a cell */
+void BombsGame::Unhide(int x, int y)
+ { if (!IsHidden(x,y))
+ return;
+ field[x+y*width] &= ~BG_HIDDEN;
+ if (!IsBomb(x,y))
+ normal_cells--;
+ }
+/*------------------- BombsGame::Explode(x,y) ------------------------*/
+/* Makes a cell exploded */
+void BombsGame::Explode(int x, int y)
+ {
+ field[x+y*width] |= BG_EXPLODED;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+// game.h
+// Definition of the class BombsGame, containing the data for a
+// playfield
+#ifndef GAME_H
+#define GAME_H
+#define BG_HIDDEN 0x100
+#define BG_BOMB 0x200
+#define BG_MARKED 0x400
+#define BG_EXPLODED 0x800
+#define BG_MASK 0x0FF
+#include <stddef.h>
+class BombsGame
+ { protected:
+ int width,height;
+ short *field;
+ int bombs,normal_cells;
+ public:
+ BombsGame() { width=height=0; field=NULL; };
+ ~BombsGame();
+ int Init(int width, int height);
+ int GetWidth() { return width; };
+ int GetHeight() { return height; };
+ int Get(int x, int y) { return field[x+y*width]; };
+ void Mark(int x, int y);
+ void Unhide(int x, int y);
+ void Explode(int x, int y);
+ int IsHidden(int x, int y) { return Get(x,y) & BG_HIDDEN; };
+ int IsMarked(int x, int y) { return Get(x,y) & BG_MARKED; };
+ int IsBomb(int x, int y) { return Get(x,y) & BG_BOMB; };
+ int IsExploded(int x, int y) { return Get(x,y) & BG_EXPLODED; };
+ int GetBombs() { return bombs; };
+ int GetRemainingCells() { return normal_cells; };
+ };
+#endif /* def GAME_H */
--- /dev/null
+# File: makefile.b32
+# Author: Julian Smart
+# Created: 1993
+# Updated:
+# Copyright:
+# "%W% %G%"
+# Makefile : Builds bombs example
+# WXWIN and BCCDIR are set by parent make
+!include $(WXDIR)\src\makeb32.env
+WXINC = $(WXDIR)\include\msw
+WXLIB = $(WXLIBDIR)\wx32.lib
+LIBS=$(WXLIB) cw32 import32 ole2w32
+!if "$(FINAL)" == "0"
+OPT = -Od
+OPT = -Od
+OBJECTS = bombs.obj bombs1.obj game.obj
+$(TARGET).exe: $(OBJECTS) $(TARGET).res
+ tlink32 $(LINKFLAGS) @&&!
+c0w32.obj $(OBJECTS)
+ bcc32 $(CPPFLAGS) -c {$< }
+ bcc32 $(CPPFLAGS) -P- -c {$< }
+bombs.obj: bombs.$(SRCSUFF)
+bombs1.obj: bombs1.$(SRCSUFF)
+game.obj: game.$(SRCSUFF)
+$(TARGET).res : $(TARGET).rc $(WXDIR)\include\wx\msw\wx.rc
+ brc32 -r /i$(BCCDIR)\include /i$(WXDIR)\include $(TARGET)
+ -erase *.obj
+ -erase *.exe
+ -erase *.res
+ -erase *.map
+ -erase *.rws
--- /dev/null
+# File: makefile.bcc
+# Author: Julian Smart
+# Created: 1998
+# Updated:
+# Builds a BC++ 16-bit sample
+!if "$(WXWIN)" == ""
+!error You must define the WXWIN variable in autoexec.bat, e.g. WXWIN=c:\wx
+OBJECTS=$(TARGET).obj bombs1.obj game.obj
+!include $(WXDIR)\src\makeprog.bcc
--- /dev/null
+# File: makefile.dos
+# Author: Julian Smart
+# Created: 1998
+# Updated:
+# Makefile : Builds 16-bit sample, VC++ 1.5
+# Use FINAL=1 argument to nmake to build final version with no debugging
+# info
+OBJECTS=$(TARGET).obj bombs1.obj game.obj
+!include $(WXDIR)\src\makeprog.msc
--- /dev/null
+# File: makefile.unx
+# Author: Julian Smart
+# Created: 1993
+# Updated:
+# Copyright: (c) 1993, AIAI, University of Edinburgh
+# "%W% %G%"
+# Makefile for bombs example (UNIX).
+WXDIR = ../..
+# All common UNIX compiler flags and options are now in
+# this central makefile.
+include $(WXDIR)/src/makeg95.env
+OBJECTS = $(OBJDIR)/bombs.$(OBJSUFF) $(OBJDIR)/bombs1.$(OBJSUFF) $(OBJDIR)/game.$(OBJSUFF)\
+ $(OBJDIR)/bombs_resources.$(OBJSUFF)
+ mkdir $(OBJDIR)
+$(OBJDIR)/bombs.$(OBJSUFF): bombs.$(SRCSUFF)
+ $(CC) -c $(CPPFLAGS) -o $@ bombs.$(SRCSUFF)
+$(OBJDIR)/bombs1.$(OBJSUFF): bombs1.$(SRCSUFF)
+ $(CC) -c $(CPPFLAGS) -o $@ bombs1.$(SRCSUFF)
+$(OBJDIR)/game.$(OBJSUFF): game.$(SRCSUFF)
+ $(CC) -c $(CPPFLAGS) -o $@ game.$(SRCSUFF)
+$(OBJDIR)/bombs_resources.o: bombs.rc
+ $(RESCOMP) -i bombs.rc -o $(OBJDIR)/bombs_resources.o $(RESFLAGS)
+ rm -f $(OBJECTS) bombs$(GUISUFFIX).exe core *.rsc *.res
--- /dev/null
+# File: makefile.nt
+# Author: Julian Smart
+# Created: 1993
+# Updated:
+# Copyright: (c) 1993, AIAI, University of Edinburgh
+# "%W% %G%"
+# Makefile : Builds bombs example (MS VC++).
+# Use FINAL=1 argument to nmake to build final version with no debugging
+# info
+# Set WXDIR for your system
+!include $(WXDIR)\src\ntwxwin.mak
+THISDIR = $(WXDIR)\samples\bombs
+OBJECTS = $(PROGRAM).obj bombs1.obj game.obj
+all: wx $(PROGRAM).exe
+ cd $(WXDIR)\src\msw
+ nmake -f makefile.nt FINAL=$(FINAL)
+ cd $(THISDIR)
+ cd $(WXDIR)\src\msw
+ nmake -f makefile.nt clean
+ cd $(THISDIR)
+ $(link) @<<
+ $(cc) @<<
+$(CPPFLAGS) /c /Tp $*.$(SRCSUFF)
+bombs1.obj: bombs1.$(SRCSUFF) $(DUMMYOBJ)
+ $(cc) @<<
+$(CPPFLAGS) /c /Tp $*.$(SRCSUFF)
+game.obj: game.$(SRCSUFF) $(DUMMYOBJ)
+ $(cc) @<<
+$(CPPFLAGS) /c /Tp $*.$(SRCSUFF)
+$(PROGRAM).res : $(PROGRAM).rc $(WXDIR)\include\wx\msw\wx.rc
+ $(rc) -r /i$(WXDIR)\include -fo$@ $(PROGRAM).rc
+ -erase *.obj
+ -erase *.exe
+ -erase *.res
+ -erase *.map
+ -erase *.sbr
+ -erase *.pdb
--- /dev/null
+# File: makefile.unx
+# Author: Julian Smart
+# Created: 1998
+# Updated:
+# Copyright: (c) 1998 Julian Smart
+# "%W% %G%"
+# Makefile for bombs example (UNIX).
+OBJECTS=$(PROGRAM).o bombs1.o game.o
+include ../../src/makeprog.env
--- /dev/null
+# Makefile for WATCOM
+# Created by D.Chubraev, chubraev@iem.ee.ethz.ch
+# 8 Nov 1994
+PROGRAM = bombs
+OBJECTS = $(PROGRAM).obj bombs1.obj game.obj
+!include $(WXDIR)\src\makeprog.wat
--- /dev/null
+ wxWin Bombs
+ by Pasquale Foggia
+1. The aim of the program
+wxWin Bombs is the wxWin implementation of the minesweeper game you find
+under MSWindows 3.1+. Later the rules of the game will be explained for
+the lucky ones of you that have never used Windows.
+2. Installation
+If you are reading this file, I suppose you have succesfully unpacked the
+files in a directory of your hard disk :-). You should already have
+installed wxWin on your system.
+Now you have to modify makefile.bcc
+(if a Windows user) or makefile.unx (if you use a real OS) setting the
+proper values for the directories. Finally, you have to run:
+ make -f makefile.bcc
+for Windows (nmake if you use a MicroSoft compiler), or:
+ make -f makefile.unx xview
+for Unix+xview and
+ make -f makefile.unx motif
+for Unix+motif
+If you are lucky, you will find the bombs executable, ready to be run.
+3. Test
+Bombs has been tested under the following platforms:
+ PC + MSWindos 3.1 + wxWin 1.60 + Borland C 3.1
+ Sun SPARCstation 20 + SunOS + xview + wxWin 1.63 + gcc 2.3.3
+and all seems to work fine.
+4. The author
+This program has been developed by Pasquale Foggia, a PhD student
+in Computer Engineering at the "Federico II" University of Naples, Italy.
+You can contacting him using the following address:
+ foggia@amalfi.dis.unina.it
+5. Disclaimer
+This program is freeware. You can do everything you want with it, including
+copying and modifying, without the need of a permission from the author.
+On the other hand, this program is provided AS IS, with NO KIND OF WARRANTY.
+The author will be in NO CASE responsible for damages directly or indirectly
+caused by this program. Use it AT YOUR OWN RISK, or don't use it at all.
+6. The rules of the game
+Your aim is to discover all the bombs in a mined field. If you click with
+the left mouse button on a cell containing a bomb, your game ends.
+Otherwise, the number of bombs in the 8 neighbour cells will be displayed.
+When you have clicked all the cells without a bomb, you win.
+You can also use the right button (or left button+shift) to mark a cell
+you think hides a bomb, in order to not click it accidentally.
+7. Concluding remarks
+I hope someone of you will enjoy this program. However, I enjoyed writing
+it (thanks to Julian Smart and all the other wxWin developers).
+In the near future I plan to implement under wxWin the great 'empire'
+(is there someone that still remember it?), IMHO one of the most addictive
+strategy games. If someone is interested, please contact me by e-mail.
+I beg you pardon for my approximative english.
+ Pasquale Foggia
+ foggia@amalfi.dis.unina.it
+A note from Julian Smart: Many thanks to Pasquale for the contribution.
+I've taken the liberty of making a few changes.
+1) I've made the status line have a single field so that you
+can see the 'cells remaining' message properly.
+2) I've changed the title from "wxWin Bombs" (which, as a statement,
+is an unfortunate reflection of the reality of earlier versions of
+wxWindows :-)) to wxBombs.
+3) Added SetClientData to resize the window on Restart; eliminated
+scrollbars; made the frame unresizeable.
+4) Added makefile.dos for VC++ 1.x, makefile.wat for Watcom C++.
\ No newline at end of file
DatabaseDemoFrame *DemoFrame; // Pointer to the main frame
-// This statement initializes the whole application and calls OnInit
-DatabaseDemoApp DatabaseDemoApp;
/* Pointer to the main database connection used in the program. This
* pointer would normally be used for doing things as database lookups
* for user login names and passwords, getting workstation settings, etc.
widgetPtrsSet = TRUE;
saved = FALSE;
- savedParamSettings = DatabaseDemoApp.params;
+ savedParamSettings = wxGetApp().params;
if (!Ok)
return FALSE;
- DatabaseDemoApp.params = savedParamSettings;
+ wxGetApp().params = savedParamSettings;
if (GetParent() != NULL)
// Fill in the fields from the params object
- pParamODBCSourceList->SetStringSelection(DatabaseDemoApp.params.ODBCSource);
- pParamUserNameTxt->SetValue(DatabaseDemoApp.params.UserName);
- pParamPasswordTxt->SetValue(DatabaseDemoApp.params.Password);
+ pParamODBCSourceList->SetStringSelection(wxGetApp().params.ODBCSource);
+ pParamUserNameTxt->SetValue(wxGetApp().params.UserName);
+ pParamPasswordTxt->SetValue(wxGetApp().params.Password);
return TRUE;
} // CparameterDlg::PutData()
if (pParamODBCSourceList->GetStringSelection())
tStr = pParamODBCSourceList->GetStringSelection();
- if (tStr.Length() > (sizeof(DatabaseDemoApp.params.ODBCSource)-1))
+ if (tStr.Length() > (sizeof(wxGetApp().params.ODBCSource)-1))
wxString errmsg;
errmsg.Printf("ODBC Data source name is longer than the data structure to hold it.\n'Cparameter.ODBCSource' must have a larger character array\nto handle a data source with this long of a name\n\nThe data source currently selected is %d characters long.",tStr.Length());
wxMessageBox(errmsg,"Internal program error...",wxOK | wxICON_EXCLAMATION);
return FALSE;
- strcpy(DatabaseDemoApp.params.ODBCSource, tStr);
+ strcpy(wxGetApp().params.ODBCSource, tStr);
return FALSE;
tStr = pParamUserNameTxt->GetValue();
- if (tStr.Length() > (sizeof(DatabaseDemoApp.params.UserName)-1))
+ if (tStr.Length() > (sizeof(wxGetApp().params.UserName)-1))
wxString errmsg;
errmsg.Printf("User name is longer than the data structure to hold it.\n'Cparameter.UserName' must have a larger character array\nto handle a data source with this long of a name\n\nThe user name currently specified is %d characters long.",tStr.Length());
wxMessageBox(errmsg,"Internal program error...",wxOK | wxICON_EXCLAMATION);
return FALSE;
- strcpy(DatabaseDemoApp.params.UserName, tStr);
+ strcpy(wxGetApp().params.UserName, tStr);
tStr = pParamPasswordTxt->GetValue();
- if (tStr.Length() > (sizeof(DatabaseDemoApp.params.Password)-1))
+ if (tStr.Length() > (sizeof(wxGetApp().params.Password)-1))
wxString errmsg;
errmsg.Printf("Password is longer than the data structure to hold it.\n'Cparameter.Password' must have a larger character array\nto handle a data source with this long of a name\n\nThe password currently specified is %d characters long.",tStr.Length());
wxMessageBox(errmsg,"Internal program error...",wxOK | wxICON_EXCLAMATION);
return FALSE;
- strcpy(DatabaseDemoApp.params.Password,tStr);
+ strcpy(wxGetApp().params.Password,tStr);
return TRUE;
} // CparameterDlg::GetData()
bool CparameterDlg::Save()
- Cparameters saveParams = DatabaseDemoApp.params;
+ Cparameters saveParams = wxGetApp().params;
if (!GetData())
- DatabaseDemoApp.params = saveParams;
+ wxGetApp().params = saveParams;
return FALSE;
return FALSE;
- fputs(DatabaseDemoApp.params.ODBCSource, paramFile);
+ fputs(wxGetApp().params.ODBCSource, paramFile);
fputc('\n', paramFile);
- fputs(DatabaseDemoApp.params.UserName, paramFile);
+ fputs(wxGetApp().params.UserName, paramFile);
fputc('\n', paramFile);
- fputs(DatabaseDemoApp.params.Password, paramFile);
+ fputs(wxGetApp().params.Password, paramFile);
fputc('\n', paramFile);
--- /dev/null
+include ../../setup/general/makeapp
--- /dev/null
+# WXXT base directory
+# set the OS type for compilation
+# compile a library only
+# define library name
+# define library sources
+#define library objects
+# additional things needed to link
+# additional things needed to compile
+# include the definitions now
+include ../../../template.mak
--- /dev/null
+// Name: fractal.cpp
+// Purpose: demo of wxConfig and related classes
+// Author: Andrew Davison
+// Modified by:
+// Created: 05.04.94
+// RCS-ID: $Id$
+// Copyright: (c) 1994 Andrew Davison
+// Licence: wxWindows licence
+Date: Tue, 5 Apr 1994 12:01:18 +1000
+From: Andrew Davison <andrewd@au.com.sfe>
+To: wxwin-users@ed.aiai
+Subject: Fractal mountains
+This is a quick port of a fractal mountain generator originally
+done for MS-Windows. On a Sun the colours look a little washed
+out and there is not as much snow or high mountains (maybe the
+random number generators fault). The viewing plane is not
+quite right as the original code used SetViewportOrg() which there
+doesn't seem to be an equivalent of under wxWindows, and my quick
+hack doesn't fix.
+#ifdef __GNUG__
+#pragma implementation
+#pragma interface
+#include "wx/wxprec.h"
+#ifndef WX_PRECOMP
+ #include "wx/wx.h"
+#endif //precompiled headers
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#define Random(x) (rand() % x)
+#define Randomize() (srand((unsigned int)time(NULL)))
+static int detail = 9; // CHANGE THIS... 7,8,9 etc
+static bool running = FALSE;
+static wxMenuBar *menuBar = NULL;
+// Define a new application type
+class MyApp: public wxApp
+{ public:
+ bool OnInit();
+// Define a new frame type
+class MyFrame: public wxFrame
+ MyFrame(wxFrame *frame, const wxString& title, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size);
+ void OnCloseWindow(wxCloseEvent& event);
+ void OnExit(wxCommandEvent& event);
+// Define a new canvas which can receive some events
+class MyCanvas: public wxWindow
+ MyCanvas(wxFrame *frame);
+ void Draw(wxDC& dc);
+ void OnPaint(wxPaintEvent& event);
+ void Fractal(wxDC& dc, int X1, int Y1, int X2, int Y2, int Z1, int Z2, int Z3, int Z4, int Iteration, double Std, double Ratio);
+ wxPen SnowPen, MtnPen, GreenPen;
+ wxBrush WaterBrush;
+ int Sealevel;
+// `Main program' equivalent, creating windows and returning main app frame
+bool MyApp::OnInit()
+ // Create the main frame window
+ MyFrame *frame = new MyFrame(NULL, "Fractal Mountains for wxWindows", wxPoint(-1, -1), wxSize(640, 480));
+ // Make a menubar
+ wxMenu *file_menu = new wxMenu;
+ file_menu->Append(wxID_EXIT, "E&xit");
+ menuBar = new wxMenuBar;
+ menuBar->Append(file_menu, "&File");
+ frame->SetMenuBar(menuBar);
+ int width, height;
+ frame->GetClientSize(&width, &height);
+ (void) new MyCanvas(frame);
+ // Show the frame
+ frame->Show(TRUE);
+ return TRUE;
+BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(MyFrame, wxFrame)
+ EVT_CLOSE(MyFrame::OnCloseWindow)
+ EVT_MENU(wxID_EXIT, MyFrame::OnExit)
+// My frame constructor
+MyFrame::MyFrame(wxFrame *frame, const wxString& title, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size):
+ wxFrame(frame, -1, title, pos, size)
+// Intercept menu commands
+void MyFrame::OnExit(wxCommandEvent& event)
+ this->Destroy();
+void MyFrame::OnCloseWindow(wxCloseEvent& event)
+ static bool destroyed = FALSE;
+ if (destroyed)
+ return;
+ this->Destroy();
+ destroyed = TRUE;
+BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(MyCanvas, wxWindow)
+ EVT_PAINT(MyCanvas::OnPaint)
+// Define a constructor for my canvas
+MyCanvas::MyCanvas(wxFrame *frame):
+ wxWindow(frame, -1)
+ wxColour wxCol1(255,255,255);
+ SnowPen = wxPen(wxCol1, 2, wxSOLID);
+ wxColour wxCol2(128,0,0);
+ MtnPen = wxPen(wxCol2, 1, wxSOLID);
+ wxColour wxCol3(0,128,0);
+ GreenPen = wxPen(wxCol3, 1, wxSOLID);
+ wxColour wxCol4(0,0,128);
+ WaterBrush = wxBrush(wxCol4, wxSOLID);
+void MyCanvas::OnPaint(wxPaintEvent& event)
+ wxPaintDC dc(this);
+ Draw(dc);
+void MyCanvas::Draw(wxDC& dc)
+ if (running) return;
+ running = TRUE;
+ menuBar->EnableTop(0, FALSE);
+ Randomize();
+ int Left, Top, Right, Bottom;
+ GetClientSize(&Right, &Bottom);
+ Right *= 3; Right /= 4;
+ Bottom *= 3; Bottom /= 4;
+ Left = 0;
+ Top = Bottom/8;
+ wxPoint Water[4];
+ Water[0].x = Left; Water[0].y = Top;
+ Water[1].x = Right; Water[1].y = Top;
+ Water[2].x = Right+Bottom/2; Water[2].y = Bottom;
+ Water[3].x = Bottom/2; Water[3].y = Bottom;
+ dc.SetBrush(WaterBrush);
+ dc.DrawPolygon(4, Water);
+ double H = 0.75;
+ double Scale = Bottom;
+ double Ratio = 1.0 / pow(2.0, H);
+ double Std = Scale * Ratio;
+ Sealevel = Random(18) - 8;
+ Fractal(dc, Left, Top, Right, Bottom, 0, 0, 0, 0, detail, Std, Ratio);
+ menuBar->EnableTop(0, TRUE);
+ running = FALSE;
+void MyCanvas::Fractal(wxDC& dc, int X1, int Y1, int X2, int Y2, int Z1, int Z2, int Z3, int Z4, int Iteration, double Std, double Ratio)
+ int Xmid = (X1 + X2) / 2;
+ int Ymid = (Y1 + Y2) / 2;
+ int Z23 = (Z2 + Z3) / 2;
+ int Z41 = (Z4 + Z1) / 2;
+ int Newz = (int)((Z1 + Z2 + Z3 + Z4) / 4 + (double)(Random(17) - 8) / 8.0 * Std);
+ if (--Iteration)
+ {
+ int Z12 = (Z1 + Z2) / 2;
+ int Z34 = (Z3 + Z4) / 2;
+ double Stdmid = Std * Ratio;
+ Fractal(dc, Xmid, Y1, X2, Ymid, Z12, Z2, Z23, Newz, Iteration, Stdmid, Ratio);
+ Fractal(dc, X1, Y1, Xmid, Ymid, Z1, Z12, Newz, Z41, Iteration, Stdmid, Ratio);
+ Fractal(dc, Xmid, Ymid, X2, Y2, Newz, Z23, Z3, Z34, Iteration, Stdmid, Ratio);
+ Fractal(dc, X1, Ymid, Xmid, Y2, Z41, Newz, Z34, Z4, Iteration, Stdmid, Ratio);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (Newz <= Sealevel)
+ {
+ wxPoint P[4];
+ P[0].x = Y1 / 2 + X1; P[0].y = Y1 + Z1;
+ P[1].x = Y1 / 2 + X2; P[1].y = Y1 + Z2;
+ P[2].x = Y2 / 2 + X2; P[2].y = Y2 + Z3;
+ P[3].x = Y2 / 2 + X1; P[3].y = Y2 + Z4;
+ dc.SetPen(* wxBLACK_PEN);
+ dc.SetBrush(* wxBLACK_BRUSH);
+ dc.DrawPolygon(4, P);
+ if (Z1 >= -(60+Random(25)))
+ dc.SetPen(GreenPen);
+ else if (Z1 >= -(100+Random(25)))
+ dc.SetPen(MtnPen);
+ else
+ dc.SetPen(SnowPen);
+ dc.DrawLine(Ymid/2+X2, Ymid+Z23, Ymid/2+X1, Ymid+Z41);
+ }
+ }
--- /dev/null
+NAME Fractal
--- /dev/null
+wxSTD_FRAME ICON "mondrian.ico"
+#include "wx/msw/wx.rc"
--- /dev/null
+# File: makefile.b32
+# Author: Julian Smart
+# Created: 1993
+# Updated:
+# Copyright:
+# "%W% %G%"
+# Makefile : Builds fractal example
+# WXWIN and BCCDIR are set by parent make
+!include $(WXDIR)\src\makeb32.env
+WXINC = $(WXDIR)\include\msw
+WXLIB = $(WXLIBDIR)\wx32.lib
+LIBS=$(WXLIB) cw32 import32 ole2w32
+!if "$(FINAL)" == "0"
+OPT = -Od
+OPT = -Od
+OBJECTS = fractal.obj
+$(TARGET).exe: $(OBJECTS) $(TARGET).res
+ tlink32 $(LINKFLAGS) @&&!
+c0w32.obj $(OBJECTS)
+ bcc32 $(CPPFLAGS) -c {$< }
+ bcc32 $(CPPFLAGS) -P- -c {$< }
+fractal.obj: fractal.$(SRCSUFF)
+$(TARGET).res : $(TARGET).rc $(WXDIR)\include\wx\msw\wx.rc
+ brc32 -r /i$(BCCDIR)\include /i$(WXDIR)\include $(TARGET)
+ -erase *.obj
+ -erase *.exe
+ -erase *.res
+ -erase *.map
+ -erase *.rws
--- /dev/null
+# File: makefile.bcc
+# Author: Julian Smart
+# Created: 1998
+# Updated:
+# Builds a BC++ 16-bit sample
+!if "$(WXWIN)" == ""
+!error You must define the WXWIN variable in autoexec.bat, e.g. WXWIN=c:\wx
+!include $(WXDIR)\src\makeprog.bcc
--- /dev/null
+# File: makefile.dos
+# Author: Julian Smart
+# Created: 1998
+# Updated:
+# Makefile : Builds 16-bit sample, VC++ 1.5
+# Use FINAL=1 argument to nmake to build final version with no debugging
+# info
+!include $(WXDIR)\src\makeprog.msc
--- /dev/null
+# File: makefile.unx
+# Author: Julian Smart
+# Created: 1993
+# Updated:
+# Copyright: (c) 1993, AIAI, University of Edinburgh
+# "%W% %G%"
+# Makefile for fractal example (UNIX).
+WXDIR = ../..
+# All common UNIX compiler flags and options are now in
+# this central makefile.
+include $(WXDIR)/src/makeg95.env
+OBJECTS = $(OBJDIR)/fractal.$(OBJSUFF) $(OBJDIR)/fractal_resources.$(OBJSUFF)
+all: $(OBJDIR) fractal$(GUISUFFIX)$(EXESUFF)
+ mkdir $(OBJDIR)
+$(OBJDIR)/fractal.$(OBJSUFF): fractal.$(SRCSUFF)
+ $(CC) -c $(CPPFLAGS) -o $@ fractal.$(SRCSUFF)
+$(OBJDIR)/fractal_resources.o: fractal.rc
+ $(RESCOMP) -i fractal.rc -o $(OBJDIR)/fractal_resources.o $(RESFLAGS)
+ rm -f $(OBJECTS) fractal$(GUISUFFIX).exe core *.rsc *.res
--- /dev/null
+# File: makefile.nt
+# Author: Julian Smart
+# Created: 1993
+# Updated:
+# Copyright: (c) 1993, AIAI, University of Edinburgh
+# "%W% %G%"
+# Makefile : Builds fractal example (MS VC++).
+# Use FINAL=1 argument to nmake to build final version with no debugging
+# info
+# Set WXDIR for your system
+!include $(WXDIR)\src\ntwxwin.mak
+THISDIR = $(WXDIR)\samples\fractal
+all: wx $(PROGRAM).exe
+ cd $(WXDIR)\src\msw
+ nmake -f makefile.nt FINAL=$(FINAL)
+ cd $(THISDIR)
+ cd $(WXDIR)\src\msw
+ nmake -f makefile.nt clean
+ cd $(THISDIR)
+ $(link) @<<
+ $(cc) @<<
+$(CPPFLAGS) /c /Tp $*.$(SRCSUFF)
+$(PROGRAM).res : $(PROGRAM).rc $(WXDIR)\include\wx\msw\wx.rc
+ $(rc) -r /i$(WXDIR)\include -fo$@ $(PROGRAM).rc
+ -erase *.obj
+ -erase *.exe
+ -erase *.res
+ -erase *.map
+ -erase *.sbr
+ -erase *.pdb
--- /dev/null
+# File: makefile.unx
+# Author: Julian Smart
+# Created: 1998
+# Updated:
+# Copyright: (c) 1998 Julian Smart
+# "%W% %G%"
+# Makefile for fractal example (UNIX).
+include ../../src/makeprog.env
--- /dev/null
+# Makefile for WATCOM
+# Created by D.Chubraev, chubraev@iem.ee.ethz.ch
+# 8 Nov 1994
+PROGRAM = fractal
+!include $(WXDIR)\src\makeprog.wat