2014-10-30 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | I apparently lost this rotation commit somewhere. |
tree | commitdiff |
2014-10-30 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Block evil attempts to redirect to the App Store. |
tree | commitdiff |
2014-10-29 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Reload the appcache if suspended over ten minutes. |
tree | commitdiff |
2014-10-29 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Fix Cydia's popup blocking (broken since iOS 4.2). |
tree | commitdiff |
2014-10-29 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Move WebView (Apple) category to iPhonePrivate.h. |
tree | commitdiff |
2014-10-27 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Implement shouldAutorotateTo*: using supported*s:. |
tree | commitdiff |
2014-06-11 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | The initial page color for packages should be nil. |
tree | commitdiff |
2014-06-11 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Upgrade copyrights and about dialog to cover 2014. |
tree | commitdiff |
2014-06-11 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Bring back the UITableViewStyleGrouped color hack. |
tree | commitdiff |
2014-06-11 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Avoid overriding the background color after push. |
tree | commitdiff |
2014-05-20 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Recover BrowserView authentication challenge logic. |
tree | commitdiff |
2014-05-17 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | On iOS 6 iPads, Cydia incorrectly uses pinstripes. |
tree | commitdiff |
2014-05-13 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Generalize TabBarController transients to CyteKit. |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-12-24 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Fix iOS 7 autorotate (need setRootViewController). |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-12-24 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Fix background color so it works on all iOS builds. |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-12-23 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Carry bgcolor over to the next WebViewController. |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-12-22 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Emergency commit of my background color changes. |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-09-30 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Fix the position of the loading indicator on iOS 7. |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-09-29 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Update copyright notices to include the year 2013. |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-09-29 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | In the last couple decades I learned BSD is wrong. |
tree | commitdiff |
2013-09-29 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Use MobileGestalt to get device uniqueIdentifier. |
tree | commitdiff |
2012-09-13 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Add missing LogBrowser NSLog for didClearWindowObject. |
tree | commitdiff |
2012-09-13 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Add cydia.registerFrame() to force auto-iframe size. |
tree | commitdiff |
2012-05-15 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Add delegate getters to match setDelegate setters. |
tree | commitdiff |
2012-03-09 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Update Copyright: 2008-2012 (from 2008-2011). |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-12-24 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | "Oh, my God... they killed parentViewController!" v1.1.3 |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-06-10 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Sanity check pcre_fullinfo (not that it helps clang). |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-06-09 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Make compilations with clang succeed. |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-06-06 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Merge branch 'master' of git.saurik.com:cydia |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-29 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Guard setOfflineWebApplicationCacheEnabled: for 2.0. |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-26 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Improve state machine that protects against automatic... |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-26 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Don't hold the Removing Essentials dialog over Progress... v1.1.0 |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-25 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Remove obsolete NSLog() debugging. |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-25 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Add HTTP Referer: tracking. |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-25 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Add -[CyteWebView request] helper. |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-24 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Correctly handle layout updates of background tabs. |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-22 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Finished implemented promoted packages bar. |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-22 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Separate out CyteKit/IndirectDelegate.h. |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-22 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Provide -[CyteWebView scrollView] helper. |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-22 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Move WebPreferences (Apple) into iPhonePrivate.h. |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-21 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Add initWithRequest: to CyteWebViewController. |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-21 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | CyteWebView failed to verify a delegate before sending. |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-21 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Don't lose track of network activity during memory... |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-21 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Do not show network activity for AppCacheController. |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-21 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Remove (hopefully) unneeded 2.x memory-for-stability... |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-21 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Fix underlying Apple UIWebViewWebViewDelegate on 2... |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-21 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Call setDelegate:nil during _H<> = nil. |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-21 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Reloading the data of an arbitrary viewcontroller invol... |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-21 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Witness the return of the memory-for-stability tradeoff... |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-20 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Expose ramifications of kCFCoreFoundationVersionNumber. |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-17 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Add cydia.setScrollAlwaysBounceVertical(). |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-17 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Add cydia.setScrollIndicatorStyle(). |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-14 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Seriously solve the auto-redirect issue. |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-14 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Consider a WebView loaded when it commits. |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-14 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Add helpful -[WebFrame description] for debugging. |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-14 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Add -[CyteWebViewDelegate webView:didCommitLoadForFrame:]. |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-14 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Use lazy loading for pushed web controllers. |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-14 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Add -[CyteWebViewController setRequest:]. |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-14 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Allow window.close() to close unselected controllers. |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-14 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Tapping statusbar should scroll webpages to top. |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-14 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Add WebEventTouchCancel, using WebEvent.h. |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-14 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Add dispatchEvent:@"CydiaTouchEnd". |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-14 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Separate out CyteKit/dispatchEvent.*. |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-14 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Use a constructor, not +initialize. |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-14 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Forgot UCPlatform.h in PCRE. |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-11 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Add a useful -description for CyteWebView. |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-11 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Helpful override of description on CyteWebViewController. |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-09 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Apply custom useragent after loadView. |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-08 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Gracefully recover from low-memory conditions. v1.1.0%b2 |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-08 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Add [super releaseSubviews]. |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-08 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Use loadView/releaseSubviews for CyteWebViewController. |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-08 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | On 3.x I need to animate these buttons or they go nuts. |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-08 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Prefer manual cydia.unload() to automatic modality. |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-08 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Automatically attach cydia.log and `dpkg -l`. |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-08 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Post CydiaReloadData events, don't actually reload... |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-08 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Do not update webviews that are not rendered. |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-08 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Separate out Cydia/LoadingView{,Controller}.*. |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-08 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Re-allow navigation actions on refresh. |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-08 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Rename CYTableViewCell to CyteTableViewCell. |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-08 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Automate set{Delegate,DataSource}:nil using _H<>. |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-08 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Fix _H<> copy assignment operator. |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-07 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Separate out CyteKit/CyteTableView.*. |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-07 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Replace all Objective-C memory managment with _H<>. |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-07 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | runJavaScript*Panel during popViewController has self... |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-07 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Add debugging logic for didStartProvisionalLoadForFrame:. |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-07 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Split addMessageToConsole: filter onto multiple lines. |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-07 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Disallow serializing redirected garbage to the state. |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-07 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Verify that NSURLErrorCancelled is from NSURLErrorDomain. |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-07 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Disallow serializing error URLs to the state. |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-07 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Disallow serializing ignored URLs to the state. |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-07 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Just turn on setJavaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically... |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-07 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Unload controllers after presentModal, not before. |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-07 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | When possible, use MFMailComposeViewController for... |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-07 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | When possible, use openURL:asPanel for _openMailToURL:. |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-07 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Consistent application of right and left buttons. |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-07 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Provide -[CyteWebViewController leftButton] API. |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-07 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Fit ManageController to CyteWebViewController {custom... |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-07 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Use a real copyright symbol in About. |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-07 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Rename CYViewController to CyteViewController. |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-07 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Simplify all of these new filenames. |
tree | commitdiff |
next |