3 #import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
8 @
class UINavigationBar
9 @
class UITransitionView
11 @interface
UIView (PopUpView
12 - (void) popFromSuperviewAnimated
13 - (void) popSubview
16 @protocol RVNavigationBarDelegate
20 - (void) setPageActive
)active with
21 - (void) resetViewAnimated
)animated with
22 - (void) reloadDataWith
23 - (void) popUpBook
24 - (CGRect
) popUpBounds
28 - (void) didCloseBook
31 @interface RVBook
: UIView
32 RVNavigationBarDelegate
34 NSMutableArray
35 UINavigationBar
36 UITransitionView
38 _transient id delegate_
43 - (UINavigationBar
*) navigationBar
45 - (id
) initWithFrame
46 - (void) setDelegate
47 - (void) setHook
49 - (void) setPage
51 - (void) swapPage
52 - (void) pushPage
*)page animated
53 - (void) pushPage
54 - (void) popPages
56 - (void) pushBook
58 - (void) resetViewAnimated
59 - (void) resetViewAnimated
)animated toPage
61 - (void) setBackButtonTitle
*)title forPage
62 - (void) reloadTitleForPage
63 - (void) reloadButtonsForPage
64 - (NSString
*) getTitleForPage
66 - (void) reloadButtons
69 - (CGRect
) pageBounds
74 @interface RVPopUpBook
: RVBook
75 _transient RVBook