-README for wxPython-src-2.5.*.tar.gz
+README for wxPython-src-2.6.*.tar.gz
you would like to use CVS to get the exact same sources as one of
these tarballs then you can update using a release tag. For example::
- cvs update -r wxPy_2_5_1_0
+ cvs update -r wxPy_2_6_1_0
For more details about building and installing wxWidgets and wxPython
wxPython/docs/CHANGES.txt (for wxPython)
-And for information about major changes in wxPython 2.5 and how to
-migrate your existing code to 2.5 please read this file::
+And for information about major changes in wxPython 2.6 and how to
+migrate your existing code to 2.6 please read this file::
-Building wxPython 2.5 for Development and Testing
+Building wxPython 2.6 for Development and Testing
This file describes how I build wxWidgets and wxPython while doing
development and testing, and is meant to help other people that want
to do the same thing. I'll assume that you are using either a CVS
snapshot from http://wxWidgets.org/snapshots/, a checkout from CVS, or
-one of the released wxPython-src-2.5.* tarballs. I'll also assume that
+one of the released wxPython-src-2.6.* tarballs. I'll also assume that
you know your way around your system, the compiler, etc. and most
importantly, that you know what you are doing! ;-)
mkdir bld
cd bld
- ../configure --prefix=/opt/wx/2.5 \
+ ../configure --prefix=/opt/wx/2.6 \
--with-gtk \
--with-opengl \
--enable-debug \
--enable-unicode \
- Notice that I used a prefix of /opt/wx/2.5. You can use whatever
+ Notice that I used a prefix of /opt/wx/2.6. You can use whatever
path you want, such as a path in your HOME dir or even one of the
standard prefix paths such as /usr or /usr/local if you like, but
using /opt this way lets me easily have multiple versions and ports
of wxWidgets "installed" and makes it easy to switch between them,
without impacting any versions of wxWidgets that may have been
installed via an RPM or whatever. For the rest of the steps below
- be sure to also substitute "/opt/wx/2.5" with whatever prefix you
+ be sure to also substitute "/opt/wx/2.6" with whatever prefix you
choose for your build.
If you want to use the image and zlib libraries included with
.make install
When it's done you should have an installed set of files under
- /opt/wx/2.5 containing just wxWidgets. Now to use this version of
- wxWidgets you just need to add /opt/wx/2.5/bin to the PATH and set
- LD_LIBRARY_PATH (or DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH on OS X) to /opt/wx/2.5/lib.
+ /opt/wx/2.6 containing just wxWidgets. Now to use this version of
+ wxWidgets you just need to add /opt/wx/2.6/bin to the PATH and set
+ LD_LIBRARY_PATH (or DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH on OS X) to /opt/wx/2.6/lib.
3. I also have a script to help me build wxPython and it is checked in
other version of it found first, then you can add this to the
command line to ensure your new one is used instead::
- WX_CONFIG=/opt/wx/2.5/bin/wx-config
+ WX_CONFIG=/opt/wx/2.6/bin/wx-config
By default setup.py will assume that you built wxWidgets to use
GTK2. If you built wxWidgets to use GTK 1.2.x then you should add
PYTHONPATH to the wxPython dir located in the source tree. For
- export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/wx/2.5/lib
+ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/wx/2.6/lib
export PYTHONPATH=$WXDIR/wxPython
cd $WXDIR/wxPython/demo
python2.3 demo.py
-wxPython 2.5 Migration Guide
+wxPython 2.6 Migration Guide
This document will help explain some of the major changes in wxPython
-2.5 since the 2.4 series and let you know what you need to do to adapt
+2.6 since the 2.4 series and let you know what you need to do to adapt
your programs to those changes. Be sure to also check in the CHANGES_
file like usual to see info about the not so major changes and other
things that have been added to wxPython.