+\chapter{Class reference}\label{classref}
+\setheader{{\it CHAPTER \thechapter}}{}{}{}{}{{\it CHAPTER \thechapter}}%
+These are the main \ogl\ classes.
+\overview{wxCompositeShape overview}{compositeshapeoverview}
+An wxOGLConstraint object helps specify how child shapes are laid out with respect
+to siblings and parents.
+\wxheading{Derived from}
+\wxheading{See also}
+Default constructor.
+\func{}{wxOGLConstraint}{\param{int}{ type}, \param{wxShape *}{constraining}, \param{wxList\& }{constrained}}
+\docparam{constraining}{The shape which is used as the reference for positioning the {\it constrained} objects.}
+\docparam{constrained}{Contains a list of wxShapes which are to be constrained (with respect
+to {\it constraining}) using {\it type}.}
+\docparam{type}{Can be one of:
+\item {\bf gyCONSTRAINT\_CENTRED\_VERTICALLY}: the Y co-ordinates of the centres of the
+bounding boxes of the constrained objects and the constraining object
+will be the same
+\item {\bf gyCONSTRAINT\_CENTRED\_HORIZONTALLY}: the X co-ordinates of the centres of the
+bounding boxes of the constrained objects and the constraining object
+will be the same
+\item {\bf gyCONSTRAINT\_CENTRED\_BOTH}: the co-ordinates of the centres of the bounding boxes
+of the constrained objects and the constraining object will be the same
+\item {\bf gyCONSTRAINT\_LEFT\_OF}: the X co-ordinates of the right hand vertical edges
+of the bounding boxes of the constrained objects will be less than
+the X co-ordinate of the left hand vertical edge of the bounding box
+of the constraining object
+\item {\bf gyCONSTRAINT\_RIGHT\_OF}: the X co-ordinates of the left hand vertical edges
+of the bounding boxes of the constrained objects will be greater than
+the X co-ordinate of the right hand vertical edge of the bounding box
+of the constraining object
+\item {\bf gyCONSTRAINT\_ABOVE}: the Y co-ordinates of the bottom horizontal edges of the
+bounding boxes of the constrained objects will be less than the
+Y co-ordinate of the top horizontal edge of the bounding box of the
+constraining object
+\item {\bf gyCONSTRAINT\_BELOW}: the Y co-ordinates of the top horizontal edges of the
+bounding boxes of the constrained objects will be greater than
+the X co-ordinate of the bottom horizontal edge of the bounding box
+of the constraining object
+\item {\bf gyCONSTRAINT\_ALIGNED\_TOP}: the Y co-ordinates of the top horizontal edges of the
+bounding boxes of the constrained objects will be the same as the
+Y co-ordinate of the top horizontal edge of the bounding box of the
+constraining object
+\item {\bf gyCONSTRAINT\_ALIGNED\_BOTTOM}: the Y co-ordinates of the bottom horizontal edges
+of the bounding boxes of the constrained objects will be the same as
+the Y co-ordinate of the bottom horizontal edge of the bounding box
+of the constraining object
+\item {\bf gyCONSTRAINT\_ALIGNED\_LEFT}: the X co-ordinates of the left hand vertical edges
+of the bounding boxes of the constrained objects will be the same as
+the X co-ordinate of the left hand vertical edge of the bounding box
+of the constraining object
+\item {\bf gyCONSTRAINT\_ALIGNED\_RIGHT}: the X co-ordinates of the right hand vertical edges
+of the bounding boxes of the constrained objects will be the same as
+the X co-ordinate of the right hand vertical edge of the bounding box
+of the constraining object
+\item {\bf gyCONSTRAINT\_MIDALIGNED\_TOP}: the Y co-ordinates of the centres of
+the bounding boxes of the constrained objects will be the same
+as the Y co-ordinate of the top horizontal edge of
+the bounding box of the constraining object
+\item {\bf gyCONSTRAINT\_MIDALIGNED\_BOTTOM}: the Y co-ordinates of the centres of
+the bounding boxes of the constrained objects will be the same
+as the Y co-ordinate of the bottom horizontal edge of
+the bounding box of the constraining object
+\item {\bf gyCONSTRAINT\_MIDALIGNED\_LEFT}: the X co-ordinates of the centres of
+the bounding boxes of the constrained objects will be the same
+as the X co-ordinate of the left hand vertical edge of
+the bounding box of the constraining object
+\item {\bf gyCONSTRAINT\_MIDALIGNED\_RIGHT}: the X co-ordinates of the centres of
+the bounding boxes of the constrained objects will be the same as
+the X co-ordinate of the right hand vertical edge of
+the bounding box of the constraining object
+\func{bool}{Equals}{\param{double}{ x}, \param{double}{ y}}
+Returns TRUE if {\it x} and {\it y} are approximately equal (for the purposes
+of evaluating the constraint).
+Evaluates this constraint, returning TRUE if anything changed.
+\func{void}{SetSpacing}{\param{double}{ x}, \param{double}{ y}}
+Sets the horizontal and vertical spacing for the constraint.
+Draws a bitmap (non-resizable).
+\wxheading{Derived from}
+Returns a reference to the bitmap associated with this shape.
+Returns the bitmap filename.
+\func{void}{SetBitmap}{\param{const wxBitmap\&}{ bitmap}}
+Sets the bitmap associated with this shape. You can delete the bitmap
+from the calling application, since reference counting will take care of
+holding on to the internal bitmap data.
+\func{void}{SetFilename}{\param{const wxString\& }{filename}}
+Sets the bitmap filename.
+Encapsulates an entire diagram, with methods for reading/writing and drawing.
+A diagram has an associated wxShapeCanvas.
+\wxheading{Derived from}
+\wxheading{See also}
+\func{void}{AddShape}{\param{wxShape*}{shape}, \param{wxShape *}{addAfter = NULL}}
+Adds a shape to the diagram. If {\it addAfter} is non-NULL, the shape will be added after this
+\func{void}{Clear}{\param{wxDC\&}{ dc}}
+Clears the specified device context.
+Removes and deletes all shapes in the diagram.
+\func{void}{DrawOutline}{\param{wxDC\&}{ dc}, \param{double}{ x1}, \param{double}{ y1}, \param{double}{ x2}, \param{double}{ y2}}
+Draws an outline rectangle on the current device context.
+\constfunc{wxShape*}{FindShape}{\param{long}{ id}}
+Returns the shape for the given identifier.
+Returns the shape canvas associated with this diagram.
+Returns the number of shapes in the diagram.
+Returns the grid spacing.
+Returns the tolerance within which a mouse move is ignored.
+Returns a pointer to the internal shape list.
+Returns quick edit mode.
+Returns snap-to-grid mode.
+\func{void}{InsertShape}{\param{wxShape *}{shape}}
+Inserts a shape at the front of the shape list.
+\func{bool}{LoadFile}{\param{const wxString\& }{filename}}
+Loads the diagram from a file.
+\func{void}{OnDatabaseLoad}{\param{wxExprDatabase\&}{ database}}
+Called just after the nodes and lines have been read from the wxExprDatabase. You may override this;
+the default member does nothing.
+\func{void}{OnDatabaseSave}{\param{wxExprDatabase\&}{ database}}
+Called just after the nodes and lines have been written to the wxExprDatabase. You may override this;
+the default member does nothing.
+\func{bool}{OnHeaderLoad}{\param{wxExprDatabase\&}{ database}, \param{wxExpr\&}{ expr}}
+Called to allow the `diagram' header object to be read. The default member reads no further information.
+You may wish to override this to read version information, author name, etc.
+\func{bool}{OnHeaderSave}{\param{wxExprDatabase\&}{ database}, \param{wxExpr\&}{ expr}}
+Called to allow instantiation of the `diagram' header object. The default member writes no further information.
+You may wish to override this to include version information, author name, etc.
+\func{bool}{OnShapeLoad}{\param{wxExprDatabase\&}{ database}, \param{wxShape\&}{ shape}, \param{wxExpr\&}{ expr}}
+Called to read the shape from the {\it expr}. You may override this, but call this function first.
+The default member calls ReadAttributes for the shape.
+\func{bool}{OnShapeSave}{\param{wxExprDatabase\&}{ database}, \param{wxShape\&}{ shape}, \param{wxExpr\&}{ expr}}
+Called to save the shape to the {\it expr} and {\it database}. You may override this, but call this function first.
+The default member calls WriteAttributes for the shape, appends the shape to the database, and of the shape
+is a composite, recursively calls OnShapeSave for its children.
+\func{void}{ReadContainerGeometry}{\param{wxExprDatabase\&}{ database}}
+Reads container geometry from a wxExprDatabase, linking up nodes which
+are part of a composite. You probably won't need to redefine this.
+\func{void}{ReadLines}{\param{wxExprDatabase\&}{ database}}
+Reads lines from a wxExprDatabase. You probably won't need to redefine this.
+\func{void}{ReadNodes}{\param{wxExprDatabase\&}{ database}}
+Reads nodes from a wxExprDatabase. You probably won't need to redefine this.
+\func{void}{RecentreAll}{\param{wxDC\&}{ dc}}
+Make sure all text that should be centred, is centred.
+\func{void}{Redraw}{\param{wxDC\&}{ dc}}
+Draws the shapes in the diagram on the specified device context.
+Removes all shapes from the diagram but does not delete the shapes.
+\func{void}{RemoveShape}{\param{wxShape*}{ shape}}
+Removes the shape from the diagram (non-recursively) but does not delete it.
+\func{bool}{SaveFile}{\param{const wxString\& }{filename}}
+Saves the diagram in a file.
+\func{void}{SetCanvas}{\param{wxShapeCanvas*}{ canvas}}
+Sets the canvas associated with this diagram.
+\func{void}{SetGridSpacing}{\param{double}{ spacing}}
+Sets the grid spacing. The default is 5.
+\func{void}{SetMouseTolerance}{\param{int}{ tolerance}}
+Sets the tolerance within which a mouse move is ignored. The default is 3 pixels.
+\func{void}{SetQuickEditMode}{\param{bool}{ mode}}
+Sets quick-edit-mode on or off. In this mode, refreshes are minimized, but the
+diagram may need manual refreshing occasionally.
+\func{void}{SetSnapToGrid}{\param{bool}{ snap}}
+Sets snap-to-grid mode on or off. The default is on.
+\func{void}{ShowAll}{\param{bool}{ show}}
+Calls Show for each shape in the diagram.
+\func{void}{Snap}{\param{double *}{x}, \param{double *}{y}}
+`Snaps' the coordinate to the nearest grid position, if snap-to-grid is on.
+Draws a pseduo-metafile shape, which can be loaded from a simple Windows metafile.
+wxDrawnShape allows you to specify a different shape for each of four orientations (North, West,
+South and East). It also provides a set of drawing functions for programmatic drawing of a shape,
+so that during construction of the shape you can draw into it as if it were a device context.
+\wxheading{Derived from}
+See also \helpref{wxRectangleShape}{wxrectangleshape}.
+Calculates the wxDrawnShape size from the current metafile. Call this after you have drawn
+into the shape.
+Destroys the clipping rectangle. See also \helpref{wxDrawnShape::SetClippingRect}{wxdrawnshapesetclippingrect}.
+\func{void}{DrawArc}{\param{const wxPoint\&}{ centrePoint}, \param{const wxPoint\&}{ startPoint},
+ \param{const wxPoint\&}{ endPoint}}
+Draws an arc (see wxWindows documentation for details).
+\func{void}{DrawAtAngle}{\param{int}{ angle}}
+Sets the metafile for the given orientation, which can be one of:
+\item oglDRAWN\_ANGLE\_0
+\item oglDRAWN\_ANGLE\_90
+\item oglDRAWN\_ANGLE\_180
+\item oglDRAWN\_ANGLE\_270
+See also \helpref{wxDrawnShape::GetAngle}{wxdrawnshapegetangle}.
+\func{void}{DrawEllipticArc}{\param{const wxRect\&}{ rect}, \param{double}{ startAngle}, \param{double}{ endAngle}}
+Draws an elliptic arc (see wxWindows documentation for details).
+\func{void}{DrawLine}{\param{const wxPoint\&}{ point1}, \param{const wxPoint\&}{ point2}}
+Draws a line from {\it point1} to {\it point2}.
+\func{void}{DrawLines}{\param{int}{ n}, \param{wxPoint\&}{ points[]}}
+Draws {\it n} lines.
+\func{void}{DrawPoint}{\param{const wxPoint\&}{ point}}
+Draws a point.
+\func{void}{DrawPolygon}{\param{int}{ n}, \param{wxPoint\&}{ points[]}, \param{int}{ flags = 0}}
+Draws a polygon. {\it flags} can be one or more of {\bf oglMETAFLAGS\_OUTLINE} (use this polygon for the drag outline)
+and {\bf oglMETAFLAGS\_ATTACHMENTS} (use the vertices of this polygon for attachments).
+\func{void}{DrawRectangle}{\param{const wxRect\&}{ rect}}
+Draws a rectangle.
+\func{void}{DrawRoundedRectangle}{\param{const wxRect\&}{ rect}, \param{double}{ radius}}
+Draws a rounded rectangle. {\it radius} is the corner radius. If {\it radius} is negative,
+it expresses the radius as a proportion of the smallest dimension of the rectangle.
+\func{void}{DrawSpline}{\param{int}{ n}, \param{wxPoint\&}{ points[]}}
+Draws a spline curve.
+\func{void}{DrawText}{\param{const wxString\&}{ text}, \param{const wxPoint\&}{ point}}
+Draws text at the given point.
+Returns the current orientation, which can be one of:
+\item oglDRAWN\_ANGLE\_0
+\item oglDRAWN\_ANGLE\_90
+\item oglDRAWN\_ANGLE\_180
+\item oglDRAWN\_ANGLE\_270
+See also \helpref{wxDrawnShape::DrawAtAngle}{wxdrawnshapedrawatangle}.
+\constfunc{wxPseudoMetaFile\& }{GetMetaFile}{\void}
+Returns a reference to the internal `pseudo-metafile'.
+Returns the current rotation of the shape in radians.
+\func{bool}{LoadFromMetaFile}{\param{const wxString\& }{filename}}
+Loads a (very simple) Windows metafile, created for example by Top Draw, the Windows shareware graphics package.
+\func{void}{Rotate}{\param{double }{x}, \param{double }{y}, \param{double }{theta}}
+Rotate about the given axis by the given amount in radians.
+\func{void}{SetClippingRect}{\param{const wxRect\&}{ rect}}
+Sets the clipping rectangle. See also \helpref{wxDrawnShape::DestroyClippingRect}{wxdrawnshapedestroyclippingrect}.
+\func{void}{SetDrawnBackgroundColour}{\param{const wxColour\&}{ colour}}
+Sets the current background colour for the current metafile.
+\func{void}{SetDrawnBackgroundMode}{\param{int}{ mode}}
+Sets the current background mode for the current metafile.
+\func{void}{SetDrawnBrush}{\param{wxPen*}{ pen}, \param{bool}{ isOutline = FALSE}}
+Sets the pen for this metafile. If {\it isOutline} is TRUE, this pen is taken to indicate the outline
+(and if the outline pen is changed for the whole shape, the pen will be replaced with the outline pen).
+\func{void}{SetDrawnFont}{\param{wxFont*}{ font}}
+Sets the current font for the current metafile.
+\func{void}{SetDrawnPen}{\param{wxPen*}{ pen}, \param{bool}{ isOutline = FALSE}}
+Sets the pen for this metafile. If {\it isOutline} is TRUE, this pen is taken to indicate the outline
+(and if the outline pen is changed for the whole shape, the pen will be replaced with the outline pen).
+\func{void}{SetDrawnTextColour}{\param{const wxColour\&}{ colour}}
+Sets the current text colour for the current metafile.
+\func{void}{Scale}{\param{double }{sx}, \param{double }{sy}}
+Scales the shape by the given amount.
+\func{void}{SetSaveToFile}{\param{bool }{save}}
+If {\it save} is TRUE, the image will be saved along with the shape's other attributes. The reason
+why this might not be desirable is that if there are many shapes with the same image, it would be
+more efficient for the application to save one copy, and not duplicate the information for every
+shape. The default is TRUE.
+\func{void}{Translate}{\param{double }{x}, \param{double }{y}}
+Translates the shape by the given amount.
+An wxEllipseShape whose width and height are the same.
+\wxheading{Derived from}
+\func{}{wxCircleShape}{\param{double}{ width = 0.0}}
+This is an object with a list of child objects, and a list of size
+and positioning constraints between the children.
+\wxheading{Derived from}
+\wxheading{See also}
+\helpref{wxCompositeShape overview}{compositeshapeoverview}
+\func{void}{AddChild}{\param{wxShape *}{child}, \param{wxShape *}{addAfter = NULL}}
+Adds a child shape to the composite. If {\it addAfter} is non-NULL, the shape will be added
+after this shape.
+\func{wxOGLConstraint *}{AddConstraint}{\param{wxOGLConstraint *}{constraint}}
+\func{wxOGLConstraint *}{AddConstraint}{\param{int}{ type}, \param{wxShape *}{constraining}, \param{wxList\&}{constrained}}
+\func{wxOGLConstraint *}{AddConstraint}{\param{int}{ type}, \param{wxShape *}{constraining}, \param{wxShape *}{constrained}}
+Adds a constraint to the composite.
+Calculates the size and position of the composite based on child sizes and positions.
+\func{bool}{FindContainerImage}{\param{wxDivisionShape *}{division}}
+Returns TRUE if {\it division} is a descendant of this container.
+\func{void}{DeleteConstraint}{\param{wxOGLConstraint *}{constraint}}
+Deletes constraint from composite.
+\func{void}{DeleteConstraintsInvolvingChild}{\param{wxShape *}{child}}
+This function deletes constraints which mention the given child. Used when
+deleting a child from the composite.
+\func{wxOGLConstraint *}{FindConstraint}{\param{long}{ id}, \param{wxCompositeShape **}{actualComposite}}
+Finds the constraint with the given id, also returning the actual composite the constraint was in,
+in case that composite was a descendant of this composite.
+\func{wxShape *}{FindContainerImage}{\void}
+Finds the image used to visualize a container. This is any child
+of the composite that is not in the divisions list.
+Returns a reference to the list of constraints.
+Returns a reference to the list of divisions.
+Makes this composite into a container by creating one child wxDivisionShape.
+\func{wxDivisionShape *}{OnCreateDivision}{\void}
+Called when a new division shape is required. Can be overriden to allow an application
+to use a different class of division.
+Recomputes any constraints associated with the object. If FALSE is returned,
+the constraints could not be satisfied (there was an inconsistency).
+\func{void}{RemoveChild}{\param{wxShape *}{child}}
+Removes the child from the composite and any constraint relationships, but does not
+delete the child.
+A wxDividedShape is a rectangle with a number of vertical divisions. Each
+division may have its text formatted with independent characteristics, and
+the size of each division relative to the whole image may be specified.
+\wxheading{Derived from}
+\wxheading{See also}
+\helpref{wxDividedShape overview}{dividedshapeoverview}
+\func{}{wxDividedShape}{\param{double}{ width = 0.0}, \param{double}{ height = 0.0}}
+Edit the region colours and styles.
+Set all region sizes according to proportions and
+this object total size.
+A division shape is like a composite in that it can contain further objects, but is used exclusively to
+divide another shape into regions, or divisions. A wxDivisionShape is never free-standing.
+\wxheading{Derived from}
+\wxheading{See also}
+\helpref{wxCompositeShape overview}{compositeshapeoverview}
+\func{void}{AdjustBottom}{\param{double}{ bottom}, \param{bool}{ test}}
+Adjust a side, returning FALSE if it's not physically possible to adjust it to this point.
+\func{void}{AdjustLeft}{\param{double}{ left}, \param{bool}{ test}}
+Adjust a side, returning FALSE if it's not physically possible to adjust it to this point.
+\func{void}{AdjustRight}{\param{double}{ right}, \param{bool}{ test}}
+Adjust a side, returning FALSE if it's not physically possible to adjust it to this point.
+\func{void}{AdjustTop}{\param{double}{ top}, \param{bool}{ test}}
+Adjust a side, returning FALSE if it's not physically possible to adjust it to this point.
+\func{void}{Divide}{\param{int}{ direction}}
+Divide this division into two further divisions, horizontally ({\it direction} is wxHORIZONTAL) or
+vertically ({\it direction} is wxVERTICAL).
+\func{void}{EditEdge}{\param{int}{ side}}
+Interactively edit style of left or top side.
+\func{wxDivisionShape *}{GetBottomSide}{\void}
+Returns a pointer to the division on the bottom side of this division.
+Returns the side which the handle appears on (DIVISION\_SIDE\_LEFT or DIVISION\_SIDE\_TOP).
+\func{wxDivisionShape *}{GetLeftSide}{\void}
+Returns a pointer to the division on the left side of this division.
+Returns a pointer to the colour used for drawing the left side of the division.
+\func{wxPen *}{GetLeftSidePen}{\void}
+Returns a pointer to the pen used for drawing the left side of the division.
+\func{wxDivisionShape *}{GetRightSide}{\void}
+Returns a pointer to the division on the right side of this division.
+\func{wxDivisionShape *}{GetTopSide}{\void}
+Returns a pointer to the division on the top side of this division.
+Returns a pointer to the colour used for drawing the top side of the division.
+\func{wxPen *}{GetTopSidePen}{\void}
+Returns a pointer to the pen used for drawing the left side of the division.
+\func{void}{ResizeAdjoining}{\param{int}{ side}, \param{double}{ newPos}, \param{bool}{ test}}
+Resize adjoining divisions at the given side. If {\it test} is TRUE,
+just see whether it's possible for each adjoining region,
+returning FALSE if it's not.
+{\it side} can be one of:
+\func{void}{PopupMenu}{\param{double}{ x}, \param{double}{ y}}
+Popup the division menu.
+\func{void}{SetBottomSide}{\param{wxDivisionShape *}{shape}}
+Set the pointer to the division on the bottom side of this division.
+Sets the side which the handle appears on (DIVISION\_SIDE\_LEFT or DIVISION\_SIDE\_TOP).
+\func{void}{SetLeftSide}{\param{wxDivisionShape *}{shape}}
+Set the pointer to the division on the left side of this division.
+\func{void}{SetLeftSideColour}{\param{const wxString\& }{colour}}
+Sets the colour for drawing the left side of the division.
+\func{void}{SetLeftSidePen}{\param{wxPen *}{pen}}
+Sets the pen for drawing the left side of the division.
+\func{void}{SetRightSide}{\param{wxDivisionShape *}{shape}}
+Set the pointer to the division on the right side of this division.
+\func{void}{SetTopSide}{\param{wxDivisionShape *}{shape}}
+Set the pointer to the division on the top side of this division.
+\func{void}{SetTopSideColour}{\param{const wxString\& }{colour}}
+Sets the colour for drawing the top side of the division.
+\func{void}{SetTopSidePen}{\param{wxPen *}{pen}}
+Sets the pen for drawing the top side of the division.
+The wxEllipseShape behaves similarly to the wxRectangleShape but is
+\wxheading{Derived from}
+\func{}{wxEllipseShape}{\param{double}{ width = 0.0}, \param{double}{ height = 0.0}}
+A wxLineShape may be attached to two nodes; it may be segmented, in which
+case a control point is drawn for each joint.
+A wxLineShape may have arrows at the beginning, end and centre.
+\wxheading{Derived from}
+Usually you will call \helpref{wxLineShape::MakeLineControlPoints}{wxlineshapemakelinecontrolpoints} to
+specify the number of segments in the line.
+\func{void}{AddArrow}{\param{WXTYPE}{ type}, \param{bool}{ end = ARROW\_POSITION\_END}, \param{double}{ arrowSize = 10.0},
+ \param{double}{ xOffset = 0.0}, \param{const wxString\& }{name = ""}, \param{wxPseudoMetaFile *}{mf = NULL}, \param{long}{ arrowId = -1}}
+Adds an arrow (or annotation) to the line.
+{\it type} may currently be one of:
+\item[ARROW\_HOLLOW\_CIRCLE] Hollow circle.
+\item[ARROW\_FILLED\_CIRCLE] Filled circle.
+\item[ARROW\_ARROW] Conventional arrowhead.
+\item[ARROW\_SINGLE\_OBLIQUE] Single oblique stroke.
+\item[ARROW\_DOUBLE\_OBLIQUE] Double oblique stroke.
+\item[ARROW\_DOUBLE\_METAFILE] Custom arrowhead.
+{\it end} may currently be one of:
+\item[ARROW\_POSITION\_END] Arrow appears at the end.
+\item[ARROW\_POSITION\_START] Arrow appears at the start.
+{\it arrowSize} specifies the length of the arrow.
+{\it xOffset} specifies the offset from the end of the line.
+{\it name} specifies a name for the arrow.
+{\it mf} can be a wxPseduoMetaFile, perhaps loaded from a simple Windows metafile.
+{\it arrowId} is the id for the arrow.
+\func{void}{AddArrowOrdered}{\param{wxArrowHead *}{arrow}, \param{wxList\&}{ referenceList}, \param{int}{ end}}
+Add an arrowhead in the position indicated by the reference
+list of arrowheads, which contains all legal arrowheads for this
+line, in the correct order.
+ Reference list: a b c d e
+ Current line list: a d
+Add c, then line list is: a c d.
+If no legal arrowhead position, return FALSE. Assume reference list is
+for one end only, since it potentially defines the ordering for any one
+of the 3 positions. So we don't check the reference list for arrowhead
+\func{bool}{ClearArrow}{\param{const wxString\& }{name}}
+Delete the arrow with the given name.
+\func{void}{ClearArrowsAtPosition}{\param{int}{ position = -1}}
+Delete the arrows at the specified position, or at any position if {\it position} is -1.
+\func{void}{DrawArrow}{\param{ArrowHead *}{arrow}, \param{double}{ xOffset}, \param{bool}{ proportionalOffset}}
+Draws the given arrowhead (or annotation).
+\func{bool}{DeleteArrowHead}{\param{long}{ arrowId}}
+\func{bool}{DeleteArrowHead}{\param{int}{ position}, \param{const wxString\& }{name}}
+Delete arrowhead by id or position and name.
+Deletes an arbitary point on the line.
+\func{void}{DrawArrows}{\param{wxDC\&}{ dc}}
+Draws all arrows.
+\func{void}{DrawRegion}{\param{wxDC\&}{ dc}, \param{wxShapeRegion *}{region}, \param{double}{ x}, \param{double}{ y}}
+Format one region at this position.
+\func{void}{EraseRegion}{\param{wxDC\&}{ dc}, \param{wxShapeRegion *}{region}, \param{double}{ x}, \param{double}{ y}}
+Format one region at this position.
+\func{wxArrowHead *}{FindArrowHead}{\param{long}{ arrowId}}
+\func{wxArrowHead *}{FindArrowHead}{\param{int}{ position}, \param{const wxString\& }{name}}
+Find arrowhead by id or position and name.
+\func{void}{FindLineEndPoints}{\param{double *}{fromX}, \param{double *}{fromY}, \param{double *}{toX}, \param{double *}{toY}}
+Finds the x, y points at the two ends of the line. This function can be
+used by e.g. line-routing routines to get the actual points on the two
+node images where the lines will be drawn to/from.
+\func{int}{FindLinePosition}{\param{double }{x}, \param{double }{y}}
+Find which position we're talking about at this x, y.
+Finds the horizontal width for drawing a line with arrows in minimum
+space. Assume arrows at end only.
+\func{void}{FindNth}{\param{wxShape *}{image}, \param{int *}{nth}, \param{int *}{noArcs}, \param{bool}{ incoming}}
+Finds the position of the line on the given object. Specify whether incoming or outgoing lines are
+being considered with {\it incoming}.
+Returns the attachment point on the `from' node.
+Returns the attachment point on the `to' node.
+\func{void}{GetEnds}{\param{double *}{x1}, \param{double *}{y1}, \param{double *}{x2}, \param{double *}{y2}}
+Gets the visible endpoints of the lines for drawing between two objects.
+\constfunc{wxShape *}{GetFrom}{\void}
+Gets the `from' object.
+\func{void}{GetLabelPosition}{\param{int}{ position}, \param{double *}{x}, \param{double *}{y}}
+Get the reference point for a label. Region x and y are offsets from this.
+position is 0 (middle), 1 (start), 2 (end).
+\func{wxPoint *}{GetNextControlPoint}{\param{wxShape *}{shape}}
+Find the next control point in the line after the start/end point,
+depending on whether the shape is at the start or end.
+\func{wxShape *}{GetTo}{\void}
+Gets the `to' object.
+Initialises the line object.
+Inserts a control point at an arbitrary position.
+\func{bool}{IsEnd}{\param{wxShape *}{shape}}
+Returns TRUE if {\it shape} is at the end of the line.
+Returns TRUE if a spline is drawn through the control points, and FALSE otherwise.
+\func{void}{MakeLineControlPoints}{\param{int}{ n}}
+Make a given number of control points (minimum of two).
+\func{void}{OnMoveLink}{\param{wxDC\&}{ dc}, \param{bool}{ moveControlPoints = TRUE}}
+Called when a connected object has moved, to move the link to
+correct position.
+\func{void}{SetAttachmentTo}{\param{int}{ fromAttach}}
+Sets the `from' shape attachment.
+\func{void}{SetAttachments}{\param{int}{ fromAttach}, \param{int}{ toAttach}}
+Specifies which object attachment points should be used at each end of the line.
+\func{void}{SetAttachmentTo}{\param{int}{ toAttach}}
+Sets the `to' shape attachment.
+\func{void}{SetEnds}{\param{double}{ x1}, \param{double}{ y1}, \param{double}{ x2}, \param{double}{ y2}}
+Sets the end positions of the line.
+\func{void}{SetFrom}{\param{wxShape *}{object}}
+Sets the `from' object for the line.
+\func{void}{SetIgnoreOffsets}{\param{bool}{ ignore}}
+Tells the shape whether to ignore offsets from the end of the line when drawing.
+\func{void}{SetSpline}{\param{bool}{ spline}}
+Specifies whether a spline is to be drawn through the control points (TRUE), or a line (FALSE).
+\func{void}{SetTo}{\param{wxShape *}{object}}
+Sets the `to' object for the line.
+\func{void}{Straighten}{\param{wxDC*}{ dc = NULL}}
+Straighten verticals and horizontals. {\it dc} is optional.
+Unlinks the line from the nodes at either end.
+A wxPolygonShape's shape is defined by a number of points passed to the object's
+constructor. It can be used to create new shapes such as diamonds and triangles.
+\wxheading{Derived from}
+Constructor. Call \helpref{wxPolygonShape::Create}{wxpolygonshapecreate} to specify the polygon's vertices.
+\func{void}{Create}{\param{wxList*}{ points}}
+Takes a list of wxRealPoints; each point is an {\it offset} from the centre.
+The polygon's destructor will delete these points, so do not delete them yourself.
+\func{void}{AddPolygonPoint}{\param{int}{ pos = 0}}
+Add a control point after the given point.
+Recalculates the centre of the polygon.
+\func{void}{DeletePolygonPoint}{\param{int}{ pos = 0}}
+Deletes a control point.
+\func{wxList *}{GetPoints}{\void}
+Returns a pointer to the internal list of polygon vertices (wxRealPoints).
+If we've changed the shape, must make the original
+points match the working points with this function.
+The wxRectangleShape has rounded or square corners.
+\wxheading{Derived from}
+\func{}{wxRectangleShape}{\param{double}{ width = 0.0}, \param{double}{ height = 0.0}}
+\func{void}{SetCornerRadius}{\param{double}{ radius}}
+Sets the radius of the rectangle's rounded corners. If the radius is zero, a non-rounded
+rectangle will be drawn. If the radius is negative, the value is the proportion of the
+smaller dimension of the rectangle.
+A simple metafile-like class which can load data from a Windows metafile on all platforms.
+\wxheading{Derived from}
+The wxShape is the top-level, abstract object that all other
+objects are derived from. All common functionality is represented by
+wxShape's members, and overriden members that appear in derived
+classes and have behaviour as documented for wxShape, are not
+documented separately.
+\wxheading{Derived from}
+\func{}{wxShape}{\param{wxShapeCanvas*}{ canvas = NULL}}
+Constructs a new wxShape.
+\func{void}{AddLine}{\param{wxLineShape*}{ line}, \param{wxShape*}{ other}, \param{int}{ attachFrom = 0}, \param{int}{ attachTo = 0},
+ \param{int}{ positionFrom = -1}, \param{int}{ positionTo = -1}}
+Adds a line between the specified canvas shapes, at the specified attachment points.
+The position in the list of lines at each end can also be specified, so that the line will be drawn
+at a particular point on its attachment point.
+\func{void}{AddRegion}{\param{wxShapeRegion*}{ region}}
+Adds a region to the shape.
+\func{void}{AddText}{\param{const wxString\& }{string}}
+Adds a line of text to the shape's default text region.
+\func{void}{AddToCanvas}{\param{wxShapeCanvas*}{ theCanvas}, \param{wxShape*}{ addAfter=NULL}}
+Adds the shape to the canvas's shape list. If {\it addAfter} is
+non-NULL, will add the shape after this one.
+TRUE if the shape's ancestor is currently selected.
+\func{void}{ApplyAttachmentOrdering}{\param{wxList\&}{ linesToSort}}
+Applies the line ordering in {\it linesToSort} to the shape, to reorder the way lines are attached.
+Assigns new ids to this image and its children.
+\func{void}{Attach}{\param{wxShapeCanvas*}{ can}}
+Sets the shape's internal canvas pointer to point to the given canvas.
+\constfunc{bool}{AttachmentIsValid}{\param{int}{ attachment}}
+Returns TRUE if {\it attachment} is a valid attachment point.
+\constfunc{bool}{AttachmentSortTest}{\param{int}{ attachment}, \param{const wxRealPoint\&}{ pt1},
+ \param{const wxRealPoint\&}{ pt2}}
+Returns TRUE if {\it pt1} is less than or equal to {\it pt2}, in the sense
+that one point comes before another on an edge of the shape. {\it attachment} is
+the attachment point (side) in question.
+This function is used in \helpref{wxShape::MoveLineToNewAttachment}{wxshapemovelinetonewattachment} to
+determine the new line ordering.
+\func{wxRealPoint}{CalcSimpleAttachment}{\param{const wxRealPoint\&}{ pt1},
+ \param{const wxRealPoint\&}{ pt2}, \param{int}{ nth}, \param{int}{ noArcs}, \param{wxLineShape*}{ line}}
+Assuming the attachment lies along a vertical or horizontal line,
+calculates the position on that point.
+\docparam{pt1}{The first point of the line repesenting the edge of the shape.}
+\docparam{pt2}{The second point of the line representing the edge of the shape.}
+\docparam{nth}{The position on the edge (for example there may be 6 lines at this attachment point,
+and this may be the 2nd line.}
+\docparam{noArcs}{The number of lines at this edge.}
+\docparam{line}{The line shape.}
+This function expects the line to be either vertical or horizontal, and determines which.
+Called to calculate the shape's size if dependent on children sizes.
+Clears internal custom attachment point shapes (of class wxAttachmentPoint).
+Clears the wxShapeRegions from the shape.
+\func{void}{ClearText}{\param{int}{ regionId = 0}}
+Clears the text from the specified text region.
+Calculates the shape's constraints (if any). Applicable
+only to wxCompositeShape, does nothing if the shape is of
+a different class.
+\func{void}{Copy}{\param{wxShape\&}{ copy}}
+Copy this shape into {\it copy}. Every derived class must have one of these, and each Copy implementation
+must call the derived class's implementation to ensure everything is copied. See also \helpref{wxShape::CreateNewCopy}{wxshapecreatenewcopy}.
+\func{wxShape* }{CreateNewCopy}{\param{bool}{ resetMapping = TRUE}, \param{bool}{ recompute = TRUE}}
+Creates and returns a new copy of this shape (calling \helpref{wxShape::Copy}{wxshapecopy}). Do not override this function.
+This function should always be used to create a new copy, since it must do special processing
+for copying constraints associated with constraints.
+If {\it resetMapping} is TRUE, a mapping table used for complex shapes is reset; this may not be desirable
+if the shape being copied is a child of a composite (and so the mapping table is in use).
+If {\it recompute} is TRUE, \helpref{wxShape::Recompute}{wxshaperecompute} is called for the new shape.
+This function uses the wxWindows dynamic object creation system to create a new shape of the same
+type as `this', before calling Copy.
+If the event handler for this shape is not the same as the shape itself, the event handler is also copied
+using \helpref{wxShapeEvtHandler::CreateNewCopy}{wxshapeevthandlercreatenewcopy}.
+Deletes the control points (or handles) for the shape. Does not redraw
+the shape.
+Disassociates the shape from its canvas by setting the internal shape
+canvas pointer to NULL.
+TRUE if the shape may be dragged by the user.
+\func{void}{Draw}{\param{wxDC\&}{ dc}}
+Draws the whole shape and any lines attached to it.
+Do not override this function: override OnDraw, which is called
+by this function.
+\func{void}{DrawContents}{\param{wxDC\&}{ dc}}
+Draws the internal graphic of the shape (such as
+Do not override this function: override OnDrawContents, which is called
+by this function.
+\func{void}{DrawLinks}{\param{wxDC\&}{ dc}, \param{int}{ attachment = -1}}
+Draws any lines linked to this shape.
+\func{void}{Erase}{\param{wxDC\&}{ dc}}
+Erases the shape, but does not repair damage caused to other
+\func{void}{EraseContents}{\param{wxDC\&}{ dc}}
+Erases the shape contents, that is, the area within the shape's
+minimum bounding box.
+\func{void}{EraseLinks}{\param{wxDC\&}{ dc}, \param{int}{ attachment = -1}}
+Erases links attached to this shape, but does not repair
+damage caused to other shapes.
+\func{wxShape *}{FindRegion}{\param{const wxString\& }{regionName}, \param{int *}{regionId}}
+Finds the actual image (`this' if non-composite) and region id for the given
+region name.
+\func{void}{FindRegionNames}{\param{wxStringList\&}{ list}}
+Finds all region names for this image (composite or simple).
+Supply an empty string list.
+Flashes the shape.
+\func{void}{FormatText}{\param{const wxString\& }{s}, \param{int}{ i = 0}}
+Reformats the given text region; defaults to formatting the default region.
+Returns the attachment mode, which is TRUE if attachments are used, FALSE otherwise (in which case
+lines will be drawn as if to the centre of the shape). See \helpref{wxShape::SetAttachmentMode}{wxshapesetattachmentmode}.
+\func{bool}{GetAttachmentPosition}{\param{int}{ attachment}, \param{double*}{ x}, \param{double*}{ y},
+ \param{int}{ nth = 0}, \param{int}{ noArcs = 1}, \param{wxLineShape*}{ line = NULL}}
+Gets the position at which the given attachment point should be drawn.
+If {\it attachment} isn't found among the attachment points of the shape, returns FALSE.
+\func{void}{GetBoundingBoxMax}{\param{double *}{width}, \param{double *}{height}}
+Gets the maximum bounding box for the shape, taking into
+account external features such as shadows.
+\func{void}{GetBoundingBoxMin}{\param{double *}{width}, \param{double *}{height}}
+Gets the minimum bounding box for the shape, that defines
+the area available for drawing the contents (such as text).
+Returns the brush used for filling the shape.
+Gets the internal canvas pointer.
+Returns TRUE if the shape is to be resized from the centre (the centre
+stands still), or FALSE if from the corner or side being dragged (the
+other corner or side stands still).
+Returns a reference to the list of children for this shape.
+Gets the client data associated with the shape (NULL if there is
+Returns TRUE if the default region will not be shown, FALSE otherwise.
+Returns the event handler for this shape.
+Returns TRUE if the shape cannot be resized in the vertical plane.
+\func{void}{GetFixedSize}{\param{bool *}{ x}, \param{bool *}{ y}}
+Returns flags indicating whether the shape is of fixed size in either direction.
+Returns TRUE if the shape cannot be resized in the horizontal plane.
+\constfunc{wxFont*}{GetFont}{\param{int}{ regionId = 0}}
+Gets the font for the specified text region.
+Gets a string representing the type of the shape, to be used when
+writing out shape descriptions to a file. This is overridden by
+each derived shape class to provide an appropriate type string. By default,
+"node\_image" is used for non-line shapes, and "arc\_image" for lines.
+Returns the integer identifier for this shape.
+\func{int}{GetLinePosition}{\param{wxLineShape*}{ line}}
+Gets the zero-based position of {\it line} in the list of lines for this shape.
+Returns a reference to the list of lines connected to this shape.
+If returns TRUE, resizing the shape will not change the aspect ratio
+(width and height will be in the original proportion).
+Gets the number of attachment points for this shape.
+Gets the number of text regions for this shape.
+\constfunc{wxShape *}{GetParent}{\void}
+Returns the parent of this shape, if it is part of a composite.
+Returns the pen used for drawing the shape's outline.
+\func{bool}{GetPerimeterPoint}{\param{double}{ x1}, \param{double}{ y1}, \param{double}{ x2}, \param{double}{ y2}, \param{double *}{x3}, \param{double *}{y3}}
+Gets the point at which the line from (x1, y1) to (x2, y2) hits the shape. Returns TRUE if the
+line hits the perimeter.
+\func{int}{GetRegionId}{\param{const wxString\& }{name}}
+Gets the region's identifier by name. This is {\it not} unique for within an entire composite, but
+is unique for the image.
+\func{wxString}{GetRegionName}{\param{int}{ regionId = 0}}
+Gets the region's name. A region's name can be used to uniquely determine a region within
+an entire composite image hierarchy. See also \helpref{wxShape::SetRegionName}{wxshapesetregionname}.
+Returns the list of wxShapeRegions.
+Returns the angle of rotation in radians.
+Returns the sensitivity filter, a bitlist of values. See \helpref{wxShape::SetSensitivityFilter}{wxshapesetsensitivityfilter}.
+Returns the shadow mode. See \helpref{wxShape::SetShadowMode}{wxshapesetshadowmode}.
+Indicates whether lines should be spaced out evenly at the point they touch the node (TRUE), or whether they
+should join at a single point (FALSE).
+\constfunc{wxString}{GetTextColour}{\param{int}{ regionId = 0}}
+Gets the colour for the specified text region.
+\constfunc{wxShape *}{GetTopAncestor}{\void}
+Returns the top-most ancestor of this shape (the root of the composite).
+Gets the x position of the centre of the shape.
+Gets the y position of the centre of the shape.
+\func{bool}{HitTest}{\param{double}{ x}, \param{double}{ y}, \param{int*}{ attachment}, \param{double*}{ distance}}
+Given a point on a canvas, returns TRUE if the point was on the shape, and returns
+the nearest attachment point and distance from the given point and target.
+\func{void}{InsertInCanvas}{\param{wxShapeCanvas*}{ canvas}}
+Inserts the shape at the front of the shape list of {\it canvas}.
+Returns TRUE if the shape is highlighted. Shape highlighting is unimplemented.
+Returns TRUE if the shape is in a visible state, FALSE otherwise. Note
+that this has nothing to do with whether the window is hidden or the
+shape has scrolled off the canvas; it refers to the internal
+visibility flag.
+Make a list of control points (draggable handles) appropriate to the shape.
+Make the mandatory control points. For example, the control point on a dividing line should
+appear even if the divided rectangle shape's handles should not appear (because it is the child of
+a composite, and children are not resizable).
+\func{void}{Move}{\param{wxDC\&}{ dc}, \param{double}{ x1}, \param{double}{ y1}, \param{bool}{ display = TRUE}}
+Move the shape to the given position, redrawing if {\it display} is TRUE.
+\func{void}{MoveLineToNewAttachment}{\param{wxDC\&}{ dc}, \param{wxLineShape*}{ toMove}, \param{double}{ x}, \param{double}{ y}}
+Move the given line (which must already be attached to the shape) to
+a different attachment point on the shape, or a different order on the same attachment.
+Cals \helpref{wxShape::AttachmentSortTest}{wxshapeattachmentsorttest} and then \helpref{wxShapeEvtHandler::OnChangeAttachment}{wxshapeevthandleronchangeattachment}.
+\func{void}{MoveLinks}{\param{wxDC\&}{ dc}}
+Redraw all the lines attached to the shape.
+\func{void}{NameRegions}{\param{const wxString\& }{parentName = ``"}}
+Make unique names for all the regions in a shape or composite shape.
+\func{void}{Rotate}{\param{double }{x}, \param{double }{y}, \param{double }{theta}}
+Rotate about the given axis by the given amount in radians (does nothing
+for most shapes). But even non-rotating shapes should record their
+notional rotation in case it's important (e.g. in dog-leg code).
+\func{void}{ReadConstraints}{\param{wxExpr *}{clause}, \param{wxExprDatabase *}{database}}
+If the shape is a composite, it may have constraints that need to be read in in a separate pass.
+\func{void}{ReadAttributes}{\param{wxExpr*}{ clause}}
+Reads the attributes (data member values) from the given expression.
+\func{void}{ReadRegions}{\param{wxExpr *}{clause}}
+Reads in the regions.
+Does recentring (or other formatting) for all the text regions for this shape.
+\func{void}{RemoveFromCanvas}{\param{wxShapeCanvas*}{ canvas}}
+Removes the shape from the canvas.
+Resets the positions of the control points (for instance when the
+shape's shape has changed).
+Reset the mandatory control points. For example, the control point on a dividing line should
+appear even if the divided rectangle shape's handles should not appear (because it is the child of
+a composite, and children are not resizable).
+Recomputes any constraints associated with the shape (normally
+applicable to wxCompositeShapes only, but harmless for other
+classes of shape).
+\func{void}{RemoveLine}{\param{wxLineShape*}{ line}}
+Removes the given line from the shape's list of attached lines.
+\func{void}{Select}{\param{bool}{ select = TRUE}}
+Selects or deselects the given shape, drawing or erasing control points
+(handles) as necessary.
+TRUE if the shape is currently selected.
+\func{void}{SetAttachmentMode}{\param{bool}{ flag}}
+Sets the attachment mode to TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, attachment points
+will be significant when drawing lines to and from this shape.
+If FALSE, lines will be drawn as if to the centre of the shape.
+\func{void}{SetBrush}{\param{wxBrush *}{brush}}
+Sets the brush for filling the shape's shape.
+\func{void}{SetCanvas}{\param{wxShapeCanvas*}{ theCanvas}}
+Identical to \helpref{wxShape::Attach}{wxshapesetcanvas}.
+\func{void}{SetCentreResize}{\param{bool}{ cr}}
+Specify whether the shape is to be resized from the centre (the centre stands still) or from the corner or side
+being dragged (the other corner or side stands still).
+\func{void}{SetClientData}{\param{wxObject *}{clientData}}
+Sets the client data.
+Set the default region to be consistent with the shape size.
+\func{void}{SetDisableLabel}{\param{bool}{ flag}}
+Set {\it flag} to TRUE to stop the default region being shown, FALSE otherwise.
+\func{void}{SetDraggable}{\param{bool}{ drag}, \param{bool}{ recursive = FALSE}}
+Sets the shape to be draggable or not draggable.
+\func{void}{SetDrawHandles}{\param{bool}{ drawH}}
+Sets the {\it drawHandles} flag for this shape and all descendants. If {\it drawH} is TRUE (the default),
+any handles (control points) will be drawn. Otherwise, the handles will not be drawn.
+\func{void}{GetEventHandler}{\param{wxShapeEvtHandler *}{handler}}
+Sets the event handler for this shape.
+\func{void}{SetFixedSize}{\param{bool}{ x}, \param{bool}{ y}}
+Sets the shape to be of the given, fixed size.
+\func{void}{SetFont}{\param{wxFont *}{font}, \param{int}{ regionId = 0}}
+Sets the font for the specified text region.
+\func{void}{SetFormatMode}{\param{int}{ mode}, \param{int}{ regionId = 0}}
+Sets the format mode of the default text region. The argument can be a bit list
+of the following:
+\item[FORMAT\_NONE] No formatting.
+\item[FORMAT\_CENTRE\_HORIZ] Horizontal centring.
+\item[FORMAT\_CENTRE\_VERT] Vertical centring.
+\func{void}{SetHighlight}{\param{bool}{ hi}, \param{bool}{ recurse = FALSE}}
+Sets the highlight for a shape. Shape highlighting is unimplemented.
+\func{void}{SetId}{\param{long}{ id}}
+Set the integer identifier for this shape.
+\func{void}{SetMaintainAspectRatio}{\param{bool}{ flag}}
+If the argument is TRUE, tells the shape that resizes should not change the aspect ratio
+(width and height should be in the original proportion).
+\func{void}{SetPen}{\param{wxPen *}{pen}}
+Sets the pen for drawing the shape's outline.
+\func{void}{SetRegionName}{\param{const wxString\& }{name}, \param{int}{ regionId = 0}}
+Sets the name for this region. The name for a region is unique within the scope of the whole
+composite, whereas a region id is unique only for a single image.
+\func{void}{SetSensitivityFilter}{\param{int}{ sens=OP\_ALL}, \param{bool}{ recursive = FALSE}}
+Sets the shape to be sensitive or insensitive to specific mouse operations.
+{\it sens} is a bitlist of the following:
+\item OP\_CLICK\_LEFT
+\item OP\_DRAG\_LEFT
+\item OP\_DRAG\_RIGHT
+\item OP\_ALL (equivalent to a combination of all the above).
+\func{void}{SetShadowMode}{\param{int}{ mode}, \param{bool}{ redraw = FALSE}}
+Sets the shadow mode (whether a shadow is drawn or not). {\it mode} can be one of
+the following:
+\item[SHADOW\_NONE] No shadow (the default).
+\item[SHADOW\_LEFT] Shadow on the left side.
+\item[SHADOW\_RIGHT] Shadow on the right side.
+\func{void}{SetSize}{\param{double}{ x}, \param{double}{ y}, \param{bool}{ recursive = TRUE}}
+Sets the shape's size.
+\func{void}{SetSpaceAttachments}{\param{bool}{ sp}}
+Indicate whether lines should be spaced out evenly at the point they touch the node (TRUE), or whether they
+should join at a single point (FALSE).
+\func{void}{SetTextColour}{\param{const wxString\& }{colour}, \param{int}{ regionId = 0}}
+Sets the colour for the specified text region.
+\func{void}{SetX}{\param{double}{ x}}
+Sets the {\it x} position of the shape.
+\func{void}{SetY}{\param{double}{ y}}
+Sets the {\it y} position of the shape.
+\func{void}{SpaceAttachments}{\param{bool}{ sp}}
+Sets the spacing mode: if TRUE, lines at the same attachment point will be
+spaced evenly across that side of the shape. If false, all lines at the
+same attachment point will emanate from the same point.
+\func{void}{Show}{\param{bool}{ show}}
+Sets a flag indicating whether the shape should be drawn.
+If the shape is a line, unlinks the nodes attached to the shape, removing itself from the list of
+lines for each of the `to' and `from' nodes.
+\func{void}{WriteAttributes}{\param{wxExpr *}{clause}}
+Writes the shape's attributes (data member values) into the given expression.
+\func{void}{WriteRegions}{\param{wxExpr *}{clause}}
+Writes the regions.
+A canvas for drawing diagrams on.
+\wxheading{Derived from}
+\wxheading{See also}
+\func{}{wxShapeCanvas}{\param{wxWindow*}{ parent = NULL}, \param{wxWindowID}{ id = -1},
+ \param{const wxPoint\&}{ pos = wxDefaultPosition}, \param{const wxSize\&}{ size = wxDefaultSize},
+ \param{long}{ style = wxBORDER}}
+\func{void}{AddShape}{\param{wxShape *}{shape}, \param{wxShape *}{addAfter = NULL}}
+Adds a shape to the diagram. If {\it addAfter} is non-NULL, the shape will be added after this
+\func{wxShape *}{FindShape}{\param{double}{ x1}, \param{double}{ y}, \param{int *}{attachment}, \param{wxClassInfo *}{info = NULL},
+ \param{wxShape *}{notImage = NULL}}
+Find a shape under this mouse click. Returns the shape (or NULL), and the nearest attachment point.
+If {\it info} is non-NULL, a shape whose class which is a descendant of the desired class is found.
+If {\it notImage} is non-NULL, shapes which are descendants of {\it notImage} are ignored.
+\func{wxShape *}{FindFirstSensitiveShape}{\param{double}{ x1}, \param{double}{ y}, \param{int *}{attachment}, \param{int}{ op}}
+Finds the first sensitive shape whose sensitivity filter matches {\it op}, working up the hierarchy of composites until
+one (or none) is found.
+Returns the canvas associated with this diagram.
+Returns the grid spacing.
+Returns the tolerance within which a mouse move is ignored.
+Returns a pointer to the internal shape list.
+Returns quick edit mode for the associated diagram.
+\func{void}{InsertShape}{\param{wxShape*}{ shape}}
+Inserts a shape at the front of the shape list.
+\func{void}{OnBeginDragLeft}{\param{double}{ x}, \param{double}{ y}, \param{int}{ keys = 0}}
+Called when the start of a left-button drag event on the canvas background is detected by OnEvent. You may override this member;
+by default it does nothing.
+{\it keys} is a bit list of the following:
+\item KEY\_SHIFT
+\item KEY\_CTRL
+See also \helpref{wxShapeCanvas::OnDragLeft}{wxshapecanvasondragleft}, \helpref{wxShapeCanvas::OnEndDragLeft}{wxshapecanvasonenddragleft}.
+\func{void}{OnBeginDragRight}{\param{double}{ x}, \param{double}{ y}, \param{int}{ keys = 0}}
+Called when the start of a right-button drag event on the canvas background is detected by OnEvent. You may override this member;
+by default it does nothing.
+{\it keys} is a bit list of the following:
+\item KEY\_SHIFT
+\item KEY\_CTRL
+See also \helpref{wxShapeCanvas::OnDragRight}{wxshapecanvasondragright}, \helpref{wxShapeCanvas::OnEndDragRight}{wxshapecanvasonenddragright}.
+\func{void}{OnEndDragLeft}{\param{double}{ x}, \param{double}{ y}, \param{int}{ keys = 0}}
+Called when the end of a left-button drag event on the canvas background is detected by OnEvent. You may override this member;
+by default it does nothing.
+{\it keys} is a bit list of the following:
+\item KEY\_SHIFT
+\item KEY\_CTRL
+See also \helpref{wxShapeCanvas::OnDragLeft}{wxshapecanvasondragleft}, \helpref{wxShapeCanvas::OnBeginDragLeft}{wxshapecanvasonbegindragleft}.
+\func{void}{OnEndDragRight}{\param{double}{ x}, \param{double}{ y}, \param{int}{ keys = 0}}
+Called when the end of a right-button drag event on the canvas background is detected by OnEvent. You may override this member;
+by default it does nothing.
+{\it keys} is a bit list of the following:
+\item KEY\_SHIFT
+\item KEY\_CTRL
+See also \helpref{wxShapeCanvas::OnDragRight}{wxshapecanvasondragright}, \helpref{wxShapeCanvas::OnBeginDragRight}{wxshapecanvasonbegindragright}.
+\func{void}{OnDragLeft}{\param{bool}{ draw}, \param{double}{ x}, \param{double}{ y}, \param{int}{ keys = 0}}
+Called when a left-button drag event on the canvas background is detected by OnEvent. You may override this member;
+by default it does nothing.
+{\it draw} is alternately TRUE and FALSE, to assist drawing and erasing.
+{\it keys} is a bit list of the following:
+\item KEY\_SHIFT
+\item KEY\_CTRL
+See also \helpref{wxShapeCanvas::OnBeginDragLeft}{wxshapecanvasonbegindragleft}, \helpref{wxShapeCanvas::OnEndDragLeft}{wxshapecanvasonenddragleft}.
+\func{void}{OnDragRight}{\param{bool}{ draw}, \param{double}{ x}, \param{double}{ y}, \param{int}{ keys = 0}}
+Called when a right-button drag event on the canvas background is detected by OnEvent. You may override this member;
+by default it does nothing.
+{\it draw} is alternately TRUE and FALSE, to assist drawing and erasing.
+{\it keys} is a bit list of the following:
+\item KEY\_SHIFT
+\item KEY\_CTRL
+See also \helpref{wxShapeCanvas::OnBeginDragRight}{wxshapecanvasonbegindragright}, \helpref{wxShapeCanvas::OnEndDragRight}{wxshapecanvasonenddragright}.
+\func{void}{OnLeftClick}{\param{double}{ x}, \param{double}{ y}, \param{int}{ keys = 0}}
+Called when a left click event on the canvas background is detected by OnEvent. You may override this member;
+by default it does nothing.
+{\it keys} is a bit list of the following:
+\item KEY\_SHIFT
+\item KEY\_CTRL
+\func{void}{OnRightClick}{\param{double}{ x}, \param{double}{ y}, \param{int}{ keys = 0}}
+Called when a right click event on the canvas background is detected by OnEvent. You may override this member;
+by default it does nothing.
+{\it keys} is a bit list of the following:
+\item KEY\_SHIFT
+\item KEY\_CTRL
+Calls wxDiagram::Redraw.
+\func{void}{RemoveShape}{\param{wxShape *}{shape}}
+Calls wxDiagram::RemoveShape.
+\func{void}{SetDiagram}{\param{wxDiagram *}{diagram}}
+Sets the diagram associated with this diagram.
+\func{void}{Snap}{\param{double *}{x}, \param{double *}{y}}
+Calls wxDiagram::Snap.
+wxShapeEvtHandler is a class from which wxShape (and therefore all shape classes) are derived.
+A wxShape also contains a pointer to its current wxShapeEvtHandler. Event handlers
+can be swapped in and out, altering the behaviour of a shape. This allows, for example,
+a range of behaviours to be redefined in one class, rather than requiring
+each shape class to be subclassed.
+\wxheading{Derived from}
+Pointer to the shape associated with this handler.
+Pointer to the previous handler.
+\func{void}{wxShapeEvtHandler}{\param{wxShapeEvtHandler *}{previous = NULL}, \param{wxShape *}{shape = NULL}}
+Constructs a new event handler.
+\func{void}{CopyData}{\param{wxShapeEvtHandler\&}{ handler}}
+A virtual function to copy the data from this object to {\it handler}. Override if you
+derive from wxShapeEvtHandler and have data to copy.
+Creates a new event handler object of the same class as this object, and then
+calls \helpref{wxShapeEvtHandler::CopyData}{wxshapeevthandlercopydata}.
+Returns the previous handler.
+Returns the shape associated with this handler.
+\func{void}{OnBeginDragLeft}{\param{double}{ x}, \param{double}{ y}, \param{int}{ keys=0}, \param{int}{ attachment = 0}}
+Called when the user is beginning to drag using the left mouse button.
+\func{void}{OnBeginDragRight}{\param{double}{ x}, \param{double}{ y}, \param{int}{ keys=0}, \param{int}{ attachment = 0}}
+Called when the user is beginning to drag using the right mouse button.
+\func{void}{OnBeginSize}{\param{double}{ width}, \param{double}{ height}}
+Called when a shape starts to be resized.
+\func{void}{OnChangeAttachment}{\param{int}{ attachment}, \param{wxLineShape*}{ line}, \param{wxList\&}{ ordering}}
+Override this to prevent or intercept line reordering. wxShape's implementation of this function
+calls \helpref{wxShape::ApplyAttachmentOrdering}{wxshapeapplyattachmentordering} to apply
+the new ordering.
+\func{void}{OnDragLeft}{\param{bool}{ draw}, \param{double}{ x}, \param{double}{ y}, \param{int}{ keys=0}, \param{int}{ attachment = 0}}
+Called twice when the shape is being dragged, once to allow erasing the old
+image, and again to allow drawing at the new position.
+\func{void}{OnDragRight}{\param{bool}{ draw}, \param{double}{ x}, \param{double}{ y}, \param{int}{ keys=0}, \param{int}{ attachment = 0}}
+Called twice when the shape is being dragged, once to allow erasing the old
+image, and again to allow drawing at the new position.
+\func{void}{OnDraw}{\param{wxDC\&}{ dc}}
+Defined for each class to draw the main graphic, but
+not the contents.
+\func{void}{OnDrawContents}{\param{wxDC\&}{ dc}}
+Defined for each class to draw the contents of the
+shape, such as text.
+\func{void}{OnDrawControlPoints}{\param{wxDC\&}{ dc}}
+Called when the shape's control points (handles) should
+be drawn.
+\func{void}{OnDrawOutline}{\param{wxDC\&}{ dc}}
+Called when the outline of the shape should be drawn.
+\func{void}{OnEndDragLeft}{\param{double}{ x}, \param{double}{ y}, \param{int}{ keys=0}, \param{int}{ attachment = 0}}
+Called when the user is stopping dragging using the left mouse button.
+\func{void}{OnEndDragRight}{\param{double}{ x}, \param{double}{ y}, \param{int}{ keys=0}, \param{int}{ attachment = 0}}
+Called when the user is stopping dragging using the right mouse button.
+\func{void}{OnEndSize}{\param{double}{ width}, \param{double}{ height}}
+Called after a shape is resized.
+\func{void}{OnErase}{\param{wxDC\&}{ dc}}
+Called when the whole shape should be erased.
+\func{void}{OnEraseContents}{\param{wxDC\&}{ dc}}
+Called when the contents should be erased.
+\func{void}{OnEraseControlPoints}{\param{wxDC\&}{ dc}}
+Called when the shape's control points (handles) should
+be erased.
+\func{void}{OnHighlight}{\param{wxDC\&}{ dc}}
+Called when the shape should be highlighted.
+\func{void}{OnLeftClick}{\param{double}{ x}, \param{double}{ y}, \param{int}{ keys =0}, \param{int}{ attachment = 0}}
+Called when the shape receives a left mouse click event.
+\func{void}{OnMoveLink}{\param{wxDC\&}{ dc}, \param{bool}{ moveControlPoints=TRUE}}
+Called when the line attached to an shape need to be repositioned,
+because the shape has moved.
+\func{void}{OnMoveLinks}{\param{wxDC\&}{ dc}}
+Called when the lines attached to an shape need to be repositioned,
+because the shape has moved.
+\func{bool}{OnMovePost}{\param{wxDC\&}{ dc}, \param{double}{ x}, \param{double}{ y}, \param{double}{ oldX}, \param{double}{ oldY}, \param{bool}{ display = TRUE}}
+Called just after the shape receives a move request.
+\func{bool}{OnMovePre}{\param{wxDC\&}{ dc}, \param{double}{ x}, \param{double}{ y}, \param{double}{ oldX}, \param{double}{ oldY}, \param{bool}{ display = TRUE}}
+Called just before the shape receives a move request. Returning TRUE
+allows the move to be processed; returning FALSE vetoes the move.
+\func{void}{OnRightClick}{\param{double}{ x}, \param{double}{ y}, \param{int}{ keys = 0}, \param{int}{ attachment = 0}}
+Called when the shape receives a mouse mouse click event.
+\func{void}{OnSize}{\param{double}{ x}, \param{double}{ y}}
+Called when the shape receives a resize request.
+\func{void}{OnSizingBeginDragLeft}{\param{wxControlPoint*}{ pt}, \param{double}{ x}, \param{double}{ y}, \param{int}{ keys=0}, \param{int}{ attachment = 0}}
+Called when a sizing drag is beginning.
+\func{void}{OnSizingDragLeft}{\param{wxControlPoint*}{ pt}, \param{bool}{ draw}, \param{double}{ x}, \param{double}{ y}, \param{int}{ keys=0}, \param{int}{ attachment = 0}}
+Called when a sizing drag is occurring.
+\func{void}{OnSizingEndDragLeft}{\param{wxControlPoint*}{ pt}, \param{double}{ x}, \param{double}{ y}, \param{int}{ keys=0}, \param{int}{ attachment = 0}}
+Called when a sizing drag is ending.
+\func{void}{SetPreviousHandler}{\param{wxShapeEvtHandler*}{ handler}}
+Sets the previous handler.
+\func{void}{SetShape}{\param{wxShape*}{ shape}}
+Sets the shape for this handler.
+As wxRectangleShape, but only the text is displayed.
+\wxheading{Derived from}
+\func{void}{wxTextShape}{\param{double}{ width = 0.0}, \param{double}{ height = 0.0}}
+These are the OGL functions.
+Initializes OGL.
+Cleans up OGL.