def OpenEditor(self, col, row):
''' Opens an editor at the current position. '''
+ # give the derived class a chance to Allow/Veto this edit.
+ evt = wx.ListEvent(wx.wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_BEGIN_LABEL_EDIT, self.GetId())
+ evt.m_itemIndex = row
+ evt.m_col = col
+ item = self.GetItem(row, col)
+ evt.m_item.SetId(item.GetId())
+ evt.m_item.SetColumn(item.GetColumn())
+ evt.m_item.SetData(item.GetData())
+ evt.m_item.SetText(item.GetText())
+ ret = self.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(evt)
+ if ret and not evt.IsAllowed():
+ return # user code doesn't allow the edit.
if self.GetColumn(col).m_format != self.col_style:
# it is binded to wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS. Can it be avoided? (MW)
def CloseEditor(self, evt=None):
''' Close the editor and save the new value to the ListCtrl. '''
+ if not self.editor.IsShown():
+ return
text = self.editor.GetValue()