]> git.saurik.com Git - apt.git/blob - test/integration/framework
* apt-pkg/deb/debsystem.cc:
[apt.git] / test / integration / framework
1 #!/bin/sh -- # no runable script, just for vi
3 # we all like colorful messages
4 CERROR="\e[1;31m" # red
5 CWARNING="\e[1;33m" # yellow
6 CMSG="\e[1;32m" # green
7 CINFO="\e[1;96m" # light blue
8 CDEBUG="\e[1;94m" # blue
9 CNORMAL="\e[0;39m" # default system console color
10 CDONE="\e[1;32m" # green
11 CPASS="\e[1;32m" # green
12 CFAIL="\e[1;31m" # red
13 CCMD="\e[1;35m" # pink
15 msgdie() { echo "${CERROR}E: $1${CNORMAL}" >&2; exit 1; }
16 msgwarn() { echo "${CWARNING}W: $1${CNORMAL}" >&2; }
17 msgmsg() { echo "${CMSG}$1${CNORMAL}" >&2; }
18 msginfo() { echo "${CINFO}I: $1${CNORMAL}" >&2; }
19 msgdebug() { echo "${CDEBUG}D: $1${CNORMAL}" >&2; }
20 msgdone() { echo "${CDONE}DONE${CNORMAL}" >&2; }
21 msgnwarn() { echo -n "${CWARNING}W: $1${CNORMAL}" >&2; }
22 msgnmsg() { echo -n "${CMSG}$1${CNORMAL}" >&2; }
23 msgninfo() { echo -n "${CINFO}I: $1${CNORMAL}" >&2; }
24 msgndebug() { echo -n "${CDEBUG}D: $1${CNORMAL}" >&2; }
25 msgtest() { echo -n "${CINFO}$1 ${CCMD}$(echo "$2" | sed -e 's/^aptc/apt-c/' -e 's/^aptg/apt-g/' -e 's/^aptf/apt-f/')${CINFO} ${CNORMAL} " >&2; }
26 msgpass() { echo "${CPASS}PASS${CNORMAL}" >&2; }
27 msgskip() { echo "${CWARNING}SKIP${CNORMAL}" >&2; }
28 msgfail() { echo "${CFAIL}FAIL${CNORMAL}" >&2; }
30 # enable / disable Debugging
32 if [ $MSGLEVEL -le 0 ]; then
33 msgdie() { true; }
34 fi
35 if [ $MSGLEVEL -le 1 ]; then
36 msgwarn() { true; }
37 msgnwarn() { true; }
38 fi
39 if [ $MSGLEVEL -le 2 ]; then
40 msgmsg() { true; }
41 msgnmsg() { true; }
42 fi
43 if [ $MSGLEVEL -le 3 ]; then
44 msginfo() { true; }
45 msgninfo() { true; }
46 fi
47 if [ $MSGLEVEL -le 4 ]; then
48 msgdebug() { true; }
49 msgndebug() { true; }
50 fi
51 msgdone() {
52 if [ "$1" = "debug" -a $MSGLEVEL -le 4 ] ||
53 [ "$1" = "info" -a $MSGLEVEL -le 3 ] ||
54 [ "$1" = "msg" -a $MSGLEVEL -le 2 ] ||
55 [ "$1" = "warn" -a $MSGLEVEL -le 1 ] ||
56 [ "$1" = "die" -a $MSGLEVEL -le 0 ]; then
57 true;
58 else
59 echo "${CDONE}DONE${CNORMAL}" >&2;
60 fi
61 }
63 runapt() {
64 msgdebug "Executing: ${CCMD}$*${CDEBUG} "
65 if [ -f ./aptconfig.conf ]; then
67 else
69 fi
70 }
71 aptconfig() { runapt apt-config $*; }
72 aptcache() { runapt apt-cache $*; }
73 aptget() { runapt apt-get $*; }
74 aptftparchive() { runapt apt-ftparchive $*; }
76 setupenvironment() {
77 local TMPWORKINGDIRECTORY=$(mktemp -d)
78 local TESTDIR=$(readlink -f $(dirname $0))
79 msgninfo "Preparing environment for ${CCMD}$0${CINFO} in ${TMPWORKINGDIRECTORY}… "
80 BUILDDIRECTORY="${TESTDIR}/../../build/bin"
81 test -x "${BUILDDIRECTORY}/apt-get" || msgdie "You need to build tree first"
85 mkdir rootdir aptarchive
86 cd rootdir
87 mkdir -p etc/apt/apt.conf.d etc/apt/sources.list.d etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d etc/apt/preferences.d var/cache
88 mkdir -p var/log/apt var/lib/apt
89 mkdir -p var/lib/dpkg/info var/lib/dpkg/updates var/lib/dpkg/triggers
90 local STATUSFILE=$(echo "$(basename $0)" | sed 's/^test-/status-/')
91 if [ -f "${TESTDIR}/${STATUSFILE}" ]; then
92 cp "${TESTDIR}/${STATUSFILE}" var/lib/dpkg/status
93 else
94 touch var/lib/dpkg/status
95 fi
96 touch var/lib/apt/extended_states var/lib/dpkg/available
97 mkdir -p usr/lib/apt
98 ln -s ${BUILDDIRECTORY}/methods usr/lib/apt/methods
99 cd ..
100 local PACKAGESFILE=$(echo "$(basename $0)" | sed 's/^test-/Packages-/')
101 if [ -f "${TESTDIR}/${PACKAGESFILE}" ]; then
102 cp "${TESTDIR}/${PACKAGESFILE}" aptarchive/Packages
103 else
104 touch aptarchive/Packages
105 fi
106 echo "Dir \"${TMPWORKINGDIRECTORY}/rootdir\";" > aptconfig.conf
107 echo "Debug::NoLocking \"true\";" >> aptconfig.conf
108 echo "APT::Get::Show-User-Simulation-Note \"false\";" >> aptconfig.conf
109 echo "Dir::Bin::dpkg \"fakeroot\";" >> aptconfig.conf
110 echo "DPKG::options:: \"dpkg\";" >> aptconfig.conf
111 echo "DPKG::options:: \"--root=${TMPWORKINGDIRECTORY}/rootdir\";" >> aptconfig.conf
112 echo "DPKG::options:: \"--force-not-root\";" >> aptconfig.conf
113 echo "DPKG::options:: \"--force-bad-path\";" >> aptconfig.conf
114 echo "DPKG::options:: \"--log=${TMPWORKINGDIRECTORY}/rootdir/var/log/dpkg.log\";" >> aptconfig.conf
115 export LC_ALL=C
116 msgdone "info"
117 }
119 configarchitecture() {
120 local CONFFILE=rootdir/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/01multiarch.conf
121 echo "APT::Architecture \"$1\";" > $CONFFILE
122 shift
123 while [ -n "$1" ]; do
124 echo "APT::Architectures:: \"$1\";" >> $CONFFILE
125 shift
126 done
127 }
129 buildsimplenativepackage() {
130 local NAME="$1"
131 local ARCH="$2"
132 local VERSION="$3"
133 local RELEASE="${4:-unstable}"
134 local DEPENDENCIES="$5"
135 local DESCRIPTION="$6"
136 local SECTION="${7:-others}"
138 if [ "$SECTION" = "$(echo "$SECTION" | cut -d'/' -f 2)" ]; then
139 DISTSECTION="main"
140 else
141 DISTSECTION="$(echo "$SECTION" | cut -d'/' -f 1)"
142 fi
143 msgninfo "Build package ${CCMD}${NAME}=${VERSION}/${RELEASE}${CINFO}… "
144 local BUILDDIR=incoming/${NAME}-${VERSION}
145 mkdir -p ${BUILDDIR}/debian/source
146 cd ${BUILDDIR}
147 echo "* most suckless software product ever" > FEATURES
148 test -e debian/copyright || echo "Copyleft by Joe Sixpack $(date +%Y)" > debian/copyright
149 test -e debian/changelog || echo "$NAME ($VERSION) $RELEASE; urgency=low
151 * Initial release
153 -- Joe Sixpack <joe@example.org> $(date -R)" > debian/changelog
154 test -e debian/control || echo "Source: $NAME
155 Section: $SECTION
156 Priority: optional
157 Maintainer: Joe Sixpack <joe@example.org>
158 Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 7)
159 Standards-Version: 3.9.1
161 Package: $NAME
162 Architecture: $ARCH" > debian/control
163 test -z "$DEPENDENCIES" || echo "$DEPENDENCIES" >> debian/control
164 if [ -z "$DESCRIPTION" ]; then
165 echo "Description: an autogenerated dummy ${NAME}=${VERSION}/${RELEASE}
166 If you find such a package installed on your system,
167 YOU did something horribly wrong! They are autogenerated
168 und used only by testcases for APT and surf no other propose…" >> debian/control
169 else
170 echo "Description: $DESCRIPTION" >> debian/control
171 fi
172 test -e debian/compat || echo "7" > debian/compat
173 test -e debian/source/format || echo "3.0 (native)" > debian/source/format
174 test -e debian/rules || cp /usr/share/doc/debhelper/examples/rules.tiny debian/rules
175 local BUILT="$(dpkg-buildpackage -uc -us -a$ARCH 2> /dev/null)"
176 local PKGS="$( echo "$BUILT" | grep '^dpkg-deb: building package' | cut -d'/' -f 2 | sed -e "s#'\.##")"
177 local SRCS="$( echo "$BUILT" | grep '^dpkg-source: info: building' | grep -o '[a-z0-9._-]*$')"
178 cd - > /dev/null
179 for PKG in $PKGS; do
180 echo "pool/${PKG}" >> ./incoming/${RELEASE}.${DISTSECTION}.pkglist
181 done
182 for SRC in $SRCS; do
183 echo "pool/${SRC}" >> ./incoming/${RELEASE}.${DISTSECTION}.srclist
184 done
185 rm -rf $BUILDDIR
186 msgdone "info"
187 }
189 buildaptarchive() {
190 if [ -d incoming ]; then
191 buildaptarchivefromincoming $*
192 else
193 buildaptarchivefromfiles $*
194 fi
195 }
197 createaptftparchiveconfig() {
198 local ARCHS="$(find pool/ -name '*.deb' | grep -oE '_[a-z0-9-]+\.deb$' | sort | uniq | sed -e '/^_all.deb$/ d' -e 's#^_\([a-z0-9-]*\)\.deb$#\1#' | tr '\n' ' ')"
199 echo -n 'Dir {
200 ArchiveDir "' >> ftparchive.conf
201 echo -n $(readlink -f .) >> ftparchive.conf
202 echo -n '";
203 CacheDir "' >> ftparchive.conf
204 echo -n $(readlink -f ..) >> ftparchive.conf
205 echo -n '";
206 FileListDir "' >> ftparchive.conf
207 echo -n $(readlink -f pool/) >> ftparchive.conf
208 echo -n '";
209 };
210 Default {
211 Packages::Compress ". gzip bzip2 lzma";
212 Sources::Compress ". gzip bzip2 lzma";
213 Contents::Compress ". gzip bzip2 lzma";
214 };
215 TreeDefault {
216 Directory "pool/";
217 SrcDirectory "pool/";
218 };
219 APT {
220 FTPArchive {
221 Release {
222 Origin "joesixpack";
223 Label "apttestcases";
224 Suite "unstable";
225 Description "repository with dummy packages";
226 Architectures "' >> ftparchive.conf
227 echo -n "$ARCHS" >> ftparchive.conf
228 echo 'source";
229 };
230 };
231 };' >> ftparchive.conf
232 for DIST in $(find ./pool/ -maxdepth 1 -name '*.pkglist' -type f | cut -d'/' -f 3 | cut -d'.' -f 1 | sort | uniq); do
233 echo -n 'tree "dists/' >> ftparchive.conf
234 echo -n "$DIST" >> ftparchive.conf
235 echo -n '" {
236 Architectures "' >> ftparchive.conf
237 echo -n "$ARCHS" >> ftparchive.conf
238 echo -n 'source";
239 FileList "' >> ftparchive.conf
240 echo -n "${DIST}.\$(SECTION).pkglist" >> ftparchive.conf
241 echo -n '";
242 SourceFileList "' >> ftparchive.conf
243 echo -n "${DIST}.\$(SECTION).srclist" >> ftparchive.conf
244 echo -n '";
245 Sections "' >> ftparchive.conf
246 echo -n "$(find ./pool/ -maxdepth 1 -name "${DIST}.*.pkglist" -type f | cut -d'/' -f 3 | cut -d'.' -f 2 | sort | uniq | tr '\n' ' ')" >> ftparchive.conf
247 echo '";
248 };' >> ftparchive.conf
249 done
250 }
252 buildaptftparchivedirectorystructure() {
253 local DISTS="$(grep -i '^tree ' ftparchive.conf | cut -d'/' -f 2 | sed -e 's#".*##')"
254 for DIST in $DISTS; do
255 local SECTIONS="$(grep -i -A 5 "dists/$DIST" ftparchive.conf | grep -i 'Sections' | cut -d'"' -f 2)"
256 for SECTION in $SECTIONS; do
257 local ARCHS="$(grep -A 5 "dists/$DIST" ftparchive.conf | grep Architectures | cut -d'"' -f 2 | sed -e 's#source##')"
258 for ARCH in $ARCHS; do
259 mkdir -p dists/${DIST}/${SECTION}/binary-${ARCH}
260 done
261 mkdir -p dists/${DIST}/${SECTION}/source
262 mkdir -p dists/${DIST}/${SECTION}/i18n
263 done
264 done
265 }
267 buildaptarchivefromincoming() {
268 msginfo "Build APT archive for ${CCMD}$0${CINFO} based on incoming packages…"
269 cd aptarchive
270 [ -e pool ] || ln -s ../incoming pool
271 [ -e ftparchive.conf ] || createaptftparchiveconfig
272 [ -e dists ] || buildaptftparchivedirectorystructure
273 msgninfo "\tGenerate Packages, Sources and Contents files… "
274 aptftparchive -qq generate ftparchive.conf
275 msgdone "info"
276 msgninfo "\tGenerate Release files… "
277 for dir in $(find ./dists -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d); do
278 aptftparchive -qq release $dir | sed -e '/0 Release$/ d' > $dir/Release # remove the self reference
279 done
280 cd - > /dev/null
281 msgdone "info"
282 }
284 buildaptarchivefromfiles() {
285 msginfo "Build APT archive for ${CCMD}$0${CINFO} based on prebuild files…"
286 cd aptarchive
287 if [ -f Packages ]; then
288 msgninfo "\tPackages file… "
289 cat Packages | gzip > Packages.gz
290 cat Packages | bzip2 > Packages.bz2
291 cat Packages | lzma > Packages.lzma
292 msgdone "info"
293 fi
294 if [ -f Sources ]; then
295 msgninfo "\tSources file… "
296 cat Sources | gzip > Sources.gz
297 cat Sources | bzip2 > Sources.bz2
298 cat Sources | lzma > Sources.lzma
299 msgdone "info"
300 fi
301 msgninfo "\tRelease file… "
302 aptftparchive -qq release . | sed -e '/0 Release$/ d' > Release # remove the self reference
303 msgdone "info"
304 cd ..
305 }
307 setupdistsaptarchive() {
308 local APTARCHIVE=$(readlink -f ./aptarchive)
309 rm -f root/etc/apt/sources.list.d/apt-test-*-deb.list
310 rm -f root/etc/apt/sources.list.d/apt-test-*-deb-src.list
311 for DISTS in $(find ./aptarchive/dists/ -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d | cut -d'/' -f 4); do
312 SECTIONS=$(find ./aptarchive/dists/${DISTS}/ -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d | cut -d'/' -f 5 | tr '\n' ' ')
313 msgninfo "\tadd deb and deb-src sources.list lines for ${CCMD}${DISTS} ${SECTIONS}${CINFO}… "
314 echo "deb file://$APTARCHIVE $DISTS $SECTIONS" > rootdir/etc/apt/sources.list.d/apt-test-${DISTS}-deb.list
315 echo "deb-src file://$APTARCHIVE $DISTS $SECTIONS" > rootdir/etc/apt/sources.list.d/apt-test-${DISTS}-deb-src.list
316 msgdone "info"
317 done
318 }
320 setupflataptarchive() {
321 local APTARCHIVE=$(readlink -f ./aptarchive)
322 if [ -f ${APTARCHIVE}/Packages ]; then
323 msgninfo "\tadd deb sources.list line… "
324 echo "deb file://$APTARCHIVE /" > rootdir/etc/apt/sources.list.d/apt-test-archive-deb.list
325 msgdone "info"
326 else
327 rm -f rootdir/etc/apt/sources.list.d/apt-test-archive-deb.list
328 fi
329 if [ -f ${APTARCHIVE}/Sources ]; then
330 msgninfo "\tadd deb-src sources.list line… "
331 echo "deb-src file://$APTARCHIVE /" > rootdir/etc/apt/sources.list.d/apt-test-archive-deb-src.list
332 msgdone "info"
333 else
334 rm -f rootdir/etc/apt/sources.list.d/apt-test-archive-deb-src.list
335 fi
336 }
338 setupaptarchive() {
339 buildaptarchive
340 if [ -e aptarchive/dists ]; then
341 setupdistsaptarchive
342 else
343 setupflataptarchive
344 fi
345 aptget update -qq
346 }
348 diff() {
349 local DIFFTEXT="$($(which diff) -u $* | sed -e '/^---/ d' -e '/^+++/ d' -e '/^@@/ d')"
350 if [ -n "$DIFFTEXT" ]; then
351 echo
352 echo "$DIFFTEXT"
353 return 1
354 else
355 return 0
356 fi
357 }
359 testequal() {
360 local COMPAREFILE=$(mktemp)
361 echo "$1" > $COMPAREFILE
362 shift
363 msgtest "Test for equality of" "$*"
364 $* 2>&1 | diff $COMPAREFILE - && msgpass || msgfail
366 }
368 testequalor2() {
369 local COMPAREFILE1=$(mktemp)
370 local COMPAREFILE2=$(mktemp)
371 local COMPAREAGAINST=$(mktemp)
372 echo "$1" > $COMPAREFILE1
373 echo "$2" > $COMPAREFILE2
374 shift 2
375 msgtest "Test for equality OR of" "$*"
376 $* 2>&1 1> $COMPAREAGAINST
377 (diff $COMPAREFILE1 $COMPAREAGAINST 1> /dev/null ||
378 diff $COMPAREFILE2 $COMPAREAGAINST 1> /dev/null) && msgpass ||
379 ( echo "\n${CINFO}Diff against OR 1${CNORMAL}" "$(diff $COMPAREFILE1 $COMPAREAGAINST)" \
380 "\n${CINFO}Diff against OR 2${CNORMAL}" "$(diff $COMPAREFILE2 $COMPAREAGAINST)" &&
381 msgfail )
383 }
385 testshowvirtual() {
386 local VIRTUAL="N: Can't select versions from package '$1' as it purely virtual"
387 local PACKAGE="$1"
388 shift
389 while [ -n "$1" ]; do
391 N: Can't select versions from package '$1' as it purely virtual"
393 shift
394 done
395 msgtest "Test for virtual packages" "apt-cache show $PACKAGE"
397 N: No packages found"
398 local COMPAREFILE=$(mktemp)
399 local ARCH=$(dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_ARCH_CPU)
400 eval `apt-config shell ARCH APT::Architecture`
401 echo "$VIRTUAL" | sed -e "s/:$ARCH//" -e 's/:all//' > $COMPAREFILE
402 aptcache show $PACKAGE 2>&1 | diff $COMPAREFILE - && msgpass || msgfail
404 }
406 testnopackage() {
407 msgtest "Test for non-existent packages" "apt-cache show $*"
408 local SHOWPKG="$(aptcache show $* 2>&1 | grep '^Package: ')"
409 if [ -n "$SHOWPKG" ]; then
410 echo
411 echo "$SHOWPKG"
412 msgfail
413 return 1
414 fi
415 msgpass
416 }