"Set this child as temporary default", "");
- // Navigates in the specified direction by sending a wxNavigationKeyEvent
virtual bool , Navigate(int flags = wxNavigationKeyEvent::IsForward),
"Navigate(self, int flags=NavigationKeyEvent.IsForward) -> bool",
`wx.NavigationKeyEvent`.", "
:param flags: A combination of the ``IsForward`` and ``WinChange``
- values in the `wx.NavigationKeyEvent` class, which
- determine if the navigation should be in forward or
- reverse order, and if it should be able to cross
- parent window boundaries, such as between notebook
- pages or MDI child frames. Typically the status of
- the Shift key (for forward or reverse) or the
- Control key (for WinChange) would be used to
- determine how to set the flags.
+ values in the `wx.NavigationKeyEvent` class, which determine
+ if the navigation should be in forward or reverse order, and
+ if it should be able to cross parent window boundaries, such
+ as between notebook pages or MDI child frames. Typically the
+ status of the Shift key (for forward or reverse) or the
+ Control key (for WinChange) would be used to determine how to
+ set the flags.
One situation in which you may wish to call this method is from a text
control custom keypress handler to do the default navigation behaviour
def SetClockStyle(self, style):
- Set the clock style, acording to the options:
+ Set the clock style, acording to these options:
- SHOW_QUARTERS_TICKS - Show marks for hours 3, 6, 9, 12
- SHOW_HOURS_TICKS - Show marks for all hours
- SHOW_MINUTES_TICKS - Show marks for minutes
+ ==================== ================================
+ SHOW_QUARTERS_TICKS Show marks for hours 3, 6, 9, 12
+ SHOW_HOURS_TICKS Show marks for all hours
+ SHOW_MINUTES_TICKS Show marks for minutes
- SHOW_HOURS_HAND - Show hours hand
- SHOW_MINUTES_HAND - Show minutes hand
- SHOW_SECONDS_HAND - Show seconds hand
+ SHOW_HOURS_HAND Show hours hand
+ SHOW_MINUTES_HAND Show minutes hand
+ SHOW_SECONDS_HAND Show seconds hand
- SHOW_SHADOWS - Show hands and marks shadows
+ SHOW_SHADOWS Show hands and marks shadows
- ROTATE_TICKS - Align tick marks to watch
- OVERLAP_TICKS - Draw tick marks for minutes even
+ ROTATE_TICKS Align tick marks to watch
+ OVERLAP_TICKS Draw tick marks for minutes even
when they match the hours marks.
+ ==================== ================================
self.clockStyle = style
Set the ticks styles, acording to the options below.
- TICKS_NONE = Don't show tick marks.
- TICKS_SQUARE = Use squares as tick marks.
- TICKS_CIRCLE = Use circles as tick marks.
- TICKS_POLY = Use a polygon as tick marks. The polygon
- must be passed using SetTickShapes,
- otherwise the default polygon will be used.
- TICKS_DECIMAL = Use decimal numbers.
- TICKS_ROMAN = Use Roman numbers.
+ ================= =====================================
+ TICKS_NONE Don't show tick marks.
+ TICKS_SQUARE Use squares as tick marks.
+ TICKS_CIRCLE Use circles as tick marks.
+ TICKS_POLY Use a polygon as tick marks. The
+ polygon must be passed using
+ SetTickShapes, otherwise the default
+ polygon will be used.
+ TICKS_DECIMAL Use decimal numbers.
+ TICKS_ROMAN Use Roman numbers.
+ ================= =====================================
if h:
import wx
class LayoutAnchors(wx.LayoutConstraints):
- """ A class that implements Delphi's Anchors with wx.LayoutConstraints.
+ """
+ A class that implements Delphi's Anchors with wx.LayoutConstraints.
- Anchored sides maintain the distance from the edge of the
- control to the same edge of the parent.
- When neither side is selected, the control keeps the same
- relative position to both sides.
+ Anchored sides maintain the distance from the edge of the control
+ to the same edge of the parent. When neither side is selected,
+ the control keeps the same relative position to both sides.
- The current position and size of the control and it's parent
- is used when setting up the constraints. To change the size or
- position of an already anchored control, set the constraints to
- None, reposition or resize and reapply the anchors.
+ The current position and size of the control and it's parent is
+ used when setting up the constraints. To change the size or
+ position of an already anchored control, set the constraints to
+ None, reposition or resize and reapply the anchors.
- Examples:
+ Examples::
Let's anchor the right and bottom edge of a control and
resize it's parent.
| +-------*-------+ |
* = anchored edge
def __init__(self, control, left=1, top=1, right=0, bottom=0):
Registers a listener function (or any callable object) to
receive events of type event coming from the source window.
- For example:
+ For example::
eventManager.Register(self.OnButton, EVT_BUTTON, theButton)
Alternatively, the specific window where the event is
delivered, and/or the ID of the event source can be specified.
- For example:
+ For example::
eventManager.Register(self.OnButton, EVT_BUTTON, win=self, id=ID_BUTTON)
- or
+ or::
eventManager.Register(self.OnButton, EVT_BUTTON, theButton, self)
# 1. Check if the 'event' is actually one of the multi-
# o Updated for 2.5 compatability.
-"""<font weight="bold" size="16">FancyText</font> -- <font style="italic" size="16">methods for rendering XML specified text</font>
-<font family="swiss" size="12">
+FancyText -- methods for rendering XML specified text
This module exports four main methods::
-<font family="fixed" style="slant">
def GetExtent(str, dc=None, enclose=True)
def GetFullExtent(str, dc=None, enclose=True)
def RenderToBitmap(str, background=None, enclose=True)
def RenderToDC(str, dc, x, y, enclose=True)
-In all cases, 'str' is an XML string. Note that start and end tags
-are only required if *enclose* is set to False. In this case the
-text should be wrapped in FancyText tags.
+In all cases, 'str' is an XML string. Note that start and end tags are
+only required if *enclose* is set to False. In this case the text
+should be wrapped in FancyText tags.
In addition, the module exports one class::
-<font family="fixed" style="slant">
class StaticFancyText(self, window, id, text, background, ...)
-This class works similar to StaticText except it interprets its text
+This class works similar to StaticText except it interprets its text
as FancyText.
-The text can support<sup>superscripts</sup> and <sub>subscripts</sub>, text
-in different <font size="20">sizes</font>, <font color="blue">colors</font>, <font style="italic">styles</font>, <font weight="bold">weights</font> and
-<font family="script">families</font>. It also supports a limited set of symbols,
-currently <times/>, <infinity/>, <angle/> as well as greek letters in both
-upper case (<Alpha/><Beta/>...<Omega/>) and lower case (<alpha/><beta/>...<omega/>).
+The text can support superscripts and subscripts, text in different
+sizes, colors, styles, weights and families. It also supports a
+limited set of symbols, currently *times*, *infinity*, *angle* as well
+as greek letters in both upper case (*Alpha* *Beta*... *Omega*) and
+lower case (*alpha* *beta*... *omega*).
-We can use doctest/guitest to display this string in all its marked up glory.
-<font family="fixed">
>>> frame = wx.Frame(wx.NULL, -1, "FancyText demo", wx.DefaultPosition)
->>> sft = StaticFancyText(frame, -1, __doc__, wx.Brush("light grey", wx.SOLID))
+>>> sft = StaticFancyText(frame, -1, testText, wx.Brush("light grey", wx.SOLID))
>>> frame.SetClientSize(sft.GetSize())
>>> didit = frame.Show()
>>> from guitest import PauseTests; PauseTests()
-The End"""
# Copyright 2001-2003 Timothy Hochberg
# Use as you see fit. No warantees, I cannot be held responsible, etc.
# Test Driver
def test():
+ testText =
+"""<font weight="bold" size="16">FancyText</font> -- <font style="italic" size="16">methods for rendering XML specified text</font>
+<font family="swiss" size="12">
+This module exports four main methods::
+<font family="fixed" style="slant">
+ def GetExtent(str, dc=None, enclose=True)
+ def GetFullExtent(str, dc=None, enclose=True)
+ def RenderToBitmap(str, background=None, enclose=True)
+ def RenderToDC(str, dc, x, y, enclose=True)
+In all cases, 'str' is an XML string. Note that start and end tags
+are only required if *enclose* is set to False. In this case the
+text should be wrapped in FancyText tags.
+In addition, the module exports one class::
+<font family="fixed" style="slant">
+ class StaticFancyText(self, window, id, text, background, ...)
+This class works similar to StaticText except it interprets its text
+as FancyText.
+The text can support<sup>superscripts</sup> and <sub>subscripts</sub>, text
+in different <font size="20">sizes</font>, <font color="blue">colors</font>, <font style="italic">styles</font>, <font weight="bold">weights</font> and
+<font family="script">families</font>. It also supports a limited set of symbols,
+currently <times/>, <infinity/>, <angle/> as well as greek letters in both
+upper case (<Alpha/><Beta/>...<Omega/>) and lower case (<alpha/><beta/>...<omega/>).
+We can use doctest/guitest to display this string in all its marked up glory.
+<font family="fixed">
+>>> frame = wx.Frame(wx.NULL, -1, "FancyText demo", wx.DefaultPosition)
+>>> sft = StaticFancyText(frame, -1, __doc__, wx.Brush("light grey", wx.SOLID))
+>>> frame.SetClientSize(sft.GetSize())
+>>> didit = frame.Show()
+>>> from guitest import PauseTests; PauseTests()
+The End"""
app = wx.PySimpleApp()
box = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
frame = wx.Frame(None, -1, "FancyText demo", wx.DefaultPosition)
frame.SetBackgroundColour("light grey")
- sft = StaticFancyText(frame, -1, __doc__)
+ sft = StaticFancyText(frame, -1, testText)
box.Add(sft, 1, wx.EXPAND)
class FileBrowseButton(wx.Panel):
- """ A control to allow the user to type in a filename
- or browse with the standard file dialog to select file
- __init__ (
- parent, id, pos, size -- passed directly to wxPanel initialisation
- style = wxTAB_TRAVERSAL -- passed directly to wxPanel initialisation
- labelText -- Text for label to left of text field
- buttonText -- Text for button which launches the file dialog
- toolTip -- Help text
- dialogTitle -- Title used in file dialog
- startDirectory -- Default directory for file dialog startup
- fileMask -- File mask (glob pattern, such as *.*) to use in file dialog
- fileMode -- wxOPEN or wxSAVE, indicates type of file dialog to use
- changeCallback -- callback receives all > > changes in value of control
- )
- GetValue() -- retrieve current value of text control
- SetValue(string) -- set current value of text control
- label -- pointer to internal label widget
- textControl -- pointer to internal text control
- browseButton -- pointer to button
+ """
+ A control to allow the user to type in a filename or browse with
+ the standard file dialog to select file
def __init__ (self, parent, id= -1,
- pos = wx.DefaultPosition, size = wx.DefaultSize,
- style = wx.TAB_TRAVERSAL,
- labelText= "File Entry:",
- buttonText= "Browse",
- toolTip= "Type filename or click browse to choose file",
- # following are the values for a file dialog box
- dialogTitle = "Choose a file",
- startDirectory = ".",
- initialValue = "",
- fileMask = "*.*",
- fileMode = wx.OPEN,
- # callback for when value changes (optional)
- changeCallback= lambda x:x
+ pos = wx.DefaultPosition,
+ size = wx.DefaultSize,
+ style = wx.TAB_TRAVERSAL,
+ labelText= "File Entry:",
+ buttonText= "Browse",
+ toolTip= "Type filename or click browse to choose file",
+ # following are the values for a file dialog box
+ dialogTitle = "Choose a file",
+ startDirectory = ".",
+ initialValue = "",
+ fileMask = "*.*",
+ fileMode = wx.OPEN,
+ # callback for when value changes (optional)
+ changeCallback= lambda x:x
+ """
+ :param labelText: Text for label to left of text field
+ :param buttonText: Text for button which launches the file dialog
+ :param toolTip: Help text
+ :param dialogTitle: Title used in file dialog
+ :param startDirectory: Default directory for file dialog startup
+ :param fileMask: File mask (glob pattern, such as *.*) to use in file dialog
+ :param fileMode: wx.OPEN or wx.SAVE, indicates type of file dialog to use
+ :param changeCallback: callback receives all changes in value of control
+ """
# store variables
self.labelText = labelText
self.buttonText = buttonText
def GetValue (self):
- """ Convenient access to text control value """
+ """
+ retrieve current value of text control
+ """
return self.textControl.GetValue()
def SetValue (self, value, callBack=1):
- """ Convenient setting of text control value """
+ """set current value of text control"""
save = self.callCallback
self.callCallback = callBack
class FileBrowseButtonWithHistory( FileBrowseButton ):
- """ with following additions:
+ """
+ with following additions:
__init__(..., history=None)
history -- optional list of paths for initial history drop-down
(must be passed by name, not a positional argument)
If history is callable it will must return a list used
for the history drop-down
changeCallback -- as for FileBrowseButton, but with a work-around
for win32 systems which don't appear to create wx.EVT_COMBOBOX
events properly. There is a (slight) chance that this work-around
will cause some systems to create two events for each Combobox
selection. If you discover this condition, please report it!
As for a FileBrowseButton.__init__ otherwise.
Return reference to the control which implements interfaces
required for manipulating the history list. See GetHistoryControl
documentation for description of what that interface is.
Return current history list
SetHistory( value=(), selectionIndex = None )
Set current history list, if selectionIndex is not None, select that index
def __init__( self, *arguments, **namedarguments):
self.history = namedarguments.get( "history" )
def GetHistoryControl( self ):
- """Return a pointer to the control which provides (at least)
- the following methods for manipulating the history list.:
+ """
+ Return a pointer to the control which provides (at least)
+ the following methods for manipulating the history list:
Append( item ) -- add item
Clear() -- clear all items
Delete( index ) -- 0-based index to delete from list
SetSelection( index ) -- 0-based index to select in list
Semantics of the methods follow those for the wxComboBox control
return self.textControl
Font family, a generic way of referring to fonts without
- specifying actual facename. One of:
+ specifying actual facename. One of::
wx.DEFAULT: Chooses a default font.
wx.DECORATI: A decorative font.
wx.ROMAN: A formal, serif font.
wx.SCRIPT: A handwriting font.
wx.SWISS: A sans-serif font.
wx.MODERN: A fixed pitch font.
NOTE: these are only as good as the wxWindows defaults, which aren't so good.
One of wx.NORMAL, wx.SLANT and wx.ITALIC.
One of wx.NORMAL, wx.LIGHT and wx.BOLD.
The value can be True or False. At present this may have an an
effect on Windows only.
addshapemethod = getaddshapemethod()
methodname = "Add" + classname
setattr(FloatCanvas, methodname, addshapemethod)
- docstring = "Creates %s and adds its reference to the canvas.\n" % classname
- docstring += "Argument protocol same as %s class" % classname
+ docstring = " Creates %s and adds its reference to the canvas.\n" % classname
+ docstring += " Argument protocol same as %s class" % classname
if klass.__doc__:
docstring += ", whose docstring is:\n%s" % klass.__doc__
FloatCanvas.__dict__[methodname].__doc__ = docstring