2 dnl Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script.
3 dnl The ONLY thing this is used for is to configure for different
4 dnl linux architectures and configurations, it is not used to make the
7 dnl You MUST have an environment that has all the POSIX functions and
8 dnl some of the more populare bsd/sysv ones (like select). You'll also
9 dnl need a C++ compiler that is semi-standard conformant, exceptions are
10 dnl not used but STL is.
12 dnl 'make -f Makefile startup' will generate the configure file from
13 dnl configure.in correctly and can be run at any time
17 AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR(buildlib)
18 AC_CONFIG_HEADER(include/config.h:buildlib/config.h.in include/apti18n.h:buildlib/apti18n.h.in)
21 PACKAGE_VERSION="0.9.8~exp1~20130301"
22 PACKAGE_MAIL="APT Development Team <deity@lists.debian.org>"
30 dnl Check the archs, we want the target type.
33 dnl Check our C compiler
38 dnl check for large file support and enable it if possible
39 dnl do this early as other stuff might depend on it
42 dnl Check for other programs
46 AC_CHECK_TOOL(AR,ar,"ar")
48 dnl Checks for sockets
51 AC_SEARCH_LIBS(gethostbyname,nsl)
52 AC_SEARCH_LIBS(connect,socket)
57 dnl Checks for pthread -- disabled due to glibc bugs jgg
58 dnl AC_CHECK_LIB(pthread, pthread_create,[AC_DEFINE(HAVE_PTHREAD) PTHREADLIB="-lpthread"])
60 dnl if test "$PTHREADLIB" != "-lpthread"; then
61 dnl AC_MSG_ERROR(failed: I need posix threads, pthread)
69 [AC_MSG_CHECKING(if we can link against BerkeleyDB)
73 [int r, s, t; db_version(&r, &s, &t);]
85 AC_CHECK_LIB(curl, curl_easy_init,
86 [AC_CHECK_HEADER(curl/curl.h,
89 AC_MSG_ERROR([failed: I need CURL due https support]),
95 AC_CHECK_LIB(z, gzopen,
96 [AC_CHECK_HEADER(zlib.h, [HAVE_ZLIB=yes], AC_MSG_ERROR([failed: zlib.h not found]))],
97 AC_MSG_ERROR([failed: Need libz]))
99 if test "x$HAVE_ZLIB" = "xyes"; then
104 AC_CHECK_LIB(bz2, BZ2_bzopen,[AC_CHECK_HEADER(bzlib.h, [HAVE_BZ2=yes], [])], [])
106 if test "x$HAVE_BZ2" = "xyes"; then
110 dnl Converts the ARCH to be something singular for this general CPU family
111 dnl This is often the dpkg architecture string.
112 dnl First check against the full canonical canoncial-system-type in $target
113 dnl and if that fails, just look for the cpu
114 AC_MSG_CHECKING(debian architecture)
115 archset="`dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_ARCH`"
116 if test "x$archset" = "x"; then
117 AC_MSG_ERROR([failed: use --host= or output from dpkg-architecture])
119 AC_MSG_RESULT($archset)
122 dnl Single Unix Spec statvfs
123 AC_CHECK_FUNC(statvfs,[HAVE_STATVFS=yes])
126 dnl Arg, linux and bsd put their statfs function in different places
127 if test x"$HAVE_STATVFS" != x"yes"; then
128 AC_EGREP_HEADER(statfs,sys/vfs.h,[AC_DEFINE(HAVE_VFS_H)],[
129 AC_EGREP_HEADER(statfs,sys/mount.h,[AC_DEFINE(HAVE_MOUNT_H)],[AC_MSG_ERROR(failed: Need statvfs)])
133 AC_CHECK_MEMBERS([struct statfs.f_type],,,
134 [$ac_includes_default
135 #include <sys/vfs.h>])
137 dnl We should use the real timegm function if we have it.
141 dnl Check the architecture
145 AC_MSG_CHECKING(for missing socklen_t)
146 AC_EGREP_HEADER(socklen_t, sys/socket.h,[AC_MSG_RESULT(no)],[
149 AC_MSG_RESULT(missing.)])
152 dnl HP-UX needs -d_XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED for h_errno
153 AC_MSG_CHECKING(for h_errno)
154 AC_EGREP_HEADER(h_errno, netdb.h, [AC_MSG_RESULT(normal)],
156 AC_EGREP_HEADER(h_errno, netdb.h,
158 [AC_MSG_ERROR("not found.")])
161 dnl Check for debiandoc
162 AC_PATH_PROG(DEBIANDOC_HTML,debiandoc2html)
163 AC_PATH_PROG(DEBIANDOC_TEXT,debiandoc2text)
165 dnl Check for doxygen
166 AC_PATH_PROG(DOXYGEN, doxygen)
168 dnl Check for the XSLTProc tool needed to build man pages together with po4a
171 dnl Check for the po4a tool needed to build man pages
172 AC_PATH_PROG(PO4A,po4a)
174 dnl Check for graphviz
175 AC_CHECK_PROG([HAVE_DOT], [dot], [YES], [NO])
176 AC_PATH_PROG([DOT], [dot], [])
177 DOTDIR=$(dirname $DOT)
183 dnl It used to be that the user could select translations and that could get
184 dnl passed to the makefiles, but now that can only work if you use special
185 dnl gettext approved makefiles, so this feature is unsupported by this.
186 ALL_LINGUAS="bg bs ca cs cy da de dz el es eu fi fr gl hu it ja ko ku nb nl nn pl pt_BR pt ro ru sk sl sv th tl uk vi zn_CN zh_TW"
187 AM_GNU_GETTEXT(external)
188 if test x"$USE_NLS" = "xyes"; then
192 AC_PATH_PROG(BASH, bash)
194 AC_OUTPUT(environment.mak:buildlib/environment.mak.in makefile:buildlib/makefile.in doc/Doxyfile:doc/Doxyfile.in,make -s dirs)