('Miscellaneous Windows', ['wxGrid', 'wxSashWindow',
'wxScrolledWindow', 'wxSplitterWindow',
- 'wxStatusBar', 'wxToolBar', 'wxNotebook']),
+ 'wxStatusBar', 'wxToolBar', 'wxNotebook',
+ 'wxHtmlWindow']),
('Common Dialogs', ['wxColourDialog', 'wxDirDialog', 'wxFileDialog',
'wxSingleChoiceDialog', 'wxTextEntryDialog',
# Make a File menu
self.mainmenu = wxMenuBar()
menu = wxMenu()
- mID = NewId()
+ mID = wxNewId()
menu.Append(mID, 'E&xit', 'Get the heck outta here!')
EVT_MENU(self, mID, self.OnFileExit)
self.mainmenu.Append(menu, '&File')
+ # Make a Demo menu
+ menu = wxMenu()
+ for item in _treeList:
+ submenu = wxMenu()
+ for childItem in item[1]:
+ mID = wxNewId()
+ submenu.Append(mID, childItem)
+ EVT_MENU(self, mID, self.OnDemoMenu)
+ menu.AppendMenu(wxNewId(), item[0], submenu)
+ self.mainmenu.Append(menu, '&Demo')
# Make a Help menu
- mID = NewId()
+ mID = wxNewId()
menu = wxMenu()
menu.Append(mID, '&About', 'wxPython RULES!!!')
EVT_MENU(self, mID, self.OnHelpAbout)
self.mainmenu.Append(menu, '&Help')
- selectedDemo = None
- selectedDemoName = "Nada"
- if len(sys.argv) == 2:
- selectedDemoName = sys.argv[1]
# Create a TreeCtrl
- tID = NewId()
+ tID = wxNewId()
+ self.treeMap = {}
self.tree = wxTreeCtrl(splitter, tID)
root = self.tree.AddRoot("Overview")
for item in _treeList:
child = self.tree.AppendItem(root, item[0])
for childItem in item[1]:
theDemo = self.tree.AppendItem(child, childItem)
- if childItem == selectedDemoName:
- selectedDemo = theDemo
+ self.treeMap[childItem] = theDemo
EVT_TREE_ITEM_EXPANDED (self.tree, tID, self.OnItemExpanded)
# select initial items
- if selectedDemo:
- self.tree.SelectItem(selectedDemo)
- self.tree.EnsureVisible(selectedDemo)
+ if len(sys.argv) == 2:
+ try:
+ selectedDemo = self.treeMap[sys.argv[1]]
+ except:
+ selectedDemo = None
+ if selectedDemo:
+ self.tree.SelectItem(selectedDemo)
+ self.tree.EnsureVisible(selectedDemo)
def WriteText(self, text):
def OnHelpAbout(self, event):
- about = wxMessageDialog(self,
- "wxPython is a Python extension module that\n"
- "encapsulates the wxWindows GUI classes.\n\n"
- "This demo shows off some of the capabilities\n"
- "of wxPython.\n\n"
- " Developed by Robin Dunn",
- "About wxPython", wxOK)
+ #about = wxMessageDialog(self,
+ # "wxPython is a Python extension module that\n"
+ # "encapsulates the wxWindows GUI classes.\n\n"
+ # "This demo shows off some of the capabilities\n"
+ # "of wxPython.\n\n"
+ # " Developed by Robin Dunn",
+ # "About wxPython", wxOK)
+ about = MyAboutBox(self)
self.window = self.otherWin
self.otherWin = None
+ #---------------------------------------------
+ def OnDemoMenu(self, event):
+ print event.GetId(), self.mainmenu.GetLabel(event.GetId())
+ try:
+ selectedDemo = self.treeMap[self.mainmenu.GetLabel(event.GetId())]
+ except:
+ selectedDemo = None
+ if selectedDemo:
+ self.tree.SelectItem(selectedDemo)
+ self.tree.EnsureVisible(selectedDemo)
+class MyAboutBox(wxDialog):
+ text = '''
+<body bgcolor="#AC76DE">
+<center><table bgcolor="#458154" width="100%%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="1">
+ <td align="center"><h1>wxPython %s</h1></td>
+<p><b>wxPython</b> is a Python extension module that
+encapsulates the wxWindows GUI classes.</p>
+<p>This demo shows off some of the capabilities
+of <b>wxPython</b>. Select items from the menu or tree control,
+sit back and enjoy. Be sure to take a peek at the source code for each
+demo item so you can learn how to use the classes yourself.</p>
+<p><b>wxPython</b> is brought to you by <b>Robin Dunn</b> and<br>
+<b>Total Control Software</b>, copyright 1999.</p>
+<p><font size="-1">Please see <i>license.txt</i> for licensing information.</font></p>
+ def __init__(self, parent):
+ from wxPython.html import *
+ wxDialog.__init__(self, parent, -1, 'About wxPython')
+ self.html = wxHtmlWindow(self, -1, wxPoint(5,5), wxSize(400, 350))
+ self.html.SetPage(self.text % wx.__version__)
+ wxButton(self, wxID_OK, 'OK', wxPoint(5, 365)).SetDefault()
+ self.Fit()
--- /dev/null
+<title>ImageMap Test</title>
+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
+<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#FFFFFF">
+This is test.
+<img src="imagemap.png" width="269" height="249" border="0" usemap="#mymap">
+<map name="mymap">
+ <area shape="poly" coords="187,85,160,121,163,153,180,129,166,225,241,223,230,155,201,121,187,86" href="test.htm">
+ <area shape="circle" coords="96,89,36" href="fft.html">
+ <area shape="rect" coords="43,168,124,213" href="tables.htm">
+<img src="imagemap.png" usemap="#mymap">
--- /dev/null
+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
+ <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
+ <META NAME="GENERATOR" CONTENT="Mozilla/4.06 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.0.35 i686) [Netscape]">
+<BODY TEXT="#000000" BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" LINK="#0000EF" VLINK="#51188E" ALINK="#FF0000">
+This is TABLES
+tests page...</H3>
+(yes, really, see bellow:)
+<BR>Click <a href="test.htm">here</a> to go to original testing page...
+<BR>Click <a href="../../docs/html/man.htm">here</a> to go to manuals...
+<TD WIDTH="40%" NOSAVE>Top left
+<BR>(two lines expression)
+<P>paragraph done</TD>
+<TD NOSAVE>Top right</TD>
+<TD>Bottom left</TD>
+<TD>Bottom right</TD>
+<P>Subsampling is shown there:
+<TD WIDTH="10%" NOSAVE>b</TD>
+<TD>3 dflkj lkjfl dkjldkfjl flk jflkf lkjflkj ljlf ajlfj alff h khg hgj
+gjg jg gjhfg fg gjh gjf jgf jgj f gjfgj kfajg </TD>
+<P>This is "default" table - with no sizes givev:
+<TD NOSAVE>lkfdsjlk fj dlfj lkfj lkjflk jlfk lk fjlk elwkf lkejflek f jlekjflkj
+ljlk lk jlkf lefjl j flkj ljl lf lfj lfjl lj lwe lekf;eh kfejh lkh kjh
+kjhkj hkj hkj lkh kjh kjlh kj</TD>
+<TD>shortebn formo lr lk</TD>
+<TD>djsf lkjlf poer oi pjr po kpk </TD>
--- /dev/null
+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
+ <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
+ <META NAME="GENERATOR" CONTENT="Mozilla/4.06 [en] (X11; I; Linux
+ 2.0.35 i686) [Netscape]">
+<BODY TEXT="#000000" BGCOLOR="#006600" LINK="#0000FF" VLINK="#FF0000" ALINK="#000088">
+<b><a href="tables.htm">click here to go to tables test page!</a></b>
+<b><a href="imagemap.htm">click here to go to IMAGEMAPs test page!</a></b>
+This is - - default text, now switching to
+<P>center, now still ctr, now exiting</CENTER>
+exited!.<A HREF="#downtown">[link to down]</A>
+<P>Hello, this *is* default charset (helvetica, probably) and it is displayed
+with one <FONT COLOR="#FF0000">COLOR CHANGE</FONT>. Of course we
+can have as many color changes as we can, what about this <FONT COLOR="#FF0000">M</FONT><FONT COLOR="#FFFF00">A</FONT><FONT COLOR="#33FF33">D</FONT><B><FONT COLOR="#FFFFFF"><FONT SIZE=+1>N</FONT></FONT></B>E<FONT COLOR="#999999">S</FONT><FONT COLOR="#CC33CC">S?</FONT>
+<P><FONT COLOR="#000000">There was a space above.</FONT>
+<HR WIDTH="100%">This was a line. <TT>(BTW we are in <B>fixed</B> font
+/ <I><U>typewriter</U> font</I> right now :-)</TT>
+<BR>This is in <B>BOLD</B> face. This is <I>ITALIC.</I> This is <B><I><U>E
+V E R Y T H I N G</U></I></B>.
+<P>Right now, <FONT COLOR="#0000FF"><FONT SIZE=+4>centered REALLY Big Text</FONT></FONT>,
+how do you like (space) it?</CENTER>
+<DIV ALIGN=right>RIGHT: <FONT SIZE=-2>text-2, </FONT><FONT SIZE=-1>text-1,
+<FONT SIZE=+1>text+1,
+</FONT><FONT COLOR="#FF0000"><FONT SIZE=+2>text+2,
+</FONT></FONT><FONT SIZE=+3>text+3,
+</FONT><FONT SIZE=+4>text+4</FONT>
+<BR><U><FONT SIZE=+1>we are right now</FONT></U></DIV>
+<CENTER><U><FONT SIZE=+1>we are center now</FONT></U></CENTER>
+<U><FONT SIZE=+1>we are left now.</FONT></U>
+<P><I><FONT COLOR="#3366FF">Blue italic text is displayed there....</FONT></I>
+<HR ALIGN=LEFT SIZE=10 WIDTH="50%">This is heading one.</H1>
+this is normal
+This is <FONT COLOR="#33FF33">CENTERED</FONT> heading one</H1></CENTER>
+<FONT COLOR="#FFFF00">Yes, hmmmmmmmmm........, right now, <TT>we should
+display some tiny nice image</TT>, he?</FONT>
+<BR><IMG SRC="pic.png" ALT="Testing image image" ><IMG SRC="pic2.bmp">and this is text......
+<P><IMG SRC="pic.png" ALT="Testing image image" HEIGHT=200 WIDTH=327 ALIGN=CENTER>and
+this is text......
+<BR><A HREF="pic.png"><IMG SRC="pic.png" ALT="Testing image image" HEIGHT=160 WIDTH=100 ALIGN=TEXTTOP></A> (try clicking on the image :-) and
+this is text......
+item 1</LI>
+item 2</LI>
+nested item</LI>
+nested item 2</LI>
+item 3</LI>
+item one</LI>
+item two</LI>
+nsted item</LI>
+last numbered item</LI>
+Heading 1</H1>
+<I>Italic text now...</I>
+<I>Heading 2</I></H2>
+<I>and now?</I>
+Heading 3</H3>
+Heading 4</H4>
+Heading 5</H5>
+Heading 6</H6>
+And this is normal text, once again :-)
+<P>And yes, we're in <FONT SIZE=+4>HTML DOCUMENT</FONT>
+<P>This is <A NAME="downtown"></a>centered paragraph</CENTER>
+<P>This is new par?
+<P><B>We switched to BOLD</B>
+<P><B>This is new paragraph</B> Bold is off now.
+<P>new par
+<P> -----------
+<P><FONT SIZE=-2>Hello</FONT>
+<OL><FONT SIZE=-2>this is standalone :-)</FONT>
+<FONT SIZE=-2>This is item number one. iti lkdjfdl kjd lk jlkjdl kjlk jlf
+jflkj d lfkjlkf jl jflkj flkwe lkhelf ;fk;fl kw;lfke ;ffj lkjflk wj lfjl
+fkw ;k;ekf;lkfe ;kf;lk; ;j ;lrj;wfj;f ;eljfw; lfj;ewlfj dagdja gdj chga
+kjegiquw iuqdb qiud iquwd hurray googoo.</FONT></LI>
+<FONT SIZE=-2>two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two
+twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo
+TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO
+two two two two two two twotwo TWO</FONT></LI>
+<BLOCKQUOTE><FONT SIZE=+0><B>(blockquote)</B>two two two two two two twotwo
+TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO</FONT>
+<BLOCKQUOTE><FONT SIZE=+0>two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two</FONT></BLOCKQUOTE>
+<FONT SIZE=+0>two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO
+two two two two two two twotwo TWO</FONT></BLOCKQUOTE>
+<FONT SIZE=-2>two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two
+twotwo TWO</FONT>
+<FONT SIZE=-2>This is item nyumber 3.</FONT></LI>
+<FONT SIZE=-2>This is item number one. iti lkdjfdl kjd lk jlkjdl kjlk jlf
+jflkj d lfkjlkf jl jflkj flkwe lkhelf ;fk;fl kw;lfke ;ffj lkjflk wj lfjl
+fkw ;k;ekf;lkfe ;kf;lk; ;j ;lrj;wfj;f ;eljfw; lfj;ewlfj dagdja gdj chga
+kjegiquw iuqdb qiud iquwd hurray googoo.</FONT></LI>
+<FONT SIZE=-2>two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two
+twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo
+TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO
+two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two
+two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two
+two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two
+two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two
+two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO</FONT></LI>
+<FONT SIZE=-2>This is item nyumber 3.</FONT></LI>
+<FONT SIZE=-2>This is item number one. iti lkdjfdl kjd lk jlkjdl kjlk jlf
+jflkj d lfkjlkf jl jflkj flkwe lkhelf ;fk;fl kw;lfke ;ffj lkjflk wj lfjl
+fkw ;k;ekf;lkfe ;kf;lk; ;j ;lrj;wfj;f ;eljfw; lfj;ewlfj dagdja gdj chga
+kjegiquw iuqdb qiud iquwd hurray googoo.</FONT></LI>
+<FONT SIZE=-2>two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two
+twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo
+TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO
+two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two
+two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two
+two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two
+two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two
+two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO</FONT></LI>
+<FONT SIZE=-2>This is item nyumber 3.</FONT></LI>
+<FONT SIZE=-2>This is item number one. iti lkdjfdl kjd lk jlkjdl kjlk jlf
+jflkj d lfkjlkf jl jflkj flkwe lkhelf ;fk;fl kw;lfke ;ffj lkjflk wj lfjl
+fkw ;k;ekf;lkfe ;kf;lk; ;j ;lrj;wfj;f ;eljfw; lfj;ewlfj dagdja gdj chga
+kjegiquw iuqdb qiud iquwd hurray googoo.</FONT></LI>
+<FONT SIZE=-2>two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two
+twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo
+TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO
+two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two
+two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two
+two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two
+two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two
+two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO</FONT></LI>
+<FONT SIZE=-2>This is item nyumber 3.</FONT></LI>
+<FONT SIZE=-2>This is item number one. iti lkdjfdl kjd lk jlkjdl kjlk jlf
+jflkj d lfkjlkf jl jflkj flkwe lkhelf ;fk;fl kw;lfke ;ffj lkjflk wj lfjl
+fkw ;k;ekf;lkfe ;kf;lk; ;j ;lrj;wfj;f ;eljfw; lfj;ewlfj dagdja gdj chga
+kjegiquw iuqdb qiud iquwd hurray googoo.</FONT></LI>
+<FONT SIZE=-2>two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two
+twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo
+TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO
+two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO</FONT></LI>
+<P><BR><FONT SIZE=-2>two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two
+two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two
+two twotwo TWO</FONT>
+<P><FONT SIZE=-2>two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two
+two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two
+twotwo TWO</FONT>
+<FONT SIZE=-2>This is item nyumber 3.</FONT></LI>
+Now, you will see some PRE text:<p>
+<PRE>// This is sample C++ code:
+void main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ printf("Go away, man!\n");
+ i = 666;
+ printf("\n\n\nCRASH\n DOWN NOW. . . \n");
--- /dev/null
+from wxPython.wx import *
+from wxPython.html import *
+from wxPython.lib.sizers import *
+# This shows how to catch the OnLinkClicked non-event. (It's a virtual
+# method in the C++ code...)
+class MyHtmlWindow(wxHtmlWindow):
+ def __init__(self, parent, id, log):
+ wxHtmlWindow.__init__(self, parent, id)
+ self.log = log
+ def OnLinkClicked(self, link):
+ self.log.WriteText('OnLinkClicked: %s\n' % link)
+ # Virtuals in the base class have been renamed with base_ on the font.
+ self.base_OnLinkClicked(link)
+class TestHtmlPanel(wxPanel):
+ def __init__(self, parent, frame, log):
+ wxPanel.__init__(self, parent, -1)
+ self.log = log
+ self.frame = frame
+ self.html = MyHtmlWindow(self, -1, log)
+ self.html.SetRelatedFrame(frame, "wxPython: (A Demonstration) -- %s")
+ self.html.SetRelatedStatusBar(0)
+ self.box = box.wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL)
+ self.box.Add(self.html, 1)
+ subbox = wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL)
+ btn = wxButton(self, 1201, "Show Default")
+ EVT_BUTTON(self, 1201, self.OnShowDefault)
+ subbox.Add(btn, 1)
+ btn = wxButton(self, 1202, "Load File")
+ EVT_BUTTON(self, 1202, self.OnLoadFile)
+ subbox.Add(btn, 1)
+ btn = wxButton(self, 1203, "With Widgets")
+ EVT_BUTTON(self, 1203, self.OnWithWidgets)
+ subbox.Add(btn, 1)
+ btn = wxButton(self, 1204, "Back")
+ EVT_BUTTON(self, 1204, self.OnBack)
+ subbox.Add(btn, 1)
+ btn = wxButton(self, 1205, "Forward")
+ EVT_BUTTON(self, 1205, self.OnForward)
+ subbox.Add(btn, 1)
+ self.box.Add(subbox)
+ self.OnShowDefault(None)
+ def OnSize(self, event):
+ size = self.GetClientSize()
+ self.box.Layout(size)
+ def OnShowDefault(self, event):
+ self.html.LoadPage("data/test.htm")
+ def OnLoadFile(self, event):
+ pass
+ def OnWithWidgets(self, event):
+ pass
+ def OnBack(self, event):
+ if not self.html.HistoryBack():
+ wxMessageBox("No more items in history!")
+ def OnForward(self, event):
+ if not self.html.HistoryForward():
+ wxMessageBox("No more items in history!")
+def runTest(frame, nb, log):
+ win = TestHtmlPanel(nb, frame, log)
+ return win
+overview = """\
+wxHtmlWindow is capable of parsing and rendering most simple HTML tags.
+It is not intended to be a high-end HTML browser. If you're looking for something like that try http://www.mozilla.org - there's a chance you'll be able to make their widget wxWindows-compatible. I'm sure everyone will enjoy your work in that case...