// this should work if M$ Internet Exploiter is installed
static long CharsetToCodepage(const wxChar *name)
- if (!name) return GetACP();
- long CP=-1;
- wxString cn(name);
- do {
- wxString path(wxT("MIME\\Database\\Charset\\"));
- path += cn;
- wxRegKey key(wxRegKey::HKCR,path);
- /* two cases: either there's an AliasForCharset string,
- * or there are Codepage and InternetEncoding dwords.
- * The InternetEncoding gives us the actual encoding,
- * the Codepage just says which Windows character set to
- * use when displaying the data.
- */
- if (key.QueryValue(wxT("InternetEncoding"),&CP)) break;
- // no encoding, see if it's an alias
- if (!key.QueryValue(wxT("AliasForCharset"),cn)) break;
- } while (1);
- return CP;
+ if (!name)
+ return GetACP();
+ long CP=-1;
+ wxString cn(name);
+ do {
+ wxString path( wxT("MIME\\Database\\Charset\\") );
+ path += cn;
+ wxRegKey key( wxRegKey::HKCR, path );
+ /* two cases: either there's an AliasForCharset string,
+ * or there are Codepage and InternetEncoding dwords.
+ * The InternetEncoding gives us the actual encoding,
+ * the Codepage just says which Windows character set to
+ * use when displaying the data.
+ */
+ if (key.QueryValue( wxT("InternetEncoding"), &CP )) break;
+ // no encoding, see if it's an alias
+ if (!key.QueryValue( wxT("AliasForCharset"), cn )) break;
+ } while (1);
+ return CP;
class wxCharacterSet
- const wxChar*cname;
- wxCharacterSet(const wxChar*name) : cname(name) {}
- virtual ~wxCharacterSet() {}
- virtual size_t MB2WC(wchar_t*buf, const char*psz, size_t n) { return (size_t)-1; }
- virtual size_t WC2MB(char*buf, const wchar_t*psz, size_t n) { return (size_t)-1; }
- virtual bool usable() { return FALSE; }
+ wxCharacterSet(const wxChar*name)
+ : cname(name) {}
+ virtual ~wxCharacterSet()
+ {}
+ virtual size_t MB2WC(wchar_t*buf, const char*psz, size_t n)
+ { return (size_t)-1; }
+ virtual size_t WC2MB(char*buf, const wchar_t*psz, size_t n)
+ { return (size_t)-1; }
+ virtual bool usable()
+ { return FALSE; }
+ const wxChar*cname;
class ID_CharSet : public wxCharacterSet
- wxMBConv*work;
- ID_CharSet(const wxChar*name,wxMBConv*cnv) : wxCharacterSet(name), work(cnv) {}
- size_t MB2WC(wchar_t*buf, const char*psz, size_t n)
- { return work ? work->MB2WC(buf,psz,n) : (size_t)-1; }
- size_t WC2MB(char*buf, const wchar_t*psz, size_t n)
- { return work ? work->WC2MB(buf,psz,n) : (size_t)-1; }
- bool usable() { return work!=NULL; }
+ ID_CharSet(const wxChar*name,wxMBConv*cnv)
+ : wxCharacterSet(name), work(cnv) {}
+ size_t MB2WC(wchar_t*buf, const char*psz, size_t n)
+ { return work ? work->MB2WC(buf,psz,n) : (size_t)-1; }
+ size_t WC2MB(char*buf, const wchar_t*psz, size_t n)
+ { return work ? work->WC2MB(buf,psz,n) : (size_t)-1; }
+ bool usable()
+ { return work!=NULL; }
+ wxMBConv*work;
class IC_CharSet : public wxCharacterSet
- iconv_t m2w, w2m;
- IC_CharSet(const wxChar*name) : wxCharacterSet(name), m2w((iconv_t)-1), w2m((iconv_t)-1) {}
- ~IC_CharSet() {
- if (m2w!=(iconv_t)-1) iconv_close(m2w);
- if (w2m!=(iconv_t)-1) iconv_close(w2m);
- }
- void LoadM2W() { if (m2w==(iconv_t)-1) m2w=iconv_open(WC_NAME,wxConvLibc.cWX2MB(cname)); }
- void LoadW2M() { if (w2m==(iconv_t)-1) w2m=iconv_open(wxConvLibc.cWX2MB(cname),WC_NAME); }
- size_t MB2WC(wchar_t*buf, const char*psz, size_t n) {
- LoadM2W();
- size_t inbuf = strlen(psz);
- size_t outbuf = n*SIZEOF_WCHAR_T;
- size_t res, cres;
- fprintf(stderr,"IC Convert to WC using %s\n",(const char*)wxConvLibc.cWX2MB(cname));
- if (buf) {
- // have destination buffer, convert there
- cres = iconv(m2w,&psz,&inbuf,(char**)&buf,&outbuf);
- res = n-(outbuf/SIZEOF_WCHAR_T);
- // convert to native endianness
- WC_BSWAP(buf, res)
- } else {
- // no destination buffer... convert using temp buffer
- // to calculate destination buffer requirement
- wchar_t tbuf[8];
- res = 0;
- do {
- buf = tbuf; outbuf = 8*SIZEOF_WCHAR_T;
- cres = iconv(m2w,&psz,&inbuf,(char**)&buf,&outbuf);
- res += 8-(outbuf/SIZEOF_WCHAR_T);
- } while ((cres==(size_t)-1) && (errno==E2BIG));
+ IC_CharSet(const wxChar*name)
+ : wxCharacterSet(name), m2w((iconv_t)-1), w2m((iconv_t)-1) {}
+ ~IC_CharSet()
+ {
+ if (m2w!=(iconv_t)-1) iconv_close(m2w);
+ if (w2m!=(iconv_t)-1) iconv_close(w2m);
- if (cres==(size_t)-1) return (size_t)-1;
- return res;
- }
- size_t WC2MB(char*buf, const wchar_t*psz, size_t n) {
- LoadW2M();
+ void LoadM2W()
+ {
+ if (m2w==(iconv_t)-1)
+ m2w=iconv_open(WC_NAME,wxConvLibc.cWX2MB(cname));
+ }
+ void LoadW2M()
+ {
+ if (w2m==(iconv_t)-1)
+ w2m=iconv_open(wxConvLibc.cWX2MB(cname),WC_NAME);
+ }
+ size_t MB2WC(wchar_t*buf, const char*psz, size_t n)
+ {
+ LoadM2W();
+ size_t inbuf = strlen(psz);
+ size_t outbuf = n*SIZEOF_WCHAR_T;
+ size_t res, cres;
+ fprintf(stderr,"IC Convert to WC using %s\n",(const char*)wxConvLibc.cWX2MB(cname));
+ if (buf)
+ {
+ // have destination buffer, convert there
+ cres = iconv( m2w, (char**)&psz, &inbuf, (char**)&buf, &outbuf );
+ res = n-(outbuf/SIZEOF_WCHAR_T);
+ // convert to native endianness
+ WC_BSWAP(buf, res)
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // no destination buffer... convert using temp buffer
+ // to calculate destination buffer requirement
+ wchar_t tbuf[8];
+ res = 0;
+ do {
+ buf = tbuf; outbuf = 8*SIZEOF_WCHAR_T;
+ cres = iconv( m2w, (char**)&psz, &inbuf, (char**)&buf, &outbuf );
+ res += 8-(outbuf/SIZEOF_WCHAR_T);
+ } while ((cres==(size_t)-1) && (errno==E2BIG));
+ }
+ if (cres==(size_t)-1)
+ return (size_t)-1;
+ return res;
+ }
+ size_t WC2MB(char*buf, const wchar_t*psz, size_t n)
+ {
+ LoadW2M();
#if defined(__BORLANDC__) && (__BORLANDC__ > 0x530)
- size_t inbuf = std::wcslen(psz);
+ size_t inbuf = std::wcslen(psz);
- size_t inbuf = ::wcslen(psz);
+ size_t inbuf = ::wcslen(psz);
- size_t outbuf = n;
- size_t res, cres;
- fprintf(stderr,"IC Convert from WC using %s\n",(const char*)wxConvLibc.cWX2MB(cname));
+ size_t outbuf = n;
+ size_t res, cres;
+ fprintf(stderr,"IC Convert from WC using %s\n",(const char*)wxConvLibc.cWX2MB(cname));
- // need to copy to temp buffer to switch endianness
- // this absolutely doesn't rock!
- // (no, doing WC_BSWAP twice on the original buffer won't help, as it
- // could be in read-only memory, or be accessed in some other thread)
- wchar_t*tmpbuf=(wchar_t*)malloc((inbuf+1)*SIZEOF_WCHAR_T);
- memcpy(tmpbuf,psz,(inbuf+1)*SIZEOF_WCHAR_T);
- WC_BSWAP(tmpbuf, inbuf)
- psz=tmpbuf;
+ // need to copy to temp buffer to switch endianness
+ // this absolutely doesn't rock!
+ // (no, doing WC_BSWAP twice on the original buffer won't help, as it
+ // could be in read-only memory, or be accessed in some other thread)
+ wchar_t*tmpbuf=(wchar_t*)malloc((inbuf+1)*SIZEOF_WCHAR_T);
+ memcpy(tmpbuf,psz,(inbuf+1)*SIZEOF_WCHAR_T);
+ WC_BSWAP(tmpbuf, inbuf)
+ psz=tmpbuf;
- if (buf) {
- // have destination buffer, convert there
- cres = iconv(w2m,(const char**)&psz,&inbuf,&buf,&outbuf);
- res = n-outbuf;
- } else {
- // no destination buffer... convert using temp buffer
- // to calculate destination buffer requirement
- char tbuf[16];
- res = 0;
- do {
- buf = tbuf; outbuf = 16;
- cres = iconv(w2m,(const char**)&psz,&inbuf,&buf,&outbuf);
- res += 16 - outbuf;
- } while ((cres==(size_t)-1) && (errno==E2BIG));
- }
+ if (buf)
+ {
+ // have destination buffer, convert there
+ cres = iconv( w2m, (char**)&psz, &inbuf, &buf, &outbuf );
+ res = n-outbuf;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // no destination buffer... convert using temp buffer
+ // to calculate destination buffer requirement
+ char tbuf[16];
+ res = 0;
+ do {
+ buf = tbuf; outbuf = 16;
+ cres = iconv( w2m, (char**)&psz, &inbuf, &buf, &outbuf );
+ res += 16 - outbuf;
+ } while ((cres==(size_t)-1) && (errno==E2BIG));
+ }
- free(tmpbuf);
+ free(tmpbuf);
- if (cres==(size_t)-1) return (size_t)-1;
- return res;
- }
- bool usable() { return TRUE; }
+ if (cres==(size_t)-1)
+ return (size_t)-1;
+ return res;
+ }
+ bool usable()
+ { return TRUE; }
+ iconv_t m2w, w2m;
class CP_CharSet : public wxCharacterSet
- long CodePage;
- CP_CharSet(const wxChar*name) : wxCharacterSet(name), CodePage(CharsetToCodepage(name)) {}
- size_t MB2WC(wchar_t*buf, const char*psz, size_t n) {
- size_t len = MultiByteToWideChar(CodePage,0,psz,-1,buf,buf?n:0);
- return len?len:(size_t)-1;
- }
- size_t WC2MB(char*buf, const wchar_t*psz, size_t n) {
- size_t len = WideCharToMultiByte(CodePage,0,psz,-1,buf,buf?n:0,NULL,NULL);
- return len?len:(size_t)-1;
- }
- bool usable() { return CodePage!=-1; }
+ CP_CharSet(const wxChar*name)
+ : wxCharacterSet(name), CodePage(CharsetToCodepage(name)) {}
+ size_t MB2WC(wchar_t*buf, const char*psz, size_t n)
+ {
+ size_t len = MultiByteToWideChar(CodePage,0,psz,-1,buf,buf?n:0);
+ return len ? len : (size_t)-1;
+ }
+ size_t WC2MB(char*buf, const wchar_t*psz, size_t n)
+ {
+ size_t len = WideCharToMultiByte(CodePage,0,psz,-1,buf,buf?n:0,NULL,NULL);
+ return len ? len : (size_t)-1;
+ }
+ bool usable()
+ { return CodePage!=-1; }
+ long CodePage;
class EC_CharSet : public wxCharacterSet
- // temporarily just use wxEncodingConverter stuff,
- // so that it works while a better implementation is built
- wxFontEncoding enc;
- wxEncodingConverter m2w, w2m;
- EC_CharSet(const wxChar*name) : wxCharacterSet(name), enc(wxFONTENCODING_SYSTEM)
- {
- if (name) enc = wxTheFontMapper->CharsetToEncoding(name, FALSE);
- m2w.Init(enc, wxFONTENCODING_UNICODE);
- w2m.Init(wxFONTENCODING_UNICODE, enc);
- }
- size_t MB2WC(wchar_t*buf, const char*psz, size_t n) {
- size_t inbuf = strlen(psz);
- fprintf(stderr,"EC Convert to WC using %d\n",enc);
- if (buf) m2w.Convert(psz,buf);
- return inbuf;
- }
- size_t WC2MB(char*buf, const wchar_t*psz, size_t n) {
+ // temporarily just use wxEncodingConverter stuff,
+ // so that it works while a better implementation is built
+ EC_CharSet(const wxChar*name) : wxCharacterSet(name), enc(wxFONTENCODING_SYSTEM)
+ {
+ if (name)
+ enc = wxTheFontMapper->CharsetToEncoding(name, FALSE);
+ m2w.Init(enc, wxFONTENCODING_UNICODE);
+ w2m.Init(wxFONTENCODING_UNICODE, enc);
+ }
+ size_t MB2WC(wchar_t*buf, const char*psz, size_t n)
+ {
+ size_t inbuf = strlen(psz);
+ fprintf(stderr,"EC Convert to WC using %d\n",enc);
+ if (buf) m2w.Convert(psz,buf);
+ return inbuf;
+ }
+ size_t WC2MB(char*buf, const wchar_t*psz, size_t n)
+ {
#if defined(__BORLANDC__) && (__BORLANDC__ > 0x530)
- size_t inbuf = std::wcslen(psz);
+ size_t inbuf = std::wcslen(psz);
- size_t inbuf = ::wcslen(psz);
+ size_t inbuf = ::wcslen(psz);
- fprintf(stderr,"EC Convert from WC using %d\n",enc);
- if (buf) w2m.Convert(psz,buf);
- return inbuf;
- }
- bool usable() { return (enc!=wxFONTENCODING_SYSTEM) && (enc!=wxFONTENCODING_DEFAULT); }
+ fprintf(stderr,"EC Convert from WC using %d\n",enc);
+ if (buf)
+ w2m.Convert(psz,buf);
+ return inbuf;
+ }
+ bool usable()
+ { return (enc!=wxFONTENCODING_SYSTEM) && (enc!=wxFONTENCODING_DEFAULT); }
+ wxFontEncoding enc;
+ wxEncodingConverter m2w, w2m;
static wxCharacterSet *wxGetCharacterSet(const wxChar *name)
- wxCharacterSet *cset = NULL;
- if (name) {
- if (!wxStricmp(name, wxT("UTF8")) || !wxStricmp(name, wxT("UTF-8"))) {
- cset = new ID_CharSet(name, &wxConvUTF8);
- } else {
+ wxCharacterSet *cset = NULL;
+ if (name)
+ {
+ if (!wxStricmp(name, wxT("UTF8")) || !wxStricmp(name, wxT("UTF-8")))
+ {
+ cset = new ID_CharSet(name, &wxConvUTF8);
+ }
+ else
+ {
- cset = new IC_CharSet(name); // may not take NULL
+ cset = new IC_CharSet(name); // may not take NULL
+ }
- }
- if (cset && cset->usable()) return cset;
- if (cset) delete cset;
+ if (cset && cset->usable()) return cset;
+ if (cset) delete cset;
#ifdef __WIN32__
- cset = new CP_CharSet(name); // may take NULL
- if (cset->usable()) return cset;
+ cset = new CP_CharSet(name); // may take NULL
+ if (cset->usable()) return cset;
- if (cset) delete cset;
- cset = new EC_CharSet(name);
- if (cset->usable()) return cset;
- delete cset;
- return NULL;
+ if (cset) delete cset;
+ cset = new EC_CharSet(name);
+ if (cset->usable()) return cset;
+ delete cset;
+ return NULL;
wxCSConv::wxCSConv(const wxChar *charset)
- m_name = (wxChar *) NULL;
- m_cset = (wxCharacterSet *) NULL;
- m_deferred = TRUE;
- SetName(charset);
+ m_name = (wxChar *) NULL;
+ m_cset = (wxCharacterSet *) NULL;
+ m_deferred = TRUE;
+ SetName(charset);
- if (m_name) free(m_name);
- if (m_cset) delete m_cset;
+ if (m_name) free(m_name);
+ if (m_cset) delete m_cset;
void wxCSConv::SetName(const wxChar *charset)
- if (charset) {
- m_name = wxStrdup(charset);
- m_deferred = TRUE;
- }
+ if (charset)
+ {
+ m_name = wxStrdup(charset);
+ m_deferred = TRUE;
+ }
void wxCSConv::LoadNow()
// wxPrintf(wxT("Conversion request\n"));
- if (m_deferred) {
- if (!m_name) {
+ if (m_deferred)
+ {
+ if (!m_name)
+ {
#ifdef __UNIX__
#if defined(HAVE_LANGINFO_H) && defined(CODESET)
- // GNU libc provides current character set this way
- char*alang = nl_langinfo(CODESET);
- if (alang) SetName(wxConvLibc.cMB2WX(alang));
- else
+ // GNU libc provides current character set this way
+ char*alang = nl_langinfo(CODESET);
+ if (alang)
+ {
+ SetName(wxConvLibc.cMB2WX(alang));
+ }
+ else
- // if we can't get at the character set directly,
- // try to see if it's in the environment variables
- // (in most cases this won't work, but I was out of ideas)
- {
- wxChar *lang = wxGetenv(wxT("LC_ALL"));
- if (!lang) lang = wxGetenv(wxT("LC_CTYPE"));
- if (!lang) lang = wxGetenv(wxT("LANG"));
- wxChar *dot = lang ? wxStrchr(lang, wxT('.')) : (wxChar *)NULL;
- if (dot) SetName(dot+1);
- }
+ {
+ // if we can't get at the character set directly,
+ // try to see if it's in the environment variables
+ // (in most cases this won't work, but I was out of ideas)
+ wxChar *lang = wxGetenv(wxT("LC_ALL"));
+ if (!lang) lang = wxGetenv(wxT("LC_CTYPE"));
+ if (!lang) lang = wxGetenv(wxT("LANG"));
+ wxChar *dot = lang ? wxStrchr(lang, wxT('.')) : (wxChar *)NULL;
+ if (dot) SetName(dot+1);
+ }
+ }
+ m_cset = wxGetCharacterSet(m_name);
+ m_deferred = FALSE;
- m_cset = wxGetCharacterSet(m_name);
- m_deferred = FALSE;
- }
size_t wxCSConv::MB2WC(wchar_t *buf, const char *psz, size_t n) const
- ((wxCSConv *)this)->LoadNow(); // discard constness
- if (m_cset)
- return m_cset->MB2WC(buf, psz, n);
- // latin-1 (direct)
- size_t len=strlen(psz);
- if (buf) {
- for (size_t c=0; c<=len; c++)
- buf[c] = (unsigned char)(psz[c]);
- }
- return len;
+ ((wxCSConv *)this)->LoadNow(); // discard constness
+ if (m_cset)
+ return m_cset->MB2WC(buf, psz, n);
+ // latin-1 (direct)
+ size_t len=strlen(psz);
+ if (buf)
+ {
+ for (size_t c=0; c<=len; c++)
+ buf[c] = (unsigned char)(psz[c]);
+ }
+ return len;
size_t wxCSConv::WC2MB(char *buf, const wchar_t *psz, size_t n) const
- ((wxCSConv *)this)->LoadNow(); // discard constness
- if (m_cset)
- return m_cset->WC2MB(buf, psz, n);
+ ((wxCSConv *)this)->LoadNow(); // discard constness
+ if (m_cset)
+ return m_cset->WC2MB(buf, psz, n);
- // latin-1 (direct)
+ // latin-1 (direct)
#if defined(__BORLANDC__) && (__BORLANDC__ > 0x530)
- size_t len=std::wcslen(psz);
+ size_t len=std::wcslen(psz);
- size_t len=::wcslen(psz);
+ size_t len=::wcslen(psz);
- if (buf) {
- for (size_t c=0; c<=len; c++)
- buf[c] = (psz[c]>0xff) ? '?' : psz[c];
- }
- return len;
+ if (buf)
+ {
+ for (size_t c=0; c<=len; c++)
+ buf[c] = (psz[c]>0xff) ? '?' : psz[c];
+ }
+ return len;
class IC_CharSetConverter
- iconv_t cnv;
- IC_CharSetConverter(IC_CharSet*from,IC_CharSet*to) {
- cnv=iconv_open(wxConvLibc.cWX2MB(to->cname),wxConvLibc.cWX2MB(from->cname));
- }
- ~IC_CharSetConverter() {
- if (cnv!=(iconv_t)-1) iconv_close(cnv);
- }
- size_t Convert(char*buf, const char*psz, size_t n) {
- size_t inbuf = strlen(psz);
- size_t outbuf = n;
- size_t res = iconv(cnv,&psz,&inbuf,&buf,&outbuf);
- if (res==(size_t)-1) return (size_t)-1;
- return n-outbuf;
- }
+ IC_CharSetConverter(IC_CharSet*from,IC_CharSet*to)
+ { cnv = iconv_open(wxConvLibc.cWX2MB(to->cname),wxConvLibc.cWX2MB(from->cname)); }
+ ~IC_CharSetConverter()
+ { if (cnv!=(iconv_t)-1) iconv_close(cnv); }
+ size_t Convert(char*buf, const char*psz, size_t n)
+ {
+ size_t inbuf = strlen(psz);
+ size_t outbuf = n;
+ size_t res = iconv( cnv, (char**)&psz, &inbuf, &buf, &outbuf );
+ if (res==(size_t)-1) return (size_t)-1;
+ return n-outbuf;
+ }
+ iconv_t cnv;
class EC_CharSetConverter
- wxEncodingConverter cnv;
- EC_CharSetConverter(EC_CharSet*from,EC_CharSet*to) {
- cnv.Init(from->enc,to->enc);
- }
- size_t Convert(char*buf, const char*psz, size_t n) {
- size_t inbuf = strlen(psz);
- if (buf) cnv.Convert(psz,buf);
- return inbuf;
- }
+ EC_CharSetConverter(EC_CharSet*from,EC_CharSet*to)
+ { cnv.Init(from->enc,to->enc); }
+ size_t Convert(char*buf, const char*psz, size_t n)
+ {
+ size_t inbuf = strlen(psz);
+ if (buf) cnv.Convert(psz,buf);
+ return inbuf;
+ }
+ wxEncodingConverter cnv;
#else // !wxUSE_WCHAR_T