block for an infinite amount of time but rather to not block at all.
Also added a bit of an overview since apparently the purpose of this code
was not readily apparent even with the existing comments.
the queue to ensure this method will return.
See wxEventLoop::Exit() for more information.
the queue to ensure this method will return.
See wxEventLoop::Exit() for more information.
- Ê ÊRN: We used to use nil as the untilDate in previous versions since nil
-Ê Êis a shorter and more concise way of specifying an infinite amount of
-ÊÊ Êtime than [NSDate distantPast]. ÊHowever, Apple neglects to mention in
-Ê Êtheir documentation that nil is not handled correctly in OSX 10.2
-Ê Ê(and possibly lower) and when the call is reached the system comes to
-Ê Êa screeching halt, therefore we need to specify [NSDate distantPast]
-Ê Êexplicitly so that wxCocoa will work correctly in OSX 10.2.
+ This overridden method calls the superclass method with an untilDate
+ parameter that indicates nil should be returned if there are no pending
+ events. That is, nextEventMatchingMask: should not wait for an event.
+ If nil is returned then idle event processing occurs until the user
+ does not request anymore idle events or until a real event comes through.
+ Apple documentation states that nil can be passed in place of
+ [NSDate distantPast] to the untilDate parameter. However, according
+ to Ryan Norton this crashes on Jaguar (10.2).
- (NSEvent *)nextEventMatchingMask:(unsigned int)mask untilDate:(NSDate *)expiration inMode:(NSString *)mode dequeue:(BOOL)flag
- (NSEvent *)nextEventMatchingMask:(unsigned int)mask untilDate:(NSDate *)expiration inMode:(NSString *)mode dequeue:(BOOL)flag