#include "wx/file.h"
#include "wx/regex.h"
+#include "wx/hash.h"
// C++ parsing classes
#include "cjparser.h"
funcname = dtor;
- m_textFunc.Printf("\n"
- "\\membersection{%s::%s}\\label{%s}\n"
- "\n"
- "\\%sfunc{%s%s}{%s}{",
+ static wxHashTable sg_MemberSectionsDone(wxKEY_STRING);
+ wxString memberSectionName;
+ memberSectionName.Printf("%s::%s", m_classname.c_str(), funcname.c_str());
+ m_textFunc = wxEmptyString;
+ if (!sg_MemberSectionsDone.Get(memberSectionName))
+ {
+ m_textFunc.Printf("\n"
+ "\\membersection{%s::%s}\\label{%s}\n",
m_classname.c_str(), funcname.c_str(),
- MakeLabel(m_classname, funcname).c_str(),
+ MakeLabel(m_classname, funcname).c_str());
+ sg_MemberSectionsDone.Put(memberSectionName, (wxObject*) & sg_MemberSectionsDone);
+ }
+ wxString func;
+ func.Printf("\n"
+ "\\%sfunc{%s%s}{%s}{",
op.mIsConstant ? "const" : "",
op.mIsVirtual ? "virtual " : "",
+ m_textFunc += func;
void HelpGenVisitor::VisitParameter( spParameter& param )
+ Revision 1.20 2002/01/03 14:23:33 JS
+ Added code to make it not duplicate membersections for overloaded functions
Revision 1.19 2002/01/03 13:34:12 JS
Added FlushAll to CloseClass, otherwise text was only flushed right at the end,
and appeared in one file.