extern "C" void WKSetCurrentGraphicsContext(CGContextRef);
-static void MSFixClass() {
- if ($SBIcon == nil)
- $SBIcon = objc_getClass("SBIconView");
+static struct MSFixClass { MSFixClass() {
+ $SBIcon = objc_getClass("SBIconView") ?: $SBIcon;
+ if ($SBIconList == nil)
+ $SBIconList = objc_getClass("SBIconListView");
if ($CKTranscriptController == nil)
$CKTranscriptController = objc_getClass("mSMSMessageTranscriptController");
+} } MSFixClass;
static bool IsWild_;
static bool Four_($SBDockIconListView != nil);
static bool Debug_ = false;
static bool UIDebug_ = false;
static bool Engineer_ = false;
-static bool SummerBoard_ = true;
+static bool SummerBoard_ = false;
static bool SpringBoard_;
static UIImage *(*_UIApplicationImageWithName)(NSString *name);
static NSArray *$useScale$(NSArray *files, bool use = true) {
- if (Scale_ == 0) {
+ if (use && Scale_ == 0) {
UIScreen *screen([UIScreen mainScreen]);
if ([screen respondsToSelector:@selector(scale)])
Scale_ = [screen scale];
[scaled addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@~iphone.%@", base, extension]];
[scaled addObject:file];
- NSString *rest([base substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(0, [base length] - 3)]);
+ // XXX: this actually can't be used, as the person loading the file doesn't realize that the @2x changed
+ /*NSString *rest([base substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(0, [base length] - 3)]);
[scaled addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@~iphone.%@", rest, extension]];
- [scaled addObject:[rest stringByAppendingPathExtension:extension]];
+ [scaled addObject:[rest stringByAppendingPathExtension:extension]];*/
} else {
// XXX: this code isn't really complete
static NSString *$getTheme$(NSArray *files, NSArray *themes = Themes_) {
- if (NSString *path = [Themed_ objectForKey:files])
- return reinterpret_cast<id>(path) == [NSNull null] ? nil : path;
+ // XXX: this is not reasonable; OMG
+ id key(files);
+ @synchronized (Themed_) {
+ if (NSString *path = [Themed_ objectForKey:key])
+ return reinterpret_cast<id>(path) == [NSNull null] ? nil : path;
+ }
if (Debug_)
NSLog(@"WB:Debug: %@", [files description]);
path = nil;
- [Themed_ setObject:(path == nil ? [NSNull null] : reinterpret_cast<id>(path)) forKey:files];
+ @synchronized (Themed_) {
+ [Themed_ setObject:(path == nil ? [NSNull null] : reinterpret_cast<id>(path)) forKey:key];
+ }
return path;
// }}}
if (identifier != nil)
[names addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Bundles/%@/%@", identifier, file]];
- if (NSString *folder = [[bundle bundlePath] lastPathComponent])
+ if (NSString *folder = [[bundle bundlePath] lastPathComponent]) {
[names addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Folders/%@/%@", folder, file]];
+ NSString *base([folder stringByDeletingPathExtension]);
+ if ([base hasSuffix:@"~iphone"])
+ [names addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Folders/%@.%@/%@", [base substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(0, [base length] - 7)], [folder pathExtension], file]];
+ }
if (ui)
[names addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"UIImages/%@", file]];
remapResourceName(Four_ ? @"SBDockBG-old.png" : @"SBDockBG.png", @"Dock")
remapResourceName(@"SBWeatherCelsius.png", @"Icons/Weather")
+ [names addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Fallback/%@", file]];
if (NSString *path = $getTheme$($useScale$(names, ui)))
return path;
// }}}
+static void $drawLabel$(NSString *label, CGRect rect, NSString *style, NSString *custom) {
+ bool ellipsis(false);
+ float max = rect.size.width - 11, width;
+ width:
+ width = [(ellipsis ? [label stringByAppendingString:@"..."] : label) sizeWithStyle:style forWidth:320].width;
+ if (width > max) {
+ size_t length([label length]);
+ float spacing((width - max) / (length - 1));
+ if (spacing > 1.25) {
+ ellipsis = true;
+ label = [label substringToIndex:(length - 1)];
+ goto width;
+ }
+ style = [style stringByAppendingString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"letter-spacing: -%f; ", spacing]];
+ }
+ if (ellipsis)
+ label = [label stringByAppendingString:@"..."];
+ if (custom != nil)
+ style = [style stringByAppendingString:custom];
+ CGSize size = [label sizeWithStyle:style forWidth:rect.size.width];
+ [label drawAtPoint:CGPointMake((rect.size.width - size.width) / 2 + rect.origin.x, rect.origin.y) withStyle:style];
static struct WBStringDrawingState {
WBStringDrawingState *next_;
unsigned count_;
NSString *info_;
} *stringDrawingState_;
-MSInstanceMessageHook4(CGSize, NSString, drawAtPoint,forWidth,withFont,lineBreakMode, CGPoint, point, float, width, UIFont *, font, int, mode) {
+MSInstanceMessageHook6(CGSize, NSString, drawAtPoint,forWidth,withFont,lineBreakMode,letterSpacing,includeEmoji, CGPoint, point, float, width, UIFont *, font, UILineBreakMode, mode, float, spacing, BOOL, emoji) {
+ //NSLog(@"XXX: @\"%@\" %g", self, spacing);
WBStringDrawingState *state(stringDrawingState_);
if (state == NULL)
- return MSOldCall(point, width, font, mode);
+ return MSOldCall(point, width, font, mode, spacing, emoji);
if (--state->count_ == 0)
stringDrawingState_ = state->next_;
if (state->info_ == nil)
- return MSOldCall(point, width, font, mode);
+ return MSOldCall(point, width, font, mode, spacing, emoji);
NSString *info([Info_ objectForKey:state->info_]);
if (info == nil)
- return MSOldCall(point, width, font, mode);
+ return MSOldCall(point, width, font, mode, spacing, emoji);
NSString *base(state->base_ ?: @"");
- [self drawAtPoint:point withStyle:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@;%@;%@", [font markupDescription], base, info]];
+ NSString *extra([NSString stringWithFormat:@"letter-spacing: %gpx", spacing]);
+ [self drawAtPoint:point withStyle:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@;%@;%@;%@", [font markupDescription], extra, base, info]];
return CGSizeZero;
-MSInstanceMessageHook2(CGSize, NSString, drawAtPoint,withFont, CGPoint, point, UIFont *, font) {
+extern "C" NSString *NSStringFromCGRect(CGRect rect);
+MSInstanceMessageHook7(CGSize, NSString, _drawInRect,withFont,lineBreakMode,alignment,lineSpacing,includeEmoji,truncationRect, CGRect, rect, UIFont *, font, UILineBreakMode, mode, UITextAlignment, alignment, float, spacing, BOOL, emoji, CGRect, truncation) {
+ //NSLog(@"XXX: &\"%@\" %@ \"%@\" %u %u %g %u %@", self, NSStringFromCGRect(rect), font, mode, alignment, spacing, emoji, NSStringFromCGRect(truncation));
WBStringDrawingState *state(stringDrawingState_);
if (state == NULL)
- return MSOldCall(point, font);
+ return MSOldCall(rect, font, mode, alignment, spacing, emoji, truncation);
if (--state->count_ == 0)
stringDrawingState_ = state->next_;
if (state->info_ == nil)
- return MSOldCall(point, font);
+ return MSOldCall(rect, font, mode, alignment, spacing, emoji, truncation);
NSString *info([Info_ objectForKey:state->info_]);
if (info == nil)
- return MSOldCall(point, font);
+ return MSOldCall(rect, font, mode, alignment, spacing, emoji, truncation);
+ NSString *textAlign;
+ switch (alignment) {
+ default:
+ case UITextAlignmentLeft:
+ textAlign = @"left";
+ break;
+ case UITextAlignmentCenter:
+ textAlign = @"center";
+ break;
+ case UITextAlignmentRight:
+ textAlign = @"right";
+ break;
+ }
NSString *base(state->base_ ?: @"");
- [self drawAtPoint:point withStyle:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@;%@;%@", [font markupDescription], base, info]];
+ NSString *extra([NSString stringWithFormat:@"text-align: %@", textAlign]);
+ if (true)
+ $drawLabel$(self, rect, [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@;%@", [font markupDescription], base], info);
+ else
+ [self drawInRect:rect withStyle:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@;%@;%@;%@", [font markupDescription], extra, base, info]];
return CGSizeZero;
+MSInstanceMessageHook4(CGSize, NSString, sizeWithFont,forWidth,lineBreakMode,letterSpacing, UIFont *, font, float, width, UILineBreakMode, mode, float, spacing) {
+ //NSLog(@"XXX: #\"%@\" \"%@\" %g %u %g", self, font, width, mode, spacing);
+ WBStringDrawingState *state(stringDrawingState_);
+ if (state == NULL)
+ return MSOldCall(font, width, mode, spacing);
+ if (--state->count_ == 0)
+ stringDrawingState_ = state->next_;
+ if (state->info_ == nil)
+ return MSOldCall(font, width, mode, spacing);
+ NSString *info([Info_ objectForKey:state->info_]);
+ if (info == nil)
+ return MSOldCall(font, width, mode, spacing);
+ NSString *base(state->base_ ?: @"");
+ NSString *extra([NSString stringWithFormat:@"letter-spacing: %gpx", spacing]);
+ return [self sizeWithStyle:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@;%@;%@;%@", [font markupDescription], extra, base, info] forWidth:width];
MSInstanceMessageHook1(CGSize, NSString, sizeWithFont, UIFont *, font) {
+ //NSLog(@"XXX: ?\"%@\"", self);
WBStringDrawingState *state(stringDrawingState_);
if (state == NULL)
return MSOldCall(font);
return image;
+MSInstanceMessageHook1(UIImage *, UIStatusBarTimeItemView, contentsImageForStyle, int, style) {
+ WBStringDrawingState timeState = {NULL, 0, @""
+ "color: white;"
+ , @"TimeStyle"};
+ stringDrawingState_ = &timeState;
+ UIImage *image(MSOldCall(style));
+ stringDrawingState_ = NULL;
+ return image;
MSHook(void, SBCalendarIconContentsView$drawRect$, SBCalendarIconContentsView *self, SEL sel, CGRect rect) {
NSBundle *bundle([NSBundle mainBundle]);
static NSArray *Wallpapers_;
static bool Papered_;
static bool Docked_;
+static bool SMSBackgrounded_;
static NSString *WallpaperFile_;
static UIImageView *WallpaperImage_;
static UIWebDocumentView *WallpaperPage_;
-- (CGSize) drawAtPoint:(CGPoint)point forWidth:(float)width withFont:(UIFont *)font lineBreakMode:(int)mode {
+- (CGSize) drawAtPoint:(CGPoint)point forWidth:(float)width withFont:(UIFont *)font lineBreakMode:(UILineBreakMode)mode {
if (NSString *custom = [Info_ objectForKey:@"TimeStyle"]) {
BOOL &_mode(MSHookIvar<BOOL>(view_, "_mode"));;
-- (CGSize) drawAtPoint:(CGPoint)point forWidth:(float)width withFont:(UIFont *)font lineBreakMode:(int)mode {
+- (CGSize) drawAtPoint:(CGPoint)point forWidth:(float)width withFont:(UIFont *)font lineBreakMode:(UILineBreakMode)mode {
if (NSString *custom = [Info_ objectForKey:@"BadgeStyle"]) {
[badge_ drawAtPoint:point withStyle:[NSString stringWithFormat:@""
"font-family: Helvetica; "
if (NSNumber *number = [Info_ objectForKey:@"IconAlpha"]) {
// XXX: note: this is overridden above, which is silly
float alpha([number floatValue]);
- [self setIconImageAlpha:alpha];
- [self setIconLabelAlpha:alpha];
+ if ([self respondsToSelector:@selector(setIconImageAlpha:)])
+ [self setIconImageAlpha:alpha];
+ if ([self respondsToSelector:@selector(setIconLabelAlpha:)])
+ [self setIconLabelAlpha:alpha];
+ if ([self respondsToSelector:@selector(setAlpha:)])
+ [self setAlpha:alpha];
} return self;
_SBIconList$setFrame$(self, sel, frame);
-MSHook(void, SBIconController$noteNumberOfIconListsChanged, SBIconController *self, SEL sel) {
- SBIconModel *&_iconModel(MSHookIvar<SBIconModel *>(self, "_iconModel"));
- NSArray *lists([_iconModel iconLists]);
+static void $addPerPageView$(unsigned i, UIView *list) {
+ NSString *path($getTheme$([NSArray arrayWithObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Page%u.png", i]]));
+ if (path == nil)
+ return;
+ NSArray *subviews([list subviews]);
+ WBImageView *view([subviews count] == 0 ? nil : [subviews objectAtIndex:0]);
+ if (view == nil || ![view wb$isWBImageView]) {
+ view = [[[WBImageView alloc] init] autorelease];
+ [list insertSubview:view atIndex:0];
+ }
+ UIImage *image([UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile:path]);
+ CGRect frame([view frame]);
+ frame.size = [image size];
+ [view setFrame:frame];
+ [view setImage:image];
+ [view wb$updateFrame];
+static void $addPerPageViews$(NSArray *lists) {
for (unsigned i(0), e([lists count]); i != e; ++i)
- if (NSString *path = $getTheme$([NSArray arrayWithObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Page%u.png", i]])) {
- SBIconList *list([lists objectAtIndex:i]);
- NSArray *subviews([list subviews]);
- WBImageView *view([subviews count] == 0 ? nil : [subviews objectAtIndex:0]);
- if (view == nil || ![view wb$isWBImageView]) {
- view = [[[WBImageView alloc] init] autorelease];
- [list insertSubview:view atIndex:0];
- }
+ $addPerPageView$(i, [lists objectAtIndex:i]);
- UIImage *image([UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile:path]);
+MSInstanceMessageHook0(void, SBIconController, updateNumberOfRootIconLists) {
+ NSArray *&_rootIconLists(MSHookIvar<NSArray *>(self, "_rootIconLists"));
+ $addPerPageViews$(_rootIconLists);
+ return MSOldCall();
- CGRect frame([view frame]);
- frame.size = [image size];
- [view setFrame:frame];
+MSInstanceMessageHook0(void, SBIconContentView, layoutSubviews) {
+ MSOldCall();
- [view setImage:image];
- [view wb$updateFrame];
- }
+ if (SBIconController *controller = [$SBIconController sharedInstance]) {
+ UIView *&_dockContainerView(MSHookIvar<UIView *>(controller, "_dockContainerView"));
+ if (&_dockContainerView != NULL)
+ [[_dockContainerView superview] bringSubviewToFront:_dockContainerView];
+ }
+MSHook(void, SBIconController$noteNumberOfIconListsChanged, SBIconController *self, SEL sel) {
+ SBIconModel *&_iconModel(MSHookIvar<SBIconModel *>(self, "_iconModel"));
+ $addPerPageViews$([_iconModel iconLists]);
return _SBIconController$noteNumberOfIconListsChanged(self, sel);
// }}}
-MSInstanceMessageHook1(void, SBIconLabel, drawRect, CGRect, rect) {
- CGRect bounds = [self bounds];
+MSInstanceMessage1(void, SBIconLabel, drawRect, CGRect, rect) {
static Ivar drawMoreLegibly = object_getInstanceVariable(self, "_drawMoreLegibly", NULL);
int docked;
else if (docked)
style = [style stringByAppendingString:@"text-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) 0px -1px 0px; "];
- bool ellipsis(false);
- float max = [self frame].size.width - 11, width;
- width:
- width = [(ellipsis ? [label stringByAppendingString:@"..."] : label) sizeWithStyle:style forWidth:320].width;
+ NSString *custom([Info_ objectForKey:(docked ? @"DockedIconLabelStyle" : @"UndockedIconLabelStyle")]);
- if (width > max) {
- size_t length([label length]);
- float spacing((width - max) / (length - 1));
+ $drawLabel$(label, [self bounds], style, custom);
- if (spacing > 1.25) {
- ellipsis = true;
- label = [label substringToIndex:(length - 1)];
- goto width;
- }
+MSInstanceMessage0(CGImageRef, SBIconLabel, buildLabelImage) {
+ bool docked((MSHookIvar<unsigned>(self, "_inDock") & 0x2) != 0);
- style = [style stringByAppendingString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"letter-spacing: -%f; ", spacing]];
- }
+ WBStringDrawingState labelState = {NULL, 0, @""
+ "color: white;"
+ , docked ? @"DockedIconLabelStyle" : @"UndockedIconLabelStyle"};
- if (ellipsis)
- label = [label stringByAppendingString:@"..."];
+ stringDrawingState_ = &labelState;
- if (NSString *custom = [Info_ objectForKey:(docked ? @"DockedIconLabelStyle" : @"UndockedIconLabelStyle")])
- style = [style stringByAppendingString:custom];
+ //NSLog(@"XXX: +");
+ CGImageRef image(MSOldCall());
+ //NSLog(@"XXX: -");
- CGSize size = [label sizeWithStyle:style forWidth:bounds.size.width];
- [label drawAtPoint:CGPointMake((bounds.size.width - size.width) / 2, 0) withStyle:style];
+ stringDrawingState_ = NULL;
+ return image;
// ChatKit {{{
+MSInstanceMessageHook2(id, CKBalloonView, initWithFrame,delegate, CGRect, frame, id, delegate) {
+ if ((self = MSOldCall(frame, delegate)) != nil) {
+ [self setBackgroundColor:[UIColor clearColor]];
+ } return self;
+MSInstanceMessageHook0(BOOL, CKBalloonView, _canUseLayerBackedBalloon) {
+ return SMSBackgrounded_ ? NO : MSOldCall();
MSInstanceMessageHook0(void, CKTranscriptHeaderView, layoutSubviews) {
[self wb$setBackgroundColor:[UIColor clearColor]];
return MSOldCall();
[[self contentView] wb$setBackgroundColor:[UIColor clearColor]];
+// iOS >= 5.0
MSInstanceMessageHook2(id, CKTranscriptCell, initWithStyle,reuseIdentifier, int, style, NSString *, reuse) {
if ((self = MSOldCall(style, reuse)) != nil) {
[self setBackgroundColor:[UIColor clearColor]];
} return self;
+// iOS << 5.0
MSInstanceMessageHook2(id, CKMessageCell, initWithStyle,reuseIdentifier, int, style, NSString *, reuse) {
if ((self = MSOldCall(style, reuse)) != nil) {
[self setBackgroundColor:[UIColor clearColor]];
if (NSString *path = $getTheme$($useScale$([NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"SMSBackground.png", @"SMSBackground.jpg", nil])))
if (UIImage *image = $getImage$(path)) {
+ SMSBackgrounded_ = true;
UIView *&_transcriptTable(MSHookIvar<UIView *>(self, "_transcriptTable"));
UIView *&_transcriptLayer(MSHookIvar<UIView *>(self, "_transcriptLayer"));
UIView *table;
NSString *path([NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/UISounds/%@", theme, file]);
if ([Manager_ fileExistsAtPath:path]) {
strcpy(a1, [path UTF8String]);
- continue;
+ break;
if (style == nil || [style length] == 0)
style = @"font-family: Helvetica; font-size: 12px";
+ //NSLog(@"XXX:draw(%@)", [style stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"\n" withString:@" "]);
return [[WBMarkup sharedMarkup] drawString:self atPoint:point withStyle:style];
+static void NSString$drawInRect$withStyle$(NSString *self, SEL _cmd, CGRect rect, NSString *style) {
+ WKSetCurrentGraphicsContext(UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext());
+ if (style == nil || [style length] == 0)
+ style = @"font-family: Helvetica; font-size: 12px";
+ return [[WBMarkup sharedMarkup] drawString:self inRect:rect withStyle:style];
static CGSize NSString$sizeWithStyle$forWidth$(NSString *self, SEL _cmd, NSString *style, float width) {
if (style == nil || [style length] == 0)
style = @"font-family: Helvetica; font-size: 12px";
+ //NSLog(@"XXX:size(%@)", [style stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"\n" withString:@" "]);
return [[WBMarkup sharedMarkup] sizeOfString:self withStyle:style forWidth:width];
static void SBInitialize() {
- class_addMethod($NSString, @selector(drawAtPoint:withStyle:), (IMP) &NSString$drawAtPoint$withStyle$, "v20@0:4{CGPoint=ff}8@16");
- class_addMethod($NSString, @selector(sizeWithStyle:forWidth:), (IMP) &NSString$sizeWithStyle$forWidth$, "{CGSize=ff}16@0:4@8f12");
if (SummerBoard_) {
WBRename(SBApplication, pathForIcon, pathForIcon);
WBRename(SBApplicationIcon, icon, icon);
WBRename(SBDockIconListView, setFrame:, setFrame$);
MSHookMessage(object_getClass($SBDockIconListView), @selector(shouldShowNewDock), &$SBDockIconListView$shouldShowNewDock, &_SBDockIconListView$shouldShowNewDock);
+ if (kCFCoreFoundationVersionNumber < 600 || SummerBoard_)
+ WBRename(SBIconLabel, drawRect:, drawRect$);
+ else
+ WBRename(SBIconLabel, buildLabelImage, buildLabelImage);
WBRename(SBIconLabel, initWithSize:label:, initWithSize$label$);
WBRename(SBIconLabel, setInDock:, setInDock$);
if (NSDictionary *settings = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"/User/Library/Preferences/com.saurik.WinterBoard.plist"]]) {
if (NSNumber *value = [settings objectForKey:@"SummerBoard"])
SummerBoard_ = [value boolValue];
+ else
+ SummerBoard_ = true;
if (NSNumber *value = [settings objectForKey:@"Debug"])
Debug_ = [value boolValue];
if (NSNumber *value = [settings objectForKey:@"RecordUI"])
if (SpringBoard_) {
Wallpapers_ = [[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"Wallpaper.mp4", @"Wallpaper@2x.png", @"Wallpaper@2x.jpg", @"Wallpaper.png", @"Wallpaper.jpg", @"Wallpaper.html", nil] retain];
Papered_ = $getTheme$(Wallpapers_) != nil;
- Docked_ = $getTheme$([NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"Dock.png", nil]);
+ Docked_ = $getTheme$([NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"Dock.png", nil]) != nil;
// }}}
// UIKit {{{
if ([NSBundle bundleWithIdentifier:@""] != nil) {
+ class_addMethod($NSString, @selector(drawAtPoint:withStyle:), (IMP) &NSString$drawAtPoint$withStyle$, "v20@0:4{CGPoint=ff}8@16");
+ class_addMethod($NSString, @selector(drawInRect:withStyle:), (IMP) &NSString$drawInRect$withStyle$, "v28@0:4{CGRect={CGSize=ff}{CGSize=ff}}8@24");
+ class_addMethod($NSString, @selector(sizeWithStyle:forWidth:), (IMP) &NSString$sizeWithStyle$forWidth$, "{CGSize=ff}16@0:4@8f12");
struct nlist nl[6];
memset(nl, 0, sizeof(nl));
nl[0].n_un.n_name = (char *) "__UIApplicationImageWithName";