"CLEAN_ARCHIVES" = "Clean Archives";
"CLEAR" = "Clear";
"CLOSE" = "Close";
-"CLOSE_CYDIA" = "Close Cydia (Restart)";
+"CLOSE_CYDIA" = "Close Cydia";
"COLON_DELIMITED" = "%@: %@";
"COMMA_DELIMITED" = "%@, %@";
"COMING_SOON" = "Coming Soon!";
"HOME" = "Home";
"ID" = "ID";
"IGNORE_UPGRADES" = "Ignore Upgrades";
-"IGNORE_UPGRADES_EX" = "Activate this switch to keep this package at its current version. Cydia will display this package at the top of Changes if there is an upgrade available, but it will not be included in Upgrade All.";
+"IGNORE_UPGRADES_EX" = "Do not include this package when selecting Upgrade All.";
"IGNORED_UPGRADES" = "Ignored Upgrades";
"ILLEGAL_PACKAGE_IDENTIFIER" = "Illegal Package Identifier";
"INSTALL" = "Install";
"RESUBMIT_FORM" = "Are you sure you want to submit this form again?";
"RESUMING_AT" = "Resuming At";
"RETURN_TO_CYDIA" = "Return to Cydia";
-"ROLE_EX" = "Not all of the packages available via Cydia are designed to be used by all users. Please categorize yourself so that Cydia can apply helpful filters.\n\nThis choice can be changed from \"Settings\" under the \"Manage\" tab (on the iPhone or iPod touch), or the \"Sources\" tab (on the iPad).";
+"ROLE_EX" = "Not all of the packages available via Cydia are designed to be used by all users. Please categorize yourself so that Cydia can apply helpful filters.\n\nThis choice can be changed from \"Settings\" under the \"Manage\" tab (on iPhone or iPod touch), or the \"Sources\" tab (on iPad).";
"RUNNING" = "Running";
"SAFE" = "Safe";
"SAMPLE" = "Sample";