%union { CYExpression *expression_; }
%union { CYFalse *false_; }
%union { CYFinally *finally_; }
-%union { CYForInitialiser *for_; }
-%union { CYForInInitialiser *forin_; }
+%union { CYForInitializer *for_; }
+%union { CYForInInitializer *forin_; }
%union { CYFunctionParameter *functionParameter_; }
%union { CYIdentifier *identifier_; }
%union { CYInfix *infix_; }
%union { CYNull *null_; }
%union { CYNumber *number_; }
%union { CYParenthetical *parenthetical_; }
-%union { CYProgram *program_; }
%union { CYProperty *property_; }
%union { CYPropertyName *propertyName_; }
%union { CYRubyProc *rubyProc_; }
%token _case_ "case"
%token _catch_ "catch"
%token _class_ "class"
+%token _class__ "!class"
%token _const_ "const"
%token _continue_ "continue"
%token _debugger_ "debugger"
%type <argument_> ArgumentListOpt
%type <argument_> Arguments
%type <expression_> ArrayComprehension
-%type <expression_> ArrayInitialiser
%type <literal_> ArrayLiteral
%type <expression_> ArrowFunction
%type <functionParameter_> ArrowParameters
%type <identifier_> Binding
%type <identifier_> BindingIdentifier
%type <expression_> BitwiseANDExpression
-%type <statement_> Block_
%type <statement_> Block
+%type <statement_> BlockStatement
%type <boolean_> BooleanLiteral
%type <declaration_> BindingElement
%type <expression_> BitwiseORExpression
%type <clause_> CaseBlock
%type <clause_> CaseClause
%type <clause_> CaseClausesOpt
-%type <catch_> CatchOpt
+%type <catch_> Catch
+%type <identifier_> CatchParameter
%type <expression_> Comprehension
%type <comprehension_> ComprehensionFor
%type <comprehension_> ComprehensionIf
%type <expression_> ConditionalExpression
%type <statement_> ContinueStatement
%type <statement_> ConciseBody
+%type <parenthetical_> CoverParenthesizedExpressionAndArrowParameterList
%type <statement_> DebuggerStatement
%type <statement_> Declaration__
%type <statement_> Declaration_
%type <expression_> Expression
%type <expression_> ExpressionOpt
%type <statement_> ExpressionStatement
-%type <finally_> FinallyOpt
-%type <for_> ForStatementInitialiser
-%type <forin_> ForInStatementInitialiser
+%type <finally_> Finally
+%type <for_> ForStatementInitializer
+%type <forin_> ForInStatementInitializer
%type <declaration_> FormalParameter
%type <functionParameter_> FormalParameterList_
%type <functionParameter_> FormalParameterList
%type <statement_> FunctionBody
%type <statement_> FunctionDeclaration
%type <expression_> FunctionExpression
+%type <statement_> HoistableDeclaration
%type <identifier_> Identifier
%type <identifier_> IdentifierOpt
%type <identifier_> IdentifierType
%type <word_> IdentifierName
+%type <expression_> IdentifierReference
%type <statement_> IfStatement
-%type <expression_> Initialiser
-%type <expression_> InitialiserOpt
+%type <expression_> Initializer
+%type <expression_> InitializerOpt
%type <statement_> IterationStatement
+%type <identifier_> LabelIdentifier
+%type <statement_> LabelledItem
%type <statement_> LabelledStatement
%type <expression_> LeftHandSideExpression
%type <statement_> LetStatement
%type <statement_> LexicalDeclaration
%type <literal_> Literal
-%type <literal_> ValueLiteral
%type <expression_> LogicalANDExpression
%type <expression_> LogicalORExpression
%type <member_> MemberAccess
%type <expression_> NewExpression
%type <null_> NullLiteral
%type <literal_> ObjectLiteral
-%type <parenthetical_> Parenthetical
%type <expression_> PostfixExpression
%type <expression_> PrimaryExpression
-%type <statement_> Program
-%type <statement_> ProgramBody
-%type <statement_> ProgramBodyOpt
%type <propertyName_> PropertyName_
%type <propertyName_> PropertyName
%type <property_> PropertyDefinition
%type <functionParameter_> RubyProcParameterList
%type <functionParameter_> RubyProcParameters
%type <functionParameter_> RubyProcParametersOpt
+%type <statement_> Script
+%type <statement_> ScriptBody
+%type <statement_> ScriptBodyOpt
%type <expression_> ShiftExpression
%type <declaration_> SingleNameBinding
%type <statement_> Statement__
@begin ObjectiveC
%type <word_> WordOpt
-%type <expression_> Variable
@begin C
%type <specifier_> IntegerType
%nonassoc "else"
/* }}} */
-%start Program
+%start Script
: { if (yyla.empty()) driver.no_.OpenBrace = true; else if (yyla.type == yytranslate_(token::OpenBrace) || yyla.type == yytranslate_(token::OpenBrace_)) yyla.type = yytranslate_(token::OpenBrace__); }
+ : { if (yyla.empty()) driver.no_.Class = true; else if (yyla.type == yytranslate_(token::_class_)) yyla.type = yytranslate_(token::_class__); }
+ ;
: { if (yyla.empty()) driver.no_.Function = true; else if (yyla.type == yytranslate_(token::_function_)) yyla.type = yytranslate_(token::_function__); }
- : LexNoBrace LexNoFunction LexNoAtImplementation
+ : LexNoBrace LexNoClass LexNoFunction LexNoAtImplementation
/* }}} */
/* Virtual Tokens {{{ */
/* }}} */
-/* 7.6 Identifier Names and Identifiers {{{ */
+/* 11.6 Names and Keywords {{{ */
: Word { $$ = $1; }
| "case" { $$ = CYNew CYWord("case"); }
| "catch" { $$ = CYNew CYWord("catch"); }
| "class" { $$ = CYNew CYWord("class"); }
+ | "!class" { $$ = CYNew CYWord("class"); }
| "const" { $$ = CYNew CYWord("const"); }
| "continue" { $$ = CYNew CYWord("continue"); }
| "debugger" { $$ = CYNew CYWord("debugger"); }
| { $$ = NULL; }
+/* }}} */
+/* 11.8.1 Null Literals {{{ */
+ : "null" { $$ = CYNew CYNull(); }
+ ;
+/* }}} */
+/* 11.8.2 Boolean Literals {{{ */
+ : "true" { $$ = CYNew CYTrue(); }
+ | "false" { $$ = CYNew CYFalse(); }
+ ;
+/* }}} */
+/* 11.9 Automatic Semicolon Insertion {{{ */
+ : { driver.Warning(@$, "warning, automatic semi-colon insertion required"); }
+ ;
+ : ";"
+ | "\n" StrictSemi
+ ;
+ : ";"
+ | error { if (yyla.type_get() != yyeof_ && yyla.type != yytranslate_(token::CloseBrace) && !driver.newline_) { error(@1, "required semi-colon"); } else { yyerrok; driver.errors_.pop_back(); } } StrictSemi
+ ;
+ : ";"
+ | error { yyerrok; driver.errors_.pop_back(); } StrictSemi
+ ;
+/* }}} */
+/* 12.1 Identifiers {{{ */
+ : Identifier { $$ = CYNew CYVariable($1); }
+ // XXX: | "yield"
+ ;
+ : Identifier { $$ = $1; }
+ // XXX: | "yield"
+ ;
+ : Identifier { $$ = $1; }
+ // XXX: | yield
+ ;
: Identifier_ { $$ = $1; }
| { $$ = NULL; }
/* }}} */
-/* 7.8 Literals {{{ */
- : NullLiteral { $$ = $1; }
- | ValueLiteral { $$ = $1; }
- ;
- : BooleanLiteral { $$ = $1; }
- | NumericLiteral { $$ = $1; }
- | StringLiteral { $$ = $1; }
- | RegularExpressionLiteral { $$ = $1; }
- ;
-/* }}} */
-/* 7.8.1 Null Literals {{{ */
- : "null" { $$ = CYNew CYNull(); }
- ;
-/* }}} */
-/* 7.8.2 Boolean Literals {{{ */
- : "true" { $$ = CYNew CYTrue(); }
- | "false" { $$ = CYNew CYFalse(); }
- ;
-/* }}} */
-/* 7.9 Automatic Semicolon Insertion {{{ */
- : { driver.Warning(@$, "warning, automatic semi-colon insertion required"); }
- ;
- : ";"
- | "\n" StrictSemi
- ;
- : ";"
- | error { if (yyla.type_get() != yyeof_ && yyla.type != yytranslate_(token::CloseBrace) && !driver.newline_) { error(@1, "required semi-colon"); } else { yyerrok; driver.errors_.pop_back(); } } StrictSemi
- ;
- : ";"
- | error { yyerrok; driver.errors_.pop_back(); } StrictSemi
- ;
-/* }}} */
-/* 11.1 Primary Expressions {{{ */
- : "(" LexPushInOff Expression ")" LexPopIn { $$ = CYNew CYParenthetical($3); }
- ;
- : Identifier { $$ = CYNew CYVariable($1); }
- ;
+/* 12.2 Primary Expression {{{ */
: "this" { $$ = CYNew CYThis(); }
- | Variable { $$ = $1; }
+ | IdentifierReference { $$ = $1; }
| Literal { $$ = $1; }
- | ArrayInitialiser { $$ = $1; }
+ | ArrayLiteral { $$ = $1; }
| ObjectLiteral { $$ = $1; }
- | Parenthetical { $$ = $1; }
+ | RegularExpressionLiteral { $$ = $1; }
+ | CoverParenthesizedExpressionAndArrowParameterList { if ($1 == NULL) error(@1, "invalid parenthetical"); $$ = $1; }
| AutoComplete { driver.mode_ = CYDriver::AutoPrimary; YYACCEPT; }
+ : "(" LexPushInOff Expression ")" LexPopIn { $$ = CYNew CYParenthetical($3); }
+ | "(" LexPushInOff LexSetRegExp ")" LexPopIn { $$ = NULL; }
+ ;
/* }}} */
-/* 11.1.4 Array Initializer {{{ */
- : ArrayLiteral { $$ = $1; }
- | ArrayComprehension { $$ = $1; }
+/* 12.2.4 Literals {{{ */
+ : NullLiteral { $$ = $1; }
+ | BooleanLiteral { $$ = $1; }
+ | NumericLiteral { $$ = $1; }
+ | StringLiteral { $$ = $1; }
/* }}} */
-/* Array Literal {{{ */
+/* 12.2.5 Array Initializer {{{ */
: "[" LexPushInOff ElementListOpt "]" LexPopIn { $$ = CYNew CYArray($3); }
| LexSetRegExp { $$ = NULL; }
/* }}} */
-/* Array Comprehension {{{ */
- : "[" LexPushInOff Comprehension "]" LexPopIn { $$ = $3; }
- ;
- : LexSetRegExp ComprehensionFor ComprehensionTail AssignmentExpression { $$ = CYNew CYArrayComprehension($4, $2->Modify($3)); }
- ;
- : { $$ = NULL; }
- | ComprehensionFor ComprehensionTail { $$ = $1->Modify($2); }
- | ComprehensionIf ComprehensionTail { $$ = $1->Modify($2); }
- ;
- : "for" "(" Binding "of" Expression ")" { $$ = CYNew CYForOfComprehension($3, $5); }
- ;
- : "if" "(" AssignmentExpression ")" { $$ = CYNew CYIfComprehension($3); }
- ;
-/* }}} */
-/* 11.1.5 Object Initialiser {{{ */
+/* 12.2.6 Object Initializer {{{ */
: BRACE LexPushInOff PropertyDefinitionListOpt "}" LexPopIn { $$ = CYNew CYObject($3); }
: LexSetRegExp PropertyName_ { $$ = $2; }
+ : "=" AssignmentExpression { $$ = $2; }
+ ;
+ : Initializer { $$ = $1; }
+ | { $$ = NULL; }
+ ;
+/* }}} */
+/* 12.2.9 Template Literals {{{ */
/* }}} */
-/* 11.2 Left-Hand-Side Expressions {{{ */
+/* 12.3+ Left-Hand-Side Expressions {{{ */
: "[" LexPushInOff Expression "]" LexPopIn { $$ = CYNew CYDirectMember(NULL, $3); }
| "." IdentifierName { $$ = CYNew CYDirectMember(NULL, CYNew CYString($2)); }
| CallExpression { $$ = $1; }
/* }}} */
-/* 11.3 Postfix Expressions {{{ */
+/* 12.4 Postfix Expressions {{{ */
: %prec "" LeftHandSideExpression { $$ = $1; }
| LeftHandSideExpression "++" { $$ = CYNew CYPostIncrement($1); }
| LeftHandSideExpression "--" { $$ = CYNew CYPostDecrement($1); }
/* }}} */
-/* 11.4 Unary Operators {{{ */
+/* 12.5 Unary Operators {{{ */
: "delete" UnaryExpression { $$ = CYNew CYDelete($2); }
| "void" UnaryExpression { $$ = CYNew CYVoid($2); }
| LexSetRegExp UnaryExpression_ { $$ = $2; }
/* }}} */
-/* 11.5 Multiplicative Operators {{{ */
+/* 12.6 Multiplicative Operators {{{ */
: UnaryExpression { $$ = $1; }
| MultiplicativeExpression "*" UnaryExpression { $$ = CYNew CYMultiply($1, $3); }
| MultiplicativeExpression "%" UnaryExpression { $$ = CYNew CYModulus($1, $3); }
/* }}} */
-/* 11.6 Additive Operators {{{ */
+/* 12.7 Additive Operators {{{ */
: MultiplicativeExpression { $$ = $1; }
| AdditiveExpression "+" MultiplicativeExpression { $$ = CYNew CYAdd($1, $3); }
| AdditiveExpression "-" MultiplicativeExpression { $$ = CYNew CYSubtract($1, $3); }
/* }}} */
-/* 11.7 Bitwise Shift Operators {{{ */
+/* 12.8 Bitwise Shift Operators {{{ */
: AdditiveExpression { $$ = $1; }
| ShiftExpression "<<" AdditiveExpression { $$ = CYNew CYShiftLeft($1, $3); }
| ShiftExpression ">>>" AdditiveExpression { $$ = CYNew CYShiftRightUnsigned($1, $3); }
/* }}} */
-/* 11.8 Relational Operators {{{ */
+/* 12.9 Relational Operators {{{ */
: ShiftExpression { $$ = $1; }
| RelationalExpression "<" ShiftExpression { $$ = CYNew CYLess($1, $3); }
| RelationalExpression "in" ShiftExpression { $$ = CYNew CYIn($1, $3); }
/* }}} */
-/* 11.9 Equality Operators {{{ */
+/* 12.10 Equality Operators {{{ */
: RelationalExpression { $$ = $1; }
| EqualityExpression "==" RelationalExpression { $$ = CYNew CYEqual($1, $3); }
| EqualityExpression "!==" RelationalExpression { $$ = CYNew CYNotIdentical($1, $3); }
/* }}} */
-/* 11.10 Binary Bitwise Operators {{{ */
+/* 12.11 Binary Bitwise Operators {{{ */
: EqualityExpression { $$ = $1; }
| BitwiseANDExpression "&" EqualityExpression { $$ = CYNew CYBitwiseAnd($1, $3); }
| BitwiseORExpression "|" BitwiseXORExpression { $$ = CYNew CYBitwiseOr($1, $3); }
/* }}} */
-/* 11.11 Binary Logical Operators {{{ */
+/* 12.12 Binary Logical Operators {{{ */
: BitwiseORExpression { $$ = $1; }
| LogicalANDExpression "&&" BitwiseORExpression { $$ = CYNew CYLogicalAnd($1, $3); }
| LogicalORExpression "||" LogicalANDExpression { $$ = CYNew CYLogicalOr($1, $3); }
/* }}} */
-/* 11.12 Conditional Operator ( ? : ) {{{ */
+/* 12.13 Conditional Operator ( ? : ) {{{ */
: LogicalORExpression { $$ = $1; }
| LogicalORExpression "?" LexPushInOff AssignmentExpression ":" LexPopIn AssignmentExpression { $$ = CYNew CYCondition($1, $4, $7); }
- | LogicalORExpression "?" LexPushInOff LexSetRegExp ":" LexPopIn AssignmentExpression { $$ = CYNew CYCondition($1, $1, $7); }
/* }}} */
-/* 11.13 Assignment Operators {{{ */
+/* 12.14 Assignment Operators {{{ */
: ConditionalExpression { $$ = $1; }
+ // XXX: | YieldExpression { $$ = $1; }
| ArrowFunction { $$ = $1; }
| LeftHandSideExpression "=" AssignmentExpression { $$ = CYNew CYAssign($1, $3); }
| LeftHandSideExpression "*=" AssignmentExpression { $$ = CYNew CYMultiplyAssign($1, $3); }
| LeftHandSideExpression "|=" AssignmentExpression { $$ = CYNew CYBitwiseOrAssign($1, $3); }
/* }}} */
-/* 11.14 Comma Operator {{{ */
+/* 12.15 Comma Operator ( , ) {{{ */
: AssignmentExpression { $$ = $1; }
+ /* XXX: I have this backwards... */
| AssignmentExpression "," Expression { $$ = CYNew CYCompound($1, $3); }
/* }}} */
-/* 12 Statements {{{ */
+/* 13 Statements and Declarations {{{ */
- : Block { $$ = $1; }
+ : BlockStatement { $$ = $1; }
| VariableStatement { $$ = $1; }
| EmptyStatement { $$ = $1; }
| IfStatement { $$ = $1; }
- : FunctionDeclaration { $$ = $1; }
+ : HoistableDeclaration { $$ = $1; }
+ // XXX: | ClassDeclaration { $$ = $1; }
| LexicalDeclaration { $$ = $1; }
: LexSetStatement Declaration_ { $$ = $2; }
+ : FunctionDeclaration
+ // XXX: | GeneratorDeclaration
+ ;
: IterationStatement { $$ = $1; }
| SwitchStatement { $$ = $1; }
/* }}} */
-/* 12.1 Block {{{ */
- : BRACE StatementListOpt "}" { $$ = $2; }
+/* 13.2 Block {{{ */
+ : ";{" StatementListOpt "}" { $$ = CYNew CYBlock($2); }
- : ";{" StatementListOpt "}" { $$ = CYNew CYBlock($2); }
+ : BRACE StatementListOpt "}" { $$ = $2; }
| Declaration { $$ = $1; }
/* }}} */
-/* 12.2 Declarations {{{ */
- : Identifier { $$ = $1; }
- ;
- : BindingIdentifier
- ;
-// XXX: BindingPattern
-/* }}} */
-/* 12.2.1 Let and Const Declarations {{{ */
+/* 13.3+ Let and Const Declarations {{{ */
: LetOrConst VariableDeclarationList Terminator { $$ = CYNew CYVar($2); }
: "let"
| "const"
+ : BindingIdentifier
+ ;
+// XXX: lots of binding stuff
/* }}} */
-/* 12.2.2 Variable Statement {{{ */
+/* 13.3.2+ Variable Statement {{{ */
: Var_ VariableDeclarationList Terminator { $$ = CYNew CYVar($2); }
- : BindingIdentifier InitialiserOpt { $$ = CYNew CYDeclaration($1, $2); }
- // XXX: | BindingPattern Initialiser { $$ = CYNew CYDeclaration($1, $2); }
- ;
- : "=" AssignmentExpression { $$ = $2; }
- ;
- : Initialiser { $$ = $1; }
- | { $$ = NULL; }
+ : BindingIdentifier InitializerOpt { $$ = CYNew CYDeclaration($1, $2); }
+ // XXX: | BindingPattern Initializer { $$ = CYNew CYDeclaration($1, $2); }
/* }}} */
-/* 12.2.4 Destructuring Binding Patterns {{{ */
+/* 13.3.3+ Destructuring Binding Patterns {{{ */
// XXX: *
- : BindingIdentifier InitialiserOpt { $$ = CYNew CYDeclaration($1, $2); }
+ : BindingIdentifier InitializerOpt { $$ = CYNew CYDeclaration($1, $2); }
/* }}} */
-/* 12.3 Empty Statement {{{ */
+/* 13.4 Empty Statement {{{ */
: ";" { $$ = CYNew CYEmpty(); }
/* }}} */
-/* 12.4 Expression Statement {{{ */
+/* 13.5 Expression Statement {{{ */
: Expression Terminator { $$ = CYNew CYExpress($1); }
/* }}} */
-/* 12.5 The if Statement {{{ */
+/* 13.6 The if Statement {{{ */
: "else" Statement { $$ = $2; }
| %prec "if" { $$ = NULL; }
: "if" "(" Expression ")" Statement ElseStatementOpt { $$ = CYNew CYIf($3, $5, $6); }
/* }}} */
-/* 12.6.1 The do-while Statement {{{ */
+/* 13.7+ Iteration Statements {{{ */
: "do" Statement "while" "(" Expression ")" TerminatorOpt { $$ = CYNew CYDoWhile($5, $2); }
- ;
-/* }}} */
-/* 12.6.2 The while Statement {{{ */
- : "while" "(" Expression ")" Statement { $$ = CYNew CYWhile($3, $5); }
- ;
-/* }}} */
-/* 12.6.3 The for Statement {{{ */
- : "for" "(" LexPushInOn ForStatementInitialiser ";" LexPopIn ExpressionOpt ";" ExpressionOpt ")" Statement { $$ = CYNew CYFor($4, $7, $9, $11); }
+ | "while" "(" Expression ")" Statement { $$ = CYNew CYWhile($3, $5); }
+ | "for" "(" LexPushInOn ForStatementInitializer ";" LexPopIn ExpressionOpt ";" ExpressionOpt ")" Statement { $$ = CYNew CYFor($4, $7, $9, $11); }
+ | "for" "(" LexPushInOn ForInStatementInitializer "!in" LexPopIn Expression ")" Statement { $$ = CYNew CYForIn($4, $7, $9); }
+ | "for" "(" LexPushInOn ForInStatementInitializer "of" LexPopIn Expression ")" Statement { $$ = CYNew CYForOf($4, $7, $9); }
: ExpressionOpt { $$ = $1; }
| LexSetRegExp Var_ VariableDeclarationList { $$ = CYNew CYForDeclarations($3); }
-/* }}} */
-/* 12.6.4 The for-in and for-of Statements {{{ */
- : "for" "(" LexPushInOn ForInStatementInitialiser "!in" LexPopIn Expression ")" Statement { $$ = CYNew CYForIn($4, $7, $9); }
- | "for" "(" LexPushInOn ForInStatementInitialiser "of" LexPopIn Expression ")" Statement { $$ = CYNew CYForOf($4, $7, $9); }
- ;
: LeftHandSideExpression { $$ = $1; }
| LexSetRegExp Var_ VariableDeclaration { $$ = $3; }
/* }}} */
-/* 12.7 The continue Statement {{{ */
+/* 13.8 The continue Statement {{{ */
: "continue" LexNoNewLine
| Continue Identifier Terminator { $$ = CYNew CYContinue($2); }
/* }}} */
-/* 12.8 The break Statement {{{ */
+/* 13.9 The break Statement {{{ */
: "break" LexNoNewLine
| Break Identifier Terminator { $$ = CYNew CYBreak($2); }
/* }}} */
-/* 12.9 The return Statement {{{ */
+/* 13.10 The return Statement {{{ */
: "return" LexNoNewLine
| Return Expression Terminator { $$ = CYNew CYReturn($2); }
/* }}} */
-/* 12.10 The with Statement {{{ */
+/* 13.11 The with Statement {{{ */
: "with" "(" Expression ")" Statement { $$ = CYNew CYWith($3, $5); }
/* }}} */
-/* 12.11 The switch Statement {{{ */
+/* 13.12 The switch Statement {{{ */
: "switch" "(" Expression ")" CaseBlock { $$ = CYNew CYSwitch($3, $5); }
| { $$ = NULL; }
+// XXX: the standard makes certain you can only have one of these
: "default" ":" StatementListOpt { $$ = CYNew CYClause(NULL, $3); }
/* }}} */
-/* 12.12 Labelled Statements {{{ */
+/* 13.13 Labelled Statements {{{ */
- : Identifier ":" Statement { $$ = CYNew CYLabel($1, $3); }
+ : LabelIdentifier ":" LabelledItem { $$ = CYNew CYLabel($1, $3); }
+ ;
+ : Statement { $$ = $1; }
+ | LexSetStatement LexSetRegExp FunctionDeclaration { $$ = $3; }
/* }}} */
-/* 12.13 The throw Statement {{{ */
+/* 13.14 The throw Statement {{{ */
: "throw" LexNoNewLine
- : ThrowWord LexSetRegExp TerminatorSoft { error(@1, "throw without exception"); }
- | ThrowWord Expression Terminator { $$ = CYNew cy::Syntax::Throw($2); }
+ : Throw LexSetRegExp TerminatorSoft { error(@1, "throw without exception"); }
+ | Throw Expression Terminator { $$ = CYNew cy::Syntax::Throw($2); }
/* }}} */
-/* 12.14 The try Statement {{{ */
+/* 13.15 The try Statement {{{ */
- : "try" Block_ CatchOpt FinallyOpt { $$ = CYNew cy::Syntax::Try($2, $3, $4); }
+ : "try" Block Catch { $$ = CYNew cy::Syntax::Try($2, $3, NULL); }
+ | "try" Block Finally { $$ = CYNew cy::Syntax::Try($2, NULL, $3); }
+ | "try" Block Catch Finally { $$ = CYNew cy::Syntax::Try($2, $3, $4); }
- : "catch" "(" Identifier ")" Block_ { $$ = CYNew cy::Syntax::Catch($3, $5); }
- | { $$ = NULL; }
+ : "catch" "(" CatchParameter ")" Block { $$ = CYNew cy::Syntax::Catch($3, $5); }
- : "finally" Block_ { $$ = CYNew CYFinally($2); }
- | { $$ = NULL; }
+ : "finally" Block { $$ = CYNew CYFinally($2); }
+ ;
+ : BindingIdentifier { $$ = $1; }
+ // XXX: BindingPattern
/* }}} */
-/* 12.14 The debugger Statement {{{ */
+/* 13.16 The debugger Statement {{{ */
: "debugger" Terminator { $$ = CYNew CYDebugger(); }
/* }}} */
-/* 13.1 Function Definitions {{{ */
+/* 14.1+ Function Definitions {{{ */
: ";function" Identifier "(" FormalParameterListOpt ")" BRACE FunctionBody "}" { $$ = CYNew CYFunctionStatement($2, $4, $7); }
: StatementListOpt { $$ = $1; }
/* }}} */
-/* 13.2 Arrow Function Definitions {{{ */
+/* 14.2 Arrow Function Definitions {{{ */
: LexSetRegExp ArrowParameters "=>" LexNoBrace ConciseBody { $$ = CYNew CYFatArrow($2, $5); }
: BindingIdentifier { $$ = CYNew CYFunctionParameter(CYNew CYDeclaration($1)); }
- | "(" LexPushInOff LexSetRegExp ")" LexPopIn { $$ = NULL; }
- | Parenthetical { $$ = $1->expression_->Parameter(); if ($$ == NULL) error(@1, "invalid parameter list"); }
+ | CoverParenthesizedExpressionAndArrowParameterList { $$ = $1->expression_->Parameter(); if ($$ == NULL) error(@1, "invalid parameter list"); }
| LexSetRegExp ";{" LexPushInOff FunctionBody "}" LexPopIn { $$ = $4; }
/* }}} */
-/* 14 Program {{{ */
- : ProgramBodyOpt { driver.program_ = CYNew CYProgram($1); }
+/* 14.3+ Method Definitions {{{ */
+/* }}} */
+/* 14.4+ Generator Function Definitions {{{ */
+/* }}} */
+/* 14.5+ Class Definitions {{{ */
+/* }}} */
+/* 15.1 Scripts {{{ */
+ : ScriptBodyOpt { driver.script_ = CYNew CYScript($1); }
: StatementList { $$ = $1; }
- : ProgramBody { $$ = $1; }
+ : ScriptBody { $$ = $1; }
| LexSetStatement LexSetRegExp { $$ = NULL; }
/* }}} */
+/* 15.2+ Modules {{{ */
+/* }}} */
+/* 15.2.2+ Imports {{{ */
+/* }}} */
+/* 15.2.3+ Exports {{{ */
+/* }}} */
@begin C
/* Cycript (C): Type Encoding {{{ */
| StringLiteral { $$ = $1; }
| ArrayLiteral { $$ = $1; }
| ObjectLiteral { $$ = $1; }
- | Parenthetical { $$ = $1; }
+ | CoverParenthesizedExpressionAndArrowParameterList { $$ = $1; }
| "YES" { $$ = CYNew CYTrue(); }
| "NO" { $$ = CYNew CYFalse(); }
| "xml" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("xml"); }
/* }}} */
-/* 8.3 XML Initialiser Input Elements {{{ */
+/* 8.3 XML Initializer Input Elements {{{ */
: XMLComment { $$ = $1; }
| XMLCDATA { $$ = $1; }
: "*" { $$ = CYNew CYWildcard(); }
/* }}} */
-/* 11.1.4 XML Initialiser {{{ */
+/* 11.1.4 XML Initializer {{{ */
: XMLMarkup { $$ = $1; }
| XMLElement { $$ = $1; }
/* }}} */
-/* 11.1.5 XMLList Initialiser {{{ */
+/* 11.1.5 XMLList Initializer {{{ */
: "<>" LexPushInOff LexPushXMLContent XMLElementContent LexPop "</>" LexPopIn { $$ = CYNew CYXMLList($4); }
/* }}} */
-/* JavaScript 1.7: Array Comprehensions {{{ */
+/* JavaScript FTL: Array Comprehensions {{{ */
: AssignmentExpression ComprehensionFor ComprehensionTail { $$ = CYNew CYArrayComprehension($1, $2->Modify($3)); }
| "for" "each" "(" Binding "in" Expression ")" { $$ = CYNew CYForOfComprehension($4, $6); }
/* }}} */
-/* JavaScript 1.7: for each {{{ */
+/* JavaScript FTL: for each {{{ */
- : "for" "each" "(" LexPushInOn ForInStatementInitialiser "!in" LexPopIn Expression ")" Statement { $$ = CYNew CYForOf($5, $8, $10); }
+ : "for" "each" "(" LexPushInOn ForInStatementInitializer "!in" LexPopIn Expression ")" Statement { $$ = CYNew CYForOf($5, $8, $10); }
/* }}} */
-/* JavaScript 1.7: let Statements {{{ */
+/* JavaScript FTL: let Statements {{{ */
: "let" "(" VariableDeclarationList ")" Statement { $$ = CYNew CYLetStatement($3, $5); }
/* }}} */
+/* JavaScript FTW: Array Comprehensions {{{ */
+ : ArrayComprehension
+ ;
+ : "[" LexPushInOff Comprehension "]" LexPopIn { $$ = $3; }
+ ;
+ : LexSetRegExp ComprehensionFor ComprehensionTail AssignmentExpression { $$ = CYNew CYArrayComprehension($4, $2->Modify($3)); }
+ ;
+ : { $$ = NULL; }
+ | ComprehensionFor ComprehensionTail { $$ = $1->Modify($2); }
+ | ComprehensionIf ComprehensionTail { $$ = $1->Modify($2); }
+ ;
+ : "for" "(" Binding "of" Expression ")" { $$ = CYNew CYForOfComprehension($3, $5); }
+ ;
+ : "if" "(" AssignmentExpression ")" { $$ = CYNew CYIfComprehension($3); }
+ ;
+/* }}} */
+/* JavaScript FTW: Coalesce Operator {{{ */
+ : LogicalORExpression "?" LexPushInOff LexSetRegExp ":" LexPopIn AssignmentExpression { $$ = CYNew CYCondition($1, $1, $7); }
+ ;
+/* }}} */
/* JavaScript FTW: Ruby Blocks {{{ */
: "," RubyProcParameterList { $$ = $2; }