// gets value, sends event and dismisses
void DismissWithEvent();
- // Re-calculates width for given item
- void CheckWidth( int pos );
+ // OnMeasureItemWidth will be called on next GetAdjustedSize.
+ void ItemWidthChanged(unsigned int item)
+ {
+ m_widths[item] = -1;
+ m_widthsDirty = true;
+ }
// Callbacks for drawing and measuring items. Override in a derived class for
// owner-drawnness. Font, background and text colour have been prepared according
wxArrayString m_strings;
wxArrayPtrVoid m_clientDatas;
- wxArrayInt m_widths; // cached line widths
wxFont m_useFont;
//wxString m_stringValue; // displayed text (may be different than m_strings[m_value])
int m_value; // selection
int m_itemHover; // on which item the cursor is
- int m_widestWidth; // width of widest item thus far
- int m_avgCharWidth;
- int m_baseImageWidth; // how much per item drawn in addition to text
int m_itemHeight; // default item height (calculate from font size
// and used in the absence of callback)
wxClientDataType m_clientDataItemsType;
+ // Cached item widths (in pixels).
+ wxArrayInt m_widths;
+ // Width of currently widest item.
+ int m_widestWidth;
+ // Index of currently widest item.
+ int m_widestItem;
+ // Measure some items in next GetAdjustedSize?
+ bool m_widthsDirty;
+ // Find widest item in next GetAdjustedSize?
+ bool m_findWidest;
// has the mouse been released on this control?
- bool m_clicked;
+ bool m_clicked;
void wxVListBoxComboPopup::Init()
m_widestWidth = 0;
- m_avgCharWidth = 0;
- m_baseImageWidth = 0;
+ m_widestItem = -1;
+ m_widthsDirty = false;
+ m_findWidest = false;
m_itemHeight = 0;
m_value = -1;
m_itemHover = -1;
-void wxVListBoxComboPopup::CheckWidth( int pos )
- wxCoord x = OnMeasureItemWidth(pos);
- if ( x < 0 )
- {
- if ( !m_useFont.Ok() )
- m_useFont = m_combo->GetFont();
- wxCoord y;
- m_combo->GetTextExtent(m_strings[pos], &x, &y, 0, 0, &m_useFont);
- x += 4;
- }
- if ( m_widestWidth < x )
- {
- m_widestWidth = x;
- }
void wxVListBoxComboPopup::Insert( const wxString& item, int pos )
// Need to change selection?
+ m_widths.Insert(-1,pos);
+ m_widthsDirty = true;
if ( IsCreated() )
wxVListBox::SetItemCount( wxVListBox::GetItemCount()+1 );
- // Calculate width
- CheckWidth(pos);
int wxVListBoxComboPopup::Append(const wxString& item)
+ m_widths.Empty();
+ m_widestWidth = 0;
+ m_widestItem = -1;
m_clientDatas[n] = clientData;
+ ItemWidthChanged(n);
void* wxVListBoxComboPopup::GetItemClientData(unsigned int n) const
+ m_widths.RemoveAt(item);
+ if ( (int)item == m_widestItem )
+ m_findWidest = true;
if ( IsCreated() )
wxVListBox::SetItemCount( wxVListBox::GetItemCount()-1 );
void wxVListBoxComboPopup::SetString( int item, const wxString& str )
m_strings[item] = str;
+ ItemWidthChanged(item);
wxString wxVListBoxComboPopup::GetStringValue() const
height = 50;
+ bool doFindWidest = m_findWidest;
+ // Measure items with dirty width.
+ if ( m_widthsDirty )
+ {
+ unsigned int i;
+ unsigned int n = m_widths.GetCount();
+ int dirtyHandled = 0;
+ wxArrayInt& widths = m_widths;
+ // I think using wxDC::GetTextExtent is faster than
+ // wxWindow::GetTextExtent (assuming same dc is used
+ // for all calls, as we do here).
+ wxClientDC dc(m_combo);
+ dc.SetFont(m_useFont);
+ for ( i=0; i<n; i++ )
+ {
+ if ( widths[i] < 0 )
+ {
+ wxCoord x = OnMeasureItemWidth(i);
+ if ( x < 0 )
+ {
+ const wxString& text = m_strings[i];
+ // To make sure performance won't suck in extreme scenarios,
+ // we'll estimate length after some arbitrary number of items
+ // have been checked precily.
+ if ( dirtyHandled < 1024 )
+ {
+ wxCoord y;
+ dc.GetTextExtent(text, &x, &y, 0, 0);
+ x += 4;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ x = text.length() * (dc.GetCharWidth()+1);
+ }
+ }
+ widths[i] = x;
+ if ( x >= m_widestWidth )
+ {
+ m_widestWidth = x;
+ m_widestItem = (int)i;
+ }
+ else if ( (int)i == m_widestItem )
+ {
+ // Width of previously widest item has been decreased, so
+ // we'll have to check all to find current widest item.
+ doFindWidest = true;
+ }
+ dirtyHandled++;
+ }
+ }
+ m_widthsDirty = false;
+ }
+ if ( doFindWidest )
+ {
+ unsigned int i;
+ unsigned int n = m_widths.GetCount();
+ int bestWidth = -1;
+ int bestIndex = -1;
+ for ( i=0; i<n; i++ )
+ {
+ int w = m_widths[i];
+ if ( w > bestWidth )
+ {
+ bestIndex = (int)i;
+ bestWidth = w;
+ }
+ }
+ m_widestWidth = bestWidth;
+ m_widestItem = bestIndex;
+ m_findWidest = false;
+ }
// Take scrollbar into account in width calculations
int widestWidth = m_widestWidth + wxSystemSettings::GetMetric(wxSYS_VSCROLL_X);
return wxSize(minWidth > widestWidth ? minWidth : widestWidth,
const wxString& item = choices.Item(i);
- CheckWidth(i);
+ m_widths.SetCount(n,-1);
+ m_widthsDirty = true;
if ( IsCreated() )