1 /* patcyh - you should pronounce it like patch
2 * Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Jay Freeman (saurik)
5 /* GNU General Public License, Version 3 {{{ */
7 * Cydia is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
8 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
9 * by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License,
10 * or (at your option) any later version.
12 * Cydia is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
13 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 * GNU General Public License for more details.
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 * along with Cydia. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
23 #include <objc/runtime.h>
24 #include <Foundation/Foundation.h>
28 @interface MIFileManager
29 + (MIFileManager *) defaultManager;
30 - (NSURL *) destinationOfSymbolicLinkAtURL:(NSURL *)url error:(NSError *)error;
33 static Class $MIFileManager;
35 static pthread_key_t key_;
37 static NSArray *(*_MIFileManager$urlsForItemsInDirectoryAtURL$ignoringSymlinks$error$)(MIFileManager *self, SEL _cmd, NSURL *url, BOOL ignoring, NSError *error);
39 static NSArray *$MIFileManager$urlsForItemsInDirectoryAtURL$ignoringSymlinks$error$(MIFileManager *self, SEL _cmd, NSURL *url, BOOL ignoring, NSError *error) {
40 MIFileManager *manager(reinterpret_cast<MIFileManager *>([$MIFileManager defaultManager]));
41 NSURL *destiny([manager destinationOfSymbolicLinkAtURL:url error:NULL]);
43 return _MIFileManager$urlsForItemsInDirectoryAtURL$ignoringSymlinks$error$(self, _cmd, url, NO, error);
45 NSArray *prefix([url pathComponents]);
46 size_t skip([[destiny pathComponents] count]);
47 NSMutableArray *items([NSMutableArray array]);
48 for (NSURL *item in _MIFileManager$urlsForItemsInDirectoryAtURL$ignoringSymlinks$error$(self, _cmd, destiny, NO, error)) {
49 NSArray *components([item pathComponents]);
50 [items addObject:[NSURL fileURLWithPathComponents:[prefix arrayByAddingObjectsFromArray:[components subarrayWithRange:NSMakeRange(skip, [components count] - skip)]]]];
56 static NSString *(*_NSURL$path)(NSURL *self, SEL _cmd);
58 static NSString *$NSURL$path(NSURL *self, SEL _cmd) {
59 NSString *path(_NSURL$path(self, _cmd));
60 if (pthread_getspecific(key_) != NULL)
61 path = [[path mutableCopy] autorelease];
65 static NSRange (*_NSString$rangeOfString$options$)(NSString *self, SEL _cmd, NSString *value, NSStringCompareOptions options);
67 static NSRange $NSString$rangeOfString$options$(NSString *self, SEL _cmd, NSString *value, NSStringCompareOptions options) {
69 if (pthread_getspecific(key_) == NULL)
71 if (![value isEqualToString:@".app/"])
74 char *real(realpath("/Applications", NULL));
75 NSString *destiny([NSString stringWithUTF8String:real]);
78 if ([destiny isEqualToString:@"/Applications"])
81 destiny = [destiny stringByAppendingString:@"/"];
82 if (![self hasPrefix:destiny])
86 if (![[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:self isDirectory:&directory])
91 // the trailing / allows lsd to "restart" its verification attempt
92 [(NSMutableString *) self setString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"/Applications/%@/", [self substringFromIndex:[destiny length]]]];
95 return _NSString$rangeOfString$options$(self, _cmd, value, options);
98 static id (*_LSDXPCServer$canOpenURL$connection$)(LSDXPCServer *self, SEL _cmd, id url, id connection);
100 static id $LSDXPCServer$canOpenURL$connection$(LSDXPCServer *self, SEL _cmd, id url, id connection) {
101 pthread_setspecific(key_, connection);
103 return _LSDXPCServer$canOpenURL$connection$(self, _cmd, url, connection);
105 pthread_setspecific(key_, NULL);
109 __attribute__((__constructor__))
110 static void initialize() {
111 pthread_key_create(&key_, NULL);
113 $MIFileManager = objc_getClass("MIFileManager");
115 if ($MIFileManager != Nil) {
116 SEL sel(@selector(urlsForItemsInDirectoryAtURL:ignoringSymlinks:error:));
117 if (Method method = class_getInstanceMethod($MIFileManager, sel)) {
118 _MIFileManager$urlsForItemsInDirectoryAtURL$ignoringSymlinks$error$ = reinterpret_cast<NSArray *(*)(MIFileManager *, SEL, NSURL *, BOOL, NSError *)>(method_getImplementation(method));
119 method_setImplementation(method, reinterpret_cast<IMP>(&$MIFileManager$urlsForItemsInDirectoryAtURL$ignoringSymlinks$error$));
123 if (Class $NSURL = objc_getClass("NSURL")) {
124 SEL sel(@selector(path));
125 if (Method method = class_getInstanceMethod($NSURL, sel)) {
126 _NSURL$path = reinterpret_cast<NSString *(*)(NSURL *, SEL)>(method_getImplementation(method));
127 method_setImplementation(method, reinterpret_cast<IMP>(&$NSURL$path));
131 if (Class $NSString = objc_getClass("NSString")) {
132 SEL sel(@selector(rangeOfString:options:));
133 if (Method method = class_getInstanceMethod($NSString, sel)) {
134 _NSString$rangeOfString$options$ = reinterpret_cast<NSRange (*)(NSString *, SEL, NSString *, NSStringCompareOptions)>(method_getImplementation(method));
135 method_setImplementation(method, reinterpret_cast<IMP>(&$NSString$rangeOfString$options$));
139 if (Class $LSDXPCServer = objc_getClass("LSDXPCServer")) {
140 SEL sel(@selector(canOpenURL:connection:));
141 if (Method method = class_getInstanceMethod($LSDXPCServer, sel)) {
142 _LSDXPCServer$canOpenURL$connection$ = reinterpret_cast<id (*)(LSDXPCServer *, SEL, id, id)>(method_getImplementation(method));
143 method_setImplementation(method, reinterpret_cast<IMP>(&$LSDXPCServer$canOpenURL$connection$));