6 # This file understands the following apt configuration variables:
8 # "APT::Periodic::Update-Package-Lists=1"
9 # - Do "apt-get update" automatically every n-days (0=disable)
11 # "APT::Periodic::Download-Upgradeable-Packages=0",
12 # - Do "apt-get upgrade --download-only" every n-days (0=disable)
14 # "APT::Periodic::AutocleanInterval"
15 # - Do "apt-get autoclean" every n-days (0=disable)
17 # "APT::Archives::MaxAge",
18 # - Set maximum allowed age of a cache package file. If a cache
19 # package file is older it is deleted (0=disable)
21 # "APT::Archives::MaxSize",
22 # - Set maximum size of the cache in MB (0=disable). If the cache
23 # is bigger, cached package files are deleted until the size
24 # requirement is met (the biggest packages will be deleted
27 # "APT::Archives::MinAge"
28 # - Set minimum age of a package file. If a file is younger it
29 # will not be deleted (0=disable). Usefull to prevent races
30 # and to keep backups of the packages for emergency.
38 if [ $interval -eq 0 ]; then
42 if [ ! -f $stamp ]; then
46 # compare midnight today to midnight the day the stamp was updated
47 stamp
=$(date --date=$(date -r $stamp --iso-8601) +%s
48 now
=$(date --date=$(date --iso-8601) +%s
49 delta
51 # intervall is in days,
52 interval
54 #echo "interval=$interval, now=$now, stamp=$stamp, delta=$delta"
56 if [ $delta -ge $interval ]; then
72 # we check here if autoclean was enough sizewise
73 check_size_constraints
79 CacheDir
80 CacheArchive
81 eval $(apt-config shell MaxAge APT::Archives::MaxAge)
82 eval $(apt-config shell MinAge APT::Archives::MinAge)
83 eval $(apt-config shell MaxSize APT::Archives::MaxSize)
84 eval $(apt-config shell Dir Dir)
85 eval $(apt-config shell CacheDir Dir::Cache)
86 eval $(apt-config shell CacheArchive Dir::Cache::archives)
89 if [ -z "$CacheDir" -o -z "$CacheArchive" ]; then
90 echo "empty Dir::Cache or Dir::Cache::archives, exiting"
94 Cache
97 if [ ! $MaxAge -eq 0 ] && [ ! $MinAge -eq 0 ]; then
98 find $Cache -name "*.deb" \
( -mtime +$MaxAge -and -ctime +$MaxAge \
) -and -not \
( -mtime -$MinAge -or -ctime -$MinAge \
) -print0 | xargs -r -0 rm -f
99 elif [ ! $MaxAge -eq 0 ]; then
100 find $Cache -name "*.deb" -ctime +$MaxAge -and -mtime +$MaxAge -print0 | xargs -r -0 rm -f
104 if [ ! $MaxSize -eq 0 ]; then
106 MaxSize
109 now
=$(date --date=$(date --iso-8601) +%s
110 MinAge
112 # reverse-sort by mtime
113 for file in $(ls -rt $Cache/*.deb 2>/dev/null); do
116 # check if the cache is small enough
117 if [ $size -lt $MaxSize ]; then
121 # check for MinAge of the file
122 if [ ! $MinAge -eq 0 ]; then
123 # check both ctime and mtime
124 mtime
=$(stat -c %Y $file)
125 ctime
=$(stat -c %Z $file)
126 if [ $mtime -gt $ctime ]; then
127 delta
129 delta
131 #echo "$file ($delta), $MinAge"
132 if [ $delta -le $MinAge ]; then
133 #echo "Skiping $file (delta=$delta)"
146 DownloadUpgradeableInterval
147 eval $(apt-config shell UpdateInterval APT::Periodic::Update-Package-Lists DownloadUpgradeableInterval APT::Periodic::Download-Upgradeable-Packages)
148 AutocleanInterval
149 eval $(apt-config shell AutocleanInterval APT::Periodic::AutocleanInterval)
151 # laptop check, on_ac_power returns:
152 # 0 (true) System is on mains power
153 # 1 (false) System is not on mains power
154 # 255 (false) Power status could not be determined
155 # Desktop systems always return 255 it seems
156 if which on_ac_power
; then
158 if [ $?
-eq 1 ]; then
164 if check_stamp
$UPDATE_STAMP $UpdateInterval; then
165 if apt
-get -qq update
; then
166 if which dbus
-send >/dev
; then
167 dbus
-send --system / app.apt.dbus.updated boolean
169 update_stamp
174 if check_stamp
$DOWNLOAD_UPGRADEABLE_STAMP $DownloadUpgradeableInterval; then
175 apt
-get -qq -d dist
-upgrade 2>/dev
176 update_stamp
180 if check_stamp
$AUTOCLEAN_STAMP $AutocleanInterval; then
181 apt
-get -qq autoclean
182 update_stamp
186 check_size_constraints