sdks := /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs
-ios := 3.2
-#ios := 2.0
-ifeq ($(patsubst 2%,2,$(ios)),2)
-gcc := 4.0
+ios := 4.0
gcc := 4.2
flags :=
link :=
#cycc = cycc -r4.2 -i$(ios) -o$@
gxx := /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/usr/bin/g++-$(gcc)
-cycc = $(gxx) -arch armv6 -o $@ -mcpu=arm1176jzf-s -miphoneos-version-min=2.0 -isysroot $(sdk) -idirafter /usr/include -F/Library/Frameworks
+cycc = $(gxx) -mthumb -arch armv6 -o $@ -mcpu=arm1176jzf-s -miphoneos-version-min=2.0 -isysroot $(sdk) -idirafter /usr/include -F/Library/Frameworks
all: MobileCydia
%.o: %.c
$(cycc) -c -o $@ -x c $<
-MobileCydia: UICaboodle/*.h UICaboodle/*.mm SDURLCache/SDURLCache.h SDURLCache/SDURLCache.m iPhonePrivate.h lookup3.o Cytore.hpp
+ ./
+ @echo "Please read compiling.txt: you do not have a ./sysroot/ folder with the on-device requirements." 1>&2
+ @echo 1>&2
+ @exit 1
+MobileCydia: sysroot Version.h UICaboodle/*.h UICaboodle/*.mm SDURLCache/SDURLCache.h SDURLCache/SDURLCache.m iPhonePrivate.h lookup3.o Cytore.hpp
$(cycc) $(filter,$^) $(filter %.o,$^) $(foreach m,$(filter %.m,$^),-x objective-c++ $(m)) $(flags) $(link) $(uikit)
ldid -Slaunch.xml $@ || { rm -f $@ && false; }
mkdir -p _/DEBIAN
./ _ >_/DEBIAN/control
+ find _ -name '*.png' -exec ./ '{}' ';'
sudo chown -R 0 _
sudo chgrp -R 0 _
sudo chmod 6755 _/Applications/