4 # set the OS type for compilation
6 # compile a library only
15 # define library sources
17 g711.cpp g721.cpp g723_24.cpp g723_40.cpp g72x.cpp
20 mmdata.cpp mmfile.cpp mmsolve.cpp sndsnd.cpp sndfrmt.cpp sndpcm.cpp \
21 snduss.cpp sndfile.cpp sndwav.cpp mmriff.cpp vidbase.cpp vidxanm.cpp \
22 cdbase.cpp cdunix.cpp sndaiff.cpp sndmulaw.cpp sndau.cpp
24 LIB_SRC= $(ADPCM_SRC:%.cpp=adpcm/%.cpp) $(MMEDIA_SRC)
26 #define library objects
30 #additional things needed for compile
31 ADD_COMPILE= -I$(UTILS)/wxthread
36 # include the definitions now
37 include ../../../template.mak