--- /dev/null
+#include "redis.h"
+#include <arpa/inet.h>
+void clusterAcceptHandler(aeEventLoop *el, int fd, void *privdata, int mask);
+void clusterReadHandler(aeEventLoop *el, int fd, void *privdata, int mask);
+void clusterSendPing(clusterLink *link, int type);
+void clusterSendFail(char *nodename);
+void clusterUpdateState(void);
+int clusterNodeGetSlotBit(clusterNode *n, int slot);
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Initialization
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+void clusterGetRandomName(char *p) {
+ FILE *fp = fopen("/dev/urandom","r");
+ char *charset = "0123456789abcdef";
+ int j;
+ if (!fp) {
+ "Unrecovarable error: can't open /dev/urandom:%s" ,strerror(errno));
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ fread(p,REDIS_CLUSTER_NAMELEN,1,fp);
+ for (j = 0; j < REDIS_CLUSTER_NAMELEN; j++)
+ p[j] = charset[p[j] & 0x0F];
+ fclose(fp);
+int clusterLoadConfig(char *filename) {
+ FILE *fp = fopen(filename,"r");
+ if (fp == NULL) return REDIS_ERR;
+ fclose(fp);
+ redisLog(REDIS_NOTICE,"Node configuration loaded, I'm %.40s",
+ server.cluster.myself->name);
+ return REDIS_OK;
+ redisLog(REDIS_WARNING,"Unrecovarable error: corrupted cluster.conf file.");
+ fclose(fp);
+ exit(1);
+void clusterInit(void) {
+ server.cluster.myself = createClusterNode(NULL,REDIS_NODE_MYSELF);
+ server.cluster.state = REDIS_CLUSTER_FAIL;
+ server.cluster.nodes = dictCreate(&clusterNodesDictType,NULL);
+ server.cluster.node_timeout = 15;
+ memset(server.cluster.migrating_slots_to,0,
+ sizeof(server.cluster.migrating_slots_to));
+ memset(server.cluster.importing_slots_from,0,
+ sizeof(server.cluster.importing_slots_from));
+ memset(server.cluster.slots,0,
+ sizeof(server.cluster.slots));
+ if (clusterLoadConfig("cluster.conf") == REDIS_ERR) {
+ /* No configuration found. We will just use the random name provided
+ * by the createClusterNode() function. */
+ redisLog(REDIS_NOTICE,"No cluster configuration found, I'm %.40s",
+ server.cluster.myself->name);
+ }
+ clusterAddNode(server.cluster.myself);
+ /* We need a listening TCP port for our cluster messaging needs */
+ server.cfd = anetTcpServer(server.neterr,
+ server.port+REDIS_CLUSTER_PORT_INCR, server.bindaddr);
+ if (server.cfd == -1) {
+ redisLog(REDIS_WARNING, "Opening cluster TCP port: %s", server.neterr);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ if (aeCreateFileEvent(server.el, server.cfd, AE_READABLE,
+ clusterAcceptHandler, NULL) == AE_ERR) oom("creating file event");
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * CLUSTER communication link
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+clusterLink *createClusterLink(clusterNode *node) {
+ clusterLink *link = zmalloc(sizeof(*link));
+ link->sndbuf = sdsempty();
+ link->rcvbuf = sdsempty();
+ link->node = node;
+ link->fd = -1;
+ return link;
+/* Free a cluster link, but does not free the associated node of course.
+ * Just this function will make sure that the original node associated
+ * with this link will have the 'link' field set to NULL. */
+void freeClusterLink(clusterLink *link) {
+ if (link->fd != -1) {
+ aeDeleteFileEvent(server.el, link->fd, AE_WRITABLE);
+ aeDeleteFileEvent(server.el, link->fd, AE_READABLE);
+ }
+ sdsfree(link->sndbuf);
+ sdsfree(link->rcvbuf);
+ if (link->node)
+ link->node->link = NULL;
+ close(link->fd);
+ zfree(link);
+void clusterAcceptHandler(aeEventLoop *el, int fd, void *privdata, int mask) {
+ int cport, cfd;
+ char cip[128];
+ clusterLink *link;
+ REDIS_NOTUSED(privdata);
+ cfd = anetTcpAccept(server.neterr, fd, cip, &cport);
+ if (cfd == AE_ERR) {
+ redisLog(REDIS_VERBOSE,"Accepting cluster node: %s", server.neterr);
+ return;
+ }
+ redisLog(REDIS_VERBOSE,"Accepted cluster node %s:%d", cip, cport);
+ /* We need to create a temporary node in order to read the incoming
+ * packet in a valid contest. This node will be released once we
+ * read the packet and reply. */
+ link = createClusterLink(NULL);
+ link->fd = cfd;
+ aeCreateFileEvent(server.el,cfd,AE_READABLE,clusterReadHandler,link);
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Key space handling
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* We have 4096 hash slots. The hash slot of a given key is obtained
+ * as the least significant 12 bits of the crc16 of the key. */
+unsigned int keyHashSlot(char *key, int keylen) {
+ return crc16(key,keylen) & 0x0FFF;
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * CLUSTER node API
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Create a new cluster node, with the specified flags.
+ * If "nodename" is NULL this is considered a first handshake and a random
+ * node name is assigned to this node (it will be fixed later when we'll
+ * receive the first pong).
+ *
+ * The node is created and returned to the user, but it is not automatically
+ * added to the nodes hash table. */
+clusterNode *createClusterNode(char *nodename, int flags) {
+ clusterNode *node = zmalloc(sizeof(*node));
+ if (nodename)
+ memcpy(node->name, nodename, REDIS_CLUSTER_NAMELEN);
+ else
+ clusterGetRandomName(node->name);
+ node->flags = flags;
+ memset(node->slots,0,sizeof(node->slots));
+ node->numslaves = 0;
+ node->slaves = NULL;
+ node->slaveof = NULL;
+ node->ping_sent = node->pong_received = 0;
+ node->configdigest = NULL;
+ node->configdigest_ts = 0;
+ node->link = NULL;
+ return node;
+int clusterNodeRemoveSlave(clusterNode *master, clusterNode *slave) {
+ int j;
+ for (j = 0; j < master->numslaves; j++) {
+ if (master->slaves[j] == slave) {
+ memmove(master->slaves+j,master->slaves+(j+1),
+ (master->numslaves-1)-j);
+ master->numslaves--;
+ return REDIS_OK;
+ }
+ }
+ return REDIS_ERR;
+int clusterNodeAddSlave(clusterNode *master, clusterNode *slave) {
+ int j;
+ /* If it's already a slave, don't add it again. */
+ for (j = 0; j < master->numslaves; j++)
+ if (master->slaves[j] == slave) return REDIS_ERR;
+ master->slaves = zrealloc(master->slaves,
+ sizeof(clusterNode*)*(master->numslaves+1));
+ master->slaves[master->numslaves] = slave;
+ master->numslaves++;
+ return REDIS_OK;
+void clusterNodeResetSlaves(clusterNode *n) {
+ zfree(n->slaves);
+ n->numslaves = 0;
+void freeClusterNode(clusterNode *n) {
+ sds nodename;
+ nodename = sdsnewlen(n->name, REDIS_CLUSTER_NAMELEN);
+ redisAssert(dictDelete(server.cluster.nodes,nodename) == DICT_OK);
+ sdsfree(nodename);
+ if (n->slaveof) clusterNodeRemoveSlave(n->slaveof, n);
+ if (n->link) freeClusterLink(n->link);
+ zfree(n);
+/* Add a node to the nodes hash table */
+int clusterAddNode(clusterNode *node) {
+ int retval;
+ retval = dictAdd(server.cluster.nodes,
+ sdsnewlen(node->name,REDIS_CLUSTER_NAMELEN), node);
+ return (retval == DICT_OK) ? REDIS_OK : REDIS_ERR;
+/* Node lookup by name */
+clusterNode *clusterLookupNode(char *name) {
+ sds s = sdsnewlen(name, REDIS_CLUSTER_NAMELEN);
+ struct dictEntry *de;
+ de = dictFind(server.cluster.nodes,s);
+ sdsfree(s);
+ if (de == NULL) return NULL;
+ return dictGetEntryVal(de);
+/* This is only used after the handshake. When we connect a given IP/PORT
+ * as a result of CLUSTER MEET we don't have the node name yet, so we
+ * pick a random one, and will fix it when we receive the PONG request using
+ * this function. */
+void clusterRenameNode(clusterNode *node, char *newname) {
+ int retval;
+ sds s = sdsnewlen(node->name, REDIS_CLUSTER_NAMELEN);
+ redisLog(REDIS_DEBUG,"Renaming node %.40s into %.40s",
+ node->name, newname);
+ retval = dictDelete(server.cluster.nodes, s);
+ sdsfree(s);
+ redisAssert(retval == DICT_OK);
+ memcpy(node->name, newname, REDIS_CLUSTER_NAMELEN);
+ clusterAddNode(node);
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * CLUSTER messages exchange - PING/PONG and gossip
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Process the gossip section of PING or PONG packets.
+ * Note that this function assumes that the packet is already sanity-checked
+ * by the caller, not in the content of the gossip section, but in the
+ * length. */
+void clusterProcessGossipSection(clusterMsg *hdr, clusterLink *link) {
+ uint16_t count = ntohs(hdr->count);
+ clusterMsgDataGossip *g = (clusterMsgDataGossip*) hdr->data.ping.gossip;
+ clusterNode *sender = link->node ? link->node : clusterLookupNode(hdr->sender);
+ while(count--) {
+ sds ci = sdsempty();
+ uint16_t flags = ntohs(g->flags);
+ clusterNode *node;
+ if (flags == 0) ci = sdscat(ci,"noflags,");
+ if (flags & REDIS_NODE_MYSELF) ci = sdscat(ci,"myself,");
+ if (flags & REDIS_NODE_MASTER) ci = sdscat(ci,"master,");
+ if (flags & REDIS_NODE_SLAVE) ci = sdscat(ci,"slave,");
+ if (flags & REDIS_NODE_PFAIL) ci = sdscat(ci,"fail?,");
+ if (flags & REDIS_NODE_FAIL) ci = sdscat(ci,"fail,");
+ if (flags & REDIS_NODE_HANDSHAKE) ci = sdscat(ci,"handshake,");
+ if (flags & REDIS_NODE_NOADDR) ci = sdscat(ci,"noaddr,");
+ if (ci[sdslen(ci)-1] == ',') ci[sdslen(ci)-1] = ' ';
+ redisLog(REDIS_DEBUG,"GOSSIP %.40s %s:%d %s",
+ g->nodename,
+ g->ip,
+ ntohs(g->port),
+ ci);
+ sdsfree(ci);
+ /* Update our state accordingly to the gossip sections */
+ node = clusterLookupNode(g->nodename);
+ if (node != NULL) {
+ /* We already know this node. Let's start updating the last
+ * time PONG figure if it is newer than our figure.
+ * Note that it's not a problem if we have a PING already
+ * in progress against this node. */
+ if (node->pong_received < ntohl(g->pong_received)) {
+ redisLog(REDIS_DEBUG,"Node pong_received updated by gossip");
+ node->pong_received = ntohl(g->pong_received);
+ }
+ /* Mark this node as FAILED if we think it is possibly failing
+ * and another node also thinks it's failing. */
+ if (node->flags & REDIS_NODE_PFAIL &&
+ {
+ redisLog(REDIS_NOTICE,"Received a PFAIL acknowledge from node %.40s, marking node %.40s as FAIL!", hdr->sender, node->name);
+ node->flags &= ~REDIS_NODE_PFAIL;
+ node->flags |= REDIS_NODE_FAIL;
+ /* Broadcast the failing node name to everybody */
+ clusterSendFail(node->name);
+ clusterUpdateState();
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* If it's not in NOADDR state and we don't have it, we
+ * start an handshake process against this IP/PORT pairs.
+ *
+ * Note that we require that the sender of this gossip message
+ * is a well known node in our cluster, otherwise we risk
+ * joining another cluster. */
+ if (sender && !(flags & REDIS_NODE_NOADDR)) {
+ clusterNode *newnode;
+ redisLog(REDIS_DEBUG,"Adding the new node");
+ newnode = createClusterNode(NULL,REDIS_NODE_HANDSHAKE);
+ memcpy(newnode->ip,g->ip,sizeof(g->ip));
+ newnode->port = ntohs(g->port);
+ clusterAddNode(newnode);
+ }
+ }
+ /* Next node */
+ g++;
+ }
+/* IP -> string conversion. 'buf' is supposed to at least be 16 bytes. */
+void nodeIp2String(char *buf, clusterLink *link) {
+ struct sockaddr_in sa;
+ socklen_t salen = sizeof(sa);
+ if (getpeername(link->fd, (struct sockaddr*) &sa, &salen) == -1)
+ redisPanic("getpeername() failed.");
+ strncpy(buf,inet_ntoa(sa.sin_addr),sizeof(link->node->ip));
+/* Update the node address to the IP address that can be extracted
+ * from link->fd, and at the specified port. */
+void nodeUpdateAddress(clusterNode *node, clusterLink *link, int port) {
+/* When this function is called, there is a packet to process starting
+ * at node->rcvbuf. Releasing the buffer is up to the caller, so this
+ * function should just handle the higher level stuff of processing the
+ * packet, modifying the cluster state if needed.
+ *
+ * The function returns 1 if the link is still valid after the packet
+ * was processed, otherwise 0 if the link was freed since the packet
+ * processing lead to some inconsistency error (for instance a PONG
+ * received from the wrong sender ID). */
+int clusterProcessPacket(clusterLink *link) {
+ clusterMsg *hdr = (clusterMsg*) link->rcvbuf;
+ uint32_t totlen = ntohl(hdr->totlen);
+ uint16_t type = ntohs(hdr->type);
+ clusterNode *sender;
+ redisLog(REDIS_DEBUG,"--- packet to process %lu bytes (%lu) ---",
+ (unsigned long) totlen, sdslen(link->rcvbuf));
+ if (totlen < 8) return 1;
+ if (totlen > sdslen(link->rcvbuf)) return 1;
+ {
+ uint16_t count = ntohs(hdr->count);
+ uint32_t explen; /* expected length of this packet */
+ explen = sizeof(clusterMsg)-sizeof(union clusterMsgData);
+ explen += (sizeof(clusterMsgDataGossip)*count);
+ if (totlen != explen) return 1;
+ }
+ if (type == CLUSTERMSG_TYPE_FAIL) {
+ uint32_t explen = sizeof(clusterMsg)-sizeof(union clusterMsgData);
+ explen += sizeof(clusterMsgDataFail);
+ if (totlen != explen) return 1;
+ }
+ sender = clusterLookupNode(hdr->sender);
+ redisLog(REDIS_DEBUG,"Ping packet received: %p", link->node);
+ /* Add this node if it is new for us and the msg type is MEET.
+ * In this stage we don't try to add the node with the right
+ * flags, slaveof pointer, and so forth, as this details will be
+ * resolved when we'll receive PONGs from the server. */
+ if (!sender && type == CLUSTERMSG_TYPE_MEET) {
+ clusterNode *node;
+ node = createClusterNode(NULL,REDIS_NODE_HANDSHAKE);
+ nodeIp2String(node->ip,link);
+ node->port = ntohs(hdr->port);
+ clusterAddNode(node);
+ }
+ /* Get info from the gossip section */
+ clusterProcessGossipSection(hdr,link);
+ /* Anyway reply with a PONG */
+ clusterSendPing(link,CLUSTERMSG_TYPE_PONG);
+ } else if (type == CLUSTERMSG_TYPE_PONG) {
+ int update = 0;
+ redisLog(REDIS_DEBUG,"Pong packet received: %p", link->node);
+ if (link->node) {
+ if (link->node->flags & REDIS_NODE_HANDSHAKE) {
+ /* If we already have this node, try to change the
+ * IP/port of the node with the new one. */
+ if (sender) {
+ "Handshake error: we already know node %.40s, updating the address if needed.", sender->name);
+ nodeUpdateAddress(sender,link,ntohs(hdr->port));
+ freeClusterNode(link->node); /* will free the link too */
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* First thing to do is replacing the random name with the
+ * right node name if this was an handshake stage. */
+ clusterRenameNode(link->node, hdr->sender);
+ redisLog(REDIS_DEBUG,"Handshake with node %.40s completed.",
+ link->node->name);
+ link->node->flags &= ~REDIS_NODE_HANDSHAKE;
+ } else if (memcmp(link->node->name,hdr->sender,
+ {
+ /* If the reply has a non matching node ID we
+ * disconnect this node and set it as not having an associated
+ * address. */
+ redisLog(REDIS_DEBUG,"PONG contains mismatching sender ID");
+ link->node->flags |= REDIS_NODE_NOADDR;
+ freeClusterLink(link);
+ /* FIXME: remove this node if we already have it.
+ *
+ * If we already have it but the IP is different, use
+ * the new one if the old node is in FAIL, PFAIL, or NOADDR
+ * status... */
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Update our info about the node */
+ link->node->pong_received = time(NULL);
+ /* Update master/slave info */
+ if (sender) {
+ if (!memcmp(hdr->slaveof,REDIS_NODE_NULL_NAME,
+ sizeof(hdr->slaveof)))
+ {
+ sender->flags &= ~REDIS_NODE_SLAVE;
+ sender->flags |= REDIS_NODE_MASTER;
+ sender->slaveof = NULL;
+ } else {
+ clusterNode *master = clusterLookupNode(hdr->slaveof);
+ sender->flags &= ~REDIS_NODE_MASTER;
+ sender->flags |= REDIS_NODE_SLAVE;
+ if (sender->numslaves) clusterNodeResetSlaves(sender);
+ if (master) clusterNodeAddSlave(master,sender);
+ }
+ }
+ /* Update our info about served slots if this new node is serving
+ * slots that are not served from our point of view. */
+ if (sender && sender->flags & REDIS_NODE_MASTER) {
+ int newslots, j;
+ newslots =
+ memcmp(sender->slots,hdr->myslots,sizeof(hdr->myslots)) != 0;
+ memcpy(sender->slots,hdr->myslots,sizeof(hdr->myslots));
+ if (newslots) {
+ for (j = 0; j < REDIS_CLUSTER_SLOTS; j++) {
+ if (clusterNodeGetSlotBit(sender,j)) {
+ if (server.cluster.slots[j] == sender) continue;
+ if (server.cluster.slots[j] == NULL ||
+ server.cluster.slots[j]->flags & REDIS_NODE_FAIL)
+ {
+ server.cluster.slots[j] = sender;
+ update = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Get info from the gossip section */
+ clusterProcessGossipSection(hdr,link);
+ /* Update the cluster state if needed */
+ if (update) clusterUpdateState();
+ } else if (type == CLUSTERMSG_TYPE_FAIL && sender) {
+ clusterNode *failing;
+ failing = clusterLookupNode(hdr->data.fail.about.nodename);
+ if (failing && !(failing->flags & REDIS_NODE_FAIL)) {
+ redisLog(REDIS_NOTICE,
+ "FAIL message received from %.40s about %.40s",
+ hdr->sender, hdr->data.fail.about.nodename);
+ failing->flags |= REDIS_NODE_FAIL;
+ failing->flags &= ~REDIS_NODE_PFAIL;
+ clusterUpdateState();
+ }
+ } else {
+ redisLog(REDIS_NOTICE,"Received unknown packet type: %d", type);
+ }
+ return 1;
+/* This function is called when we detect the link with this node is lost.
+ We set the node as no longer connected. The Cluster Cron will detect
+ this connection and will try to get it connected again.
+ Instead if the node is a temporary node used to accept a query, we
+ completely free the node on error. */
+void handleLinkIOError(clusterLink *link) {
+ freeClusterLink(link);
+/* Send data. This is handled using a trivial send buffer that gets
+ * consumed by write(). We don't try to optimize this for speed too much
+ * as this is a very low traffic channel. */
+void clusterWriteHandler(aeEventLoop *el, int fd, void *privdata, int mask) {
+ clusterLink *link = (clusterLink*) privdata;
+ ssize_t nwritten;
+ nwritten = write(fd, link->sndbuf, sdslen(link->sndbuf));
+ if (nwritten <= 0) {
+ redisLog(REDIS_NOTICE,"I/O error writing to node link: %s",
+ strerror(errno));
+ handleLinkIOError(link);
+ return;
+ }
+ link->sndbuf = sdsrange(link->sndbuf,nwritten,-1);
+ if (sdslen(link->sndbuf) == 0)
+ aeDeleteFileEvent(server.el, link->fd, AE_WRITABLE);
+/* Read data. Try to read the first field of the header first to check the
+ * full length of the packet. When a whole packet is in memory this function
+ * will call the function to process the packet. And so forth. */
+void clusterReadHandler(aeEventLoop *el, int fd, void *privdata, int mask) {
+ char buf[1024];
+ ssize_t nread;
+ clusterMsg *hdr;
+ clusterLink *link = (clusterLink*) privdata;
+ int readlen;
+ if (sdslen(link->rcvbuf) >= 4) {
+ hdr = (clusterMsg*) link->rcvbuf;
+ readlen = ntohl(hdr->totlen) - sdslen(link->rcvbuf);
+ } else {
+ readlen = 4 - sdslen(link->rcvbuf);
+ }
+ nread = read(fd,buf,readlen);
+ if (nread == -1 && errno == EAGAIN) return; /* Just no data */
+ if (nread <= 0) {
+ /* I/O error... */
+ redisLog(REDIS_NOTICE,"I/O error reading from node link: %s",
+ (nread == 0) ? "connection closed" : strerror(errno));
+ handleLinkIOError(link);
+ return;
+ } else {
+ /* Read data and recast the pointer to the new buffer. */
+ link->rcvbuf = sdscatlen(link->rcvbuf,buf,nread);
+ hdr = (clusterMsg*) link->rcvbuf;
+ }
+ /* Total length obtained? read the payload now instead of burning
+ * cycles waiting for a new event to fire. */
+ if (sdslen(link->rcvbuf) == 4) goto again;
+ /* Whole packet in memory? We can process it. */
+ if (sdslen(link->rcvbuf) == ntohl(hdr->totlen)) {
+ if (clusterProcessPacket(link)) {
+ sdsfree(link->rcvbuf);
+ link->rcvbuf = sdsempty();
+ }
+ }
+/* Put stuff into the send buffer. */
+void clusterSendMessage(clusterLink *link, unsigned char *msg, size_t msglen) {
+ if (sdslen(link->sndbuf) == 0 && msglen != 0)
+ aeCreateFileEvent(server.el,link->fd,AE_WRITABLE,
+ clusterWriteHandler,link);
+ link->sndbuf = sdscatlen(link->sndbuf, msg, msglen);
+/* Build the message header */
+void clusterBuildMessageHdr(clusterMsg *hdr, int type) {
+ int totlen;
+ memset(hdr,0,sizeof(*hdr));
+ hdr->type = htons(type);
+ memcpy(hdr->sender,server.cluster.myself->name,REDIS_CLUSTER_NAMELEN);
+ memcpy(hdr->myslots,server.cluster.myself->slots,
+ sizeof(hdr->myslots));
+ memset(hdr->slaveof,0,REDIS_CLUSTER_NAMELEN);
+ if (server.cluster.myself->slaveof != NULL) {
+ memcpy(hdr->slaveof,server.cluster.myself->slaveof->name,
+ }
+ hdr->port = htons(server.port);
+ hdr->state = server.cluster.state;
+ memset(hdr->configdigest,0,32); /* FIXME: set config digest */
+ if (type == CLUSTERMSG_TYPE_FAIL) {
+ totlen = sizeof(clusterMsg)-sizeof(union clusterMsgData);
+ totlen += sizeof(clusterMsgDataFail);
+ }
+ hdr->totlen = htonl(totlen);
+ /* For PING, PONG, and MEET, fixing the totlen field is up to the caller */
+/* Send a PING or PONG packet to the specified node, making sure to add enough
+ * gossip informations. */
+void clusterSendPing(clusterLink *link, int type) {
+ unsigned char buf[1024];
+ clusterMsg *hdr = (clusterMsg*) buf;
+ int gossipcount = 0, totlen;
+ /* freshnodes is the number of nodes we can still use to populate the
+ * gossip section of the ping packet. Basically we start with the nodes
+ * we have in memory minus two (ourself and the node we are sending the
+ * message to). Every time we add a node we decrement the counter, so when
+ * it will drop to <= zero we know there is no more gossip info we can
+ * send. */
+ int freshnodes = dictSize(server.cluster.nodes)-2;
+ if (link->node && type == CLUSTERMSG_TYPE_PING)
+ link->node->ping_sent = time(NULL);
+ clusterBuildMessageHdr(hdr,type);
+ /* Populate the gossip fields */
+ while(freshnodes > 0 && gossipcount < 3) {
+ struct dictEntry *de = dictGetRandomKey(server.cluster.nodes);
+ clusterNode *this = dictGetEntryVal(de);
+ clusterMsgDataGossip *gossip;
+ int j;
+ /* Not interesting to gossip about ourself.
+ * Nor to send gossip info about HANDSHAKE state nodes (zero info). */
+ if (this == server.cluster.myself ||
+ this->flags & REDIS_NODE_HANDSHAKE) {
+ freshnodes--; /* otherwise we may loop forever. */
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* Check if we already added this node */
+ for (j = 0; j < gossipcount; j++) {
+ if (memcmp(hdr->data.ping.gossip[j].nodename,this->name,
+ }
+ if (j != gossipcount) continue;
+ /* Add it */
+ freshnodes--;
+ gossip = &(hdr->data.ping.gossip[gossipcount]);
+ memcpy(gossip->nodename,this->name,REDIS_CLUSTER_NAMELEN);
+ gossip->ping_sent = htonl(this->ping_sent);
+ gossip->pong_received = htonl(this->pong_received);
+ memcpy(gossip->ip,this->ip,sizeof(this->ip));
+ gossip->port = htons(this->port);
+ gossip->flags = htons(this->flags);
+ gossipcount++;
+ }
+ totlen = sizeof(clusterMsg)-sizeof(union clusterMsgData);
+ totlen += (sizeof(clusterMsgDataGossip)*gossipcount);
+ hdr->count = htons(gossipcount);
+ hdr->totlen = htonl(totlen);
+ clusterSendMessage(link,buf,totlen);
+/* Send a message to all the nodes with a reliable link */
+void clusterBroadcastMessage(void *buf, size_t len) {
+ dictIterator *di;
+ dictEntry *de;
+ di = dictGetIterator(server.cluster.nodes);
+ while((de = dictNext(di)) != NULL) {
+ clusterNode *node = dictGetEntryVal(de);
+ if (!node->link) continue;
+ if (node->flags & (REDIS_NODE_MYSELF|REDIS_NODE_NOADDR)) continue;
+ clusterSendMessage(node->link,buf,len);
+ }
+ dictReleaseIterator(di);
+/* Send a FAIL message to all the nodes we are able to contact.
+ * The FAIL message is sent when we detect that a node is failing
+ * (REDIS_NODE_PFAIL) and we also receive a gossip confirmation of this:
+ * we switch the node state to REDIS_NODE_FAIL and ask all the other
+ * nodes to do the same ASAP. */
+void clusterSendFail(char *nodename) {
+ unsigned char buf[1024];
+ clusterMsg *hdr = (clusterMsg*) buf;
+ clusterBuildMessageHdr(hdr,CLUSTERMSG_TYPE_FAIL);
+ memcpy(hdr->data.fail.about.nodename,nodename,REDIS_CLUSTER_NAMELEN);
+ clusterBroadcastMessage(buf,ntohl(hdr->totlen));
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * CLUSTER cron job
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* This is executed 1 time every second */
+void clusterCron(void) {
+ dictIterator *di;
+ dictEntry *de;
+ int j;
+ time_t min_ping_sent = 0;
+ clusterNode *min_ping_node = NULL;
+ /* Check if we have disconnected nodes and reestablish the connection. */
+ di = dictGetIterator(server.cluster.nodes);
+ while((de = dictNext(di)) != NULL) {
+ clusterNode *node = dictGetEntryVal(de);
+ if (node->flags & (REDIS_NODE_MYSELF|REDIS_NODE_NOADDR)) continue;
+ if (node->link == NULL) {
+ int fd;
+ clusterLink *link;
+ fd = anetTcpNonBlockConnect(server.neterr, node->ip,
+ if (fd == -1) continue;
+ link = createClusterLink(node);
+ link->fd = fd;
+ node->link = link;
+ aeCreateFileEvent(server.el,link->fd,AE_READABLE,clusterReadHandler,link);
+ /* If the node is flagged as MEET, we send a MEET message instead
+ * of a PING one, to force the receiver to add us in its node
+ * table. */
+ clusterSendPing(link, node->flags & REDIS_NODE_MEET ?
+ /* We can clear the flag after the first packet is sent.
+ * If we'll never receive a PONG, we'll never send new packets
+ * to this node. Instead after the PONG is received and we
+ * are no longer in meet/handshake status, we want to send
+ * normal PING packets. */
+ node->flags &= ~REDIS_NODE_MEET;
+ redisLog(REDIS_NOTICE,"Connecting with Node %.40s at %s:%d\n", node->name, node->ip, node->port+REDIS_CLUSTER_PORT_INCR);
+ }
+ }
+ dictReleaseIterator(di);
+ /* Ping some random node. Check a few random nodes and ping the one with
+ * the oldest ping_sent time */
+ for (j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
+ de = dictGetRandomKey(server.cluster.nodes);
+ clusterNode *this = dictGetEntryVal(de);
+ if (this->link == NULL) continue;
+ if (this->flags & (REDIS_NODE_MYSELF|REDIS_NODE_HANDSHAKE)) continue;
+ if (min_ping_node == NULL || min_ping_sent > this->ping_sent) {
+ min_ping_node = this;
+ min_ping_sent = this->ping_sent;
+ }
+ }
+ if (min_ping_node) {
+ redisLog(REDIS_DEBUG,"Pinging node %40s", min_ping_node->name);
+ clusterSendPing(min_ping_node->link, CLUSTERMSG_TYPE_PING);
+ }
+ /* Iterate nodes to check if we need to flag something as failing */
+ di = dictGetIterator(server.cluster.nodes);
+ while((de = dictNext(di)) != NULL) {
+ clusterNode *node = dictGetEntryVal(de);
+ int delay;
+ if (node->flags &
+ REDIS_NODE_FAIL)) continue;
+ /* Check only if we already sent a ping and did not received
+ * a reply yet. */
+ if (node->ping_sent == 0 ||
+ node->ping_sent <= node->pong_received) continue;
+ delay = time(NULL) - node->pong_received;
+ if (node->flags & REDIS_NODE_PFAIL) {
+ /* The PFAIL condition can be reversed without external
+ * help if it is not transitive (that is, if it does not
+ * turn into a FAIL state). */
+ if (delay < server.cluster.node_timeout)
+ node->flags &= ~REDIS_NODE_PFAIL;
+ } else {
+ if (delay >= server.cluster.node_timeout) {
+ redisLog(REDIS_DEBUG,"*** NODE %.40s possibly failing",
+ node->name);
+ node->flags |= REDIS_NODE_PFAIL;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ dictReleaseIterator(di);
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Slots management
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Set the slot bit and return the old value. */
+int clusterNodeSetSlotBit(clusterNode *n, int slot) {
+ off_t byte = slot/8;
+ int bit = slot&7;
+ int old = (n->slots[byte] & (1<<bit)) != 0;
+ n->slots[byte] |= 1<<bit;
+ return old;
+/* Clear the slot bit and return the old value. */
+int clusterNodeClearSlotBit(clusterNode *n, int slot) {
+ off_t byte = slot/8;
+ int bit = slot&7;
+ int old = (n->slots[byte] & (1<<bit)) != 0;
+ n->slots[byte] &= ~(1<<bit);
+ return old;
+/* Return the slot bit from the cluster node structure. */
+int clusterNodeGetSlotBit(clusterNode *n, int slot) {
+ off_t byte = slot/8;
+ int bit = slot&7;
+ return (n->slots[byte] & (1<<bit)) != 0;
+/* Add the specified slot to the list of slots that node 'n' will
+ * serve. Return REDIS_OK if the operation ended with success.
+ * If the slot is already assigned to another instance this is considered
+ * an error and REDIS_ERR is returned. */
+int clusterAddSlot(clusterNode *n, int slot) {
+ redisAssert(clusterNodeSetSlotBit(n,slot) == 0);
+ server.cluster.slots[slot] = server.cluster.myself;
+ printf("SLOT %d added to %.40s\n", slot, n->name);
+ return REDIS_OK;
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Cluster state evaluation function
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+void clusterUpdateState(void) {
+ int ok = 1;
+ int j;
+ for (j = 0; j < REDIS_CLUSTER_SLOTS; j++) {
+ if (server.cluster.slots[j] == NULL ||
+ server.cluster.slots[j]->flags & (REDIS_NODE_FAIL))
+ {
+ ok = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (ok) {
+ if (server.cluster.state == REDIS_CLUSTER_NEEDHELP) {
+ server.cluster.state = REDIS_CLUSTER_NEEDHELP;
+ } else {
+ server.cluster.state = REDIS_CLUSTER_OK;
+ }
+ } else {
+ server.cluster.state = REDIS_CLUSTER_FAIL;
+ }
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * CLUSTER command
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+void clusterCommand(redisClient *c) {
+ if (server.cluster_enabled == 0) {
+ addReplyError(c,"This instance has cluster support disabled");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!strcasecmp(c->argv[1]->ptr,"meet") && c->argc == 4) {
+ clusterNode *n;
+ struct sockaddr_in sa;
+ long port;
+ /* Perform sanity checks on IP/port */
+ if (inet_aton(c->argv[2]->ptr,&sa.sin_addr) == 0) {
+ addReplyError(c,"Invalid IP address in MEET");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (getLongFromObjectOrReply(c, c->argv[3], &port, NULL) != REDIS_OK ||
+ port < 0 || port > (65535-REDIS_CLUSTER_PORT_INCR))
+ {
+ addReplyError(c,"Invalid TCP port specified");
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Finally add the node to the cluster with a random name, this
+ * will get fixed in the first handshake (ping/pong). */
+ strncpy(n->ip,inet_ntoa(sa.sin_addr),sizeof(n->ip));
+ n->port = port;
+ clusterAddNode(n);
+ addReply(c,shared.ok);
+ } else if (!strcasecmp(c->argv[1]->ptr,"nodes") && c->argc == 2) {
+ sds ci = sdsempty();
+ dictIterator *di;
+ dictEntry *de;
+ robj *o;
+ di = dictGetIterator(server.cluster.nodes);
+ while((de = dictNext(di)) != NULL) {
+ clusterNode *node = dictGetEntryVal(de);
+ /* Node coordinates */
+ ci = sdscatprintf(ci,"%.40s %s:%d ",
+ node->name,
+ node->ip,
+ node->port);
+ /* Flags */
+ if (node->flags == 0) ci = sdscat(ci,"noflags,");
+ if (node->flags & REDIS_NODE_MYSELF) ci = sdscat(ci,"myself,");
+ if (node->flags & REDIS_NODE_MASTER) ci = sdscat(ci,"master,");
+ if (node->flags & REDIS_NODE_SLAVE) ci = sdscat(ci,"slave,");
+ if (node->flags & REDIS_NODE_PFAIL) ci = sdscat(ci,"fail?,");
+ if (node->flags & REDIS_NODE_FAIL) ci = sdscat(ci,"fail,");
+ if (node->flags & REDIS_NODE_HANDSHAKE) ci =sdscat(ci,"handshake,");
+ if (node->flags & REDIS_NODE_NOADDR) ci = sdscat(ci,"noaddr,");
+ if (ci[sdslen(ci)-1] == ',') ci[sdslen(ci)-1] = ' ';
+ /* Slave of... or just "-" */
+ if (node->slaveof)
+ ci = sdscatprintf(ci,"%.40s ",node->slaveof->name);
+ else
+ ci = sdscatprintf(ci,"- ");
+ /* Latency from the POV of this node, link status */
+ ci = sdscatprintf(ci,"%ld %ld %s\n",
+ (long) node->ping_sent,
+ (long) node->pong_received,
+ node->link ? "connected" : "disconnected");
+ }
+ dictReleaseIterator(di);
+ o = createObject(REDIS_STRING,ci);
+ addReplyBulk(c,o);
+ decrRefCount(o);
+ } else if (!strcasecmp(c->argv[1]->ptr,"addslots") && c->argc >= 3) {
+ int j;
+ long long slot;
+ unsigned char *slots = zmalloc(REDIS_CLUSTER_SLOTS);
+ memset(slots,0,REDIS_CLUSTER_SLOTS);
+ /* Check that all the arguments are parsable and that all the
+ * slots are not already busy. */
+ for (j = 2; j < c->argc; j++) {
+ if (getLongLongFromObject(c->argv[j],&slot) != REDIS_OK ||
+ slot < 0 || slot > REDIS_CLUSTER_SLOTS)
+ {
+ addReplyError(c,"Invalid or out of range slot index");
+ zfree(slots);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (server.cluster.slots[slot]) {
+ addReplyErrorFormat(c,"Slot %lld is already busy", slot);
+ zfree(slots);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (slots[slot]++ == 1) {
+ addReplyErrorFormat(c,"Slot %d specified multiple times",
+ (int)slot);
+ zfree(slots);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ for (j = 0; j < REDIS_CLUSTER_SLOTS; j++) {
+ if (slots[j]) {
+ int retval = clusterAddSlot(server.cluster.myself,j);
+ redisAssert(retval == REDIS_OK);
+ }
+ }
+ zfree(slots);
+ clusterUpdateState();
+ addReply(c,shared.ok);
+ } else if (!strcasecmp(c->argv[1]->ptr,"info") && c->argc == 2) {
+ char *statestr[] = {"ok","fail","needhelp"};
+ int slots_assigned = 0, slots_ok = 0, slots_pfail = 0, slots_fail = 0;
+ int j;
+ for (j = 0; j < REDIS_CLUSTER_SLOTS; j++) {
+ clusterNode *n = server.cluster.slots[j];
+ if (n == NULL) continue;
+ slots_assigned++;
+ if (n->flags & REDIS_NODE_FAIL) {
+ slots_fail++;
+ } else if (n->flags & REDIS_NODE_PFAIL) {
+ slots_pfail++;
+ } else {
+ slots_ok++;
+ }
+ }
+ sds info = sdscatprintf(sdsempty(),
+ "cluster_state:%s\r\n"
+ "cluster_slots_assigned:%d\r\n"
+ "cluster_slots_ok:%d\r\n"
+ "cluster_slots_pfail:%d\r\n"
+ "cluster_slots_fail:%d\r\n"
+ , statestr[server.cluster.state],
+ slots_assigned,
+ slots_ok,
+ slots_pfail,
+ slots_fail
+ );
+ addReplySds(c,sdscatprintf(sdsempty(),"$%lu\r\n",
+ (unsigned long)sdslen(info)));
+ addReplySds(c,info);
+ addReply(c,shared.crlf);
+ } else {
+ addReplyError(c,"Wrong CLUSTER subcommand or number of arguments");
+ }
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * RESTORE and MIGRATE commands
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* RESTORE key ttl serialized-value */
+void restoreCommand(redisClient *c) {
+ FILE *fp;
+ char buf[64];
+ robj *o;
+ unsigned char *data;
+ long ttl;
+ /* Make sure this key does not already exist here... */
+ if (dbExists(c->db,c->argv[1])) {
+ addReplyError(c,"Target key name is busy.");
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Check if the TTL value makes sense */
+ if (getLongFromObjectOrReply(c,c->argv[2],&ttl,NULL) != REDIS_OK) {
+ return;
+ } else if (ttl < 0) {
+ addReplyError(c,"Invalid TTL value, must be >= 0");
+ return;
+ }
+ /* rdbLoadObject() only works against file descriptors so we need to
+ * dump the serialized object into a file and reload. */
+ snprintf(buf,sizeof(buf),"redis-restore-%d.tmp",getpid());
+ fp = fopen(buf,"w+");
+ if (!fp) {
+ redisLog(REDIS_WARNING,"Can't open tmp file for RESTORE: %s",
+ strerror(errno));
+ addReplyErrorFormat(c,"RESTORE failed, tmp file creation error: %s",
+ strerror(errno));
+ return;
+ }
+ unlink(buf);
+ /* Write the actual data and rewind the file */
+ data = (unsigned char*) c->argv[3]->ptr;
+ if (fwrite(data+1,sdslen((sds)data)-1,1,fp) != 1) {
+ redisLog(REDIS_WARNING,"Can't write against tmp file for RESTORE: %s",
+ strerror(errno));
+ addReplyError(c,"RESTORE failed, tmp file I/O error.");
+ fclose(fp);
+ return;
+ }
+ rewind(fp);
+ /* Finally create the object from the serialized dump and
+ * store it at the specified key. */
+ o = rdbLoadObject(data[0],fp);
+ if (o == NULL) {
+ addReplyError(c,"Bad data format.");
+ fclose(fp);
+ return;
+ }
+ fclose(fp);
+ /* Create the key and set the TTL if any */
+ dbAdd(c->db,c->argv[1],o);
+ if (ttl) setExpire(c->db,c->argv[1],time(NULL)+ttl);
+ addReply(c,shared.ok);
+/* MIGRATE host port key dbid timeout */
+void migrateCommand(redisClient *c) {
+ int fd;
+ long timeout;
+ long dbid;
+ char buf[64];
+ FILE *fp;
+ time_t ttl;
+ robj *o;
+ unsigned char type;
+ off_t payload_len;
+ /* Sanity check */
+ if (getLongFromObjectOrReply(c,c->argv[5],&timeout,NULL) != REDIS_OK)
+ return;
+ if (getLongFromObjectOrReply(c,c->argv[4],&dbid,NULL) != REDIS_OK)
+ return;
+ if (timeout <= 0) timeout = 1;
+ /* Check if the key is here. If not we reply with success as there is
+ * nothing to migrate (for instance the key expired in the meantime), but
+ * we include such information in the reply string. */
+ if ((o = lookupKeyRead(c->db,c->argv[3])) == NULL) {
+ addReplySds(c,sdsnew("+NOKEY"));
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Connect */
+ fd = anetTcpNonBlockConnect(server.neterr,c->argv[1]->ptr,
+ atoi(c->argv[2]->ptr));
+ if (fd == -1) {
+ addReplyErrorFormat(c,"Can't connect to target node: %s",
+ server.neterr);
+ return;
+ }
+ if ((aeWait(fd,AE_WRITABLE,timeout*1000) & AE_WRITABLE) == 0) {
+ addReplyError(c,"Timeout connecting to the client");
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Create temp file */
+ snprintf(buf,sizeof(buf),"redis-migrate-%d.tmp",getpid());
+ fp = fopen(buf,"w+");
+ if (!fp) {
+ redisLog(REDIS_WARNING,"Can't open tmp file for MIGRATE: %s",
+ strerror(errno));
+ addReplyErrorFormat(c,"MIGRATE failed, tmp file creation error: %s.",
+ strerror(errno));
+ return;
+ }
+ unlink(buf);
+ /* Build the SELECT + RESTORE query writing it in our temp file. */
+ if (fwriteBulkCount(fp,'*',2) == 0) goto file_wr_err;
+ if (fwriteBulkString(fp,"SELECT",6) == 0) goto file_wr_err;
+ if (fwriteBulkLongLong(fp,dbid) == 0) goto file_wr_err;
+ ttl = getExpire(c->db,c->argv[3]);
+ type = o->type;
+ if (fwriteBulkCount(fp,'*',4) == 0) goto file_wr_err;
+ if (fwriteBulkString(fp,"RESTORE",7) == 0) goto file_wr_err;
+ if (fwriteBulkObject(fp,c->argv[3]) == 0) goto file_wr_err;
+ if (fwriteBulkLongLong(fp, (ttl == -1) ? 0 : ttl) == 0) goto file_wr_err;
+ /* Finally the last argument that is the serailized object payload
+ * in the form: <type><rdb-serailized-object>. */
+ payload_len = rdbSavedObjectLen(o);
+ if (fwriteBulkCount(fp,'$',payload_len+1) == 0) goto file_wr_err;
+ if (fwrite(&type,1,1,fp) == 0) goto file_wr_err;
+ if (rdbSaveObject(fp,o) == -1) goto file_wr_err;
+ if (fwrite("\r\n",2,1,fp) == 0) goto file_wr_err;
+ /* Tranfer the query to the other node */
+ rewind(fp);
+ {
+ char buf[4096];
+ size_t nread;
+ while ((nread = fread(buf,1,sizeof(buf),fp)) != 0) {
+ int nwritten;
+ nwritten = syncWrite(fd,buf,nread,timeout);
+ if (nwritten != (signed)nread) goto socket_wr_err;
+ }
+ if (ferror(fp)) goto file_rd_err;
+ }
+ /* Read back the reply */
+ {
+ char buf1[1024];
+ char buf2[1024];
+ /* Read the two replies */
+ if (syncReadLine(fd, buf1, sizeof(buf1), timeout) <= 0)
+ goto socket_rd_err;
+ if (syncReadLine(fd, buf2, sizeof(buf2), timeout) <= 0)
+ goto socket_rd_err;
+ if (buf1[0] == '-' || buf2[0] == '-') {
+ addReplyErrorFormat(c,"Target instance replied with error: %s",
+ (buf1[0] == '-') ? buf1+1 : buf2+1);
+ } else {
+ dbDelete(c->db,c->argv[3]);
+ addReply(c,shared.ok);
+ }
+ }
+ fclose(fp);
+ close(fd);
+ return;
+ redisLog(REDIS_WARNING,"Can't write on tmp file for MIGRATE: %s",
+ strerror(errno));
+ addReplyErrorFormat(c,"MIGRATE failed, tmp file write error: %s.",
+ strerror(errno));
+ fclose(fp);
+ close(fd);
+ redisLog(REDIS_WARNING,"Can't read from tmp file for MIGRATE: %s",
+ strerror(errno));
+ addReplyErrorFormat(c,"MIGRATE failed, tmp file read error: %s.",
+ strerror(errno));
+ fclose(fp);
+ close(fd);
+ redisLog(REDIS_NOTICE,"Can't write to target node for MIGRATE: %s",
+ strerror(errno));
+ addReplyErrorFormat(c,"MIGRATE failed, writing to target node: %s.",
+ strerror(errno));
+ fclose(fp);
+ close(fd);
+ redisLog(REDIS_NOTICE,"Can't read from target node for MIGRATE: %s",
+ strerror(errno));
+ addReplyErrorFormat(c,"MIGRATE failed, reading from target node: %s.",
+ strerror(errno));
+ fclose(fp);
+ close(fd);
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Cluster functions related to serving / redirecting clients
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Return the pointer to the cluster node that is able to serve the query
+ * as all the keys belong to hash slots for which the node is in charge.
+ *
+ * If keys in query spawn multiple nodes NULL is returned. */
+clusterNode *getNodeByQuery(redisClient *c, struct redisCommand *cmd, robj **argv, int argc, int *hashslot) {
+ clusterNode *n = NULL;
+ multiState *ms, _ms;
+ multiCmd mc;
+ int i;
+ /* We handle all the cases as if they were EXEC commands, so we have
+ * a common code path for everything */
+ if (cmd->proc == execCommand) {
+ /* If REDIS_MULTI flag is not set EXEC is just going to return an
+ * error. */
+ if (!(c->flags & REDIS_MULTI)) return server.cluster.myself;
+ ms = &c->mstate;
+ } else {
+ /* Create a fake Multi State structure, with just one command */
+ ms = &_ms;
+ _ms.commands = &mc;
+ _ms.count = 1;
+ mc.argv = argv;
+ mc.argc = argc;
+ mc.cmd = cmd;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < ms->count; i++) {
+ struct redisCommand *mcmd;
+ robj **margv;
+ int margc, *keyindex, numkeys, j;
+ mcmd = ms->commands[i].cmd;
+ margc = ms->commands[i].argc;
+ margv = ms->commands[i].argv;
+ keyindex = getKeysFromCommand(mcmd,margv,margc,&numkeys,
+ for (j = 0; j < numkeys; j++) {
+ int slot = keyHashSlot((char*)margv[keyindex[j]]->ptr,
+ sdslen(margv[keyindex[j]]->ptr));
+ struct clusterNode *slotnode;
+ slotnode = server.cluster.slots[slot];
+ if (hashslot) *hashslot = slot;
+ /* Node not assigned? (Should never happen actually
+ * if we reached this function).
+ * Different node than the previous one?
+ * Return NULL, the cluster can't serve multi-node requests */
+ if (slotnode == NULL || (n && slotnode != n)) {
+ getKeysFreeResult(keyindex);
+ return NULL;
+ } else {
+ n = slotnode;
+ }
+ }
+ getKeysFreeResult(keyindex);
+ }
+ return (n == NULL) ? server.cluster.myself : n;