2016-01-02 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Update the copyright year now that 2016 has begun. |
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2016-01-01 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Add x.[] syntax for "legitimate" subscript access. |
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2015-12-31 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Add syntax akin to Java's anonymous inner classes. |
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2015-12-30 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Parse scope and symbol colon operators, from Ruby. |
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2015-12-30 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Move x.type() to typeid(x) and implement variadic. |
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2015-12-29 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Fix Objective-C dictionary/array literal lowering. |
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2015-12-29 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Replace sig::Primitive with full object hierarchy. |
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2015-12-22 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Add struct definitions and namespace struct names. |
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2015-12-21 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Transform ECMAScript 6 import as CommonJS require. |
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2015-12-19 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Finally provide totally legit support for structs. |
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2015-12-19 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Add typedef-expressions syntax to replace @encode. |
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2015-12-18 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Rename everything now that we are on Bison >= 2.5. |
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2015-12-16 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Usage of with needs to create a new damaged scope. |
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2015-12-16 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Magic identifiers can still be overridden by vars. |
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2015-12-16 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | The arguments variable needs to be declared Magic. |
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2015-12-16 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Always assign methods (to support JavaScriptCore). |
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2015-12-13 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Fix for-of comprehensions (got broken by scoping). |
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2015-12-12 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Support ECMAScript 1-5 for-in initializers syntax. |
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2015-12-12 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Solidify formatting of ->* uses in global Replace. |
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2015-12-12 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Extract ForInitializer as a subclass of Statement. |
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2015-12-12 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Reboot variable renaming for lexical name scoping. |
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2015-12-07 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Remove CYLetStatement and provide a stub of CYLet. |
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2015-12-07 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Use Object.defineProperty as ES6 class visibility. |
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2015-12-07 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Implement ECMAScript 6 class syntax (sort of?...). |
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2015-12-06 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Fix support for multiple "block lambda" arguments. |
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2015-12-02 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Finally implemented *entire* ECMAScript 6 grammar. |
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2015-12-02 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | The grammar and lexer should not share a filename. |
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2015-11-30 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Parse (but ignore) ECMAScript 6 "spread elements". |
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2015-11-30 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Massive changes to lexer to get template literals. |
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2015-11-29 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Reorganize grammar to match the ECMAScript 6 spec. |
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2015-11-24 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Support implicit return from block_lambda_revival. |
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2015-11-23 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Simplify Block, Compound, and (new) Parenthetical. |
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2015-11-21 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Simplify CYScope's declaration by embracing Close. |
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2015-11-18 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Support parenthesized "fat arrow" parameter lists. |
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2015-11-10 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Update copyright for 2015 (and it is almost 2016). |
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2015-11-02 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Fix a few poor syntax assumptions in C-like types. |
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2015-10-12 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Fix for-of loops (an internal variable was wrong). |
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2014-10-31 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Support extern "C" syntax to FFI via C prototypes. |
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2014-10-11 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Update copyright for 2014 and relicense to AGPLv3. |
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2014-10-11 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Repair support for compiling without Objective-C. |
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2014-01-23 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | De-CYNext CYExpression, fix CYCompound/Primitive. |
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2014-01-21 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Do not ever use NULL type_s, even for ? encoding. |
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2014-01-21 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Fix pointer crashes and round-trip const void *. |
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2014-01-21 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Implement full unsigned/signed/long/short syntax. |
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2014-01-21 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Implement internal multiply (for the compiler). |
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2014-01-17 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Add support to @encode, Decode_, and With blocks. |
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2014-01-12 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | The desugaring for typedef skipped signatures. |
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2014-01-12 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | {Functor,Selector}.type should return @encode(). |
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2014-01-09 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Drastically improve syntax support for @encode(). |
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2014-01-06 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Add syntax to support C-style typedef assignment. |
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2014-01-06 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Add support for C++11 lambda expression syntax. |
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2013-06-22 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Reimplement apr_pools using CYPool in libcycript. |
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2013-06-21 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Replace all apr_pool_t * usages with CYPool &. |
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2013-06-19 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Upgrade copyright notice (2013, mk, sh, GPLv3). |
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2012-06-08 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Correctly defer this-resolution on ECMA6 fat-arrows. |
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2012-06-08 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Split CYLast into CYSetLast (eol) and CYGetLast. |
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2012-06-08 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Refactor CYSetLast to return a reference to the eol. |
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2012-06-07 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Peel away CYCompound layers to fix tab completion. v0.9.456 |
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2012-06-07 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Update the copyright: 2009-2010 is now 2009-2012. |
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2012-06-07 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Rename CYForEachIn to CYForOf to better match ECMA6. |
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2012-06-06 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | New syntax: let declarations, initialised arguments. |
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2012-06-05 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Preserve declaration initialisers replacing for-each. |
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2012-06-05 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Prune undefined arguments in final position of calls. |
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2012-06-05 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Pass var declarations through non-local functions. |
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2012-06-05 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Remove as many double-replaces as could be found. |
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2012-06-05 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Reimplement desugaring of let: function, not with. |
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2012-06-05 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Avoid deep replace when lifting for-in assignments. |
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2012-06-05 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Use CYForDeclarations as indirection to finish CYLet. |
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2012-06-05 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Move scoping to CYDeclaration::Assignment from Replace. |
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2012-06-05 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Preserve declaration initialisers replacing for-in. |
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2012-06-05 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Merge CYStatement::Collapse into CYStatement::Replace. |
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2012-06-05 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Remove empty compound expressions generated by CYVar. |
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2012-06-05 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Remove empty expression statements from the output. |
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2012-06-04 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Preserve var semantics while desugaring for-each. |
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2011-10-21 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Ported back to cygwin. |
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2010-07-12 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Build CYSetLast to simplify some replacements. |
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2010-07-12 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Refactor some for loops to a CYForEach() over CYNext<>. |
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2010-07-12 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Simplified CYDeclarations::Replace, which should really... |
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2010-07-12 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Merge CYStatement::ReplaceAll with the new CYCompound... |
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2010-07-12 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Remove CYExpression::ReplaceAll into CYCompound::Replace. |
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2010-07-10 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Updated copyright (2010) and license (LGPLv3). |
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2010-07-08 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Use context.Replace when possible. |
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2010-07-08 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Change $ CYVariable to $V now that that works. |
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2010-07-08 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Changed from a threaded pool to a thread-local pool... |
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2010-07-02 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Improved scope compliance on catch() while attempting... |
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2010-07-02 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Fixed non-local return insanity. |
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2010-07-02 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | I forgot to flow Replace() to optional argument initial... |
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2010-07-02 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Added RubyProc/Blocks. |
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2010-07-01 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Implemented initial support for Ruby Blocks. |
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2010-07-01 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Add optional parameter support. |
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2009-11-19 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Fixed the stupid variable renaming issue at the top... |
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2009-11-19 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Fixed all of the memory leaks caused by the new identif... |
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2009-11-19 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Started refactoring the identifier mechanism to sort... |
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2009-11-18 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Fixed a bug where the identifier merging algorithm... |
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2009-11-17 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Implemented the symbol sorting optimization, for optima... |
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2009-11-17 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Crazy variable naming optimization of doom. |
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2009-11-17 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Optimized the variable renamer to rename more variables... |
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2009-11-16 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Cleaned up the scope code (on the way to let blocks... |
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2009-11-16 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Milestone #1: YUI has been destroyed, with room to... |
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2009-11-16 |
Jay Freeman (saurik) | Started working on variable name replacement strategies... |
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