// functions controlling the default wxLog behaviour
// verbose mode is activated by standard command-line '-verbose'
// option
- void SetVerbose(bool bVerbose = TRUE) { m_bVerbose = bVerbose; }
+ static void SetVerbose(bool bVerbose = TRUE) { ms_bVerbose = bVerbose; }
// should GetActiveTarget() try to create a new log object if the
// current is NULL?
static void DontCreateOnDemand();
// accessors
// gets the verbose status
- bool GetVerbose() const { return m_bVerbose; }
+ static bool GetVerbose() { return ms_bVerbose; }
// get trace mask
static wxTraceMask GetTraceMask() { return ms_ulTraceMask; }
// is this trace mask in the list?
bool m_bHasMessages; // any messages in the queue?
- bool m_bVerbose; // FALSE => ignore LogInfo messages
// the logging functions that can be overriden
// default DoLog() prepends the time stamp and a prefix corresponding
static wxLog *ms_pLogger; // currently active log sink
static bool ms_doLog; // FALSE => all logging disabled
static bool ms_bAutoCreate; // create new log targets on demand?
+ static bool ms_bVerbose; // FALSE => ignore LogInfo messages
static size_t ms_suspendCount; // if positive, logs are not flushed
m_bHasMessages = FALSE;
- m_bVerbose = FALSE;
wxLog *wxLog::GetActiveTarget()
wxLog *wxLog::ms_pLogger = (wxLog *)NULL;
bool wxLog::ms_doLog = TRUE;
bool wxLog::ms_bAutoCreate = TRUE;
+bool wxLog::ms_bVerbose = FALSE;
size_t wxLog::ms_suspendCount = 0;