]> git.saurik.com Git - redis.git/history - src/redis.h
Added aof_backgronud_fsync() function, and use it in the bacground rewrite done handl...
[redis.git] / src / redis.h
2011-09-14  Salvatore SanfilippoMerge pull request #77 from Poincare/patch-1
2011-09-13  antirezRemoved no longer useful fields in the redis server...
2011-07-13  antirezMerge branch 'unstable' of github.com:antirez/redis...
2011-07-13  antirezReplicate EVALSHA as EVAL taking a dictionary of sha1...
2011-07-12  antirezmaster branch merged into scripting.
2011-07-08  antirezTake a pointer to the relevant entry of the command...
2011-06-30  antirezAdded an unique ID field to every slow log entry.
2011-06-30  antirezslow log configuration implemented
2011-06-30  antirezFirst implementation of the slow log feature
2011-06-25  antirezunstable merge conflicts resolved
2011-06-25  antirezMerge remote branch 'origin/unstable' into unstable
2011-06-25  antirezdiskstore removed
2011-06-24  Salvatore SanfilippoMerge pull request #63 from djanowski/tcl
2011-06-20  antirezFix for bug 561 and other related problems
2011-06-20  antirezDB API refactoring. The changes were designed together...
2011-06-17  antireznew INFO filed master_link_down_since_seconds
2011-06-14  antirezUpdated to unstable
2011-06-10  antirezMerge remote branch 'pietern/unstable-bench' into unstable
2011-06-10  antirezMerge remote branch 'origin/unstable' into unstable
2011-06-10  antirezautomatic AOF rewrite first implementation. Still to...
2011-06-07  antirezMerge branch 'unstable'
2011-06-05  antirezMerge remote branch 'origin/unstable' into unstable
2011-05-30  Pieter NoordhuisMake replication faster (biggest gain for small number...
2011-05-29  antirezINFO now contains the time (in usecs) needed to fork...
2011-05-29  antirezMerge remote branch 'pietern/unstable-replnonblock...
2011-05-25  antirezAll commands exported by Redis to Lua scripts are now...
2011-05-25  antirezEVALSHA implemented
2011-05-25  antirezLua scripts max execution time
2011-05-25  antirezCorrectly glue the reply buffer. For now returned as...
2011-05-25  antirezLua call of Redis command work in progress: sorry I...
2011-05-25  antirezLua function creation on EVAL, basic Lua return type...
2011-05-22  Pieter NoordhuisConfigurable synchronous I/O timeout
2011-05-22  Pieter NoordhuisMinor changes in non-blocking repl. connect
2011-05-19  Pieter NoordhuisNon-blocking connect with master
2011-05-10  antirezMerge branch 'unstable'
2011-05-05  Pieter NoordhuisTests for string2ll; move isObject* to object.c
2011-05-05  antirezcluster import/export of hash slots implemented in...
2011-05-01  antirezMerge branch 'unstable' of github.com:antirez/redis...
2011-04-29  antirezCLUSTER GETKEYSINSLOT implemented
2011-04-28  antireztake a hashslot -> keys index, will be used for cluster...
2011-04-21  antirezCLIENT LIST implemented
2011-04-21  antirezsave peak memory usage as statistic and show it in...
2011-04-14  antirezMerge remote branch 'pietern/unstable-zset' into unstable
2011-04-13  antirezASCII ART FTW
2011-04-06  Pieter NoordhuisMerge branch 'unstable' into unstable-zset
2011-04-06  antirezmake sure that OBJECT ENCODING returns skiplist for...
2011-04-06  antirezOBJECT command implemented
2011-04-01  antirezMerge branch 'unstable' of github.com:antirez/redis...
2011-04-01  antirezDUMP implemented, RESTORE and MIGRATE fixed. Use zcallo...
2011-03-30  antirezcentralized cluster config file name. Assigned slots...
2011-03-29  antirezCluster branch merged to unstable.
2011-03-29  antirezMerge remote branch 'origin/getkeys' into unstable
2011-03-23  antireznew preloading implemented, still EXEC not handled...
2011-03-14  Pieter NoordhuisFix DEBUG DIGEST, SORT and AOF rewrite
2011-03-11  Pieter NoordhuisMake zzl API unaware of the robj where the ziplist...
2011-03-10  Pieter NoordhuisEncode sorted set after loading from dump
2011-03-10  Pieter NoordhuisAdd new string to long long function
2011-03-09  Pieter NoordhuisConfigurable thresholds for encoded sorted sets
2011-03-09  Pieter NoordhuisPersistence code for encoded sorted sets
2011-03-08  Pieter NoordhuisAdd function to create ziplist-backed sorted set
2011-03-08  Pieter NoordhuisFast conversion of double when representable as long...
2011-03-07  antirezMerge remote branch 'pietern/unstable-sigs' into unstable
2011-03-06  Pieter NoordhuisSave RDB on SIGTERM (see issue #471)
2011-02-28  antirezadded new RDB codes for ziplist encoded lists and intse...
2011-02-28  antirezsave zipmap encoded hashes as blobs. Work in progress.
2011-02-25  antirezless delays in diskstore when there are many writes...
2011-02-11  antirezfixed two diskstore issues, a quasi-deadlock creating...
2011-01-24  antirezINFO commandstats section reset with config resetstat...
2011-01-23  antirezNow INFO outputs the "INFO default" output if no argume...
2011-01-23  antirezprofiling information in INFO
2011-01-17  Pieter NoordhuisRemove client from list of unblocked clients when it...
2011-01-15  antirezlame typo causing bad hashes memory characteristic
2011-01-14  antirezimplemented two new INFO fields showing the size of...
2011-01-13  antirezredisServer structure fields reordered for clarity
2011-01-07  antirezblocking SAVE implemented
2011-01-07  antirezdiskstore BGSAVE should work now
2011-01-07  antirezmore work towards diskstore bgsave
2011-01-07  antirezsource reshaped a bit to play well with a bgsaving...
2011-01-07  antirezMerge branch 'unstable' of github.com:antirez/redis...
2011-01-05  antirezBGSAVE work in progress
2011-01-05  antirezMerge remote branch 'pietern/writev-unstable' into...
2011-01-05  antirezIO performances greatly improved under high writes...
2011-01-05  Pieter NoordhuisRemove glueoutputbuf option and broken code
2011-01-04  antirezMerge branch 'master' into unstable
2011-01-03  antirezdiskstore bug fixing and negative cache proper implemen...
2011-01-03  antirezFLUSHALL / FLUSHDB for diskstore implemented
2011-01-01  antirezimplemented a different approach to IO scheduling,...
2010-12-31  antireznegative caching implemented
2010-12-30  antirezhandled DEL command as a special optimized case for...
2010-12-30  antirezdiskstore cache bug fixing
2010-12-30  antirezdon't use small shared integer objects when disk store...
2010-12-30  antirezfilesystem based KV store mostly implemented in diskstore.c
2010-12-30  antirezmore work done for diskstore without trying to compile...
2010-12-29  antirezcron part of disk store object cache implemented. Objec...
2010-12-29  antireztouched key for WATCH refactored into a more general...
2010-12-29  antirezmore step forwards for disk store to be able to run
2010-12-29  antirezstill more work for diskstore
2010-12-28  antirezmore work converting vm into object cache
2010-12-28  antireza lot of code reworked/removed to implement object...
2010-12-28  antirezinitial changes needed to turn the current VM code...