// a new App object to start application
class WXDLLEXPORT wxApp: public wxAppBase
- wxApp();
- virtual ~wxApp() {}
- virtual int MainLoop();
- virtual void ExitMainLoop();
- virtual bool Initialized();
- virtual bool Pending() ;
- virtual void Dispatch() ;
- virtual bool Yield(bool onlyIfNeeded = FALSE);
- virtual void SetPrintMode(int mode) { m_printMode = mode; }
- virtual int GetPrintMode() const { return m_printMode; }
- // implementation only
- void OnIdle(wxIdleEvent& event);
- void OnEndSession(wxCloseEvent& event);
- void OnQueryEndSession(wxCloseEvent& event);
- // Send idle event to all top-level windows.
- // Returns TRUE if more idle time is requested.
- bool SendIdleEvents();
- // Send idle event to window and all subwindows
- // Returns TRUE if more idle time is requested.
- bool SendIdleEvents(wxWindowMac* win);
- // Windows only, but for compatibility...
- inline void SetAuto3D(bool flag) { m_auto3D = flag; }
- inline bool GetAuto3D() const { return m_auto3D; }
+ wxApp();
+ virtual ~wxApp() {}
+ virtual int MainLoop();
+ virtual void ExitMainLoop();
+ virtual bool Initialized();
+ virtual bool Pending() ;
+ virtual void Dispatch() ;
+ virtual bool Yield(bool onlyIfNeeded = FALSE);
+ virtual void SetPrintMode(int mode) { m_printMode = mode; }
+ virtual int GetPrintMode() const { return m_printMode; }
+ // implementation only
+ void OnIdle(wxIdleEvent& event);
+ void OnEndSession(wxCloseEvent& event);
+ void OnQueryEndSession(wxCloseEvent& event);
+ // Send idle event to all top-level windows.
+ // Returns TRUE if more idle time is requested.
+ bool SendIdleEvents();
+ // Send idle event to window and all subwindows
+ // Returns TRUE if more idle time is requested.
+ bool SendIdleEvents(wxWindowMac* win);
+ // Windows only, but for compatibility...
+ inline void SetAuto3D(bool flag) { m_auto3D = flag; }
+ inline bool GetAuto3D() const { return m_auto3D; }
- bool m_showOnInit;
- int m_printMode; // wxPRINT_WINDOWS, wxPRINT_POSTSCRIPT
- bool m_auto3D ; // Always use 3D controls, except
- // where overriden
+ bool m_showOnInit;
+ int m_printMode; // wxPRINT_WINDOWS, wxPRINT_POSTSCRIPT
+ bool m_auto3D ; // Always use 3D controls, except
+ // where overriden
- // Implementation
- static bool Initialize();
- static void CleanUp();
- void DeletePendingObjects();
- bool ProcessIdle();
- bool IsExiting() { return !m_keepGoing ; }
+ // Implementation
+ static bool Initialize();
+ static void CleanUp();
+ void DeletePendingObjects();
+ bool ProcessIdle();
+ bool IsExiting() { return !m_keepGoing ; }
- static long sm_lastMessageTime;
- static wxWindow* s_captureWindow ;
- static int s_lastMouseDown ; // 0 = none , 1 = left , 2 = right
- static WXHRGN s_macCursorRgn ;
- WXEVENTREF m_macCurrentEvent ;
- int m_nCmdShow;
+ static long sm_lastMessageTime;
+ static wxWindow* s_captureWindow ;
+ static int s_lastMouseDown ; // 0 = none , 1 = left , 2 = right
+ static WXHRGN s_macCursorRgn ;
+ WXEVENTREF m_macCurrentEvent ;
+ int m_nCmdShow;
- bool m_keepGoing ;
-// mac specifics
-public :
- static bool s_macDefaultEncodingIsPC ;
- static bool s_macSupportPCMenuShortcuts ;
- static long s_macAboutMenuItemId ;
- static wxString s_macHelpMenuTitleName ;
- static bool s_macHasAppearance ;
- static long s_macAppearanceVersion ;
- static bool s_macHasNavigation ;
- static bool s_macNavigationVersion ;
- static bool s_macHasWindowManager ;
- static long s_macWindowManagerVersion ;
- static bool s_macHasMenuManager ;
- static long s_macMenuManagerVersion ;
- static bool s_macHasDialogManager ;
- static long s_macDialogManagerVersion ;
- WXHRGN m_macCursorRgn ;
- WXHRGN m_macSleepRgn ;
- WXHRGN m_macHelpRgn ;
- virtual void MacSuspend( bool convertClipboard ) ;
- virtual void MacResume( bool convertClipboard ) ;
- virtual void MacConvertPrivateToPublicScrap() ;
- virtual void MacConvertPublicToPrivateScrap() ;
+ bool m_keepGoing ;
- // event main methods
+ // mac specifics
- void MacDoOneEvent() ;
- void MacHandleOneEvent( WXEVENTREF ev ) ;
- WXEVENTREF MacGetCurrentEvent() { return m_macCurrentEvent ; }
- // primary events
+ static bool s_macDefaultEncodingIsPC ;
+ static bool s_macSupportPCMenuShortcuts ;
+ static long s_macAboutMenuItemId ;
+ static wxString s_macHelpMenuTitleName ;
+ static bool s_macHasAppearance ;
+ static long s_macAppearanceVersion ;
+ static bool s_macHasNavigation ;
+ static bool s_macNavigationVersion ;
+ static bool s_macHasWindowManager ;
+ static long s_macWindowManagerVersion ;
+ static bool s_macHasMenuManager ;
+ static long s_macMenuManagerVersion ;
+ static bool s_macHasDialogManager ;
+ static long s_macDialogManagerVersion ;
+ WXHRGN m_macCursorRgn ;
+ WXHRGN m_macSleepRgn ;
+ WXHRGN m_macHelpRgn ;
+ virtual void MacSuspend( bool convertClipboard ) ;
+ virtual void MacResume( bool convertClipboard ) ;
+ virtual void MacConvertPrivateToPublicScrap() ;
+ virtual void MacConvertPublicToPrivateScrap() ;
+ // event main methods
+ void MacDoOneEvent() ;
+ void MacHandleOneEvent( WXEVENTREF ev ) ;
+ WXEVENTREF MacGetCurrentEvent() { return m_macCurrentEvent ; }
+ // primary events
- virtual void MacHandleMouseDownEvent( WXEVENTREF ev ) ;
- virtual void MacHandleMouseUpEvent( WXEVENTREF ev ) ;
- virtual void MacHandleActivateEvent( WXEVENTREF ev ) ;
- virtual void MacHandleUpdateEvent( WXEVENTREF ev ) ;
- virtual void MacHandleKeyDownEvent( WXEVENTREF ev ) ;
- virtual void MacHandleKeyUpEvent( WXEVENTREF ev ) ;
- virtual void MacHandleDiskEvent( WXEVENTREF ev ) ;
- virtual void MacHandleOSEvent( WXEVENTREF ev ) ;
- virtual void MacHandleHighLevelEvent( WXEVENTREF ev ) ;
- virtual void MacHandleMenuSelect( int menuid , int menuitem ) ;
- virtual short MacHandleAEODoc(const WXAPPLEEVENTREF event , WXAPPLEEVENTREF reply) ;
- virtual short MacHandleAEPDoc(const WXAPPLEEVENTREF event , WXAPPLEEVENTREF reply) ;
- virtual short MacHandleAEOApp(const WXAPPLEEVENTREF event , WXAPPLEEVENTREF reply) ;
- virtual short MacHandleAEQuit(const WXAPPLEEVENTREF event , WXAPPLEEVENTREF reply) ;
+ virtual void MacHandleMouseDownEvent( WXEVENTREF ev ) ;
+ virtual void MacHandleMouseUpEvent( WXEVENTREF ev ) ;
+ virtual void MacHandleActivateEvent( WXEVENTREF ev ) ;
+ virtual void MacHandleUpdateEvent( WXEVENTREF ev ) ;
+ virtual void MacHandleKeyDownEvent( WXEVENTREF ev ) ;
+ virtual void MacHandleKeyUpEvent( WXEVENTREF ev ) ;
+ virtual void MacHandleDiskEvent( WXEVENTREF ev ) ;
+ virtual void MacHandleOSEvent( WXEVENTREF ev ) ;
+ virtual void MacHandleHighLevelEvent( WXEVENTREF ev ) ;
+ virtual void MacHandleMenuSelect( int menuid , int menuitem ) ;
+ virtual short MacHandleAEODoc(const WXAPPLEEVENTREF event , WXAPPLEEVENTREF reply) ;
+ virtual short MacHandleAEPDoc(const WXAPPLEEVENTREF event , WXAPPLEEVENTREF reply) ;
+ virtual short MacHandleAEOApp(const WXAPPLEEVENTREF event , WXAPPLEEVENTREF reply) ;
+ virtual short MacHandleAEQuit(const WXAPPLEEVENTREF event , WXAPPLEEVENTREF reply) ;
class WXDLLEXPORT wxStAppResource
-public :
wxStAppResource() ;
~wxStAppResource() ;
-private :
- short m_currentRefNum ;
+ // opaque pointer for CFragInitBlock
+ static void OpenSharedLibraryResource(const void *) ;
+ static void CloseSharedLibraryResource() ;
+ short m_currentRefNum ;
} ;
// TODO: add platform-specific arguments
const short kwxMacMenuBarResource = 1 ;
const short kwxMacAppleMenuId = 1 ;
-WXHRGN wxApp::s_macCursorRgn = NULL;
-wxWindow* wxApp::s_captureWindow = NULL ;
-int wxApp::s_lastMouseDown = 0 ;
-long wxApp::sm_lastMessageTime = 0;
+WXHRGN wxApp::s_macCursorRgn = NULL;
+wxWindow* wxApp::s_captureWindow = NULL ;
+int wxApp::s_lastMouseDown = 0 ;
+long wxApp::sm_lastMessageTime = 0;
-bool wxApp::s_macDefaultEncodingIsPC = true ;
-bool wxApp::s_macSupportPCMenuShortcuts = true ;
-long wxApp::s_macAboutMenuItemId = wxID_ABOUT ;
-wxString wxApp::s_macHelpMenuTitleName = "&Help" ;
+bool wxApp::s_macDefaultEncodingIsPC = true ;
+bool wxApp::s_macSupportPCMenuShortcuts = true ;
+long wxApp::s_macAboutMenuItemId = wxID_ABOUT ;
+wxString wxApp::s_macHelpMenuTitleName = "&Help" ;
pascal OSErr AEHandleODoc( const AppleEvent *event , AppleEvent *reply , long refcon ) ;
pascal OSErr AEHandleOApp( const AppleEvent *event , AppleEvent *reply , long refcon ) ;
bool wxApp::Initialize()
- int error = 0 ;
+ int error = 0 ;
- // Mac-specific
+ // Mac-specific
- UMAInitToolbox( 4 ) ;
- SetEventMask( everyEvent ) ;
+ UMAInitToolbox( 4 ) ;
+ SetEventMask( everyEvent ) ;
UMAShowWatchCursor() ;
+#if defined(WXMAKINGDLL) && defined(__DARWIN__)
+ // open shared library resources from here since we don't have
+ // __wxinitialize in Mach-O shared libraries
+ wxStAppResource::OpenSharedLibraryResource(NULL);
- AEInstallEventHandler( kCoreEventClass , kAEOpenDocuments , NewAEEventHandlerUPP(AEHandleODoc) ,
+ AEInstallEventHandler( kCoreEventClass , kAEOpenDocuments ,
+ NewAEEventHandlerUPP(AEHandleODoc) ,
(long) wxTheApp , FALSE ) ;
- AEInstallEventHandler( kCoreEventClass , kAEOpenApplication , NewAEEventHandlerUPP(AEHandleOApp) ,
+ AEInstallEventHandler( kCoreEventClass , kAEOpenApplication ,
+ NewAEEventHandlerUPP(AEHandleOApp) ,
(long) wxTheApp , FALSE ) ;
- AEInstallEventHandler( kCoreEventClass , kAEPrintDocuments , NewAEEventHandlerUPP(AEHandlePDoc) ,
+ AEInstallEventHandler( kCoreEventClass , kAEPrintDocuments ,
+ NewAEEventHandlerUPP(AEHandlePDoc) ,
(long) wxTheApp , FALSE ) ;
- AEInstallEventHandler( kCoreEventClass , kAEQuitApplication , NewAEEventHandlerUPP(AEHandleQuit) ,
+ AEInstallEventHandler( kCoreEventClass , kAEQuitApplication ,
+ NewAEEventHandlerUPP(AEHandleQuit) ,
(long) wxTheApp , FALSE ) ;
- AEInstallEventHandler( kCoreEventClass , kAEOpenDocuments , NewAEEventHandlerProc(AEHandleODoc) ,
- (long) wxTheApp , FALSE ) ;
- AEInstallEventHandler( kCoreEventClass , kAEOpenApplication , NewAEEventHandlerProc(AEHandleOApp) ,
- (long) wxTheApp , FALSE ) ;
- AEInstallEventHandler( kCoreEventClass , kAEPrintDocuments , NewAEEventHandlerProc(AEHandlePDoc) ,
- (long) wxTheApp , FALSE ) ;
- AEInstallEventHandler( kCoreEventClass , kAEQuitApplication , NewAEEventHandlerProc(AEHandleQuit) ,
- (long) wxTheApp , FALSE ) ;
+ AEInstallEventHandler( kCoreEventClass , kAEOpenDocuments ,
+ NewAEEventHandlerProc(AEHandleODoc) ,
+ (long) wxTheApp , FALSE ) ;
+ AEInstallEventHandler( kCoreEventClass , kAEOpenApplication ,
+ NewAEEventHandlerProc(AEHandleOApp) ,
+ (long) wxTheApp , FALSE ) ;
+ AEInstallEventHandler( kCoreEventClass , kAEPrintDocuments ,
+ NewAEEventHandlerProc(AEHandlePDoc) ,
+ (long) wxTheApp , FALSE ) ;
+ AEInstallEventHandler( kCoreEventClass , kAEQuitApplication ,
+ NewAEEventHandlerProc(AEHandleQuit) ,
+ (long) wxTheApp , FALSE ) ;
#ifndef __DARWIN__
- // test the minimal configuration necessary
+ // test the minimal configuration necessary
long theSystem ;
long theMachine;
error = kMacSTRSmallSize;
- #endif
+# endif
#ifndef __DARWIN__
- #if __option(profile)
+# if __option(profile)
ProfilerInit( collectDetailed, bestTimeBase , 20000 , 40 ) ;
- #endif
+# endif
#ifndef __DARWIN__
// One last chance for pending objects to be cleaned up
- wxModule::CleanUpModules();
+ wxModule::CleanUpModules();
- wxCleanUpResourceSystem();
+ wxCleanUpResourceSystem();
- wxDeleteStockObjects() ;
+ wxDeleteStockObjects() ;
// Destroy all GDI lists, etc.
- delete wxTheColourDatabase;
- wxTheColourDatabase = NULL;
- wxBitmap::CleanUpHandlers();
- delete[] wxBuffer;
- wxBuffer = NULL;
+ delete wxTheColourDatabase;
+ wxTheColourDatabase = NULL;
- wxMacDestroyNotifierTable() ;
- if (wxWinMacWindowList)
- delete wxWinMacWindowList ;
+ wxBitmap::CleanUpHandlers();
- if (wxWinMacControlList)
- delete wxWinMacControlList ;
+ delete[] wxBuffer;
+ wxBuffer = NULL;
+ wxMacDestroyNotifierTable() ;
+ if (wxWinMacWindowList) {
+ delete wxWinMacWindowList ;
+ }
+ if (wxWinMacControlList) {
+ delete wxWinMacControlList ;
+ }
delete wxPendingEvents;
delete wxPendingEventsLocker;
// If we don't do the following, we get an apparent memory leak.
((wxEvtHandler&) wxDefaultValidator).ClearEventLocker();
- wxClassInfo::CleanUpClasses();
+ wxClassInfo::CleanUpClasses();
#ifndef __DARWIN__
- #if __option(profile)
- ProfilerDump( "\papp.prof" ) ;
- ProfilerTerm() ;
- #endif
+# if __option(profile)
+ ProfilerDump( "\papp.prof" ) ;
+ ProfilerTerm() ;
+# endif
- delete wxTheApp;
- wxTheApp = NULL;
+ delete wxTheApp;
+ wxTheApp = NULL;
// At this point we want to check if there are any memory
delete wxLog::SetActiveTarget(NULL);
#endif // wxUSE_LOG
+#if defined(WXMAKINGDLL) && defined(__DARWIN__)
+ // close shared library resources from here since we don't have
+ // __wxterminate in Mach-O shared libraries
+ wxStAppResource::CloseSharedLibraryResource();
UMACleanupToolbox() ;
- if (s_macCursorRgn)
+ if (s_macCursorRgn) {
+ }
#if 0
TerminateAE() ;
// wxEntry
-short gCurrentResource = -1 ;
+// extern variable for shared library resource id
+// need to be able to find it with NSLookupAndBindSymbol
+short gSharedLibraryResource = kResFileNotOpened ;
#if defined(WXMAKINGDLL) && defined(__DARWIN__)
-CFBundleRef gDylibBundle = NULL;
+CFBundleRef gSharedLibraryBundle = NULL;
#endif /* WXMAKINGDLL && __DARWIN__ */
-#if defined(WXMAKINGDLL) && defined(__DARWIN__)
- // Open the shared library resource file if it is not yet open
- if (gCurrentResource == -1) {
+ m_currentRefNum = CurResFile() ;
+ if ( gSharedLibraryResource != kResFileNotOpened )
+ {
+ UseResFile( gSharedLibraryResource ) ;
+ }
+ if ( m_currentRefNum != kResFileNotOpened )
+ {
+ UseResFile( m_currentRefNum ) ;
+ }
+void wxStAppResource::OpenSharedLibraryResource(const void *initBlock)
+ gSharedLibraryResource = kResFileNotOpened;
+ if ( initBlock != NULL ) {
+ const CFragInitBlock *theInitBlock = (const CFragInitBlock *)initBlock;
+ FSSpec *fileSpec = NULL;
+ if (theInitBlock->fragLocator.where == kDataForkCFragLocator) {
+ fileSpec = theInitBlock->fragLocator.u.onDisk.fileSpec;
+ }
+ else if (theInitBlock->fragLocator.where == kResourceCFragLocator) {
+ fileSpec = theInitBlock->fragLocator.u.inSegs.fileSpec;
+ }
+ if (fileSpec != NULL) {
+ gSharedLibraryResource = FSpOpenResFile(fileSpec, fsRdPerm);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+#ifdef __DARWIN__
+ // Open the shared library resource file if it is not yet open
NSSymbol theSymbol;
NSModule theModule;
const char *theLibPath;
- gDylibBundle = CFBundleGetBundleWithIdentifier(CFSTR("com.wxwindows.wxWindows"));
- if (gDylibBundle != NULL) {
+ gSharedLibraryBundle = CFBundleGetBundleWithIdentifier(CFSTR("com.wxwindows.wxWindows"));
+ if (gSharedLibraryBundle != NULL) {
// wxWindows has been bundled into a framework
// load the framework resources
- gCurrentResource = CFBundleOpenBundleResourceMap(gDylibBundle);
+ gSharedLibraryResource = CFBundleOpenBundleResourceMap(gSharedLibraryBundle);
else {
// wxWindows is a simple dynamic shared library
OSErr theErr = noErr;
// get the library path
- theSymbol = NSLookupAndBindSymbol("_gCurrentResource");
+ theSymbol = NSLookupAndBindSymbol("_gSharedLibraryResource");
theModule = NSModuleForSymbol(theSymbol);
theLibPath = NSLibraryNameForModule(theModule);
- wxLogDebug( theLibPath );
// allocate copy to replace .dylib.* extension with .rsrc
theResPath = strdup(theLibPath);
// open the resource file
if (theErr == noErr) {
theErr = FSOpenResourceFile( &theResRef, 0, NULL, fsRdPerm,
- &gCurrentResource);
+ &gSharedLibraryResource);
- /*
- char *path;
- int i, len;
- if( i++ > 0 ) {
- len = i + strlen(rPath);
- path = (char*) malloc(len+1);
- }
- else {
- // try current directory
- myerr = FSPathMakeRef((UInt8 *) rPath, &myref, false);
- }
- */
- }
-#endif /* WXMAKINGDLL && __DARWIN__ */
- m_currentRefNum = CurResFile() ;
- if ( gCurrentResource != -1 )
- {
- UseResFile( gCurrentResource ) ;
+#endif /* __DARWIN__ */
+#endif /* WXMAKINGDLL */
+void wxStAppResource::CloseSharedLibraryResource()
- if ( m_currentRefNum != -1 )
- {
- UseResFile( m_currentRefNum ) ;
- }
-#if defined(WXMAKINGDLL) && defined(__DARWIN__)
// Close the shared library resource file
- if (gCurrentResource != -1) {
- if (gDylibBundle != NULL) {
- CFBundleCloseBundleResourceMap(gDylibBundle, gCurrentResource);
- gDylibBundle = NULL;
+ if (gSharedLibraryResource != kResFileNotOpened) {
+#ifdef __DARWIN__
+ if (gSharedLibraryBundle != NULL) {
+ CFBundleCloseBundleResourceMap(gSharedLibraryBundle,
+ gSharedLibraryResource);
+ gSharedLibraryBundle = NULL;
- else {
- CloseResFile(gCurrentResource);
+ else
+#endif /* __DARWIN__ */
+ {
+ CloseResFile(gSharedLibraryResource);
- gCurrentResource = -1;
- }
-#endif /* WXMAKINGDLL && __DARWIN__ */
+ gSharedLibraryResource = kResFileNotOpened;
+ }
+#endif /* WXMAKINGDLL */
#if defined(WXMAKINGDLL) && !defined(__DARWIN__)
// ref num upon initializing and releasing when terminating, therefore
// the __wxinitialize and __wxterminate must be used
-#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
-void __sinit(void); /* (generated by linker) */
-pascal OSErr __initialize(const CFragInitBlock *theInitBlock);
-pascal void __terminate(void);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
+ void __sinit(void); /* (generated by linker) */
+ pascal OSErr __initialize(const CFragInitBlock *theInitBlock);
+ pascal void __terminate(void);
pascal OSErr __wxinitialize(const CFragInitBlock *theInitBlock)
- gCurrentResource = -1;
- if (theInitBlock->fragLocator.where == kDataForkCFragLocator) {
- gCurrentResource =
- FSpOpenResFile(theInitBlock->fragLocator.u.onDisk.fileSpec,
- fsRdPerm);
- }
- return __initialize( theInitBlock ) ;
+ wxStAppResource::OpenSharedLibraryResource( theInitBlock ) ;
+ return __initialize( theInitBlock ) ;
pascal void __wxterminate(void)
- if (gCurrentResource != -1)
- CloseResFile(gCurrentResource);
+ wxStAppResource::CloseSharedLibraryResource() ;
__terminate() ;
int wxEntry( int argc, char *argv[] , bool enterLoop )
-#if !(defined(WXMAKINGDLL) && defined(__DARWIN__))
- gCurrentResource = CurResFile() ;
#ifdef __MWERKS__
// This seems to be necessary since there are 'rogue'
const short kwxMacMenuBarResource = 1 ;
const short kwxMacAppleMenuId = 1 ;
-WXHRGN wxApp::s_macCursorRgn = NULL;
-wxWindow* wxApp::s_captureWindow = NULL ;
-int wxApp::s_lastMouseDown = 0 ;
-long wxApp::sm_lastMessageTime = 0;
+WXHRGN wxApp::s_macCursorRgn = NULL;
+wxWindow* wxApp::s_captureWindow = NULL ;
+int wxApp::s_lastMouseDown = 0 ;
+long wxApp::sm_lastMessageTime = 0;
-bool wxApp::s_macDefaultEncodingIsPC = true ;
-bool wxApp::s_macSupportPCMenuShortcuts = true ;
-long wxApp::s_macAboutMenuItemId = wxID_ABOUT ;
-wxString wxApp::s_macHelpMenuTitleName = "&Help" ;
+bool wxApp::s_macDefaultEncodingIsPC = true ;
+bool wxApp::s_macSupportPCMenuShortcuts = true ;
+long wxApp::s_macAboutMenuItemId = wxID_ABOUT ;
+wxString wxApp::s_macHelpMenuTitleName = "&Help" ;
pascal OSErr AEHandleODoc( const AppleEvent *event , AppleEvent *reply , long refcon ) ;
pascal OSErr AEHandleOApp( const AppleEvent *event , AppleEvent *reply , long refcon ) ;
bool wxApp::Initialize()
- int error = 0 ;
+ int error = 0 ;
- // Mac-specific
+ // Mac-specific
- UMAInitToolbox( 4 ) ;
- SetEventMask( everyEvent ) ;
+ UMAInitToolbox( 4 ) ;
+ SetEventMask( everyEvent ) ;
UMAShowWatchCursor() ;
+#if defined(WXMAKINGDLL) && defined(__DARWIN__)
+ // open shared library resources from here since we don't have
+ // __wxinitialize in Mach-O shared libraries
+ wxStAppResource::OpenSharedLibraryResource(NULL);
- AEInstallEventHandler( kCoreEventClass , kAEOpenDocuments , NewAEEventHandlerUPP(AEHandleODoc) ,
+ AEInstallEventHandler( kCoreEventClass , kAEOpenDocuments ,
+ NewAEEventHandlerUPP(AEHandleODoc) ,
(long) wxTheApp , FALSE ) ;
- AEInstallEventHandler( kCoreEventClass , kAEOpenApplication , NewAEEventHandlerUPP(AEHandleOApp) ,
+ AEInstallEventHandler( kCoreEventClass , kAEOpenApplication ,
+ NewAEEventHandlerUPP(AEHandleOApp) ,
(long) wxTheApp , FALSE ) ;
- AEInstallEventHandler( kCoreEventClass , kAEPrintDocuments , NewAEEventHandlerUPP(AEHandlePDoc) ,
+ AEInstallEventHandler( kCoreEventClass , kAEPrintDocuments ,
+ NewAEEventHandlerUPP(AEHandlePDoc) ,
(long) wxTheApp , FALSE ) ;
- AEInstallEventHandler( kCoreEventClass , kAEQuitApplication , NewAEEventHandlerUPP(AEHandleQuit) ,
+ AEInstallEventHandler( kCoreEventClass , kAEQuitApplication ,
+ NewAEEventHandlerUPP(AEHandleQuit) ,
(long) wxTheApp , FALSE ) ;
- AEInstallEventHandler( kCoreEventClass , kAEOpenDocuments , NewAEEventHandlerProc(AEHandleODoc) ,
- (long) wxTheApp , FALSE ) ;
- AEInstallEventHandler( kCoreEventClass , kAEOpenApplication , NewAEEventHandlerProc(AEHandleOApp) ,
- (long) wxTheApp , FALSE ) ;
- AEInstallEventHandler( kCoreEventClass , kAEPrintDocuments , NewAEEventHandlerProc(AEHandlePDoc) ,
- (long) wxTheApp , FALSE ) ;
- AEInstallEventHandler( kCoreEventClass , kAEQuitApplication , NewAEEventHandlerProc(AEHandleQuit) ,
- (long) wxTheApp , FALSE ) ;
+ AEInstallEventHandler( kCoreEventClass , kAEOpenDocuments ,
+ NewAEEventHandlerProc(AEHandleODoc) ,
+ (long) wxTheApp , FALSE ) ;
+ AEInstallEventHandler( kCoreEventClass , kAEOpenApplication ,
+ NewAEEventHandlerProc(AEHandleOApp) ,
+ (long) wxTheApp , FALSE ) ;
+ AEInstallEventHandler( kCoreEventClass , kAEPrintDocuments ,
+ NewAEEventHandlerProc(AEHandlePDoc) ,
+ (long) wxTheApp , FALSE ) ;
+ AEInstallEventHandler( kCoreEventClass , kAEQuitApplication ,
+ NewAEEventHandlerProc(AEHandleQuit) ,
+ (long) wxTheApp , FALSE ) ;
#ifndef __DARWIN__
- // test the minimal configuration necessary
+ // test the minimal configuration necessary
long theSystem ;
long theMachine;
error = kMacSTRSmallSize;
- #endif
+# endif
#ifndef __DARWIN__
- #if __option(profile)
+# if __option(profile)
ProfilerInit( collectDetailed, bestTimeBase , 20000 , 40 ) ;
- #endif
+# endif
#ifndef __DARWIN__
// One last chance for pending objects to be cleaned up
- wxModule::CleanUpModules();
+ wxModule::CleanUpModules();
- wxCleanUpResourceSystem();
+ wxCleanUpResourceSystem();
- wxDeleteStockObjects() ;
+ wxDeleteStockObjects() ;
// Destroy all GDI lists, etc.
- delete wxTheColourDatabase;
- wxTheColourDatabase = NULL;
- wxBitmap::CleanUpHandlers();
- delete[] wxBuffer;
- wxBuffer = NULL;
+ delete wxTheColourDatabase;
+ wxTheColourDatabase = NULL;
- wxMacDestroyNotifierTable() ;
- if (wxWinMacWindowList)
- delete wxWinMacWindowList ;
+ wxBitmap::CleanUpHandlers();
- if (wxWinMacControlList)
- delete wxWinMacControlList ;
+ delete[] wxBuffer;
+ wxBuffer = NULL;
+ wxMacDestroyNotifierTable() ;
+ if (wxWinMacWindowList) {
+ delete wxWinMacWindowList ;
+ }
+ if (wxWinMacControlList) {
+ delete wxWinMacControlList ;
+ }
delete wxPendingEvents;
delete wxPendingEventsLocker;
// If we don't do the following, we get an apparent memory leak.
((wxEvtHandler&) wxDefaultValidator).ClearEventLocker();
- wxClassInfo::CleanUpClasses();
+ wxClassInfo::CleanUpClasses();
#ifndef __DARWIN__
- #if __option(profile)
- ProfilerDump( "\papp.prof" ) ;
- ProfilerTerm() ;
- #endif
+# if __option(profile)
+ ProfilerDump( "\papp.prof" ) ;
+ ProfilerTerm() ;
+# endif
- delete wxTheApp;
- wxTheApp = NULL;
+ delete wxTheApp;
+ wxTheApp = NULL;
// At this point we want to check if there are any memory
delete wxLog::SetActiveTarget(NULL);
#endif // wxUSE_LOG
+#if defined(WXMAKINGDLL) && defined(__DARWIN__)
+ // close shared library resources from here since we don't have
+ // __wxterminate in Mach-O shared libraries
+ wxStAppResource::CloseSharedLibraryResource();
UMACleanupToolbox() ;
- if (s_macCursorRgn)
+ if (s_macCursorRgn) {
+ }
#if 0
TerminateAE() ;
// wxEntry
-short gCurrentResource = -1 ;
+// extern variable for shared library resource id
+// need to be able to find it with NSLookupAndBindSymbol
+short gSharedLibraryResource = kResFileNotOpened ;
#if defined(WXMAKINGDLL) && defined(__DARWIN__)
-CFBundleRef gDylibBundle = NULL;
+CFBundleRef gSharedLibraryBundle = NULL;
#endif /* WXMAKINGDLL && __DARWIN__ */
-#if defined(WXMAKINGDLL) && defined(__DARWIN__)
- // Open the shared library resource file if it is not yet open
- if (gCurrentResource == -1) {
+ m_currentRefNum = CurResFile() ;
+ if ( gSharedLibraryResource != kResFileNotOpened )
+ {
+ UseResFile( gSharedLibraryResource ) ;
+ }
+ if ( m_currentRefNum != kResFileNotOpened )
+ {
+ UseResFile( m_currentRefNum ) ;
+ }
+void wxStAppResource::OpenSharedLibraryResource(const void *initBlock)
+ gSharedLibraryResource = kResFileNotOpened;
+ if ( initBlock != NULL ) {
+ const CFragInitBlock *theInitBlock = (const CFragInitBlock *)initBlock;
+ FSSpec *fileSpec = NULL;
+ if (theInitBlock->fragLocator.where == kDataForkCFragLocator) {
+ fileSpec = theInitBlock->fragLocator.u.onDisk.fileSpec;
+ }
+ else if (theInitBlock->fragLocator.where == kResourceCFragLocator) {
+ fileSpec = theInitBlock->fragLocator.u.inSegs.fileSpec;
+ }
+ if (fileSpec != NULL) {
+ gSharedLibraryResource = FSpOpenResFile(fileSpec, fsRdPerm);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+#ifdef __DARWIN__
+ // Open the shared library resource file if it is not yet open
NSSymbol theSymbol;
NSModule theModule;
const char *theLibPath;
- gDylibBundle = CFBundleGetBundleWithIdentifier(CFSTR("com.wxwindows.wxWindows"));
- if (gDylibBundle != NULL) {
+ gSharedLibraryBundle = CFBundleGetBundleWithIdentifier(CFSTR("com.wxwindows.wxWindows"));
+ if (gSharedLibraryBundle != NULL) {
// wxWindows has been bundled into a framework
// load the framework resources
- gCurrentResource = CFBundleOpenBundleResourceMap(gDylibBundle);
+ gSharedLibraryResource = CFBundleOpenBundleResourceMap(gSharedLibraryBundle);
else {
// wxWindows is a simple dynamic shared library
OSErr theErr = noErr;
// get the library path
- theSymbol = NSLookupAndBindSymbol("_gCurrentResource");
+ theSymbol = NSLookupAndBindSymbol("_gSharedLibraryResource");
theModule = NSModuleForSymbol(theSymbol);
theLibPath = NSLibraryNameForModule(theModule);
- wxLogDebug( theLibPath );
// allocate copy to replace .dylib.* extension with .rsrc
theResPath = strdup(theLibPath);
// open the resource file
if (theErr == noErr) {
theErr = FSOpenResourceFile( &theResRef, 0, NULL, fsRdPerm,
- &gCurrentResource);
+ &gSharedLibraryResource);
- /*
- char *path;
- int i, len;
- if( i++ > 0 ) {
- len = i + strlen(rPath);
- path = (char*) malloc(len+1);
- }
- else {
- // try current directory
- myerr = FSPathMakeRef((UInt8 *) rPath, &myref, false);
- }
- */
- }
-#endif /* WXMAKINGDLL && __DARWIN__ */
- m_currentRefNum = CurResFile() ;
- if ( gCurrentResource != -1 )
- {
- UseResFile( gCurrentResource ) ;
+#endif /* __DARWIN__ */
+#endif /* WXMAKINGDLL */
+void wxStAppResource::CloseSharedLibraryResource()
- if ( m_currentRefNum != -1 )
- {
- UseResFile( m_currentRefNum ) ;
- }
-#if defined(WXMAKINGDLL) && defined(__DARWIN__)
// Close the shared library resource file
- if (gCurrentResource != -1) {
- if (gDylibBundle != NULL) {
- CFBundleCloseBundleResourceMap(gDylibBundle, gCurrentResource);
- gDylibBundle = NULL;
+ if (gSharedLibraryResource != kResFileNotOpened) {
+#ifdef __DARWIN__
+ if (gSharedLibraryBundle != NULL) {
+ CFBundleCloseBundleResourceMap(gSharedLibraryBundle,
+ gSharedLibraryResource);
+ gSharedLibraryBundle = NULL;
- else {
- CloseResFile(gCurrentResource);
+ else
+#endif /* __DARWIN__ */
+ {
+ CloseResFile(gSharedLibraryResource);
- gCurrentResource = -1;
- }
-#endif /* WXMAKINGDLL && __DARWIN__ */
+ gSharedLibraryResource = kResFileNotOpened;
+ }
+#endif /* WXMAKINGDLL */
#if defined(WXMAKINGDLL) && !defined(__DARWIN__)
// ref num upon initializing and releasing when terminating, therefore
// the __wxinitialize and __wxterminate must be used
-#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
-void __sinit(void); /* (generated by linker) */
-pascal OSErr __initialize(const CFragInitBlock *theInitBlock);
-pascal void __terminate(void);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
+ void __sinit(void); /* (generated by linker) */
+ pascal OSErr __initialize(const CFragInitBlock *theInitBlock);
+ pascal void __terminate(void);
pascal OSErr __wxinitialize(const CFragInitBlock *theInitBlock)
- gCurrentResource = -1;
- if (theInitBlock->fragLocator.where == kDataForkCFragLocator) {
- gCurrentResource =
- FSpOpenResFile(theInitBlock->fragLocator.u.onDisk.fileSpec,
- fsRdPerm);
- }
- return __initialize( theInitBlock ) ;
+ wxStAppResource::OpenSharedLibraryResource( theInitBlock ) ;
+ return __initialize( theInitBlock ) ;
pascal void __wxterminate(void)
- if (gCurrentResource != -1)
- CloseResFile(gCurrentResource);
+ wxStAppResource::CloseSharedLibraryResource() ;
__terminate() ;
int wxEntry( int argc, char *argv[] , bool enterLoop )
-#if !(defined(WXMAKINGDLL) && defined(__DARWIN__))
- gCurrentResource = CurResFile() ;
#ifdef __MWERKS__
// This seems to be necessary since there are 'rogue'