+++ /dev/null
-# Purpose: makefile for treectrl example (Salford C++)
-# Created: 2000-03-15
-PROGRAM = treetest
-include ..\..\src\makeprog.sl
-all: wx $(TARGET)
- cd $(WXDIR)\src\msw ^ mk32 -f makefile.sl all
- cd $(WXDIR)\samples\treectrl
+++ /dev/null
-# Purpose: makefile for treectrl example (Unix)
-# Created: 2000-03-15
-CXX = $(shell wx-config --cxx)
-PROGRAM = treetest
-# implementation
-.SUFFIXES: .o .cpp
-.cpp.o :
- $(CXX) -c `wx-config --cxxflags` -o $@ $<
-all: $(PROGRAM)
- $(CXX) -o $(PROGRAM) $(OBJECTS) `wx-config --libs`
- rm -f *.o $(PROGRAM)
-if exist $(OBJS)\*.pch del $(OBJS)\*.pch
-if exist $(OBJS)\treectrl.exe del $(OBJS)\treectrl.exe
-$(OBJS)\treectrl.exe : $(TREECTRL_OBJECTS) $(OBJS)\treectrl_treetest.res
+$(OBJS)\treectrl.exe : $(TREECTRL_OBJECTS) $(OBJS)\treectrl_sample.res
@%create $(OBJS)\treectrl.lbc
@%append $(OBJS)\treectrl.lbc option quiet
@%append $(OBJS)\treectrl.lbc name $^@
@%append $(OBJS)\treectrl.lbc $(LDFLAGS) $(__DEBUGINFO_1) libpath $(LIBDIRNAME) system nt_win ref '_WinMain@16'
@for %i in ($(TREECTRL_OBJECTS)) do @%append $(OBJS)\treectrl.lbc file %i
@for %i in ( $(__WXLIB_CORE_p) $(__WXLIB_BASE_p) $(__WXLIB_MONO_p) $(__LIB_TIFF_p) $(__LIB_JPEG_p) $(__LIB_PNG_p) wxzlib$(WXDEBUGFLAG).lib wxregex$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG).lib wxexpat$(WXDEBUGFLAG).lib $(EXTRALIBS_FOR_BASE) kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib comdlg32.lib winspool.lib winmm.lib shell32.lib comctl32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib rpcrt4.lib advapi32.lib wsock32.lib odbc32.lib) do @%append $(OBJS)\treectrl.lbc library %i
- @%append $(OBJS)\treectrl.lbc option resource=$(OBJS)\treectrl_treetest.res
+ @%append $(OBJS)\treectrl.lbc option resource=$(OBJS)\treectrl_sample.res
@for %i in () do @%append $(OBJS)\treectrl.lbc option stack=%i
wlink @$(OBJS)\treectrl.lbc
$(OBJS)\treectrl_treetest.obj : .AUTODEPEND .\treetest.cpp
$(CXX) -bt=nt -zq -fo=$^@ $(TREECTRL_CXXFLAGS) $<
-$(OBJS)\treectrl_treetest.res : .AUTODEPEND .\treetest.rc
+$(OBJS)\treectrl_sample.res : .AUTODEPEND .\..\sample.rc
wrc -q -ad -bt=nt -r -fo=$^@ -d__WXMSW__ $(__WXUNIV_DEFINE_p) $(__DEBUG_DEFINE_p) $(__EXCEPTIONS_DEFINE_p) $(__RTTI_DEFINE_p) $(__THREAD_DEFINE_p) $(__UNICODE_DEFINE_p) -i=$(SETUPHDIR) -i=.\..\..\include -i=. $(__DLLFLAG_p) -i=.\..\..\samples -dNOPCH $<
+++ /dev/null
-# this is the project file for the treectrl wxWindows sample
-# we generate the VC++ IDE project file, comment this line
-# to generate a makefile for (n)make
-TEMPLATE = vc6app
-# wx is mandatory for wxWindows projects
-CONFIG = wx
-# the configurations of wxWindows we want to use: the value below is the
-# default one; possible other values are {Debug|Release}Unicode[Dll]
-#WXCONFIGS = Debug Release DebugDll ReleaseDll
-# project files
-SOURCES = treetest.cpp
-RC_FILE = treetest.rc
-TARGET = treetest