NSString *idiom(IsWild_ ? @"ipad" : @"iphone");
- NSMutableArray *scaled([NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:([files count] * 4)]);
+ NSMutableArray *scaled([NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:([files count] * 6)]);
for (NSString *file in files) {
NSString *base([file stringByDeletingPathExtension]);
NSString *extension([file pathExtension]);
- if (use) {
- for (unsigned scale(2); scale <= Scale_; ++scale) {
- [scaled addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@@%ux~%@.%@", base, scale, idiom, extension]];
- [scaled addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@@%ux.%@", base, scale, extension]];
- }
+#define WBScaleImage(scale) \
+ if (scale == 1) { \
+ [scaled addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@~%@.%@", base, idiom, extension]]; \
+ [scaled addObject:file]; \
+ } else { \
+ [scaled addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@@%ux~%@.%@", base, scale, idiom, extension]]; \
+ [scaled addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@@%ux.%@", base, scale, extension]]; \
+ }
- [scaled addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@~%@.%@", base, idiom, extension]];
+ if (use) {
+ WBScaleImage(Scale_);
- // if (!IsWild_) <- support old themes
- [scaled addObject:file];
+ for (unsigned scale(3); scale >= 1; --scale)
+ if (scale != Scale_)
+ WBScaleImage(scale);
} else if ([base hasSuffix: @"@2x"] || [base hasSuffix:@"@3x"]) {
- [scaled addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@~%@.%@", base, idiom, extension]];
- [scaled addObject:file];
+ WBScaleImage(1);
// XXX: this actually can't be used, as the person loading the file doesn't realize that the @2x changed
/*NSString *rest([base substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(0, [base length] - 3)]);
// }}}
// $pathForFile$inBundle$() {{{
-static void $pathForFile$inBundle$(NSMutableArray *names, NSString *file, NSString *identifier, NSURL *url) {
+static void $pathForFile$inBundle$(NSMutableArray *names, NSString *file, NSString *identifier, NSString *folder) {
if (identifier != nil)
[names addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Bundles/%@/%@", identifier, file]];
- if (NSString *folder = [url lastPathComponent]) {
+ if (folder != nil) {
[names addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Folders/%@/%@", folder, file]];
NSString *base([folder stringByDeletingPathExtension]);
if ([base hasSuffix:@"~iphone"])
#define remapResourceName(oldname, newname) \
else if ([file isEqualToString:(oldname)]) \
- [names addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@.png", newname]]; \
+ [names addObject:oldname ".png"];
bool summer(SpringBoard_ && SummerBoard_);
if (identifier == nil);
else if ([identifier isEqualToString:@""])
- $pathForFile$inBundle$(names, file, @"", nil);
+ $pathForFile$inBundle$(names, file, @"", @"UIKit.framework");
else if ([identifier isEqualToString:@""])
- $pathForFile$inBundle$(names, file, @"", nil);
+ $pathForFile$inBundle$(names, file, @"", @"UIKit.framework");
else if ([identifier isEqualToString:@""])
[names addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"UIImages/%@", file]];
else if ([identifier isEqualToString:@""])
- $pathForFile$inBundle$(names, file, @"", nil);
+ $pathForFile$inBundle$(names, file, @"", @"");
else if ([identifier isEqualToString:@""])
[names addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Files/Applications/", file]];
else if ([identifier isEqualToString:@""] && [file isEqualToString:@"Icon-57@2x.png"])
- [names addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Bundles/"]];
+ $pathForFile$inBundle$(names, @"icon.png", identifier, folder);
else if (!summer);
remapResourceName(@"FSO_BG.png", @"StatusBar")
remapResourceName(Four_ ? @"SBDockBG-old.png" : @"SBDockBG.png", @"Dock")
static NSString *$pathForFile$inBundle$(NSString *file, NSString *identifier, NSURL *url, bool use) {
NSMutableArray *names = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:8];
- $pathForFile$inBundle$(names, file, identifier, url);
+ $pathForFile$inBundle$(names, file, identifier, [url lastPathComponent]);
[names addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Fallback/%@", file]];
if (NSString *path = $getTheme$($useScale$(names, use)))
return path;
NSString *path = [self path];
NSString *folder = [path lastPathComponent];
NSString *dname = [self displayName];
- NSString *didentifier = [self displayIdentifier];
+ NSString *didentifier;
+ if ([self respondsToSelector:@selector(displayIdentifier)])
+ didentifier = [self displayIdentifier];
+ else
+ didentifier = nil;
if (Debug_)
NSLog(@"WB:Debug: [SBApplication(%@:%@:%@:%@) pathForIcon]", identifier, folder, dname, didentifier);
if (NSString *name = Name) \
[names addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Icons%@/%@.png", suffix, name]];
- if (![didentifier isEqualToString:identifier])
+ if (didentifier != nil && ![didentifier isEqualToString:identifier])
@implementation NSBundle (WinterBoard)
-+ (NSBundle *) wb$bundleWithFile:(NSString *)path {
++ (NSBundle *) _wb$bundleWithFile:(NSString *)path {
path = [path stringByDeletingLastPathComponent];
if (path == nil || [path length] == 0 || [path isEqualToString:@"/"])
return nil;
if ([Manager_ fileExistsAtPath:[path stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"Info.plist"]])
bundle = [NSBundle bundleWithPath:path];
if (bundle == nil)
- bundle = [NSBundle wb$bundleWithFile:path];
+ bundle = [NSBundle _wb$bundleWithFile:path];
if (Debug_)
NSLog(@"WB:Debug:PathBundle(%@, %@)", path, bundle);
return bundle;
++ (NSBundle *) wb$bundleWithFile:(NSString *)path {
+ if ([path hasPrefix:@"/Library/Themes"])
+ return nil;
+ return [self _wb$bundleWithFile:path];
// }}}
// -[NSString wb$themedPath] {{{
@implementation NSString (WinterBoard)
- (NSString *) wb$themedPath {
- if ([self hasPrefix:@"/Library/Themes/"])
- return self;
if (Debug_)
NSLog(@"WB:Debug:Bypass(\"%@\")", self);
if (subDirName != NULL)
file = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/%@", subDirName, resourceType];
- if (Debug_)
- NSLog(@"WB:Debug: CFBundleCopyResourceURL(<%@>, \"%@\", \"%@\", \"%@\")", CFBundleGetIdentifier(bundle), resourceName, resourceType, subDirName);
- if (NSString *path = $pathForFile$inBundle$(file, bundle, false))
- return (CFURLRef) [[NSURL alloc] initFileURLWithPath:path];
+ if (![file hasSuffix:@".png"]) {
+ if (Debug_)
+ NSLog(@"WB:Debug: CFBundleCopyResourceURL(<%@>, \"%@\", \"%@\", \"%@\")", CFBundleGetIdentifier(bundle), resourceName, resourceType, subDirName);
+ if (NSString *path = $pathForFile$inBundle$(file, bundle, false))
+ return (CFURLRef) [[NSURL alloc] initFileURLWithPath:path];
+ }
return _CFBundleCopyResourceURL(bundle, resourceName, resourceType, subDirName);
// }}}
return CGSizeZero;
+MSInstanceMessage1(void, NSAttributedString, drawAtPoint, CGPoint, point) {
+ //NSLog(@"XXX: @\"%@\" %@", self, NSStringFromCGPoint(point));
+ WBStringDrawingState *state(stringDrawingState_);
+ if (state == NULL)
+ return MSOldCall(point);
+ if (state->count_ != 0 && --state->count_ == 0)
+ stringDrawingState_ = state->next_;
+ if (state->info_ == nil)
+ return MSOldCall(point);
+ NSString *info([Info_ objectForKey:state->info_]);
+ if (info == nil)
+ return MSOldCall(point);
+ NSDictionary *attributes([self attributesAtIndex:0 effectiveRange:NULL]);
+ UIFont *font([attributes objectForKey:@"NSFont"]);
+ NSString *base(state->base_ ?: @"");
+ [[self string] drawAtPoint:point withStyle:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@;%@;%@;%@", [font markupDescription], WBColorMarkup(), base, info]];
extern "C" NSString *NSStringFromCGRect(CGRect rect);
MSInstanceMessageHook7(CGSize, NSString, _drawInRect,withFont,lineBreakMode,alignment,lineSpacing,includeEmoji,truncationRect, CGRect, rect, UIFont *, font, UILineBreakMode, mode, UITextAlignment, alignment, float, spacing, BOOL, emoji, CGRect, truncation) {
return (CGRect) {{0, 0}, [self sizeWithStyle:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@;%@;%@;%@", [font markupDescription], WBColorMarkup(color), base, info] forWidth:size.width]};
+MSInstanceMessage3(CGRect, NSAttributedString, boundingRectWithSize,options,context, CGSize, size, NSInteger, options, id, context) {
+ //NSLog(@"XXX: $\"%@\" %@ 0x%x %@", self, NSStringFromCGSize(size), unsigned(options), context);
+ WBStringDrawingState *state(stringDrawingState_);
+ if (state == NULL)
+ return MSOldCall(size, options, context);
+ if (state->count_ != 0 && --state->count_ == 0)
+ stringDrawingState_ = state->next_;
+ if (state->info_ == nil)
+ return MSOldCall(size, options, context);
+ NSString *info([Info_ objectForKey:state->info_]);
+ if (info == nil)
+ return MSOldCall(size, options, context);
+ NSString *base(state->base_ ?: @"");
+ NSDictionary *attributes([self attributesAtIndex:0 effectiveRange:NULL]);
+ UIFont *font([attributes objectForKey:@"NSFont"]);
+ UIColor *color([attributes objectForKey:@"NSColor"]);
+ return (CGRect) {{0, 0}, [[self string] sizeWithStyle:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@;%@;%@;%@", [font markupDescription], WBColorMarkup(color), base, info] forWidth:size.width]};
MSInstanceMessage4(CGSize, NSString, sizeWithFont,forWidth,lineBreakMode,letterSpacing, UIFont *, font, CGFloat, width, UILineBreakMode, mode, CGFloat, spacing) {
//NSLog(@"XXX: #\"%@\" \"%@\" %g %u %g", self, font, width, mode, spacing);
MSInstanceMessageHook1(UIImage *, SBCalendarApplicationIcon, generateIconImage, int, type) {
- WBStringDrawingState dayState = {NULL, 2, @""
+ WBStringDrawingState dayState = {NULL, unsigned(kCFCoreFoundationVersionNumber >= 1200 ? 1 : 2), @""
// XXX: this is only correct on an iPod dock
"text-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) -1px -1px 2px;"
, @"CalendarIconDayStyle"};
- WBStringDrawingState skipState = {&dayState,
- unsigned(kCFCoreFoundationVersionNumber > 800 ? 16 : 7)
- , nil, nil};
+ unsigned skips;
+ if (kCFCoreFoundationVersionNumber < 800)
+ skips = 7;
+ else if (kCFCoreFoundationVersionNumber < 1200)
+ skips = 16;
+ else
+ skips = 9;
+ WBStringDrawingState skipState = {&dayState, skips, nil, nil};
WBStringDrawingState dateState = {&skipState, 2, @""
, @"CalendarIconDateStyle"};
template <typename Original_, typename Modified_>
-_finline UIImage *WBCacheImage(const Original_ &original, const Modified_ &modified, NSString *key) {
+_finline UIImage *WBCacheImage(const Modified_ &modified, const Original_ &original, NSString *key) {
UIImage *image([Images_ objectForKey:key]);
if (image != nil)
return reinterpret_cast<id>(image) == [NSNull null] ? original() : image;
if (paper != nil)
paper = [paper stringByDeletingLastPathComponent];
- {
- size_t size;
- sysctlbyname("hw.machine", NULL, &size, NULL, 0);
- char *machine = new char[size];
- if (sysctlbyname("hw.machine", machine, &size, NULL, 0) == -1) {
- perror("sysctlbyname(\"hw.machine\", ?)");
- delete [] machine;
- machine = NULL;
- }
- IsWild_ = machine != NULL && strncmp(machine, "iPad", 4) == 0;
- }
if (Debug_)
NSLog(@"WB:Debug:Info = %@", [Info_ description]);
// }}}
template <typename Original_>
-static UIImage *WBCacheUIImage(NSBundle *bundle, const Original_ &original, NSString *name, NSString *key) {
+static UIImage *WBCacheImage(NSBundle *bundle, NSString *name, const Original_ &original, NSString *key) {
if (name == nil)
return original();
NSUInteger period([name rangeOfString:@"."].location);
if (period == NSNotFound || length < 4 || period > length - 4)
name = [name stringByAppendingString:@".png"];
- return WBCacheImage([bundle, &original, name](){
+ return WBCacheImage(
+ [=](){ return $pathForFile$inBundle$(name, bundle, true); },
+ [bundle, &original, name](){
UIImage *image(original());
if (image != nil && UIDebug_) {
NSString *path([@"/tmp/WBImages/" stringByAppendingString:[bundle bundleIdentifier]]);
if (![Manager_ fileExistsAtPath:path])
[UIImagePNGRepresentation(image) writeToFile:path atomically:YES];
} return image;
- }, [=](){ return $pathForFile$inBundle$(name, bundle, true); }, key);
+ },
+ key);
// %hook _UIImageWithName() {{{
return nil;
if (Debug_)
NSLog(@"WB:Debug: _UIImageWithName(\"%@\")", name);
- return WBCacheUIImage(_UIKitBundle(),
+ return WBCacheImage(_UIKitBundle(), name,
[=](){ return __UIImageWithName(name); },
- name, [NSString stringWithFormat:@"I:%@", name]);
+ [NSString stringWithFormat:@"I:%@", name]);
// }}}
// %hook _UIImageWithNameInDomain() {{{
if (Debug_)
NSLog(@"WB:Debug: _UIImageWithNameInDomain(\"%@\", \"%@\")", name, domain);
return WBCacheImage(
- [=](){ return __UIImageWithNameInDomain(name, domain); },
[=](){ return $getTheme$($useScale$([NSArray arrayWithObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Domains/%@/%@", domain, name]])); },
+ [=](){ return __UIImageWithNameInDomain(name, domain); },
[NSString stringWithFormat:@"D:%zu:%@%@", size_t([domain length]), domain, name]);
// }}}
NSBundle *bundle($objc_getAssociatedObject(self, @selector(wb$bundle)));
if (Debug_)
NSLog(@"WB:Debug: -[UISharedArtwork(%@) imageNamed:@\"%@\" device:%li]", [bundle bundleIdentifier], name, (long) device);
- return WBCacheUIImage(bundle,
+ return WBCacheImage(bundle, name,
[=](){ return MSOldCall(name, device); },
- name, [NSString stringWithFormat:@"M:%p:%@:%li", self, name, (long) device]);
+ [NSString stringWithFormat:@"M:%p:%@:%li", self, name, (long) device]);
// }}}
// _UIAssetManager (iOS 7) {{{
bundle = [WBBundle bundleWithIdentifier:@""];
- return WBCacheUIImage(bundle,
+ return WBCacheImage(bundle, name,
[=](){ return MSOldCall(name, scale, idiom, subtype, caching); },
- name, [NSString stringWithFormat:@"M:%p:%@:%g:%li:%lu", self, name, scale, (long) idiom, (unsigned long) subtype]);
+ [NSString stringWithFormat:@"M:%p:%@:%g:%li:%lu", self, name, scale, (long) idiom, (unsigned long) subtype]);
// }}}
// _UIAssetManager (iOS 8) {{{
(long) size.first, (long) size.second,
attach ? "YES" : "NO"
- return WBCacheUIImage(bundle,
+ return WBCacheImage(bundle, name,
[=](){ return MSOldCall(name, scale, idiom, subtype, caching, size, attach); },
- name, [NSString stringWithFormat:@"M:%p:%@:%g:%li:%lu:%li:%li:%c", self, name, scale, (long) idiom, (unsigned long) subtype, (long) size.first, (long) size.second, attach ? 'Y' : 'N']);
+ [NSString stringWithFormat:@"M:%p:%@:%g:%li:%lu:%li:%li:%c", self, name, scale, (long) idiom, (unsigned long) subtype, (long) size.first, (long) size.second, attach ? 'Y' : 'N']);
// }}}
return GetFileNameForThisAction$(value, a0, a1, 0, a3);
+#ifdef __LP64__
+MSHook(bool, _Z24GetFileNameForThisActionjPcjRb, unsigned int a0, char *a1, unsigned int a2, bool &a3) {
+ bool value(__Z24GetFileNameForThisActionjPcjRb(a0, a1, a2, a3));
+ return GetFileNameForThisAction$(value, a0, a1, a2, a3);
MSHook(bool, _Z24GetFileNameForThisActionmPcmRb, unsigned long a0, char *a1, unsigned long a2, bool &a3) {
bool value(__Z24GetFileNameForThisActionmPcmRb(a0, a1, a2, a3));
return GetFileNameForThisAction$(value, a0, a1, a2, a3);
static void ChangeWallpaper(
CFNotificationCenterRef center,
if (NSString *themed = $pathForFile$inBundle$([name stringByAppendingString:@".png"], bundle, true)) {
if (indexes != nil)
index = [[indexes objectForKey:name] intValue];
- UIImage *image($getImage$(themed));
- CGImageRef cg([image CGImage]);
- [copy replaceObjectAtIndex:index withObject:(id)cg];
+ if (UIImage *image = $getImage$(themed))
+ [copy replaceObjectAtIndex:index withObject:(id)[image CGImage]];
return images;
dlset(_GSFontGetUseLegacyFontMetrics, "GSFontGetUseLegacyFontMetrics");
+ // Initialize IsWild_ {{{
+ size_t size;
+ sysctlbyname("hw.machine", NULL, &size, NULL, 0);
+ char *machine = new char[size];
+ if (sysctlbyname("hw.machine", machine, &size, NULL, 0) == -1) {
+ perror("sysctlbyname(\"hw.machine\", ?)");
+ delete [] machine;
+ machine = NULL;
+ }
+ IsWild_ = machine != NULL && strncmp(machine, "iPad", 4) == 0;
+ // }}}
// Load Settings.plist {{{
if (NSDictionary *settings = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"/User/Library/Preferences/com.saurik.WinterBoard.plist"]]) {
- if (NSNumber *value = [settings objectForKey:@"SummerBoard"])
+ if (kCFCoreFoundationVersionNumber >= 1000)
+ SummerBoard_ = false;
+ else if (NSNumber *value = [settings objectForKey:@"SummerBoard"])
SummerBoard_ = [value boolValue];
SummerBoard_ = true;
msset(_Z24GetFileNameForThisActionmPcRb, image, "__Z24GetFileNameForThisActionmPcRb");
MSHookFunction(_Z24GetFileNameForThisActionmPcRb, &$_Z24GetFileNameForThisActionmPcRb, &__Z24GetFileNameForThisActionmPcRb);
+#ifdef __LP64__
+ bool (*_Z24GetFileNameForThisActionjPcjRb)(unsigned int, char *, unsigned int, bool &);
+ msset(_Z24GetFileNameForThisActionjPcjRb, image, "__Z24GetFileNameForThisActionjPcjRb");
+ MSHookFunction(_Z24GetFileNameForThisActionjPcjRb, &$_Z24GetFileNameForThisActionjPcjRb, &__Z24GetFileNameForThisActionjPcjRb);
bool (*_Z24GetFileNameForThisActionmPcmRb)(unsigned long, char *, unsigned long, bool &);
msset(_Z24GetFileNameForThisActionmPcmRb, image, "__Z24GetFileNameForThisActionmPcmRb");
MSHookFunction(_Z24GetFileNameForThisActionmPcmRb, &$_Z24GetFileNameForThisActionmPcmRb, &__Z24GetFileNameForThisActionmPcmRb);
// }}}
// BackBoardServices {{{
// }}}
// Foundation {{{
if (true) {
+ if (![identifier isEqualToString:@""]) // XXX: rethink
MSHookFunction(CFBundleCopyResourceURL, MSHake(CFBundleCopyResourceURL));
// }}}
if (![@"" respondsToSelector:sizeWithFont])
sizeWithFont = @selector(sizeWithFont:);
MSHookMessage($NSString, sizeWithFont, MSHake(NSString$sizeWithFont$));
+ MSHookMessage($NSAttributedString, @selector(drawAtPoint:), MSHake(NSAttributedString$drawAtPoint$));
+ MSHookMessage($NSAttributedString, @selector(boundingRectWithSize:options:context:), MSHake(NSAttributedString$boundingRectWithSize$options$context$));
// }}}