/* Global server state structure */
struct redisServer {
+ /* General */
pthread_t mainthread;
+ redisDb *db;
+ dict *commands; /* Command table hahs table */
+ aeEventLoop *el;
+ /* Networking */
int port;
char *bindaddr;
char *unixsocket;
int ipfd;
int sofd;
- redisDb *db;
- long long dirty; /* changes to DB from the last save */
- long long dirty_before_bgsave; /* used to restore dirty on failed BGSAVE */
list *clients;
- dict *commands; /* Command table hahs table */
+ list *slaves, *monitors;
+ char neterr[ANET_ERR_LEN];
/* RDB / AOF loading information */
int loading;
off_t loading_total_bytes;
time_t loading_start_time;
/* Fast pointers to often looked up command */
struct redisCommand *delCommand, *multiCommand;
- list *slaves, *monitors;
- char neterr[ANET_ERR_LEN];
- aeEventLoop *el;
int cronloops; /* number of times the cron function run */
time_t lastsave; /* Unix time of last save succeeede */
/* Fields used only for stats */
int activerehashing;
char *requirepass;
/* Persistence */
+ long long dirty; /* changes to DB from the last save */
+ long long dirty_before_bgsave; /* used to restore dirty on failed BGSAVE */
time_t lastfsync;
int appendfd;
int appendseldb;