#include "SDURLCache/SDURLCache.h"
#include "substrate.h"
-#include "Version.h"
/* }}} */
/* Profiler {{{ */
while (false); \
[_pool release];
+#define Cydia_ CYDIA_VERSION
+#define lprintf(args...) fprintf(stderr, args)
+#define ForRelease 1
+#define TraceLogging (1 && !ForRelease)
+#define HistogramInsertionSort (!ForRelease ? 0 : 0)
+#define ProfileTimes (0 && !ForRelease)
+#define ForSaurik (0 && !ForRelease)
+#define LogBrowser (0 && !ForRelease)
+#define TrackResize (0 && !ForRelease)
+#define ManualRefresh (1 && !ForRelease)
+#define ShowInternals (0 && !ForRelease)
+#define AlwaysReload (0 && !ForRelease)
+#define TryIndexedCollation (0 && !ForRelease)
+#if !TraceLogging
+#undef _trace
+#define _trace(args...)
+#if !ProfileTimes
+#undef _profile
+#define _profile(name) {
+#undef _end
+#define _end }
+#define PrintTimes() do {} while (false)
// Hash Functions/Structures {{{
extern "C" uint32_t hashlittle(const void *key, size_t length, uint32_t initval = 0);
NSDate *future([NSDate distantFuture]);
NSString *mode([loop currentMode] ?: NSDefaultRunLoopMode);
while (!stopped && [loop runMode:mode beforeDate:future]);
return [context count] == 0 ? nil : [context objectAtIndex:0];
static const NSStringCompareOptions LaxCompareOptions_ = NSNumericSearch | NSDiacriticInsensitiveSearch | NSWidthInsensitiveSearch | NSCaseInsensitiveSearch;
static const CFStringCompareFlags LaxCompareFlags_ = kCFCompareCaseInsensitive | kCFCompareNonliteral | kCFCompareLocalized | kCFCompareNumerically | kCFCompareWidthInsensitive | kCFCompareForcedOrdering;
-#define lprintf(args...) fprintf(stderr, args)
-#define ForRelease 1
-#define TraceLogging (1 && !ForRelease)
-#define HistogramInsertionSort (!ForRelease ? 0 : 0)
-#define ProfileTimes (0 && !ForRelease)
-#define ForSaurik (0 && !ForRelease)
-#define LogBrowser (0 && !ForRelease)
-#define TrackResize (0 && !ForRelease)
-#define ManualRefresh (1 && !ForRelease)
-#define ShowInternals (0 && !ForRelease)
-#define AlwaysReload (0 && !ForRelease)
-#define TryIndexedCollation (0 && !ForRelease)
-#if !TraceLogging
-#undef _trace
-#define _trace(args...)
-#if !ProfileTimes
-#undef _profile
-#define _profile(name) {
-#undef _end
-#define _end }
-#define PrintTimes() do {} while (false)
/* Radix Sort {{{ */
typedef uint32_t (*SKRadixFunction)(id, void *);
const char *data_;
+ Pcre() :
+ code_(NULL),
+ study_(NULL)
+ {
+ }
Pcre(const char *regex) :
+ code_(NULL),
+ this->operator =(regex);
+ }
+ void operator =(const char *regex) {
+ _assert(code_ == NULL);
const char *error;
int offset;
code_ = pcre_compile(regex, 0, &error, &offset, NULL);
data_ = data;
return pcre_exec(code_, study_, data, size, 0, 0, matches_, (capture_ + 1) * 3) >= 0;
+ _finline size_t size() const {
+ return capture_;
+ }
/* }}} */
/* Mime Addresses {{{ */
static NSString *Idiom_;
static NSMutableSet *CydiaHosts_;
+static NSString *kCydiaProgressEventTypeError = @"Error";
+static NSString *kCydiaProgressEventTypeInformation = @"Information";
+static NSString *kCydiaProgressEventTypeStatus = @"Status";
+static NSString *kCydiaProgressEventTypeWarning = @"Warning";
/* }}} */
/* Display Helpers {{{ */
virtual void Fetch(pkgAcquire::ItemDesc &item) {
NSString *name([NSString stringWithUTF8String:item.ShortDesc.c_str()]);
- CydiaProgressEvent *event([CydiaProgressEvent eventWithMessage:[NSString stringWithFormat:UCLocalize("DOWNLOADING_"), name] ofType:@"STATUS" forItem:item]);
+ CydiaProgressEvent *event([CydiaProgressEvent eventWithMessage:[NSString stringWithFormat:UCLocalize("DOWNLOADING_"), name] ofType:kCydiaProgressEventTypeStatus forItem:item]);
[delegate_ performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(addProgressEvent:) withObject:event waitUntilDone:YES];
if (error.empty())
- CydiaProgressEvent *event([CydiaProgressEvent eventWithMessage:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:error.c_str()] ofType:@"ERROR" forItem:item]);
+ CydiaProgressEvent *event([CydiaProgressEvent eventWithMessage:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:error.c_str()] ofType:kCydiaProgressEventTypeError forItem:item]);
[delegate_ performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(addProgressEvent:) withObject:event waitUntilDone:YES];
if (value != nil) {
NSString *mode(nil); {
NSString *type([self type]);
- if ([type isEqualToString:@"ERROR"])
+ if ([type isEqualToString:kCydiaProgressEventTypeError])
mode = UCLocalize("ERROR");
- else if ([type isEqualToString:@"WARNING"])
+ else if ([type isEqualToString:kCydiaProgressEventTypeWarning])
mode = UCLocalize("WARNING");
[delegate_ performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(setConfigurationData:) withObject:conffile_r[1] waitUntilDone:YES];
} else if (strncmp(data, "status: ", 8) == 0) {
// status: <package>: {unpacked,half-configured,installed}
- CydiaProgressEvent *event([CydiaProgressEvent eventWithMessage:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:(data + 8)] ofType:@"STATUS"]);
+ CydiaProgressEvent *event([CydiaProgressEvent eventWithMessage:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:(data + 8)] ofType:kCydiaProgressEventTypeStatus]);
[progress_ performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(addProgressEvent:) withObject:event waitUntilDone:YES];
} else if (strncmp(data, "processing: ", 12) == 0) {
// processing: configure: config-test
- CydiaProgressEvent *event([CydiaProgressEvent eventWithMessage:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:(data + 12)] ofType:@"STATUS"]);
+ CydiaProgressEvent *event([CydiaProgressEvent eventWithMessage:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:(data + 12)] ofType:kCydiaProgressEventTypeStatus]);
[progress_ performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(addProgressEvent:) withObject:event waitUntilDone:YES];
} else if (pmstatus_r(data, size)) {
std::string type([pmstatus_r[1] UTF8String]);
NSString *string = pmstatus_r[4];
if (type == "pmerror") {
- CydiaProgressEvent *event([CydiaProgressEvent eventWithMessage:string ofType:@"ERROR" forPackage:package]);
+ CydiaProgressEvent *event([CydiaProgressEvent eventWithMessage:string ofType:kCydiaProgressEventTypeError forPackage:package]);
[progress_ performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(addProgressEvent:) withObject:event waitUntilDone:YES];
} else if (type == "pmstatus") {
- CydiaProgressEvent *event([CydiaProgressEvent eventWithMessage:string ofType:@"STATUS" forPackage:package]);
+ CydiaProgressEvent *event([CydiaProgressEvent eventWithMessage:string ofType:kCydiaProgressEventTypeStatus forPackage:package]);
[progress_ performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(addProgressEvent:) withObject:event waitUntilDone:YES];
} else if (type == "pmconffile")
[delegate_ performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(setConfigurationData:) withObject:string waitUntilDone:YES];
while (std::getline(is, line)) {
lprintf("O:%s\n", line.c_str());
- CydiaProgressEvent *event([CydiaProgressEvent eventWithMessage:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:line.c_str()] ofType:@"INFORMATION"]);
+ CydiaProgressEvent *event([CydiaProgressEvent eventWithMessage:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:line.c_str()] ofType:kCydiaProgressEventTypeInformation]);
[progress_ performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(addProgressEvent:) withObject:event waitUntilDone:YES];
lprintf("%c:[%s]\n", warning ? 'W' : 'E', error.c_str());
- [delegate_ addProgressEventOnMainThread:[CydiaProgressEvent eventWithMessage:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:error.c_str()] ofType:(warning ? @"WARNING" : @"ERROR")] forTask:title];
+ [delegate_ addProgressEventOnMainThread:[CydiaProgressEvent eventWithMessage:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:error.c_str()] ofType:(warning ? kCydiaProgressEventTypeWarning : kCydiaProgressEventTypeError)] forTask:title];
return fatal;
// else if (error == "Malformed Status line")
// else if (error == "The list of sources could not be read.")
else {
- [delegate_ addProgressEventOnMainThread:[CydiaProgressEvent eventWithMessage:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:error.c_str()] ofType:(warning ? @"WARNING" : @"ERROR")] forTask:title];
+ [delegate_ addProgressEventOnMainThread:[CydiaProgressEvent eventWithMessage:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:error.c_str()] ofType:(warning ? kCydiaProgressEventTypeWarning : kCydiaProgressEventTypeError)] forTask:title];
if (cache_->DelCount() != 0 || cache_->InstCount() != 0) {
- [delegate_ addProgressEventOnMainThread:[CydiaProgressEvent eventWithMessage:UCLocalize("COUNTS_NONZERO_EX") ofType:@"ERROR"] forTask:title];
+ [delegate_ addProgressEventOnMainThread:[CydiaProgressEvent eventWithMessage:UCLocalize("COUNTS_NONZERO_EX") ofType:kCydiaProgressEventTypeError] forTask:title];
if (cache_->BrokenCount() != 0) {
- [delegate_ addProgressEventOnMainThread:[CydiaProgressEvent eventWithMessage:UCLocalize("STILL_BROKEN_EX") ofType:@"ERROR"] forTask:title];
+ [delegate_ addProgressEventOnMainThread:[CydiaProgressEvent eventWithMessage:UCLocalize("STILL_BROKEN_EX") ofType:kCydiaProgressEventTypeError] forTask:title];
/* }}} */
-/* Web Scripting {{{ */
+@interface Diversion : NSObject {
+ Pcre pattern_;
+ _H<NSString> key_;
+ _H<NSString> format_;
+@implementation Diversion
+- (id) initWithFrom:(NSString *)from to:(NSString *)to {
+ if ((self = [super init]) != nil) {
+ pattern_ = [from UTF8String];
+ key_ = from;
+ format_ = to;
+ } return self;
+- (NSString *) divert:(NSString *)url {
+ if (!pattern_(url))
+ return nil;
+ size_t count(pattern_.size());
+ id values[count];
+ for (size_t i(0); i != count; ++i)
+ values[i] = pattern_[i + 1];
+ return [[[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:format_ arguments:reinterpret_cast<va_list>(values)] autorelease];
+- (NSString *) key {
+ return key_;
+- (NSUInteger) hash {
+ return [key_ hash];
+- (BOOL) isEqual:(Diversion *)object {
+ return self == object || [self class] == [object class] && [key_ isEqual:[object key]];
@interface CydiaObject : NSObject {
id indirect_;
_transient id delegate_;
+@interface CYBrowserController : BrowserController {
+ CydiaObject *cydia_;
++ (void) addDiversion:(Diversion *)diversion;
+static NSMutableSet *Diversions_;
+/* Web Scripting {{{ */
@implementation CydiaObject
- (void) dealloc {
return @"addTrivialSource";
else if (selector == @selector(close))
return @"close";
+ else if (selector == @selector(divert::))
+ return @"divert";
else if (selector == @selector(du:))
return @"du";
else if (selector == @selector(stringWithFormat:arguments:))
return [feature isEqualToString:@"window.open"];
+- (void) divert:(NSString *)from :(NSString *)to {
+ [CYBrowserController performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(addDiversion:) withObject:[[[Diversion alloc] initWithFrom:from to:to] autorelease] waitUntilDone:NO];
- (NSNumber *) getKernelNumber:(NSString *)name {
const char *string([name UTF8String]);
} return self;
-// XXX: factor this out somewhere
-- (UIColor *) groupTableViewBackgroundColor {
- UIDevice *device([UIDevice currentDevice]);
- bool iPad([device respondsToSelector:@selector(userInterfaceIdiom)] && [device userInterfaceIdiom] == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad);
- return iPad ? [UIColor colorWithRed:0.821 green:0.834 blue:0.860 alpha:1] : [UIColor groupTableViewBackgroundColor];
- (void) loadView {
[self setView:[[[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:[[UIScreen mainScreen] applicationFrame]] autorelease]];
- [[self view] setBackgroundColor:[self groupTableViewBackgroundColor]];
+ UITableView *table([[[UITableView alloc] initWithFrame:[[self view] bounds] style:UITableViewStyleGrouped] autorelease]);
+ [table setAutoresizingMask:UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleBoth];
+ [[self view] addSubview:table];
indicator_ = [[[CYLoadingIndicator alloc] initWithFrame:[[self view] bounds]] autorelease];
[indicator_ setAutoresizingMask:UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleBoth];
/* }}} */
/* Cydia Browser Controller {{{ */
-@interface CYBrowserController : BrowserController {
- CydiaObject *cydia_;
@implementation CYBrowserController
- (void) dealloc {
return [NSURL URLWithString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"cydia://url/%@", [[[webview_ request] URL] absoluteString]]];
-- (void) setHeaders:(NSDictionary *)headers forHost:(NSString *)host {
++ (void) initialize {
+ Diversions_ = [[NSMutableSet alloc] initWithCapacity:0];
++ (void) addDiversion:(Diversion *)diversion {
+ [Diversions_ addObject:diversion];
- (void) webView:(WebView *)view didClearWindowObject:(WebScriptObject *)window forFrame:(WebFrame *)frame {
WebDataSource *source([frame dataSource]);
NSURLResponse *response([source response]);
NSURL *url([response URL]);
- NSString *scheme([[url scheme] lowercaseString]);
- NSString *host([url host]);
- if ([response isKindOfClass:[NSHTTPURLResponse class]]) {
- NSHTTPURLResponse *http((NSHTTPURLResponse *) response);
- NSDictionary *headers([http allHeaderFields]);
- [self setHeaders:headers forHost:host];
- }
- if ([scheme isEqualToString:@"https"])
- if ([CydiaHosts_ containsObject:host])
+ if ([[[url scheme] lowercaseString] isEqualToString:@"https"])
+ if ([CydiaHosts_ containsObject:[url host]])
[window setValue:cydia_ forKey:@"cydia"];
- (NSURLRequest *) webView:(WebView *)view resource:(id)resource willSendRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request redirectResponse:(NSURLResponse *)response fromDataSource:(WebDataSource *)source {
NSMutableURLRequest *copy([[super webView:view resource:resource willSendRequest:request redirectResponse:response fromDataSource:source] mutableCopy]);
+ divert:
+ NSURL *url([copy URL]);
+ NSString *href([url absoluteString]);
+ for (Diversion *diversion in Diversions_)
+ if (NSString *diverted = [diversion divert:href]) {
+ [copy setURL:[NSURL URLWithString:diverted]];
+ goto divert;
+ }
if (System_ != NULL)
[copy setValue:System_ forHTTPHeaderField:@"X-System"];
if (Machine_ != NULL)
[copy setValue:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:Machine_] forHTTPHeaderField:@"X-Machine"];
if (Token_ != nil)
[copy setValue:Token_ forHTTPHeaderField:@"X-Cydia-Token"];
- if (Role_ != nil)
- [copy setValue:Role_ forHTTPHeaderField:@"X-Role"];
return copy;
NSMutableArray *sections_;
NSMutableArray *filtered_;
UITableView *list_;
- BOOL editing_;
- (id) initWithDatabase:(Database *)database;
- (void) updateNavigationItem {
- [[self navigationItem] setTitle:editing_ ? UCLocalize("SECTION_VISIBILITY") : UCLocalize("SECTIONS")];
+ [[self navigationItem] setTitle:[self isEditing] ? UCLocalize("SECTION_VISIBILITY") : UCLocalize("SECTIONS")];
if ([sections_ count] == 0) {
[[self navigationItem] setRightBarButtonItem:nil];
} else {
[[self navigationItem] setRightBarButtonItem:[[UIBarButtonItem alloc]
- initWithBarButtonSystemItem:(editing_ ? UIBarButtonSystemItemDone : UIBarButtonSystemItemEdit)
+ initWithBarButtonSystemItem:([self isEditing] ? UIBarButtonSystemItemDone : UIBarButtonSystemItemEdit)
] animated:([[self navigationItem] rightBarButtonItem] != nil)];
-- (BOOL) isEditing {
- return editing_;
+- (void) setEditing:(BOOL)editing animated:(BOOL)animated {
+ [super setEditing:editing animated:animated];
-- (void) setEditing:(BOOL)editing {
- if ((editing_ = editing))
+ if (editing)
[list_ reloadData];
[delegate_ updateData];
- (void) viewWillDisappear:(BOOL)animated {
[super viewWillDisappear:animated];
- if (editing_) [self setEditing:NO];
+ if ([self isEditing]) [self setEditing:NO];
- (Section *) sectionAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
- Section *section = (editing_ ? [sections_ objectAtIndex:[indexPath row]] : ([indexPath row] == 0 ? nil : [filtered_ objectAtIndex:([indexPath row] - 1)]));
+ Section *section = nil;
+ int index = [indexPath row];
+ if (![self isEditing]) {
+ index -= 1;
+ if (index >= 0)
+ section = [filtered_ objectAtIndex:index];
+ } else {
+ section = [sections_ objectAtIndex:index];
+ }
return section;
- (NSInteger) tableView:(UITableView *)tableView numberOfRowsInSection:(NSInteger)section {
- return editing_ ? [sections_ count] : [filtered_ count] + 1;
+ if ([self isEditing])
+ return [sections_ count];
+ else
+ return [filtered_ count] + 1;
/*- (CGFloat) tableView:(UITableView *)tableView heightForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
if (cell == nil)
cell = [[[SectionCell alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectZero reuseIdentifier:reuseIdentifier] autorelease];
- [cell setSection:[self sectionAtIndexPath:indexPath] editing:editing_];
+ [cell setSection:[self sectionAtIndexPath:indexPath] editing:[self isEditing]];
return cell;
- (void) tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
- if (editing_)
+ if ([self isEditing])
Section *section = [self sectionAtIndexPath:indexPath];
- (void) editButtonClicked {
- [self setEditing:(!editing_)];
+ [self setEditing:![self isEditing] animated:YES];
[request setValue:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:Machine_] forHTTPHeaderField:@"X-Machine"];
if (UniqueID_ != nil)
[request setValue:UniqueID_ forHTTPHeaderField:@"X-Unique-ID"];
- if (Role_ != nil)
- [request setValue:Role_ forHTTPHeaderField:@"X-Role"];
return [[[NSURLConnection alloc] initWithRequest:request delegate:self] autorelease];
+- (NSArray *) defaultStartPages {
+ NSMutableArray *standard = [NSMutableArray array];
+ [standard addObject:[NSArray arrayWithObject:@"cydia://home"]];
+ [standard addObject:[NSArray arrayWithObject:@"cydia://sections"]];
+ [standard addObject:[NSArray arrayWithObject:@"cydia://changes"]];
+ if (!IsWildcat_) {
+ [standard addObject:[NSArray arrayWithObject:@"cydia://manage"]];
+ } else {
+ [standard addObject:[NSArray arrayWithObject:@"cydia://installed"]];
+ [standard addObject:[NSArray arrayWithObject:@"cydia://sources"]];
+ }
+ [standard addObject:[NSArray arrayWithObject:@"cydia://search"]];
+ return standard;
- (void) loadData {
if (Role_ == nil) {
[self disemulate];
- int selectedIndex = 0;
- NSMutableArray *items = nil;
+ int savedIndex = [[Metadata_ objectForKey:@"InterfaceIndex"] intValue];
+ NSArray *saved = [[Metadata_ objectForKey:@"InterfaceState"] mutableCopy];
+ int standardIndex = 0;
+ NSArray *standard = [self defaultStartPages];
- bool recently = false;
- NSDate *closed([Metadata_ objectForKey:@"LastClosed"]);
- if (closed != nil) {
+ BOOL valid = YES;
+ if (saved == nil)
+ valid = NO;
+ NSDate *closed = [Metadata_ objectForKey:@"LastClosed"];
+ if (valid && closed != nil) {
NSTimeInterval interval([closed timeIntervalSinceNow]);
// XXX: Is 15 minutes the optimal time here?
- if (interval <= 0 && interval > -(15*60))
- recently = true;
+ if (interval > 0 && interval <= -(15*60))
+ valid = NO;
- items = [[Metadata_ objectForKey:@"InterfaceState"] mutableCopy];
- selectedIndex = [[Metadata_ objectForKey:@"InterfaceIndex"] intValue];
+ if (valid && [saved count] != [standard count])
+ valid = NO;
- BOOL enough = YES;
- for (NSArray *entry in items)
- if ([entry count] <= 0)
- enough = NO;
- if (!recently || !items || !enough) {
- selectedIndex = 0;
- items = [NSMutableArray array];
- [items addObject:[NSArray arrayWithObject:@"cydia://home"]];
- [items addObject:[NSArray arrayWithObject:@"cydia://sections"]];
- [items addObject:[NSArray arrayWithObject:@"cydia://changes"]];
- if (!IsWildcat_) {
- [items addObject:[NSArray arrayWithObject:@"cydia://manage"]];
- } else {
- [items addObject:[NSArray arrayWithObject:@"cydia://installed"]];
- [items addObject:[NSArray arrayWithObject:@"cydia://sources"]];
+ if (valid) {
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < [standard count]; i++) {
+ NSArray *std = [standard objectAtIndex:i], *sav = [saved objectAtIndex:i];
+ // XXX: The "hasPrefix" sanity check here could be, in theory, fooled,
+ // but it's good enough for now.
+ if ([sav count] == 0 || ![[sav objectAtIndex:0] hasPrefix:[std objectAtIndex:0]]) {
+ valid = NO;
+ break;
+ }
- [items addObject:[NSArray arrayWithObject:@"cydia://search"]];
- [tabbar_ setSelectedIndex:selectedIndex];
+ NSArray *items = nil;
+ if (valid) {
+ [tabbar_ setSelectedIndex:savedIndex];
+ items = saved;
+ } else {
+ [tabbar_ setSelectedIndex:standardIndex];
+ items = standard;
+ }
for (unsigned int tab = 0; tab < [[tabbar_ viewControllers] count]; tab++) {
NSArray *stack = [items objectAtIndex:tab];
CYNavigationController *navigation = [[tabbar_ viewControllers] objectAtIndex:tab];
/* Set Locale {{{ */
Locale_ = CFLocaleCopyCurrent();
Languages_ = [NSLocale preferredLanguages];
//CFStringRef locale(CFLocaleGetIdentifier(Locale_));
//NSLog(@"%@", [Languages_ description]);
const char *lang;
- if (Languages_ == nil || [Languages_ count] == 0)
+ if (Locale_ != NULL)
+ lang = [(NSString *) CFLocaleGetIdentifier(Locale_) UTF8String];
+ else if (Languages_ == nil || [Languages_ count] == 0)
// XXX: consider just setting to C and then falling through?
lang = NULL;
else {