#include "wx/scrolwin.h"
#include "wx/tooltip.h"
#include "wx/datetime.h"
+#include "wx/recguard.h"
#include "wx/propgrid/property.h"
#include "wx/propgrid/propgridiface.h"
#define wxPG_FL_IN_SELECT_PROPERTY 0x00100000
// Set when help string is shown in status bar
#define wxPG_FL_STRING_IN_STATUSBAR 0x00200000
-// Validation failed. Clear on modify event.
-#define wxPG_FL_VALIDATION_FAILED 0x00800000
// Auto sort is enabled (for categorized mode)
#define wxPG_FL_CATMODE_AUTO_SORT 0x01000000
// Set after page has been inserted to manager
wxPGVFBFlags m_permanentValidationFailureBehavior; // Set by app
+ // DoEditorValidate() recursion guard
+ wxRecursionGuardFlag m_validatingEditor;
/** Internal flags - see wxPG_FL_XXX constants. */
wxUint32 m_iFlags;
/** Reloads all non-customized colours from system settings. */
void RegainColours();
- bool DoEditorValidate();
+ virtual bool DoEditorValidate();
// Similar to DoSelectProperty() but also works on columns
// other than 1. Does not active editor if column is not
if ( wxPGGlobalVars->m_mapEditorClasses.empty() )
+ m_validatingEditor = 0;
m_iFlags = 0;
m_pState = NULL;
m_wndEditor = m_wndEditor2 = NULL;
// Runs wxValidator for the selected property
bool wxPropertyGrid::DoEditorValidate()
+ wxRecursionGuard guard(m_validatingEditor);
+ if ( guard.IsInside() )
+ return false;
+ wxPGProperty* selected = GetSelection();
+ if ( selected )
+ {
+ wxWindow* wnd = GetEditorControl();
+ wxValidator* validator = selected->GetValidator();
+ if ( validator && wnd )
+ {
+ validator->SetWindow(wnd);
+ if ( !validator->Validate(this) )
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
return true;
m_chgInfo_changedProperty = NULL;
// Filter out excess wxTextCtrl modified events
int splitterX = GetSplitterPosition();
m_editorFocused = 0;
- if ( p != prevFirstSel )
- m_iFlags &= ~(wxPG_FL_VALIDATION_FAILED);
wxASSERT( m_wndEditor == NULL );