int cydiafd_;
int statusfd_;
FILE *input_;
+ std::map<const char *, _H<NSString> > sections_;
+ (Database *) sharedInstance;
- (void) setDelegate:(id)delegate;
- (Source *) getSource:(pkgCache::PkgFileIterator)file;
+- (NSString *) mappedSectionForPointer:(const char *)pointer;
/* }}} */
/* Delegate Helpers {{{ */
@interface Package : NSObject {
- uint32_t era_ : 29;
+ uint32_t era_ : 26;
+ uint32_t role_ : 3;
uint32_t essential_ : 1;
uint32_t obsolete_ : 1;
uint32_t ignored_ : 1;
CYString latest_;
CYString installed_;
- CYString section_;
+ const char *section_;
_transient NSString *section$_;
Source *source_;
ParsedPackage *parsed_;
NSMutableArray *tags_;
- NSString *role_;
- (Package *) initWithVersion:(pkgCache::VerIterator)version withZone:(NSZone *)zone inPool:(apr_pool_t *)pool database:(Database *)database;
- (NSArray *) applications;
- (Source *) source;
-- (NSString *) role;
- (BOOL) matches:(NSString *)text;
- (void) dealloc {
if (parsed_ != NULL)
delete parsed_;
if (source_ != nil)
[source_ release];
if (tags_ != nil)
[tags_ release];
- if (role_ != nil)
- [role_ release];
[super dealloc];
const char *name(tag.Name());
[tags_ addObject:[(NSString *)CYStringCreate(name) autorelease]];
- if (role_ == nil && strncmp(name, "role::", 6) == 0 /*&& strcmp(name, "role::leaper") != 0*/)
- role_ = (NSString *) CYStringCreate(name + 6);
+ if (role_ == 0 && strncmp(name, "role::", 6) == 0 /*&& strcmp(name, "role::leaper") != 0*/) {
+ if (strcmp(name + 6, "enduser") == 0)
+ role_ = 1;
+ else if (strcmp(name + 6, "hacker") == 0)
+ role_ = 2;
+ else if (strcmp(name + 6, "developer") == 0)
+ role_ = 3;
+ else if (strcmp(name + 6, "cydia") == 0)
+ role_ = 7;
+ else
+ role_ = 4;
+ }
if (strncmp(name, "cydia::", 7) == 0) {
if (strcmp(name + 7, "essential") == 0)
- section_.set(NULL, iterator.Section());
+ section_ = iterator.Section();
- (NSString *) section {
if (section$_ == nil) {
- if (section_.empty())
+ if (section_ == NULL)
return nil;
- _profile(Package$section)
- std::replace(, + section_.size(), '_', ' ');
- NSString *name(section_);
- section$_ = [SectionMap_ objectForKey:name] ?: name;
+ _profile(Package$section$mappedSectionForPointer)
+ section$_ = [database_ mappedSectionForPointer:section_];
} return section$_;
- (BOOL) unfiltered {
- if (obsolete_)
+ if (_unlikely(obsolete_))
return false;
- if (![self hasSupportingRole])
+ if (_unlikely(![self hasSupportingRole]))
return false;
if (![self unfiltered])
return false;
- NSString *section([self section]);
+ NSString *section;
+ _profile(Package$visible$section)
+ section = [self section];
+ _end
if (section != nil && !isSectionVisible(section))
return source_ == (Source *) [NSNull null] ? nil : source_;
-- (NSString *) role {
- return role_;
- (BOOL) matches:(NSString *)text {
if (text == nil)
return NO;
- (bool) hasSupportingRole {
- if (role_ == nil)
+ if (role_ == 0)
return true;
- if ([role_ isEqualToString:@"enduser"])
+ if (role_ == 1)
return true;
if ([Role_ isEqualToString:@"User"])
return false;
- if ([role_ isEqualToString:@"hacker"])
+ if (role_ == 2)
return true;
if ([Role_ isEqualToString:@"Hacker"])
return false;
- if ([role_ isEqualToString:@"developer"])
+ if (role_ == 3)
return true;
if ([Role_ isEqualToString:@"Developer"])
return false;
- (bool) isInstalledAndUnfiltered:(NSNumber *)number {
- return ![self uninstalled] && (![number boolValue] && ![role_ isEqualToString:@"cydia"] || [self unfiltered]);
+ return ![self uninstalled] && (![number boolValue] && role_ != 7 || [self unfiltered]);
- (bool) isVisibleInSection:(NSString *)name {
return i == sources_.end() ? nil : i->second;
+- (NSString *) mappedSectionForPointer:(const char *)section {
+ _H<NSString> *mapped;
+ _profile(Database$mappedSectionForPointer$Cache)
+ mapped = §ions_[section];
+ _end
+ if (*mapped == NULL) {
+ size_t length(strlen(section));
+ char spaced[length + 1];
+ _profile(Database$mappedSectionForPointer$Replace)
+ for (size_t index(0); index != length; ++index)
+ spaced[index] = section[index] == '_' ? ' ' : section[index];
+ spaced[length] = '\0';
+ _end
+ NSString *string;
+ _profile(Database$mappedSectionForPointer$stringWithUTF8String)
+ string = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:spaced];
+ _end
+ _profile(Database$mappedSectionForPointer$Map)
+ string = [SectionMap_ objectForKey:string] ?: string;
+ _end
+ *mapped = string;
+ } return *mapped;
/* }}} */
/* }}} */
+/* @ Loading... Indicator {{{ */
+@interface CYLoadingIndicator : UIView {
+ UIActivityIndicatorView *spinner_;
+ UILabel *label_;
+ UIView *container_;
+@property (readonly, nonatomic) UILabel *label;
+@property (readonly, nonatomic) UIActivityIndicatorView *activityIndicatorView;
+@implementation CYLoadingIndicator
+- (id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame {
+ if ((self = [super initWithFrame:frame])) {
+ container_ = [[[UIView alloc] init] autorelease];
+ [container_ setAutoresizingMask:UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleTopMargin | UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleLeftMargin | UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleRightMargin | UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleBottomMargin];
+ spinner_ = [[[UIActivityIndicatorView alloc] initWithActivityIndicatorStyle:UIActivityIndicatorViewStyleGray] autorelease];
+ [spinner_ startAnimating];
+ [container_ addSubview:spinner_];
+ label_ = [[[UILabel alloc] init] autorelease];
+ [label_ setFont:[UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize:15.0f]];
+ [label_ setBackgroundColor:[UIColor clearColor]];
+ [label_ setTextColor:[UIColor blackColor]];
+ [label_ setShadowColor:[UIColor whiteColor]];
+ [label_ setShadowOffset:CGSizeMake(0, 1)];
+ [label_ setText:[NSString stringWithFormat:Elision_, UCLocalize("LOADING"), nil]];
+ [container_ addSubview:label_];
+ CGSize viewsize = frame.size;
+ CGSize spinnersize = [spinner_ bounds].size;
+ CGSize textsize = [[label_ text] sizeWithFont:[label_ font]];
+ float bothwidth = spinnersize.width + textsize.width + 5.0f;
+ CGRect containrect = {
+ CGPointMake(floorf((viewsize.width / 2) - (bothwidth / 2)), floorf((viewsize.height / 2) - (spinnersize.height / 2))),
+ CGSizeMake(bothwidth, spinnersize.height)
+ };
+ CGRect textrect = {
+ CGPointMake(spinnersize.width + 5.0f, floorf((spinnersize.height / 2) - (textsize.height / 2))),
+ textsize
+ };
+ CGRect spinrect = {
+ CGPointZero,
+ spinnersize
+ };
+ [container_ setFrame:containrect];
+ [spinner_ setFrame:spinrect];
+ [label_ setFrame:textrect];
+ [self addSubview:container_];
+ }
+ return self;
+- (UILabel *)label { return label_; }
+- (UIActivityIndicatorView *)activityIndicatorView { return spinner_; }
+/* }}} */
/* Cydia Browser Controller {{{ */
@interface CYBrowserController : BrowserController {
CydiaObject *cydia_;
- (void) drawContentRect:(CGRect)rect {
- bool highlighted(highlighted_);
+ bool highlighted(highlighted_ && !editing_);
[icon_ drawInRect:CGRectMake(8, 7, 32, 32)];
- (void) reloadButtonClicked {
- // Don't reload a package view by clicking the button.
+ // Don't reload a commerical package by tapping the loading button,
+ // but if it's not an Install button, we should forward it on.
+ if (![package_ uninstalled])
+ [self _customButtonClicked];
- (void) applyLoadingTitle {
[super dealloc];
++ (BOOL) hasIndexedCollation {
+ return NO; // XXX: objc_getClass("UILocalizedIndexedCollation") != nil;
- (NSInteger) numberOfSectionsInTableView:(UITableView *)list {
NSInteger count([sections_ count]);
return count == 0 ? 1 : count;
- (NSString *) tableView:(UITableView *)list titleForHeaderInSection:(NSInteger)section {
- if ([sections_ count] == 0)
+ if ([sections_ count] == 0 || [[sections_ objectAtIndex:section] count] == 0)
return nil;
return [[sections_ objectAtIndex:section] name];
- (NSArray *) sectionIndexTitlesForTableView:(UITableView *)tableView {
+ // XXX: is 20 the most optimal number here?
return [packages_ count] > 20 ? index_ : nil;
-- (NSInteger)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView sectionForSectionIndexTitle:(NSString *)title atIndex:(NSInteger)index {
+- (NSInteger) tableView:(UITableView *)tableView sectionForSectionIndexTitle:(NSString *)title atIndex:(NSInteger)index {
+ if ([[self class] hasIndexedCollation]) {
+ return [[objc_getClass("UILocalizedIndexedCollation") currentCollation] sectionForSectionIndexTitleAtIndex:index];
+ }
return index;
target_ = target;
action_ = action;
- index_ = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:32];
+ index_ = [[self class] hasIndexedCollation]
+ ? [[[objc_getClass("UILocalizedIndexedCollation") currentCollation] sectionIndexTitles] retain]
+ : [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:32];
indices_ = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity:32];
packages_ = [[NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:16] retain];
[packages_ addObject:package];
- [index_ removeAllObjects];
[indices_ removeAllObjects];
Section *section = nil;
- _profile(PackageTable$reloadData$Section)
- for (size_t offset(0), end([packages_ count]); offset != end; ++offset) {
- Package *package;
- unichar index;
+ if ([[self class] hasIndexedCollation]) {
+ id collation = [objc_getClass("UILocalizedIndexedCollation") currentCollation];
+ NSArray *titles = [collation sectionIndexTitles];
+ int secidx = -1;
- _profile(PackageTable$reloadData$Section$Package)
- package = [packages_ objectAtIndex:offset];
- index = [package index];
- _end
+ _profile(PackageTable$reloadData$Section)
+ for (size_t offset(0), end([packages_ count]); offset != end; ++offset) {
+ Package *package;
+ int index;
- if (section == nil || [section index] != index) {
- _profile(PackageTable$reloadData$Section$Allocate)
- section = [[[Section alloc] initWithIndex:index row:offset] autorelease];
+ _profile(PackageTable$reloadData$Section$Package)
+ package = [packages_ objectAtIndex:offset];
+ index = [collation sectionForObject:package collationStringSelector:@selector(name)];
- [index_ addObject:[section name]];
- //[indices_ setObject:[NSNumber numberForInt:[sections_ count]] forKey:index];
+ while (secidx < index) {
+ secidx += 1;
- _profile(PackageTable$reloadData$Section$Add)
- [sections_ addObject:section];
- _end
+ _profile(PackageTable$reloadData$Section$Allocate)
+ section = [[[Section alloc] initWithName:[titles objectAtIndex:secidx] row:offset localize:NO] autorelease];
+ _end
+ _profile(PackageTable$reloadData$Section$Add)
+ [sections_ addObject:section];
+ _end
+ }
+ [section addToCount];
+ _end
+ } else {
+ [index_ removeAllObjects];
- [section addToCount];
- }
- _end
+ _profile(PackageTable$reloadData$Section)
+ for (size_t offset(0), end([packages_ count]); offset != end; ++offset) {
+ Package *package;
+ unichar index;
+ _profile(PackageTable$reloadData$Section$Package)
+ package = [packages_ objectAtIndex:offset];
+ index = [package index];
+ _end
+ if (section == nil || [section index] != index) {
+ _profile(PackageTable$reloadData$Section$Allocate)
+ section = [[[Section alloc] initWithIndex:index row:offset] autorelease];
+ _end
+ [index_ addObject:[section name]];
+ //[indices_ setObject:[NSNumber numberForInt:[sections_ count]] forKey:index];
+ _profile(PackageTable$reloadData$Section$Add)
+ [sections_ addObject:section];
+ _end
+ }
+ [section addToCount];
+ }
+ _end
+ }
[list_ reloadData];
/* }}} */
-/* Add Source Controller {{{ */
-@interface AddSourceController : CYViewController {
- _transient Database *database_;
-- (id) initWithDatabase:(Database *)database;
-@implementation AddSourceController
-- (id) initWithDatabase:(Database *)database {
- if ((self = [super init]) != nil) {
- database_ = database;
- } return self;
-/* }}} */
/* Source Cell {{{ */
@interface SourceCell : CYTableViewCell <
/* }}} */
/* Source Table {{{ */
-@interface SourceTable : CYViewController <
+@interface SourceController : CYViewController <
> {
-@implementation SourceTable
+@implementation SourceController
- (void) _releaseConnection:(NSURLConnection *)connection {
if (connection != nil) {
@implementation HomeController
++ (BOOL)shouldHideNavigationBar {
+ return NO;
- (void) _setMoreHeaders:(NSMutableURLRequest *)request {
[super _setMoreHeaders:request];
- (void) viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated {
[super viewWillAppear:animated];
- //[[self navigationController] setNavigationBarHidden:YES animated:animated];
+ if ([[self class] shouldHideNavigationBar])
+ [[self navigationController] setNavigationBarHidden:YES animated:animated];
- (void) viewWillDisappear:(BOOL)animated {
[super viewWillDisappear:animated];
- //[[self navigationController] setNavigationBarHidden:NO animated:animated];
+ if ([[self class] shouldHideNavigationBar])
+ [[self navigationController] setNavigationBarHidden:NO animated:animated];
- (id) init {
// Inherit autorotation settings for modal parents.
if ([self parentViewController] && [[self parentViewController] modalViewController] == self) {
return [[self parentViewController] shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:orientation];
+ } else if ([self parentViewController]) {
+ return [[self parentViewController] shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:orientation];
} else {
return [super shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:orientation];
- (void) viewWillDisappear:(BOOL)animated {
[super viewWillDisappear:animated];
- [self setEditing:NO];
+ if (editing_) [self setEditing:NO];
- (Section *) sectionAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
ChangesController *changes_;
ManageController *manage_;
SearchController *search_;
- SourceTable *sources_;
+ SourceController *sources_;
InstalledController *installed_;
id queueDelegate_;
return [tabbar_ updating];
-- (UIView *) rotatingContentViewForWindow:(UIWindow *)window {
- return window_;
- (void) _loaded {
if ([broken_ count] != 0) {
int count = [broken_ count];
- (void) _updateData {
[self _saveConfig];
- /* XXX: this is just stupid */
- if (tag_ != 1 && sections_ != nil)
- [sections_ reloadData];
- if (tag_ != 2 && changes_ != nil)
- [changes_ reloadData];
- if (tag_ != 4 && search_ != nil)
- [search_ reloadData];
+ NSMutableSet *tabs([[[NSMutableSet alloc] initWithCapacity:10] autorelease]);
+ [tabs addObject:[tabbar_ selectedViewController]];
- [(CYNavigationController *)[tabbar_ selectedViewController] reloadData];
+ if (sections_ != nil)
+ [tabs addObject:sections_];
+ if (changes_ != nil)
+ [tabs addObject:changes_];
+ if (manage_ != nil)
+ [tabs addObject:manage_];
+ if (search_ != nil)
+ [tabs addObject:search_];
+ if (sources_ != nil)
+ [tabs addObject:sources_];
+ if (installed_ != nil)
+ [tabs addObject:installed_];
+ for (CYNavigationController *tab in tabs)
+ [tab reloadData];
[queueDelegate_ queueStatusDidChange];
[[[self queueBadgeController] tabBarItem] setBadgeValue:(Queuing_ ? UCLocalize("Q_D") : nil)];
-- (CGRect) popUpBounds {
- return [[tabbar_ view] bounds];
- (bool) perform {
if (![database_ prepare])
return false;
return search_;
-- (SourceTable *) sourcesController {
+- (SourceController *) sourcesController {
if (sources_ == nil)
- sources_ = [[SourceTable alloc] initWithDatabase:database_];
+ sources_ = [[SourceController alloc] initWithDatabase:database_];
return sources_;
if (![path hasPrefix:@"/"])
path = [@"/" stringByAppendingString:path];
- if ([path isEqualToString:@"/add-source"])
- return [[[AddSourceController alloc] initWithDatabase:database_] autorelease];
- else if ([path isEqualToString:@"/storage"])
+ if ([path isEqualToString:@"/storage"])
return [self _pageForURL:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"storage" ofType:@"html"]] withClass:[CYBrowserController class]];
+ /*else if ([path isEqualToString:@"/add-source"])
+ return [[[AddSourceController alloc] initWithDatabase:database_] autorelease];*/
else if ([path isEqualToString:@"/sources"])
- return [[[SourceTable alloc] initWithDatabase:database_] autorelease];
+ return [[[SourceController alloc] initWithDatabase:database_] autorelease];
else if ([path isEqualToString:@"/packages"])
return [[[InstalledController alloc] initWithDatabase:database_] autorelease];
else if ([path hasPrefix:@"/url/"])
CYViewController *page = nil;
int tag = 0;
- NSLog(@"open url: %@", url);
if ((page = [self pageForURL:url hasTag:&tag])) {
[self setPage:page];
tag_ = tag;
- (void) applicationOpenURL:(NSURL *)url {
[super applicationOpenURL:url];
- NSLog(@"first: %@", url);
if (!loaded_) starturl_ = [url retain];
else [self openCydiaURL:url];
[tabbar_ setViewControllers:controllers];
+- (void)showFakeTabBarInView:(UIView *)view {
+ static UITabBar *fake = [[UITabBar alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 0, 49.0f)];
+ if (view != nil) {
+ CGRect frame = [fake frame];
+ frame.origin.y = [view frame].size.height - frame.size.height;
+ frame.size.width = [view frame].size.width;
+ [fake setFrame:frame];
+ [fake setAutoresizingMask:UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth | UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleTopMargin];
+ [view addSubview:fake];
+ } else {
+ [fake removeFromSuperview];
+ }
- (void) applicationDidFinishLaunching:(id)unused {
CydiaApp = self;
essential_ = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:4];
broken_ = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:4];
- UIScreen *screen([UIScreen mainScreen]);
- window_ = [[UIWindow alloc] initWithFrame:[screen bounds]];
+ window_ = [[UIWindow alloc] initWithFrame:[[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds]];
[window_ orderFront:self];
[window_ makeKey:self];
[window_ setHidden:NO];
// Show pinstripes while loading data.
[[tabbar_ view] setBackgroundColor:[UIColor pinStripeColor]];
+ [self showFakeTabBarInView:[tabbar_ tabBar]];
[self performSelector:@selector(loadData) withObject:nil afterDelay:0];
+ CGRect fixframe = [[tabbar_ view] frame];
+ if (UIInterfaceOrientationIsLandscape([[UIApplication sharedApplication] statusBarOrientation]))
+ fixframe.size = CGSizeMake(fixframe.size.height, fixframe.size.width);
+ CYLoadingIndicator *loading = [[[CYLoadingIndicator alloc] initWithFrame:fixframe] autorelease];
+ [loading setAutoresizingMask:UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleBoth];
+ [[tabbar_ view] addSubview:loading];
[window_ setUserInteractionEnabled:NO];
- UIView *container = [[[UIView alloc] init] autorelease];
- [container setAutoresizingMask:UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleTopMargin | UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleLeftMargin | UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleRightMargin | UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleBottomMargin];
- UIActivityIndicatorView *spinner = [[[UIActivityIndicatorView alloc] initWithActivityIndicatorStyle:UIActivityIndicatorViewStyleGray] autorelease];
- [spinner startAnimating];
- [container addSubview:spinner];
- UILabel *label = [[[UILabel alloc] init] autorelease];
- [label setFont:[UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize:15.0f]];
- [label setBackgroundColor:[UIColor clearColor]];
- [label setTextColor:[UIColor blackColor]];
- [label setShadowColor:[UIColor whiteColor]];
- [label setShadowOffset:CGSizeMake(0, 1)];
- [label setText:[NSString stringWithFormat:Elision_, UCLocalize("LOADING"), nil]];
- [container addSubview:label];
- CGSize viewsize = [[tabbar_ view] frame].size;
- CGSize spinnersize = [spinner bounds].size;
- CGSize textsize = [[label text] sizeWithFont:[label font]];
- float bothwidth = spinnersize.width + textsize.width + 5.0f;
- CGRect containrect = {
- CGPointMake(floorf((viewsize.width / 2) - (bothwidth / 2)), floorf((viewsize.height / 2) - (spinnersize.height / 2))),
- CGSizeMake(bothwidth, spinnersize.height)
- };
- CGRect textrect = {
- CGPointMake(spinnersize.width + 5.0f, floorf((spinnersize.height / 2) - (textsize.height / 2))),
- textsize
- };
- CGRect spinrect = {
- CGPointZero,
- spinnersize
- };
- [container setFrame:containrect];
- [spinner setFrame:spinrect];
- [label setFrame:textrect];
- [[tabbar_ view] addSubview:container];
[self reloadData];
+ [self showFakeTabBarInView:nil];
[starturl_ release];
starturl_ = nil;
// XXX: does this actually slow anything down?
[[tabbar_ view] setBackgroundColor:[UIColor clearColor]];
- [container removeFromSuperview];
+ [loading removeFromSuperview];
- (void) showActionSheet:(UIActionSheet *)sheet fromItem:(UIBarButtonItem *)item {