]> git.saurik.com Git - cycript.git/blob - todo.txt
Bridge any toPointer to id as a cast (for Cydget).
[cycript.git] / todo.txt
1 lol
2 unicode identifier support (native and \u)
3 support unions (right now 0-1 fields parsed as struct)
4 look into what String is, and whether to bridge it
5 some JS callbacks don't use exception pointers at all...
6 a newline needs to not be allowed after a unary *
7 finish implementing default xml namespace statement
8 encode newlines in history for later replay (psql uses ^A)
10 consider replacing regex literals with constructors
11 https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=98409
12 numerification needs to use specific precision values
13 https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5856
14 consider a mode where unicode string content is saved
15 https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=274152
17 NSDictionaries that have NSNumber keys don't getProperty
18 CYPoolTry/Catch now carefully save the exception after it /no longer needs the exception/... uhh... wtf?
19 throw CYJSError should probably be replaced with CYThrow() across the board
20 figure out what to do about global context refs: I really really want to retain the bastards
21 the concept of NULL pooling is entirely incorrect and sad... bad... evil... need to work on this... really
22 NSArray's .toString() and .toLocaleString() fail hard, as Array.prototype.to*String are Array-specific
23 applyOnMainThread, when done at console, loops the cyonifier
24 special work needs to be done to correctly handle the "arguments" symbol: Declare("arguments", ...Special)
25 at the Program level I seem to be eating away all of the var statements
26 I should probably attempt to use the auto_ flag somehow to not do contexts_ push when compiling
27 Object_callAsFunction_toCYON should be implemented
29 [NSString stringWithString:""] crashes, on linux, not on mac
30 GS #defines should be _finline
32 replace procmod g+s with gdb's macosx_get_task_for_pid_rights
33 non-local return prologue is not being Replace()d: multipass compiler!
34 interpretation of documentation comments should be compiler-only and off by default
36 semi-colon insertion warnings should mark after the previous token, not on the current one: makes a /lot/ more sense
38 output errors during Trampoline to some kind of log file
40 there is a reinterpret_cast<> that I replaced with an old-style cast on the output of dladdr
42 why do I never deallocate ffi closures?
44 make a reference holder for namearrays
45 rename names to accumulator when it is a name accumulator, and retake names for subset
46 I believe calls to mutableCopy will leak memory
47 consider pointerTo instead of toPointer
48 store the last exception in a variable
49 should WebUndefined be @undefined?
51 if something is a function, it should be output differently
52 verify name targets of "incorrect number of arguments to"
53 maybe support __objc_{yes,no} intrinisic primitives
55 support new objective-c subscript notation:
56 id key = ...;
57 id value = object[key];
58 -> id value = [object objectForKeyedSubscript:key];
59 object[key] = newValue;
60 -> [object setObject:newValue forKeyedSubscript:key];
61 and:
62 NSUInteger idx = ...;
63 id value = object[idx];
64 -> id value = [object objectAtIndexedSubscript:idx];
65 object[idx] = newValue;
66 -> [object setObject:newValue atIndexedSubscript:idx];
68 use JSObjectMakeError to build exception objects
69 replace cy$getProperty's return value with JSValueRef
71 cy# {{5,6};6;{7;{8;5}}}
72 got: {5,6;6;{7;8,5}}
73 wanted: 5,6,6,7,8,5
75 cy# for each (var i = 9 in [1, 2]) system.print(i);
76 cy= {i=9;(function($cys,$cyt){for($cyt in $cys){i=$cys[$cyt];system.print(i)}})([1,2])}
77 cy# {i=9;(function($cys,$cyt){for($cyt in $cys){i=$cys[$cyt];system.print(i)}})([1,2])}
78 cy= i=9,function(e,t){var e,t;for(t in e)i=e[t],system.print(i)}([1,2])
79 wanted: i=9,function(e,t){for(t in e)i=e[t],system.print(i)}([1,2])
81 with is being translated in a manner that doesn't handle variables
82 cy# function b() { for each (var t in a) {} }
83 function b(){var e,t,n;with({t:a,n:undefined})for(n in t)e=t[n]}
85 [[self description] cy$toCYON:] seems like a poor implementation of toCYON
86 implement cy$toJSON:inContext: for NSDictionary and NSArray
87 probably should use toll-free bridging and CF to check for boolean-ness
89 the non-local transform used for let is ludicrous... :( :(
91 cy# function q(e) { }
92 function q(e){var e}
94 fat arrows are currently output with too much verbosity
96 CYJSString <- wrap JavaScript strings and provide them back to Objective-C
97 ruby blocks need to return their last thing
98 Objective-C strings might should be cyonified using double-quotes
100 apparently you can have random escape sequences in strings, like \!
101 cycript -p with processes that have spaces doesn't work
102 CYDriver uses std::istream, but it should use std::streambuf
104 constant flags on types are encoded using something horribly wrong
105 http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/ObjCRuntimeGuide/Articles/ocrtTypeEncodings.html
106 http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Type-encoding.html
107 http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Legacy-type-encoding.html
109 blocks should be allowed to return blocks/functions: ModifiedType needs to go
110 instead, TypedParameterList should be folded into a TypeModifier with the other types
112 look up identifiers in the bridge for highlighting (and remove special case tokens)
114 when ?bypass, you are unable to send multi-line commands
115 the current line-extension detector doesn't handle multi-line tokens
117 what the hell did I mean by (*name - 10) in the sig/parse error messages?
118 syntax highlight embedded components of strings and regular expressions
119 replace the lex-assisted syntax highlighter with a grammar-assisted one
120 tell brian that alt-minus-3 and alt-minus-(alt)-3 are somehow different
121 the lexer turns "@encodenew" into "@encode""new"... word breaks, anyone?
122 .prototype of a Class returns "undefined", which is very confusing
124 !! :( if you have a regular expression followed by an alphabetic operator
125 then the output engine needs to put a space character between them
127 I should support arbitrary objects as the keys for NSDictionary literals
128 add a special syntax highlight color for message selector parts
129 there are numerous paths through Console that fail to free(line)
131 if the grammar sanity checks fail, they don't delete the grammar output
133 cy# a.constructor.class.$cya().valueOf()
134 0x1619ee64
135 ^ this is different EVERY TIME?!?
137 MPMusicPlayerController.iPodMusicPlayer.shuffleMode is either id /or/ int
139 NSObject instanceof Type //<- should this be true?
141 I probably don't need to override SHELL to _BASH anymore
143 LT_INIT([pic-only]) doesn't work, because the default is only used if unset, and it has a default setting...
144 even when using --pic-only, libtool insists on building every file twice... with the same fucking arguments
146 JSContextGroupSetExecutionTimeLimit
148 cy# throw
149 cy> 5
150 cy> ;
151 cy> ^C
153 if you use "arguments", you have to protect it if you attempt to use it inside of a generated function; example: array comprehension over one fails
155 support Nil in addition to nil
157 1.7976931348623157e+308 == DBL_MAX
159 - } else
160 - return CYCastPointer<SEL>(context, value);
161 + } else {
162 + // XXX: should call .valueOf and, if a number, cast as a pointer
163 + CYPool pool;
164 + return sel_registerName(CYPoolCString(pool, context, value));
165 + }
167 cy# @[].concat([3,4])
168 [@[],3,4]
169 cy# [].concat([3,4])
170 [3,4]
172 @synchronized, maybe @autorelease
174 support leaving off the block return type if the block has no return value; statements
176 cy# var a = 4; {let a = 3; }; a
177 cy= a=4;a=3;a
179 abstract method_copyMethodList to something more reasonable
181 cy# "\x00"
182 cy= "\x00"
183 wanted: "\0"
184 (does JS really support \0? node seems to think so)
186 cy# ({$a:5,$b:3}).$<TAB> <- fails to tab complete to a list
188 auto-complete partial string keys
190 cy# @encode(const char *)(@encode(void *(*)(const char *))(dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "strdup")))
191 "[object Pointer]"
193 the error regime when using MS.hookMessage destroys Objective-C exceptions that are thrown
195 the restrict keyword should be supported in type specifiers
198 support (void) argument lists
199 typedef int;
200 typedef should be creating local variables