+@interface NSMutableDictionary (Cydia)
+- (void) addInfoDictionary:(NSDictionary *)info;
+@implementation NSMutableDictionary (Cydia)
+- (void) addInfoDictionary:(NSDictionary *)info {
+ NSString *bundle = [info objectForKey:@"CFBundleIdentifier"];
+ [self setObject:info forKey:bundle];
+/* }}} */
+/* Pop Transitions {{{ */
+@interface PopTransitionView : UITransitionView {
+@implementation PopTransitionView
+- (void) transitionViewDidComplete:(UITransitionView *)view fromView:(UIView *)from toView:(UIView *)to {
+ if (from != nil && to == nil)
+ [self removeFromSuperview];
+@implementation UIView (PopUpView)
+- (void) popFromSuperviewAnimated:(BOOL)animated {
+ [[self superview] transition:(animated ? UITransitionPushFromTop : UITransitionNone) toView:nil];
+- (void) popSubview:(UIView *)view {
+ UITransitionView *transition([[[PopTransitionView alloc] initWithFrame:[self bounds]] autorelease]);
+ [transition setDelegate:transition];
+ [self addSubview:transition];
+ UIView *blank = [[[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:[transition bounds]] autorelease];
+ [transition transition:UITransitionNone toView:blank];
+ [transition transition:UITransitionPushFromBottom toView:view];
+/* }}} */
+#define lprintf(args...) fprintf(stderr, args)
+#define ForRelease 1
+#define TraceLogging (1 && !ForRelease)
+#define HistogramInsertionSort (0 && !ForRelease)
+#define ProfileTimes (0 && !ForRelease)
+#define ForSaurik (0 && !ForRelease)
+#define LogBrowser (1 && !ForRelease)
+#define TrackResize (0 && !ForRelease)
+#define ManualRefresh (1 && !ForRelease)
+#define ShowInternals (0 && !ForRelease)
+#define IgnoreInstall (0 && !ForRelease)
+#define RecycleWebViews 0
+#define AlwaysReload (1 && !ForRelease)
+#if !TraceLogging
+#undef _trace
+#define _trace(args...)
+#if !ProfileTimes
+#undef _profile
+#define _profile(name) {
+#undef _end
+#define _end }
+#define PrintTimes() do {} while (false)
+/* Radix Sort {{{ */
+typedef uint32_t (*SKRadixFunction)(id, void *);
+@interface NSMutableArray (Radix)
+- (void) radixSortUsingSelector:(SEL)selector withObject:(id)object;
+- (void) radixSortUsingFunction:(SKRadixFunction)function withContext:(void *)argument;
+struct RadixItem_ {
+ size_t index;
+ uint32_t key;
+static void RadixSort_(NSMutableArray *self, size_t count, struct RadixItem_ *swap) {
+ struct RadixItem_ *lhs(swap), *rhs(swap + count);
+ static const size_t width = 32;
+ static const size_t bits = 11;
+ static const size_t slots = 1 << bits;
+ static const size_t passes = (width + (bits - 1)) / bits;
+ size_t *hist(new size_t[slots]);
+ for (size_t pass(0); pass != passes; ++pass) {
+ memset(hist, 0, sizeof(size_t) * slots);
+ for (size_t i(0); i != count; ++i) {
+ uint32_t key(lhs[i].key);
+ key >>= pass * bits;
+ key &= _not(uint32_t) >> width - bits;
+ ++hist[key];
+ }
+ size_t offset(0);
+ for (size_t i(0); i != slots; ++i) {
+ size_t local(offset);
+ offset += hist[i];
+ hist[i] = local;
+ }
+ for (size_t i(0); i != count; ++i) {
+ uint32_t key(lhs[i].key);
+ key >>= pass * bits;
+ key &= _not(uint32_t) >> width - bits;
+ rhs[hist[key]++] = lhs[i];
+ }
+ RadixItem_ *tmp(lhs);
+ lhs = rhs;
+ rhs = tmp;
+ }
+ delete [] hist;
+ NSMutableArray *values([NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:count]);
+ for (size_t i(0); i != count; ++i)
+ [values addObject:[self objectAtIndex:lhs[i].index]];
+ [self setArray:values];
+ delete [] swap;
+@implementation NSMutableArray (Radix)
+- (void) radixSortUsingSelector:(SEL)selector withObject:(id)object {
+ size_t count([self count]);
+ if (count == 0)
+ return;
+#if 0
+ NSInvocation *invocation([NSInvocation invocationWithMethodSignature:[NSMethodSignature signatureWithObjCTypes:"L12@0:4@8"]]);
+ [invocation setSelector:selector];
+ [invocation setArgument:&object atIndex:2];
+ /* XXX: this is an unsafe optimization of doomy hell */
+ Method method(class_getInstanceMethod([[self objectAtIndex:0] class], selector));
+ _assert(method != NULL);
+ uint32_t (*imp)(id, SEL, id) = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t (*)(id, SEL, id)>(method_getImplementation(method));
+ _assert(imp != NULL);
+ struct RadixItem_ *swap(new RadixItem_[count * 2]);
+ for (size_t i(0); i != count; ++i) {
+ RadixItem_ &item(swap[i]);
+ item.index = i;
+ id object([self objectAtIndex:i]);
+#if 0
+ [invocation setTarget:object];
+ [invocation invoke];
+ [invocation getReturnValue:&item.key];
+ item.key = imp(object, selector, object);
+ }
+ RadixSort_(self, count, swap);
+- (void) radixSortUsingFunction:(SKRadixFunction)function withContext:(void *)argument {
+ size_t count([self count]);
+ struct RadixItem_ *swap(new RadixItem_[count * 2]);
+ for (size_t i(0); i != count; ++i) {
+ RadixItem_ &item(swap[i]);
+ item.index = i;
+ id object([self objectAtIndex:i]);
+ item.key = function(object, argument);
+ }
+ RadixSort_(self, count, swap);
+/* }}} */
+/* Insertion Sort {{{ */
+CFIndex SKBSearch_(const void *element, CFIndex elementSize, const void *list, CFIndex count, CFComparatorFunction comparator, void *context) {
+ const char *ptr = (const char *)list;
+ while (0 < count) {
+ CFIndex half = count / 2;
+ const char *probe = ptr + elementSize * half;
+ CFComparisonResult cr = comparator(element, probe, context);
+ if (0 == cr) return (probe - (const char *)list) / elementSize;
+ ptr = (cr < 0) ? ptr : probe + elementSize;
+ count = (cr < 0) ? half : (half + (count & 1) - 1);
+ }
+ return (ptr - (const char *)list) / elementSize;
+CFIndex CFBSearch_(const void *element, CFIndex elementSize, const void *list, CFIndex count, CFComparatorFunction comparator, void *context) {
+ const char *ptr = (const char *)list;
+ while (0 < count) {
+ CFIndex half = count / 2;
+ const char *probe = ptr + elementSize * half;
+ CFComparisonResult cr = comparator(element, probe, context);
+ if (0 == cr) return (probe - (const char *)list) / elementSize;
+ ptr = (cr < 0) ? ptr : probe + elementSize;
+ count = (cr < 0) ? half : (half + (count & 1) - 1);
+ }
+ return (ptr - (const char *)list) / elementSize;
+void CFArrayInsertionSortValues(CFMutableArrayRef array, CFRange range, CFComparatorFunction comparator, void *context) {
+ if (range.length == 0)
+ return;
+ const void **values(new const void *[range.length]);
+ CFArrayGetValues(array, range, values);
+#if HistogramInsertionSort
+ uint32_t total(0), *offsets(new uint32_t[range.length]);
+ for (CFIndex index(1); index != range.length; ++index) {
+ const void *value(values[index]);
+ //CFIndex correct(SKBSearch_(&value, sizeof(const void *), values, index, comparator, context));
+ CFIndex correct(index);
+ while (comparator(value, values[correct - 1], context) == kCFCompareLessThan)
+ if (--correct == 0)
+ break;
+ if (correct != index) {
+ size_t offset(index - correct);
+#if HistogramInsertionSort
+ total += offset;
+ ++offsets[offset];
+ if (offset > 10)
+ NSLog(@"Heavy Insertion Displacement: %u = %@", offset, value);
+ memmove(values + correct + 1, values + correct, sizeof(const void *) * offset);
+ values[correct] = value;
+ }
+ }
+ CFArrayReplaceValues(array, range, values, range.length);
+ delete [] values;
+#if HistogramInsertionSort
+ for (CFIndex index(0); index != range.length; ++index)
+ if (offsets[index] != 0)
+ NSLog(@"Insertion Displacement [%u]: %u", index, offsets[index]);
+ NSLog(@"Average Insertion Displacement: %f", double(total) / range.length);
+ delete [] offsets;
+/* }}} */
+/* Apple Bug Fixes {{{ */
+@implementation UIWebDocumentView (Cydia)
+- (void) _setScrollerOffset:(CGPoint)offset {
+ UIScroller *scroller([self _scroller]);
+ CGSize size([scroller contentSize]);
+ CGSize bounds([scroller bounds].size);
+ CGPoint max;
+ max.x = size.width - bounds.width;
+ max.y = size.height - bounds.height;
+ // wtf Apple?!
+ if (max.x < 0)
+ max.x = 0;
+ if (max.y < 0)
+ max.y = 0;
+ offset.x = offset.x < 0 ? 0 : offset.x > max.x ? max.x : offset.x;
+ offset.y = offset.y < 0 ? 0 : offset.y > max.y ? max.y : offset.y;
+ [scroller setOffset:offset];
+/* }}} */