_transient NSDate *firstSeen_;
_transient NSDate *lastSeen_;
bool subscribed_;
+ bool ignored_;
- (Package *) initWithVersion:(pkgCache::VerIterator)version withZone:(NSZone *)zone inPool:(apr_pool_t *)pool database:(Database *)database;
obsolete_ = [self hasTag:@"cydia::obsolete"];
essential_ = ((iterator_->Flags & pkgCache::Flag::Essential) == 0 ? NO : YES) || [self hasTag:@"cydia::essential"];
+ ignored_ = iterator_->SelectedState == pkgCache::State::Hold;
_end } return self;
- (Address *) maintainer {
- if (file_.end())
+@synchronized (database_) {
+ if ([database_ era] != era_ || file_.end())
return nil;
pkgRecords::Parser *parser = &[database_ records]->Lookup(file_);
const std::string &maintainer(parser->Maintainer());
return maintainer.empty() ? nil : [Address addressWithString:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:maintainer.c_str()]];
+} }
- (size_t) size {
- return version_.end() ? 0 : version_->InstalledSize;
+@synchronized (database_) {
+ if ([database_ era] != era_ || version_.end())
+ return 0;
+ return version_->InstalledSize;
+} }
- (NSString *) longDescription {
@synchronized (database_) {
- (BOOL) ignored {
- NSDictionary *metadata([self metadata]);
- if (NSNumber *ignored = [metadata objectForKey:@"IsIgnored"])
- return [ignored boolValue];
- else
- return false;
+ return ignored_;
- (NSString *) latest {
icon = [UIImage imageAtPath:[static_cast<id>(icon_) substringFromIndex:7]];
if (icon == nil) if (section != nil)
icon = [UIImage imageAtPath:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/Sections/%@.png", App_, section]];
- if (icon == nil) if (source_ != nil) if (NSString *dicon = [source_ defaultIcon])
+ if (icon == nil) if (Source *source = [self source]) if (NSString *dicon = [source defaultIcon])
if ([dicon hasPrefix:@"file:///"])
// XXX: correct escaping
icon = [UIImage imageAtPath:[dicon substringFromIndex:7]];
return era_;
+- (void) releasePackages {
+ CFArrayApplyFunction(packages_, CFRangeMake(0, CFArrayGetCount(packages_)), reinterpret_cast<CFArrayApplierFunction>(&CFRelease), NULL);
+ CFArrayRemoveAllValues(packages_);
- (void) dealloc {
// XXX: actually implement this thing
- NSRecycleZone(zone_);
- // XXX: malloc_destroy_zone(zone_);
+ [self releasePackages];
+ NSRecycleZone(zone_);
[super dealloc];
@synchronized (self) {
- CFArrayApplyFunction(packages_, CFRangeMake(0, CFArrayGetCount(packages_)), reinterpret_cast<CFArrayApplierFunction>(&CFRelease), NULL);
- CFArrayRemoveAllValues(packages_);
+ [self releasePackages];
- (NSArray *) getInstalledPackages {
NSArray *packages([[Database sharedInstance] packages]);
- NSMutableArray *installed([NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:[packages count]]);
+ NSMutableArray *installed([NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:1024]);
for (Package *package in packages)
if ([package installed] != nil)
[installed addObject:package];
Section *upgradable = [[[Section alloc] initWithName:UCLocalize("AVAILABLE_UPGRADES") localize:NO] autorelease];
- Section *ignored = [[[Section alloc] initWithName:UCLocalize("IGNORED_UPGRADES") localize:NO] autorelease];
+ Section *ignored = nil;
Section *section = nil;
NSDate *last = nil;
[section addToCount];
- } else if ([package ignored])
+ } else if ([package ignored]) {
+ if (ignored == nil) {
+ ignored = [[[Section alloc] initWithName:UCLocalize("IGNORED_UPGRADES") row:offset localize:NO] autorelease];
+ }
[ignored addToCount];
- else {
+ } else {
[upgradable addToCount];
- (void) onIgnored:(id)control {
- [self onSomething:(int) [control isOn] withKey:@"IsIgnored"];
+ // TODO: set Held state - possibly call out to dpkg, etc.
- (UITableViewCell *) tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
Database *database_;
int tag_;
- UIKeyboard *keyboard_;
int huds_;
+ NSURL *starturl_;
SectionsController *sections_;
ChangesController *changes_;
- (void) applicationOpenURL:(NSURL *)url {
[super applicationOpenURL:url];
- int tag;
- if (CYViewController *page = [self pageForURL:url hasTag:&tag]) {
- [self setPage:page];
- tag_ = tag;
- [tabbar_ setSelectedViewController:(tag_ == -1 ? nil : [[tabbar_ viewControllers] objectAtIndex:tag_])];
- }
+ starturl_ = [url retain];
- (void) applicationWillResignActive:(UIApplication *)application {
[self reloadData];
- // Show the home page
- [tabbar_ setSelectedIndex:0];
- _setHomePage(self);
+ // Show the initial page
+ CYViewController *page = nil;
+ int tag = 0;
+ if (starturl_ != nil && (page = [self pageForURL:starturl_ hasTag:&tag])) {
+ [starturl_ release];
+ [self setPage:page];
+ tag_ = tag;
+ [tabbar_ setSelectedViewController:(tag_ == -1 ? nil : [[tabbar_ viewControllers] objectAtIndex:tag_])];
+ } else {
+ [tabbar_ setSelectedIndex:0];
+ _setHomePage(self);
+ }
[window_ setUserInteractionEnabled:YES];
// XXX: does this actually slow anything down?