/* WinterBoard - Theme Manager for the iPhone
- * Copyright (C) 2008 Jay Freeman (saurik)
+ * Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Jay Freeman (saurik)
#import <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <CoreGraphics/CoreGraphics.h>
+#import <ImageIO/CGImageSource.h>
#import <Celestial/AVController.h>
#import <Celestial/AVItem.h>
Class $SBBookmarkIcon;
Class $SBButtonBar;
Class $SBCalendarIconContentsView;
+Class $SBDockIconListView;
Class $SBIcon;
Class $SBIconBadge;
Class $SBIconController;
Class $SBUIController;
Class $SBWidgetApplicationIcon;
+static bool IsWild_;
+static bool Four_;
@interface NSDictionary (WinterBoard)
- (UIColor *) wb$colorForKey:(NSString *)key;
- (BOOL) wb$boolForKey:(NSString *)key;
#define $GSFontGetUseLegacyFontMetrics() \
(_GSFontGetUseLegacyFontMetrics == NULL ? YES : _GSFontGetUseLegacyFontMetrics())
-bool Debug_ = false;
-bool Engineer_ = false;
+static bool Debug_ = false;
+static bool Engineer_ = false;
+static bool SummerBoard_ = true;
+static bool SpringBoard_;
static UIImage *(*_UIApplicationImageWithName)(NSString *name);
static UIImage *(*_UIImageAtPath)(NSString *name, NSBundle *path);
-static CGImageRef (*_UIImageRefAtPath)(NSString *name, bool cache, UIImageOrientation *orientation);
+static CGImageRef (*_UIImageRefAtPath)(NSString *name, bool cache, UIImageOrientation *orientation, float *scale);
static UIImage *(*_UIImageWithNameInDomain)(NSString *name, NSString *domain);
static NSBundle *(*_UIKitBundle)();
+static bool (*_UIPackedImageTableGetIdentifierForName)(NSString *, int *);
static int (*_UISharedImageNameGetIdentifier)(NSString *);
-static UIImage *(*_UISharedImageWithIdentifier)(int);
static NSMutableDictionary *UIImages_;
static NSMutableDictionary *PathImages_;
[names addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"UIImages/%@", file]];
#define remapResourceName(oldname, newname) \
- else if ([file isEqualToString:oldname]) \
+ else if ([file isEqualToString:(oldname)]) \
[names addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@.png", newname]]; \
+ bool summer(SpringBoard_ && SummerBoard_);
if (identifier == nil);
else if ([identifier isEqualToString:@"com.apple.chatkit"])
[names addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Bundles/com.apple.MobileSMS/%@", file]];
else if ([identifier isEqualToString:@"com.apple.calculator"])
[names addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Files/Applications/Calculator.app/%@", file]];
- else if (![identifier isEqualToString:@"com.apple.springboard"]);
+ else if (!summer);
remapResourceName(@"FSO_BG.png", @"StatusBar")
- remapResourceName(@"SBDockBG.png", @"Dock")
+ remapResourceName(Four_ ? @"SBDockBG-old.png" : @"SBDockBG.png", @"Dock")
remapResourceName(@"SBWeatherCelsius.png", @"Icons/Weather")
if (NSString *path = $getTheme$(names))
return path;
return nil;
-static NSString *$pathForIcon$(SBApplication *self) {
+static NSString *$pathForIcon$(SBApplication *self, NSString *suffix = @"") {
NSString *identifier = [self bundleIdentifier];
NSString *path = [self path];
NSString *folder = [path lastPathComponent];
NSMutableArray *names = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:8];
+ /* XXX: I might need to keep this for backwards compatibility
if (identifier != nil)
[names addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Bundles/%@/icon.png", identifier]];
if (folder != nil)
- [names addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Folders/%@/icon.png", folder]];
+ [names addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Folders/%@/icon.png", folder]]; */
#define testForIcon(Name) \
if (NSString *name = Name) \
- [names addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Icons/%@.png", name]];
+ [names addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Icons%@/%@.png", suffix, name]];
+ if (![didentifier isEqualToString:identifier])
+ testForIcon(didentifier);
+ if ([identifier isEqualToString:@"com.apple.MobileSMS"])
+ testForIcon(@"SMS");
if (didentifier != nil) {
testForIcon([English_ objectForKey:didentifier]);
if (NSString *path = $getTheme$(names))
return path;
return nil;
return _SBApplicationIcon$icon(self, sel);
+MSHook(UIImage *, SBApplicationIcon$generateIconImage$, SBApplicationIcon *self, SEL sel, int type) {
+ if (type == 2)
+ if (![Info_ wb$boolForKey:@"ComposeStoreIcons"]) {
+ if (IsWild_ && false) // XXX: delete this code, it should not be supported
+ if (NSString *path72 = $pathForIcon$([self application], @"-72"))
+ return [UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile:path72];
+ if (NSString *path = $pathForIcon$([self application]))
+ if (UIImage *image = [UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile:path]) {
+ float width;
+ if ([$SBIcon respondsToSelector:@selector(defaultIconImageSize)])
+ width = [$SBIcon defaultIconImageSize].width;
+ else
+ width = 59;
+ return width == 59 ? image : [image _imageScaledToProportion:(width / 59.0) interpolationQuality:5];
+ }
+ }
+ return _SBApplicationIcon$generateIconImage$(self, sel, type);
MSHook(UIImage *, SBWidgetApplicationIcon$icon, SBWidgetApplicationIcon *self, SEL sel) {
if (Debug_)
NSLog(@"WB:Debug:Widget(%@:%@)", [self displayIdentifier], [self displayName]);
return image;
-MSHook(CGImageRef, _UIImageRefAtPath, NSString *name, bool cache, UIImageOrientation *orientation) {
+MSHook(CGImageSourceRef, CGImageSourceCreateWithURL, CFURLRef url, CFDictionaryRef options) {
if (Debug_)
- NSLog(@"WB:Debug: _UIImageRefAtPath(\"%@\", %s)", name, cache ? "true" : "false");
- return __UIImageRefAtPath([name wb$themedPath], cache, orientation);
+ NSLog(@"WB:Debug: CGImageSourceCreateWithURL(\"%@\", %s)", url, options);
+ NSAutoreleasePool *pool([[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]);
+ if (NSString *path = (NSString *) CFURLCopyFileSystemPath(url, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle))
+ if (NSString *themed = [path wb$themedPath])
+ if (themed != path)
+ url = (CFURLRef) [NSURL fileURLWithPath:themed];
+ CGImageSourceRef source(_CGImageSourceCreateWithURL(url, options));
+ [pool release];
+ return source;
+MSHook(CGImageRef, _UIImageRefAtPath, NSString *name, bool cache, UIImageOrientation *orientation, float *scale) {
+ if (Debug_)
+ NSLog(@"WB:Debug: _UIImageRefAtPath(\"%@\")", name);
+ NSString *themed([name wb$themedPath]);
+ if (false && SpringBoard_ && SummerBoard_ && themed == name) {
+ if ([name isEqualToString:@"/System/Library/CoreServices/SpringBoard.app/SBDockBGT-Portrait.png"])
+ if (NSString *path = $getTheme$([NSArray arrayWithObject:@"Dock.png"])) {
+ UIImage *image([UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile:path]);
+ CGImageRef ref([[image _imageScaledToProportion:2.4 interpolationQuality:5] imageRef]);
+ CGImageRetain(ref);
+ return ref;
+ }
+ }
+ return __UIImageRefAtPath(themed, cache, orientation, scale);
/*MSHook(UIImage *, _UIImageAtPath, NSString *name, NSBundle *bundle) {
CFDateRef now(CFDateCreate(NULL, CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent()));
- CFDateFormatterSetFormat(formatter, (CFStringRef) [bundle localizedStringForKey:@"CALENDAR_ICON_DAY_NUMBER_FORMAT" value:@"" table:@"SpringBoard"]);
+ CFDateFormatterSetFormat(formatter, (CFStringRef) [bundle localizedStringForKey:@"CALENDAR_ICON_DAY_NUMBER_FORMAT" value:@"d" table:@"SpringBoard"]);
CFStringRef date(CFDateFormatterCreateStringWithDate(NULL, formatter, now));
CFDateFormatterSetFormat(formatter, (CFStringRef) [bundle localizedStringForKey:@"CALENDAR_ICON_DAY_NAME_FORMAT" value:@"cccc" table:@"SpringBoard"]);
CFStringRef day(CFDateFormatterCreateStringWithDate(NULL, formatter, now));
- NSString *datestyle(@""
+ NSString *datestyle([@""
"font-family: Helvetica; "
"font-weight: bold; "
- "font-size: 39px; "
"color: #333333; "
"alpha: 1.0; "
- "");
+ "" stringByAppendingString:(IsWild_
+ ? @"font-size: 54px; "
+ : @"font-size: 39px; "
+ )]);
- NSString *daystyle(@""
+ NSString *daystyle([@""
"font-family: Helvetica; "
"font-weight: bold; "
- "font-size: 9px; "
"color: white; "
"text-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) -1px -1px 2px; "
- "");
+ "" stringByAppendingString:(IsWild_
+ ? @"font-size: 11px; "
+ : @"font-size: 9px; "
+ )]);
if (NSString *style = [Info_ objectForKey:@"CalendarIconDateStyle"])
datestyle = [datestyle stringByAppendingString:style];
CGSize datesize = [(NSString *)date sizeWithStyle:datestyle forWidth:(width + leeway)];
CGSize daysize = [(NSString *)day sizeWithStyle:daystyle forWidth:(width + leeway)];
- unsigned base($GSFontGetUseLegacyFontMetrics() ? 71 : 70);
+ unsigned base0(IsWild_ ? 89 : 70);
+ if ($GSFontGetUseLegacyFontMetrics())
+ base0 = base0 + 1;
+ unsigned base1(IsWild_ ? 18 : 16);
+ if (Four_) {
+ ++base0;
+ ++base1;
+ }
[(NSString *)date drawAtPoint:CGPointMake(
- (width + 1 - datesize.width) / 2, (base - datesize.height) / 2
+ (width + 1 - datesize.width) / 2, (base0 - datesize.height) / 2
) withStyle:datestyle];
[(NSString *)day drawAtPoint:CGPointMake(
- (width + 1 - daysize.width) / 2, (16 - daysize.height) / 2
+ (width + 1 - daysize.width) / 2, (base1 - daysize.height) / 2
) withStyle:daystyle];
static NSArray *Wallpapers_;
+static bool Papered_;
+static bool Docked_;
static NSString *WallpaperFile_;
static UIImageView *WallpaperImage_;
static UIWebDocumentView *WallpaperPage_;
if (self == nil)
return nil;
- UIWindow *&_window(MSHookIvar<UIWindow *>(self, "_window"));
+ UIDevice *device([UIDevice currentDevice]);
+ IsWild_ = [device respondsToSelector:@selector(isWildcat)] && [device isWildcat];
+ if ([Info_ objectForKey:@"UndockedIconLabels"] == nil)
+ [Info_ setObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:(
+ !(Papered_ || GSSystemHasCapability(CFSTR("homescreen-wallpaper"))) ||
+ [Info_ objectForKey:@"DockedIconLabelStyle"] != nil ||
+ [Info_ objectForKey:@"UndockedIconLabelStyle"] != nil
+ )] forKey:@"UndockedIconLabels"];
+ if (Debug_)
+ NSLog(@"WB:Debug:Info = %@", [Info_ description]);
+ if (Papered_) {
+ UIImageView *&_wallpaperView(MSHookIvar<UIImageView *>(self, "_wallpaperView"));
+ if (&_wallpaperView != NULL) {
+ [_wallpaperView removeFromSuperview];
+ [_wallpaperView release];
+ _wallpaperView = nil;
+ }
+ }
UIView *&_contentLayer(MSHookIvar<UIView *>(self, "_contentLayer"));
UIView *&_contentView(MSHookIvar<UIView *>(self, "_contentView"));
- UIView *layer;
+ UIView **player;
if (&_contentLayer != NULL)
- layer = _contentLayer;
+ player = &_contentLayer;
else if (&_contentView != NULL)
- layer = _contentView;
+ player = &_contentView;
- layer = nil;
+ player = NULL;
+ UIView *layer(player == NULL ? nil : *player);
+ UIWindow *window([[UIWindow alloc] initWithFrame:[[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds]]);
+ UIView *content([[[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:[window frame]] autorelease]);
+ [window setContentView:content];
+ UIWindow *&_window(MSHookIvar<UIWindow *>(self, "_window"));
+ [window setBackgroundColor:[_window backgroundColor]];
+ [_window setBackgroundColor:[UIColor clearColor]];
+ [window setLevel:-1000];
+ [window setHidden:NO];
+ /*if (player != NULL)
+ *player = content;*/
- UIView *content([[[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:[layer frame]] autorelease]);
[content setBackgroundColor:[layer backgroundColor]];
[layer setBackgroundColor:[UIColor clearColor]];
- [layer setFrame:[content bounds]];
- [_window setContentView:content];
+ UIView *indirect;
+ if (!SummerBoard_ || !IsWild_)
+ indirect = content;
+ else {
+ CGRect bounds([content bounds]);
+ bounds.origin.y = -30;
+ indirect = [[[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:bounds] autorelease];
+ [content addSubview:indirect];
+ [indirect zoomToScale:2.4];
+ }
AVQueue *queue([controller_ queue]);
- UIView *video([[[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:[content bounds]] autorelease]);
+ UIView *video([[[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:[indirect bounds]] autorelease]);
[controller_ setLayer:[video _layer]];
AVItem *item([[[AVItem alloc] initWithPath:mp4 error:&error] autorelease]);
[controller_ play:&error];
#elif UseMPMoviePlayerController
NSURL *url([NSURL fileURLWithPath:mp4]);
- MPMoviePlayerController *controller = [[MPMoviePlayerController alloc] initWithContentURL:url];
+ MPMoviePlayerController *controller = [[$MPMoviePlayerController alloc] initWithContentURL:url];
controller.movieControlMode = MPMovieControlModeHidden;
[controller play];
- MPVideoView *video = [[[$MPVideoView alloc] initWithFrame:[content bounds]] autorelease];
+ MPVideoView *video = [[[$MPVideoView alloc] initWithFrame:[indirect bounds]] autorelease];
[video setMovieWithPath:mp4];
[video setRepeatMode:1];
[video setRepeatGap:-1];
[video playFromBeginning];;
- [content addSubview:video];
+ [indirect addSubview:video];
NSString *png = [theme stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"Wallpaper.png"];
WallpaperImage_ = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:image];
if (NSNumber *number = [Info_ objectForKey:@"WallpaperAlpha"])
[WallpaperImage_ setAlpha:[number floatValue]];
- [content addSubview:WallpaperImage_];
+ [indirect addSubview:WallpaperImage_];
NSString *html = [theme stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"Wallpaper.html"];
if ([Manager_ fileExistsAtPath:html]) {
- CGRect bounds = [content bounds];
+ CGRect bounds = [indirect bounds];
UIWebDocumentView *view([[[UIWebDocumentView alloc] initWithFrame:bounds] autorelease]);
[view setAutoresizes:true];
[view setDrawsBackground:NO];
[[view webView] setDrawsBackground:NO];
- [content addSubview:view];
+ [indirect addSubview:view];
NSString *theme = [themes_ objectAtIndex:(e - i - 1)];
NSString *html = [theme stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"Widget.html"];
if ([Manager_ fileExistsAtPath:html]) {
- CGRect bounds = [content bounds];
+ CGRect bounds = [indirect bounds];
UIWebDocumentView *view([[[UIWebDocumentView alloc] initWithFrame:bounds] autorelease]);
[view setAutoresizes:true];
[view setDrawsBackground:NO];
[[view webView] setDrawsBackground:NO];
- [content addSubview:view];
+ [indirect addSubview:view];
- [content addSubview:layer];
- WBLogHierarchy(_window);
return self;
- (id) initWithBadge:(NSString *)badge;
+- (NSString *) description;
return self;
+- (NSString *) description {
+ return [badge_ description];
- (CGSize) drawAtPoint:(CGPoint)point forWidth:(float)width withFont:(UIFont *)font lineBreakMode:(int)mode {
return _SBIconLabel$setInDock$(self, sel, docked);
+MSHook(BOOL, SBDockIconListView$shouldShowNewDock, id self, SEL sel) {
+ return SummerBoard_ && Docked_ ? NO : _SBDockIconListView$shouldShowNewDock(self, sel);
+MSHook(void, SBDockIconListView$setFrame$, id self, SEL sel, CGRect frame) {
+ _SBDockIconListView$setFrame$(self, sel, frame);
MSHook(NSString *, NSBundle$localizedStringForKey$value$table$, NSBundle *self, SEL sel, NSString *key, NSString *value, NSString *table) {
NSString *identifier = [self bundleIdentifier];
NSLocale *locale = [NSLocale currentLocale];
static Ivar drawMoreLegibly = object_getInstanceVariable(self, "_drawMoreLegibly", NULL);
- BOOL docked;
+ int docked;
Ivar ivar = object_getInstanceVariable(self, "_inDock", reinterpret_cast<void **>(&docked));
docked = (docked & (ivar_getOffset(ivar) == ivar_getOffset(drawMoreLegibly) ? 0x2 : 0x1)) != 0;
NSString *style = [NSString stringWithFormat:@""
"font-family: Helvetica; "
"font-weight: bold; "
- "font-size: 11px; "
- "color: %@; "
- "", docked ? @"white" : @"#b3b3b3"];
- if (docked)
+ "color: %@; %@"
+ "", (docked || !SummerBoard_ ? @"white" : @"#b3b3b3"), (IsWild_
+ ? @"font-size: 12px; "
+ : @"font-size: 11px; "
+ )];
+ if (IsWild_)
+ style = [style stringByAppendingString:@"text-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) 0px 1px 0px; "];
+ else if (docked)
style = [style stringByAppendingString:@"text-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) 0px -1px 0px; "];
bool ellipsis(false);
[table setBackgroundColor:[UIColor clearColor]];
[placard insertSubview:background belowSubview:table];
- WBLogHierarchy(placard);
- [placard performSelector:@selector(wb$logHierarchy) withObject:nil afterDelay:10];
MSHook(UIImage *, _UIImageWithName, NSString *name) {
- int id(_UISharedImageNameGetIdentifier(name));
if (Debug_)
- NSLog(@"WB:Debug: _UIImageWithName(\"%@\": %d)", name, id);
+ NSLog(@"WB:Debug: _UIImageWithName(\"%@\")", name);
+ if (name == nil)
+ return nil;
+ int identifier;
+ bool packed;
+ if (_UIPackedImageTableGetIdentifierForName != NULL)
+ packed = _UIPackedImageTableGetIdentifierForName(name, &identifier);
+ else if (_UISharedImageNameGetIdentifier != NULL) {
+ identifier = _UISharedImageNameGetIdentifier(name);
+ packed = identifier != -1;
+ } else {
+ identifier = -1;
+ packed = false;
+ }
- if (id == -1)
- return _UIImageAtPath(name, _UIKitBundle());
+ if (Debug_)
+ NSLog(@"WB:Debug: _UISharedImageNameGetIdentifier(\"%@\") = %d", name, identifier);
+ if (!packed)
+ return __UIImageWithName(name);
else {
- NSNumber *key([NSNumber numberWithInt:id]);
- UIImage *image = [UIImages_ objectForKey:key];
+ NSNumber *key([NSNumber numberWithInt:identifier]);
+ UIImage *image([UIImages_ objectForKey:key]);
if (image != nil)
- return reinterpret_cast<id>(image) == [NSNull null] ? nil : image;
+ return reinterpret_cast<id>(image) == [NSNull null] ? __UIImageWithName(name) : image;
if (NSString *path = $pathForFile$inBundle$(name, _UIKitBundle(), true)) {
image = [[UIImage alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:path cache:true];
if (image != nil)
[image autorelease];
- if (image == nil)
- image = _UISharedImageWithIdentifier(id);
[UIImages_ setObject:(image == nil ? [NSNull null] : reinterpret_cast<id>(image)) forKey:key];
- return image;
+ return image == nil ? __UIImageWithName(name) : image;
MSHook(UIImage *, _UIImageWithNameInDomain, NSString *name, NSString *domain) {
- NSString *key = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"D:%zu%@%@", [domain length], domain, name];
- UIImage *image = [PathImages_ objectForKey:key];
+ NSString *key([NSString stringWithFormat:@"D:%zu%@%@", [domain length], domain, name]);
+ UIImage *image([PathImages_ objectForKey:key]);
if (image != nil)
- return reinterpret_cast<id>(image) == [NSNull null] ? nil : image;
+ return reinterpret_cast<id>(image) == [NSNull null] ? __UIImageWithNameInDomain(name, domain) : image;
if (Debug_)
NSLog(@"WB:Debug: UIImageWithNameInDomain(\"%@\", \"%@\")", name, domain);
if (NSString *path = $getTheme$([NSArray arrayWithObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Domains/%@/%@", domain, name]])) {
if (image != nil)
[image autorelease];
- if (image == nil)
- image = __UIImageWithNameInDomain(name, domain);
[PathImages_ setObject:(image == nil ? [NSNull null] : reinterpret_cast<id>(image)) forKey:key];
- return image;
+ return image == nil ? __UIImageWithNameInDomain(name, domain) : image;
MSHook(GSFontRef, GSFontCreateWithName, const char *name, GSFontSymbolicTraits traits, float size) {
NSLog(@"WB:Debug: GSFontCreateWithName(\"%s\", %f)", name, size);
if (NSString *font = [Info_ objectForKey:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"FontName-%s", name]])
name = [font UTF8String];
+ //if (NSString *scale = [Info_ objectForKey:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"FontScale-%s", name]])
+ // size *= [scale floatValue];
return _GSFontCreateWithName(name, traits, size);
function = reinterpret_cast<Type_>(dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, name));
+/*static void WBImage(const struct mach_header* mh, intptr_t vmaddr_slide) {
+ uint32_t count(_dyld_image_count());
+ for (uint32_t index(0); index != count; ++index)
+ if (_dyld_get_image_header(index) == mh) {
+ CGImageSourceRef (*CGImageSourceCreateWithURL)(CFURLRef url, CFDictionaryRef options);
+ dlset(CGImageSourceCreateWithURL, "CGImageSourceCreateWithURL");
+ MSHookFunction(&CGImageSourceCreateWithURL, &$CGImageSourceCreateWithURL, &_CGImageSourceCreateWithURL);
+ }
extern "C" void WBInitialize() {
- NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
+ NSAutoreleasePool *pool([[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]);
NSString *identifier([[NSBundle mainBundle] bundleIdentifier]);
dlset(_GSFontGetUseLegacyFontMetrics, "GSFontGetUseLegacyFontMetrics");
+ //if ([NSBundle bundleWithIdentifier:@"com.apple.ImageIO.framework"] != nil)
+ MSHookFunction(&CGImageSourceCreateWithURL, &$CGImageSourceCreateWithURL, &_CGImageSourceCreateWithURL);
+ //else
+ // _dyld_register_func_for_add_image(&WBImage);
struct nlist nl[8];
- memset(nl, 0, sizeof(nl));
- nl[0].n_un.n_name = (char *) "__UIApplicationImageWithName";
- nl[1].n_un.n_name = (char *) "__UIImageAtPath";
- nl[2].n_un.n_name = (char *) "__UIImageRefAtPath";
- nl[3].n_un.n_name = (char *) "__UIImageWithNameInDomain";
- nl[4].n_un.n_name = (char *) "__UIKitBundle";
- nl[5].n_un.n_name = (char *) "__UISharedImageNameGetIdentifier";
- nl[6].n_un.n_name = (char *) "__UISharedImageWithIdentifier";
- nlist(UIKit, nl);
- nlset(_UIApplicationImageWithName, nl, 0);
- nlset(_UIImageAtPath, nl, 1);
- nlset(_UIImageRefAtPath, nl, 2);
- nlset(_UIImageWithNameInDomain, nl, 3);
- nlset(_UIKitBundle, nl, 4);
- nlset(_UISharedImageNameGetIdentifier, nl, 5);
- nlset(_UISharedImageWithIdentifier, nl, 6);
- MSHookFunction(_UIApplicationImageWithName, &$_UIApplicationImageWithName, &__UIApplicationImageWithName);
- MSHookFunction(_UIImageRefAtPath, &$_UIImageRefAtPath, &__UIImageRefAtPath);
- MSHookFunction(_UIImageWithName, &$_UIImageWithName, &__UIImageWithName);
- MSHookFunction(_UIImageWithNameInDomain, &$_UIImageWithNameInDomain, &__UIImageWithNameInDomain);
+ if ([NSBundle bundleWithIdentifier:@"com.apple.UIKit"] != nil) {
+// UIKit {{{
+ memset(nl, 0, sizeof(nl));
+ nl[0].n_un.n_name = (char *) "__UIApplicationImageWithName";
+ nl[1].n_un.n_name = (char *) "__UIImageAtPath";
+ nl[2].n_un.n_name = (char *) "__UIImageRefAtPath";
+ nl[3].n_un.n_name = (char *) "__UIImageWithNameInDomain";
+ nl[4].n_un.n_name = (char *) "__UIKitBundle";
+ nl[5].n_un.n_name = (char *) "__UIPackedImageTableGetIdentifierForName";
+ nl[6].n_un.n_name = (char *) "__UISharedImageNameGetIdentifier";
+ nlist(UIKit, nl);
+ nlset(_UIApplicationImageWithName, nl, 0);
+ nlset(_UIImageAtPath, nl, 1);
+ nlset(_UIImageRefAtPath, nl, 2);
+ nlset(_UIImageWithNameInDomain, nl, 3);
+ nlset(_UIKitBundle, nl, 4);
+ nlset(_UIPackedImageTableGetIdentifierForName, nl, 5);
+ nlset(_UISharedImageNameGetIdentifier, nl, 6);
+ MSHookFunction(_UIApplicationImageWithName, &$_UIApplicationImageWithName, &__UIApplicationImageWithName);
+ MSHookFunction(_UIImageRefAtPath, &$_UIImageRefAtPath, &__UIImageRefAtPath);
+ MSHookFunction(_UIImageWithName, &$_UIImageWithName, &__UIImageWithName);
+ MSHookFunction(_UIImageWithNameInDomain, &$_UIImageWithNameInDomain, &__UIImageWithNameInDomain);
+// }}}
+ }
MSHookFunction(&GSFontCreateWithName, &$GSFontCreateWithName, &_GSFontCreateWithName);
if (dlopen(AudioToolbox, RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_NOLOAD) != NULL) {
+// AudioToolbox {{{
struct nlist nl[2];
memset(nl, 0, sizeof(nl));
nl[0].n_un.n_name = (char *) "__Z24GetFileNameForThisActionmPcRb";
nlist(AudioToolbox, nl);
nlset(_Z24GetFileNameForThisActionmPcRb, nl, 0);
MSHookFunction(_Z24GetFileNameForThisActionmPcRb, &$_Z24GetFileNameForThisActionmPcRb, &__Z24GetFileNameForThisActionmPcRb);
+// }}}
$NSBundle = objc_getClass("NSBundle");
_UIImage$defaultDesktopImage = MSHookMessage(object_getClass($UIImage), @selector(defaultDesktopImage), &$UIImage$defaultDesktopImage);
- //WBRename("UINavigationBar", @selector(initWithCoder:", (IMP) &UINavigationBar$initWithCoder$);
- //WBRename("UINavigationBarBackground", @selector(initWithFrame:withBarStyle:withTintColor:", (IMP) &UINavigationBarBackground$initWithFrame$withBarStyle$withTintColor$);
+ //WBRename("UINavigationBar", @selector(initWithCoder:), (IMP) &UINavigationBar$initWithCoder$);
+ //WBRename("UINavigationBarBackground", @selector(initWithFrame:withBarStyle:withTintColor:), (IMP) &UINavigationBarBackground$initWithFrame$withBarStyle$withTintColor$);
_UINavigationBar$setBarStyle$ = MSHookMessage($UINavigationBar, @selector(setBarStyle:), &$UINavigationBar$setBarStyle$);
_UIToolbar$setBarStyle$ = MSHookMessage($UIToolbar, @selector(setBarStyle:), &$UIToolbar$setBarStyle$);
themes_ = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:8];
- if (NSDictionary *settings = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"/User/Library/Preferences/com.saurik.WinterBoard.plist"]]) {
- [settings autorelease];
- if (NSNumber *debug = [settings objectForKey:@"Debug"])
- Debug_ = [debug boolValue];
+ if (NSDictionary *settings = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"/User/Library/Preferences/com.saurik.WinterBoard.plist"]]) {
+// Load Settings {{{
+ if (NSNumber *value = [settings objectForKey:@"SummerBoard"])
+ SummerBoard_ = [value boolValue];
+ if (NSNumber *value = [settings objectForKey:@"Debug"])
+ Debug_ = [value boolValue];
- NSArray *themes = [settings objectForKey:@"Themes"];
+ NSArray *themes([settings objectForKey:@"Themes"]);
if (themes == nil)
if (NSString *theme = [settings objectForKey:@"Theme"])
themes = [NSArray arrayWithObject:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
theme, @"Name",
[NSNumber numberWithBool:true], @"Active",
if (themes != nil)
for (NSDictionary *theme in themes) {
- NSNumber *active = [theme objectForKey:@"Active"];
+ NSNumber *active([theme objectForKey:@"Active"]);
if (![active boolValue])
- NSString *name = [theme objectForKey:@"Name"];
+ NSString *name([theme objectForKey:@"Name"]);
if (name == nil)
- NSString *theme = nil;
+ NSString *theme(nil);
#define testForTheme(format...) \
if (theme == nil) { \
testForTheme(@"/Library/Themes/%@.theme", name)
testForTheme(@"/Library/Themes/%@", name)
testForTheme(@"%@/Library/SummerBoard/Themes/%@", NSHomeDirectory(), name)
+// }}}
Info_ = [[NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:16] retain];
for (NSString *theme in themes_)
- if (NSDictionary *info = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/Info.plist", theme]]) {
- [info autorelease];
+ if (NSDictionary *info = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/Info.plist", theme]])
for (NSString *key in [info allKeys])
if ([Info_ objectForKey:key] == nil)
[Info_ setObject:[info objectForKey:key] forKey:key];
- }
bool sms($getTheme$([NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"SMSBackground.png", @"SMSBackground.jpg", nil]) != nil);
- if ([NSBundle bundleWithIdentifier:@"com.apple.chatkit"])
+ SpringBoard_ = [identifier isEqualToString:@"com.apple.springboard"];
+ if ([NSBundle bundleWithIdentifier:@"com.apple.chatkit"] != nil)
+// ChatKit {{{
if (sms) {
$CKMessageCell = objc_getClass("CKMessageCell");
_CKMessageCell$addBalloonView$ = MSHookMessage($CKMessageCell, @selector(addBalloonView:), &$CKMessageCell$addBalloonView$);
$CKTranscriptController = objc_getClass("CKTranscriptController");
_TranscriptController$loadView = MSHookMessage($CKTranscriptController, @selector(loadView), &$TranscriptController$loadView);
+// }}}
if ([identifier isEqualToString:@"com.apple.MobileSMS"]) {
+// MobileSMS {{{
if (sms) {
if (_TranscriptController$loadView == NULL) {
Class mSMSMessageTranscriptController = objc_getClass("mSMSMessageTranscriptController");
_TranscriptController$loadView = MSHookMessage(mSMSMessageTranscriptController, @selector(loadView), &$TranscriptController$loadView);
- } else if ([identifier isEqualToString:@"com.apple.springboard"]) {
+// }}}
+ } else if (SpringBoard_) {
+// SpringBoard {{{
NULL, &ChangeWallpaper, (CFStringRef) @"com.saurik.winterboard.lockbackground", NULL, 0
- NSBundle *MediaPlayer = [NSBundle bundleWithPath:@"/System/Library/Frameworks/MediaPlayer.framework"];
- if (MediaPlayer != nil)
- [MediaPlayer load];
+ if ($getTheme$([NSArray arrayWithObject:@"Wallpaper.mp4"]) != nil) {
+ NSBundle *MediaPlayer([NSBundle bundleWithPath:@"/System/Library/Frameworks/MediaPlayer.framework"]);
+ if (MediaPlayer != nil)
+ [MediaPlayer load];
+ $MPMoviePlayerController = objc_getClass("MPMoviePlayerController");
+ $MPVideoView = objc_getClass("MPVideoView");
+ }
- $MPMoviePlayerController = objc_getClass("MPMoviePlayerController");
- $MPVideoView = objc_getClass("MPVideoView");
$WebCoreFrameBridge = objc_getClass("WebCoreFrameBridge");
$SBApplication = objc_getClass("SBApplication");
$SBBookmarkIcon = objc_getClass("SBBookmarkIcon");
$SBButtonBar = objc_getClass("SBButtonBar");
$SBCalendarIconContentsView = objc_getClass("SBCalendarIconContentsView");
+ $SBDockIconListView = objc_getClass("SBDockIconListView");
$SBIcon = objc_getClass("SBIcon");
$SBIconBadge = objc_getClass("SBIconBadge");
$SBIconController = objc_getClass("SBIconController");
$SBUIController = objc_getClass("SBUIController");
$SBWidgetApplicationIcon = objc_getClass("SBWidgetApplicationIcon");
+ Four_ = $SBDockIconListView != nil;
WBRename(WebCoreFrameBridge, renderedSizeOfNode:constrainedToWidth:, renderedSizeOfNode$constrainedToWidth$);
- WBRename(SBApplication, pathForIcon, pathForIcon);
- WBRename(SBApplicationIcon, icon, icon);
+ if (SummerBoard_) {
+ WBRename(SBApplication, pathForIcon, pathForIcon);
+ WBRename(SBApplicationIcon, icon, icon);
+ WBRename(SBApplicationIcon, generateIconImage:, generateIconImage$);
+ }
WBRename(SBBookmarkIcon, icon, icon);
WBRename(SBButtonBar, didMoveToSuperview, didMoveToSuperview);
WBRename(SBCalendarIconContentsView, drawRect:, drawRect$);
WBRename(SBUIController, init, init);
WBRename(SBWidgetApplicationIcon, icon, icon);
+ WBRename(SBDockIconListView, setFrame:, setFrame$);
+ MSHookMessage(object_getClass($SBDockIconListView), @selector(shouldShowNewDock), &$SBDockIconListView$shouldShowNewDock, &_SBDockIconListView$shouldShowNewDock);
WBRename(SBIconLabel, drawRect:, drawRect$);
WBRename(SBIconLabel, initWithSize:label:, initWithSize$label$);
WBRename(SBIconLabel, setInDock:, setInDock$);
WBRename(SBStatusBarOperatorNameView, setOperatorName:fullSize:, setOperatorName$fullSize$);
WBRename(SBStatusBarTimeView, drawRect:, drawRect$);
- English_ = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:@"/System/Library/CoreServices/SpringBoard.app/English.lproj/LocalizedApplicationNames.strings"];
+ if (SummerBoard_)
+ English_ = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:@"/System/Library/CoreServices/SpringBoard.app/English.lproj/LocalizedApplicationNames.strings"];
Cache_ = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity:64];
+// }}}
Wallpapers_ = [[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"Wallpaper.mp4", @"Wallpaper.png", @"Wallpaper.jpg", @"Wallpaper.html", nil] retain];
+ Papered_ = $getTheme$(Wallpapers_) != nil;
- if ([Info_ objectForKey:@"UndockedIconLabels"] == nil)
- [Info_ setObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:(
- $getTheme$(Wallpapers_) == nil ||
- [Info_ objectForKey:@"DockedIconLabelStyle"] != nil ||
- [Info_ objectForKey:@"UndockedIconLabelStyle"] != nil
- )] forKey:@"UndockedIconLabels"];
- if (Debug_)
- NSLog(@"WB:Debug:Info = %@", [Info_ description]);
+ Docked_ = $getTheme$([NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"Dock.png", nil]);
[pool release];