]> git.saurik.com Git - redis.git/blob - design-documents/REDIS-CLUSTER-2
Redis cluster version 2
[redis.git] / design-documents / REDIS-CLUSTER-2
1 Redis Cluster - Alternative 1
3 28 Apr 2010: Ver 1.0 - initial version
5 Overview
6 ========
8 The motivations and design goals of Redis Cluster are already outlined in the
9 first design document of Redis Cluster. This document is just an attempt to
10 provide a completely alternative approach in order to explore more ideas.
12 In this document the alternative explored is a cluster where communication is
13 performed directly from client to the target node, without intermediate layer.
15 The intermediate layer can be used, in the form of a proxy, in order to provide
16 the same functionality to clients not able to directly use the cluster protocol.
17 So in a first stage clients can use a proxy to implement the hash ring, but
18 later this clients can switch to a native implementation, following a
19 specification that the Redis project will provide.
21 In this new design fault tolerance is achieved by replicating M-1 times every
22 data node instead of storing the same key M times across nodes.
24 From the point of view of CAP our biggest sacrifice is about "P", that is
25 resistance to partitioning. Only M-1 nodes can go down for the cluster still
26 be functional. Also when possible "A" is somewhat sacrificed for "L", that
27 is, Latency. Not really in the CAP equation but a very important parameter.
29 Network layout
30 ==============
32 In this alternative design the network layout is simple as there are only
33 clients talking directly to N data nodes. So we can imagine to have:
35 - K Redis clients, directly talking to the data nodes.
36 - N Redis data nodes, that are, normal Redis instances.
38 Data nodes are replicate M-1 times (so there are a total of M copies for
39 every node). If M is one, the system is not fault tolerant. If M is 2 one
40 data node can go off line without affecting the operations. And so forth.
42 Hash slots
43 ==========
45 The key space is divided into 1024 slots.
47 Given a key, the SHA1 function is applied to it.
48 The first 10 bytes of the SHA1 digest are interpreted as an unsigned integer
49 from 0 to 1023. This is the hash slot of the key.
51 Data nodes
52 ==========
54 Data nodes are normal Redis instances, but a few additional commands are
55 provided.
57 HASHRING ADD ... list of hash slots ...
58 HASHRING DEL ... list of hash slots ...
60 HASHRING SLOTS => returns the list of configured slots
61 HSAHRING KEYS ... list of hash slots ...
63 By default Redis instances are configured to accept operations about all
64 the hash slots. With this commands it's possible to configure a Redis instance
65 to accept only a subset of the key space.
67 If an operation is performed against a key hashing to a slot that is not
68 configured to be accepted, the Redis instance will reply with:
70 "-ERR wrong hash slot"
72 More details on the HASHRING command and sub commands will be showed later
73 in this document.
75 Additionally three other commands are added:
77 DUMP key
78 RESTORE key <dump data>
79 MIGRATE key host port
81 DUMP is used to output a very compact binary representation of the data stored at key.
83 RESTORE re-creates a value (storing it at key) starting from the output produced by DUMP.
85 MIGRATE is like a server-side DUMP+RESTORE command. This atomic command moves one key from the connected instance to another instance, returning the status code of the operation (+OK or an error).
87 The protocol described in this draft only uses the MIGRATE command, but this in turn will use RESTORE internally when connecting to another server, and DUMP is provided for symmetry.
89 Querying the cluster
90 ====================
92 1) Reading the cluster config
93 -----------------------------
95 Clients of the cluster are required to have the cluster configuration loaded
96 into memory. The cluster configuration is the sum of the following info:
98 - Number of data nodes in the cluster, for instance, 10
99 - A map between hash slots and nodes, so for instnace:
100 hash slot 1 -> node 0
101 hash slot 2 -> node 5
102 hash slot 3 -> node 3
103 ... and so forth ...
104 - Physical address of nodes, and their replicas.
105 node 0 addr ->
106 node 0 replicas ->,
107 - Configuration version: the SHA1 of the whole configuration
109 The configuration is stored in every single data node of the cluster.
111 A client without the configuration in memory is require, as a first step, to
112 read the config. In order to do so the client requires to have a list of IPs
113 that are with good probability data nodes of the cluster.
115 The client will try to get the config from all this nodes. If no node is found
116 responding, an error is reported to the user.
118 2) Caching and refreshing the configuration
119 -------------------------------------------
121 A node is allowed to cache the configuration in memory or in a different way
122 (for instance storing the configuration into a file), but every client is
123 required to check if the configuration changed at max every 10 seconds, asking
124 for the configuration version key with a single GET call, and checking if the
125 configuration version matches the one loaded in memory.
127 Also a client is required to refresh the configuration every time a node
128 replies with:
130 "-ERR wrong hash slot"
132 As this means that hash slots were reassigned in some way.
134 Checking the configuration every 10 seconds is not required in theory but is
135 a good protection against errors and failures that may happen in real world
136 environments. It is also very cheap to perform, as a GET operation from time
137 to time is going to have no impact in the overall performance.
139 3) Read query
140 -------------
142 To perform a read query the client hashes the key argument from the command
143 (in the intiial version of Redis Cluster only single-key commands are
144 allowed). Using the in memory configuration it maps the hash key to the
145 node ID.
147 If the client is configured to support read-after-write consistency, then
148 the "master" node for this hash slot is queried.
150 Otherwise the client picks a random node from the master and the replicas
151 available.
153 4) Write query
154 --------------
156 A write query is exactly like a read query, with the difference that the
157 write always targets the master node, instead of the replicas.
159 Creating a cluster
160 ==================
162 In order to create a new cluster, the redis-cluster command line utility is
163 used. It gets a list of available nodes and replicas, in order to write the
164 initial configuration in all the nodes.
166 At this point the cluster is usable by clients.
168 Adding nodes to the cluster
169 ===========================
171 The command line utility redis-cluster is used in order to add a node to the
172 cluster:
174 1) The cluster configuration is loaded.
175 2) A fair number of hash slots are assigned to the new data node.
176 3) Hash slots moved to the new node are marked as "REHASHING" in the old
177 nodes, using the HASHRING command:
181 The above command set the hash slot "1" in rehashing state, with the
182 "forwarding address" to As a result if this node receives
183 a query about a key hashing to hash slot 1, that *is not present* in the
184 current data set, it replies with:
188 The client can then reissue the query against the new node.
190 Instead even if the hash slot is marked as rehashing but the requested key
191 is still there, the query is processed. This allows for non blocking
192 rehashing.
194 Note that no additional memory is used by Redis in order to provide such a
195 feature.
197 4) While the Hash slot is marked as "REHASHING", redis-cluster asks this node
198 the list of all the keys matching the specified hash slot. Then all the keys
199 are moved to the new node using the MIGRATE command.
200 5) Once all the keys are migrated, the hash slot is deleted from the old
201 node configuration with "HASHRING DEL 1". And the configuration is update.
203 Using this algorithm all the hash slots are migrated one after the other to the new node. In practical implementation before to start the migration the
204 redis-cluster utility should write a log into the configuration so that
205 in case of crash or any other problem the utility is able to recover from
206 were it left.
208 Fault tolerance
209 ===============
211 Fault tolerance is reached replicating every data node M-1 times, so that we
212 have one master and M-1 replicas for a total of M nodes holding the same
213 hash slots. Up to M-1 nodes can go down without affecting the cluster.
215 The tricky part about fault tolerance is detecting when a node is failing and
216 signaling it to all the other clients.
218 When a master node is failing in a permanent way, promoting the first slave
219 is easy:
220 1) At some point a client will notice there are problems accessing a given node. It will try to refresh the config, but will notice that the config is already up to date.
221 2) In order to make sure the problem is not about the client connectivity itself, it will try to reach other nodes as well. If more than M-1 nodes appear to be down, it's either a client networking problem or alternatively the cluster can't be fixed as too many nodes are down anyway. So no action is taken, but an error is reported.
222 3) If instead only 1 or at max M-1 nodes appear to be down, the client promotes a slave as master and writes the new configuration to all the data nodes.
224 All the other clients will see the data node not working, and as a first step will try to refresh the configuration. They will successful refresh the configuration and the cluster will work again.
226 Every time a slave is promoted, the information is written in a log that is actually a Redis list, in all the data nodes, so that system administration tools can detect what happened in order to send notifications to the admin.
228 Intermittent problems
229 ---------------------
231 In the above scenario a master was failing in a permanent way. Now instead
232 let's think to a case where a network cable is not working well so a node
233 appears to be a few seconds up and a few seconds down.
235 When this happens recovering can be much harder, as a client may notice the
236 problem and will promote a slave to master as a result, but then the host
237 will be up again and the other clients will not see the problem, writing to
238 the old master for at max 10 seconds (after 10 seconds all the clients are
239 required to perform a few GETs to check the configuration version of the
240 cluster and update if needed).
242 One way to fix this problem is to delegate the fail over mechanism to a
243 failover agent. When clients notice problems will not take any active action
244 but will just log the problem into a redis list in all the reachable nodes,
245 wait, check for configuration change, and retry.
247 The failover agent constantly monitor this logs: if some client is reporting
248 a failing node, it can take appropriate actions, checking if the failure is
249 permanent or not. If it's not he can send a SHUTDOWN command to the failing
250 master if possible. The failover agent can also consider better the problem
251 checking if the failing mode is advertised by all the clients or just a single
252 one, and can check itself if there is a real problem before to proceed with
253 the fail over.
255 Redis proxy
256 ===========
258 In order to make the switch to the clustered version of Redis simpler, and
259 because the client-side protocol is non trivial to implement compared to the
260 usual Redis client lib protocol (where a minimal lib can be as small as
261 100 lines of code), a proxy will be provided to implement the cluster protocol
262 as a proxy.
264 Every client will talk to a redis-proxy node that is responsible of using
265 the new protocol and forwarding back the replies.
267 In the long run the aim is to switch all the major client libraries to the
268 new protocol in a native way.
270 Supported commands
271 ==================
273 Because with this design we talk directly to data nodes and there is a single
274 "master" version of every value (that's the big gain dropping "P" from CAP!)
275 almost all the redis commands can be supported by the clustered version
276 including MULTI/EXEC and multi key commands as long as all the keys will hash
277 to the same hash slot. In order to guarantee this, key tags can be used,
278 where when a specific pattern is present in the key name, only that part is
279 hashed in order to obtain the hash index.
281 EOF