+// Name: src/dfb/nonownedwnd.cpp
+// Purpose: implementation of wxNonOwnedWindowow
+// Author: Vaclav Slavik
+// Created: 2006-12-24
+// RCS-ID: $Id$
+// Copyright: (c) 2006 REA Elektronik GmbH
+// Licence: wxWindows licence
+// For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx.h".
+#include "wx/wxprec.h"
+#include "wx/toplevel.h"
+#ifndef WX_PRECOMP
+ #include "wx/app.h"
+#endif // WX_PRECOMP
+#include "wx/hashmap.h"
+#include "wx/evtloop.h"
+#include "wx/dfb/private.h"
+#define TRACE_EVENTS _T("events")
+#define TRACE_PAINT _T("paint")
+// ============================================================================
+// globals
+// ============================================================================
+// mapping of DirectFB windows to wxTLWs:
+WX_DECLARE_HASH_MAP(DFBWindowID, wxNonOwnedWindow*,
+ wxIntegerHash, wxIntegerEqual,
+ wxDfbWindowsMap);
+static wxDfbWindowsMap gs_dfbWindowsMap;
+// ============================================================================
+// helpers
+// ============================================================================
+// Queue of paint requests
+class wxDfbQueuedPaintRequests
+ ~wxDfbQueuedPaintRequests() { Clear(); }
+ // Adds paint request to the queue
+ void Add(const wxRect& rect)
+ {
+ // We use a simple implementation here for now: all refresh requests
+ // are merged together into single rectangle that is superset of
+ // all the requested rectangles. This wastes some blitting and painting
+ // time, but OTOH, EVT_PAINT handler is called only once per window.
+ m_invalidated.Union(rect);
+ }
+ // Is the queue empty?
+ bool IsEmpty() const { return m_invalidated.IsEmpty(); }
+ // Empties the queue
+ void Clear() { m_invalidated = wxRect(); }
+ // Gets the next request in the queue, returns true if there was one,
+ // false if the queue was empty
+ bool GetNext(wxRect& rect)
+ {
+ if ( m_invalidated.IsEmpty() )
+ return false;
+ rect = m_invalidated;
+ Clear(); // there's only one item in the queue
+ return true;
+ }
+ // currently invalidated region
+ wxRect m_invalidated;
+// ============================================================================
+// wxNonOwnedWindow
+// ============================================================================
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// creation & destruction
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void wxNonOwnedWindow::Init()
+ m_isShown = false;
+ m_sizeSet = false;
+ m_opacity = 255;
+ m_toPaint = new wxDfbQueuedPaintRequests;
+ m_isPainting = false;
+bool wxNonOwnedWindow::Create(wxWindow *parent,
+ wxWindowID id,
+ const wxPoint& pos,
+ const wxSize& size,
+ long style,
+ const wxString &name)
+ wxCHECK_MSG( pos.x >= 0 && pos.y >= 0, false, _T("invalid position") );
+ wxCHECK_MSG( size.x > 0 && size.y > 0, false, _T("invalid size") );
+ m_tlw = this;
+ // create DirectFB window:
+ wxIDirectFBDisplayLayerPtr layer(wxIDirectFB::Get()->GetDisplayLayer());
+ wxCHECK_MSG( layer, false, _T("no display layer") );
+ DFBWindowDescription desc;
+ desc.flags = (DFBWindowDescriptionFlags)
+ desc.posx = pos.x;
+ desc.posy = pos.y;
+ desc.width = size.x;
+ desc.height = size.y;
+ m_dfbwin = layer->CreateWindow(&desc);
+ if ( !m_dfbwin )
+ return false;
+ // add the new TLW to DFBWindowID->wxTLW map:
+ DFBWindowID winid;
+ if ( !m_dfbwin->GetID(&winid) )
+ return false;
+ gs_dfbWindowsMap[winid] = this;
+ // TLWs are created initially hidden:
+ if ( !m_dfbwin->SetOpacity(wxALPHA_TRANSPARENT) )
+ return false;
+ if ( !wxWindow::Create(NULL, id, pos, size, style, name) )
+ return false;
+ SetParent(parent);
+ if ( parent )
+ parent->AddChild(this);
+ if ( style & (wxSTAY_ON_TOP | wxPOPUP_WINDOW) )
+ {
+ m_dfbwin->SetStackingClass(DWSC_UPPER);
+ }
+ // direct events in this window to the global event buffer:
+ m_dfbwin->AttachEventBuffer(wxEventLoop::GetDirectFBEventBuffer());
+ return true;
+ m_isBeingDeleted = true;
+ // destroy all children before we destroy the underlying DirectFB window,
+ // so that if any of them does something with the TLW, it will still work:
+ DestroyChildren();
+ // it's safe to delete the underlying DirectFB window now:
+ wxDELETE(m_toPaint);
+ if ( !m_dfbwin )
+ return;
+ // remove the TLW from DFBWindowID->wxTLW map:
+ DFBWindowID winid;
+ if ( m_dfbwin->GetID(&winid) )
+ gs_dfbWindowsMap.erase(winid);
+ m_dfbwin->Destroy();
+ m_dfbwin.Reset();
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// window size & position
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void wxNonOwnedWindow::DoGetPosition(int *x, int *y) const
+ m_dfbwin->GetPosition(x, y);
+void wxNonOwnedWindow::DoGetSize(int *width, int *height) const
+ m_dfbwin->GetSize(width, height);
+void wxNonOwnedWindow::DoMoveWindow(int x, int y, int width, int height)
+ wxPoint curpos = GetPosition();
+ if ( curpos.x != x || curpos.y != y )
+ {
+ m_dfbwin->MoveTo(x, y);
+ }
+ wxSize cursize = GetSize();
+ if ( cursize.x != width || cursize.y != height )
+ {
+ // changing window's size changes its surface:
+ InvalidateDfbSurface();
+ m_dfbwin->Resize(width, height);
+ // we must repaint the window after it changed size:
+ if ( IsShown() )
+ DoRefreshWindow();
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// showing and hiding
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool wxNonOwnedWindow::Show(bool show)
+ // NB: this calls wxWindow::Show() and so ensures DoRefreshWindow() is
+ // called on the window -- we'll need that below
+ if ( !wxWindow::Show(show) )
+ return false;
+ // If this is the first time Show was called, send size event,
+ // so that the frame can adjust itself (think auto layout or single child)
+ if ( !m_sizeSet )
+ {
+ m_sizeSet = true;
+ wxSizeEvent event(GetSize(), GetId());
+ event.SetEventObject(this);
+ GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(event);
+ }
+ // make sure the window is fully painted, with all pending updates, before
+ // DFB WM shows it, otherwise it would attempt to show either empty (=
+ // black) window surface (if shown for the first time) or it would show
+ // window with outdated content; note that the window was already refreshed
+ // in the wxWindow::Show() call above:
+ if ( show )
+ Update();
+ // hide/show the window by setting its opacity to 0/full:
+ m_dfbwin->SetOpacity(show ? m_opacity : 0);
+ if ( show )
+ {
+ wxWindow *focused = wxWindow::FindFocus();
+ if ( focused && focused->GetTLW() == this )
+ {
+ SetDfbFocus();
+ }
+ else if ( AcceptsFocus() )
+ {
+ // FIXME: we should probably always call SetDfbFocus instead
+ // and call SetFocus() from wxActivateEvent/DWET_GOTFOCUS
+ // handler
+ SetFocus();
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// surfaces and painting
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+wxIDirectFBSurfacePtr wxNonOwnedWindow::ObtainDfbSurface() const
+ return m_dfbwin->GetSurface();
+void wxNonOwnedWindow::HandleQueuedPaintRequests()
+ if ( m_toPaint->IsEmpty() )
+ return; // nothing to do
+ if ( IsFrozen() || !IsShown() )
+ {
+ // nothing to do if the window is frozen or hidden; clear the queue
+ // and return (note that it's OK to clear the queue even if the window
+ // is frozen, because Thaw() calls Refresh()):
+ m_toPaint->Clear();
+ return;
+ }
+ // process queued paint requests:
+ wxRect winRect(wxPoint(0, 0), GetSize());
+ wxRect paintedRect;
+ // important note: all DCs created from now until m_isPainting is reset to
+ // false will not update the front buffer as this flag indicates that we'll
+ // blit the entire back buffer to front soon
+ m_isPainting = true;
+#ifdef __WXDEBUG__
+ int requestsCount = 0;
+ wxRect request;
+ while ( m_toPaint->GetNext(request) )
+ {
+#ifdef __WXDEBUG__
+ requestsCount++;
+ wxRect clipped(request);
+ clipped.Intersect(winRect);
+ if ( clipped.IsEmpty() )
+ continue; // nothing to refresh
+ wxLogTrace(TRACE_PAINT,
+ _T("%p ('%s'): processing paint request [%i,%i,%i,%i]"),
+ this, GetName().c_str(),
+ clipped.x, clipped.y, clipped.GetRight(), clipped.GetBottom());
+ PaintWindow(clipped);
+ // remember rectangle covering all repainted areas:
+ if ( paintedRect.IsEmpty() )
+ paintedRect = clipped;
+ else
+ paintedRect.Union(clipped);
+ }
+ m_isPainting = false;
+ m_toPaint->Clear();
+ if ( paintedRect.IsEmpty() )
+ return; // no painting occurred, no need to flip
+ // Flip the surface to make the changes visible. Note that the rectangle we
+ // flip is *superset* of the union of repainted rectangles (created as
+ // "rectangles union" by wxRect::Union) and so some parts of the back
+ // buffer that we didn't touch in this HandleQueuedPaintRequests call will
+ // be copied to the front buffer as well. This is safe/correct thing to do
+ // *only* because wx always use wxIDirectFBSurface::FlipToFront() and so
+ // the back and front buffers contain the same data.
+ //
+ // Note that we do _not_ split m_toPaint into disjoint rectangles and
+ // do FlipToFront() for each of them, because that could result in visible
+ // updating of the screen; instead, we prefer to flip everything at once.
+ DFBRegion r = {paintedRect.GetLeft(), paintedRect.GetTop(),
+ paintedRect.GetRight(), paintedRect.GetBottom()};
+ DFBRegion *rptr = (winRect == paintedRect) ? NULL : &r;
+ GetDfbSurface()->FlipToFront(rptr);
+ wxLogTrace(TRACE_PAINT,
+ _T("%p ('%s'): processed %i paint requests, flipped surface: [%i,%i,%i,%i]"),
+ this, GetName().c_str(),
+ requestsCount,
+ paintedRect.x, paintedRect.y,
+ paintedRect.GetRight(), paintedRect.GetBottom());
+void wxNonOwnedWindow::DoRefreshRect(const wxRect& rect)
+ // don't overlap outside of the window (NB: 'rect' is in window coords):
+ wxRect r(rect);
+ r.Intersect(wxRect(GetSize()));
+ if ( r.IsEmpty() )
+ return;
+ wxLogTrace(TRACE_PAINT,
+ _T("%p ('%s'): [TLW] refresh rect [%i,%i,%i,%i]"),
+ this, GetName().c_str(),
+ rect.x, rect.y, rect.GetRight(), rect.GetBottom());
+ // defer painting until idle time or until Update() is called:
+ m_toPaint->Add(rect);
+void wxNonOwnedWindow::Update()
+ HandleQueuedPaintRequests();
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// events handling
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void wxNonOwnedWindow::SetDfbFocus()
+ wxCHECK_RET( IsShown(), _T("cannot set focus to hidden window") );
+ wxASSERT_MSG( FindFocus() && FindFocus()->GetTLW() == this,
+ _T("setting DirectFB focus to unexpected window") );
+ GetDirectFBWindow()->RequestFocus();
+/* static */
+void wxNonOwnedWindow::HandleDFBWindowEvent(const wxDFBWindowEvent& event_)
+ const DFBWindowEvent& event = event_;
+ if ( gs_dfbWindowsMap.find(event.window_id) == gs_dfbWindowsMap.end() )
+ {
+ wxLogTrace(TRACE_EVENTS,
+ _T("received event for unknown DirectFB window, ignoring"));
+ return;
+ }
+ wxNonOwnedWindow *tlw = gs_dfbWindowsMap[event.window_id];
+ wxWindow *recipient = NULL;
+ void (wxWindow::*handlerFunc)(const wxDFBWindowEvent&) = NULL;
+ switch ( event.type )
+ {
+ case DWET_KEYUP:
+ {
+ recipient = wxWindow::FindFocus();
+ handlerFunc = &wxWindowDFB::HandleKeyEvent;
+ break;
+ }
+ case DWET_NONE:
+ case DWET_ALL:
+ {
+ wxFAIL_MSG( _T("invalid event type") );
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ // we're not interested in them here
+ break;
+ }
+ if ( !recipient )
+ {
+ wxLogTrace(TRACE_EVENTS, _T("ignoring event: no recipient window"));
+ return;
+ }
+ wxCHECK_RET( recipient && recipient->GetTLW() == tlw,
+ _T("event recipient not in TLW which received the event") );
+ // process the event:
+ (recipient->*handlerFunc)(event_);
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// idle events processing
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void wxNonOwnedWindow::OnInternalIdle()
+ wxWindow::OnInternalIdle();
+ HandleQueuedPaintRequests();