# this is windows standard and there are normally not the necessary symbols
# in the dlls.
# *** only the version of June 2000 shows these problems
+# * cygwin gcc 3.2/ld 2.13.90 works
+# (ld supports -shared)
+# * mingw gcc 3.2/ld 2.13 works
+# (ld supports -shared)
# This module should be kept compatible with Python 1.5.2.
self.dllwrap_version) )
- # ld_version >= "2.10.90" should also be able to use
+ # ld_version >= "2.10.90" and < "2.13" should also be able to use
# gcc -mdll instead of dllwrap
# Older dllwraps had own version numbers, newer ones use the
# same as the rest of binutils ( also ld )
self.linker_dll = "dllwrap"
+ # ld_version >= "2.13" support -shared so use it instead of
+ # -mdll -static
+ if self.ld_version >= "2.13":
+ shared_option = "-shared"
+ else:
+ shared_option = "-mdll -static"
# Hard-code GCC because that's what this is all about.
# XXX optimization, warnings etc. should be customizable.
self.set_executables(compiler='gcc -mcygwin -O -Wall',
compiler_so='gcc -mcygwin -mdll -O -Wall',
linker_exe='gcc -mcygwin',
- linker_so=('%s -mcygwin -mdll -static' %
- self.linker_dll))
+ linker_so=('%s -mcygwin %s' %
+ (self.linker_dll, shared_option)))
# cygwin and mingw32 need different sets of libraries
if self.gcc_version == "2.91.57":
CygwinCCompiler.__init__ (self, verbose, dry_run, force)
+ # ld_version >= "2.13" support -shared so use it instead of
+ # -mdll -static
+ if self.ld_version >= "2.13":
+ shared_option = "-shared"
+ else:
+ shared_option = "-mdll -static"
# A real mingw32 doesn't need to specify a different entry point,
# but cygwin 2.91.57 in no-cygwin-mode needs it.
if self.gcc_version <= "2.91.57":
self.set_executables(compiler='gcc -mno-cygwin -O -Wall',
compiler_so='gcc -mno-cygwin -mdll -O -Wall',
linker_exe='gcc -mno-cygwin',
- linker_so='%s -mno-cygwin -mdll -static %s'
- % (self.linker_dll, entry_point))
+ linker_so='%s -mno-cygwin %s %s'
+ % (self.linker_dll, shared_option,
+ entry_point))
# Maybe we should also append -mthreads, but then the finished
# dlls need another dll (mingwm10.dll see Mingw32 docs)
# (-mthreads: Support thread-safe exception handling on `Mingw32')
out = os.popen(gcc_exe + ' -dumpversion','r')
out_string = out.read()
- result = re.search('(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)',out_string)
+ result = re.search('(\d+\.\d+(\.\d+)*)',out_string)
if result:
gcc_version = StrictVersion(result.group(1))
out = os.popen(ld_exe + ' -v','r')
out_string = out.read()
- result = re.search('(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)',out_string)
+ result = re.search('(\d+\.\d+(\.\d+)*)',out_string)
if result:
ld_version = StrictVersion(result.group(1))
out = os.popen(dllwrap_exe + ' --version','r')
out_string = out.read()
- result = re.search(' (\d+\.\d+\.\d+)',out_string)
+ result = re.search(' (\d+\.\d+(\.\d+)*)',out_string)
if result:
dllwrap_version = StrictVersion(result.group(1))
Contains MSVCCompiler, an implementation of the abstract CCompiler class
-for the Microsoft Visual Studio."""
+for the Microsoft Visual Studio.
# Written by Perry Stoll
# hacked by Robin Becker and Thomas Heller to do a better job of
__revision__ = "$Id$"
import sys, os, string
-from types import *
from distutils.errors import \
DistutilsExecError, DistutilsPlatformError, \
CompileError, LibError, LinkError
RegError = win32api.error
except ImportError:
+ log.info("Warning: Can't read registry to find the "
+ "necessary compiler setting\n"
+ "Make sure that Python modules _winreg, "
+ "win32api or win32con are installed.")
if _can_read_reg:
+ HKEYS = (hkey_mod.HKEY_USERS,
+def read_keys(base, key):
+ """Return list of registry keys."""
-def get_devstudio_versions ():
- """Get list of devstudio versions from the Windows registry. Return a
- list of strings containing version numbers; the list will be
- empty if we were unable to access the registry (eg. couldn't import
- a registry-access module) or the appropriate registry keys weren't
- found."""
- if not _can_read_reg:
- return []
- K = 'Software\\Microsoft\\Devstudio'
+ try:
+ handle = RegOpenKeyEx(base, key)
+ except RegError:
+ return None
L = []
- for base in (HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT,
+ i = 0
+ while 1:
- k = RegOpenKeyEx(base,K)
- i = 0
- while 1:
- try:
- p = RegEnumKey(k,i)
- if p[0] in '123456789' and p not in L:
- L.append(p)
- except RegError:
- break
- i = i + 1
+ k = RegEnumKey(handle, i)
except RegError:
- pass
- L.sort()
- L.reverse()
+ break
+ L.append(k)
+ i = i + 1
return L
-# get_devstudio_versions ()
-def get_msvc_paths (path, version='6.0', platform='x86'):
- """Get a list of devstudio directories (include, lib or path). Return
- a list of strings; will be empty list if unable to access the
- registry or appropriate registry keys not found."""
- if not _can_read_reg:
- return []
+def read_values(base, key):
+ """Return dict of registry keys and values.
- L = []
- if path=='lib':
- path= 'Library'
- path = string.upper(path + ' Dirs')
- K = ('Software\\Microsoft\\Devstudio\\%s\\' +
- 'Build System\\Components\\Platforms\\Win32 (%s)\\Directories') % \
- (version,platform)
- for base in (HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT,
+ All names are converted to lowercase.
+ """
+ try:
+ handle = RegOpenKeyEx(base, key)
+ except RegError:
+ return None
+ d = {}
+ i = 0
+ while 1:
- k = RegOpenKeyEx(base,K)
- i = 0
- while 1:
- try:
- (p,v,t) = RegEnumValue(k,i)
- if string.upper(p) == path:
- V = string.split(v,';')
- for v in V:
- if hasattr(v, "encode"):
- try:
- v = v.encode("mbcs")
- except UnicodeError:
- pass
- if v == '' or v in L: continue
- L.append(v)
- break
- i = i + 1
- except RegError:
- break
+ name, value, type = RegEnumValue(handle, i)
except RegError:
+ break
+ name = name.lower()
+ d[convert_mbcs(name)] = convert_mbcs(value)
+ i = i + 1
+ return d
+def convert_mbcs(s):
+ enc = getattr(s, "encode", None)
+ if enc is not None:
+ try:
+ s = enc("mbcs")
+ except UnicodeError:
- return L
-# get_msvc_paths()
-def find_exe (exe, version_number):
- """Try to find an MSVC executable program 'exe' (from version
- 'version_number' of MSVC) in several places: first, one of the MSVC
- program search paths from the registry; next, the directories in the
- PATH environment variable. If any of those work, return an absolute
- path that is known to exist. If none of them work, just return the
- original program name, 'exe'."""
- for p in get_msvc_paths ('path', version_number):
- fn = os.path.join (os.path.abspath(p), exe)
- if os.path.isfile(fn):
- return fn
- # didn't find it; try existing path
- for p in string.split (os.environ['Path'],';'):
- fn = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(p),exe)
- if os.path.isfile(fn):
- return fn
- return exe # last desperate hope
-def set_path_env_var (name, version_number):
- """Set environment variable 'name' to an MSVC path type value obtained
- from 'get_msvc_paths()'. This is equivalent to a SET command prior
- to execution of spawned commands."""
- p = get_msvc_paths (name, version_number)
- if p:
- os.environ[name] = string.join (p,';')
+ return s
+class MacroExpander:
+ def __init__(self, version):
+ self.macros = {}
+ self.load_macros(version)
+ def set_macro(self, macro, path, key):
+ for base in HKEYS:
+ d = read_values(base, path)
+ if d:
+ self.macros["$(%s)" % macro] = d[key]
+ break
+ def load_macros(self, version):
+ vsbase = r"Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\%0.1f" % version
+ self.set_macro("VCInstallDir", vsbase + r"\Setup\VC", "productdir")
+ self.set_macro("VSInstallDir", vsbase + r"\Setup\VS", "productdir")
+ net = r"Software\Microsoft\.NETFramework"
+ self.set_macro("FrameworkDir", net, "installroot")
+ if version > 7.0:
+ self.set_macro("FrameworkSDKDir", net, "sdkinstallrootv1.1")
+ else:
+ self.set_macro("FrameworkSDKDir", net, "sdkinstallroot")
+ p = r"Software\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\Product"
+ for base in HKEYS:
+ try:
+ h = RegOpenKeyEx(base, p)
+ except RegError:
+ continue
+ key = RegEnumKey(h, 0)
+ d = read_values(base, r"%s\%s" % (p, key))
+ self.macros["$(FrameworkVersion)"] = d["version"]
+ def sub(self, s):
+ for k, v in self.macros.items():
+ s = string.replace(s, k, v)
+ return s
+def get_build_version():
+ """Return the version of MSVC that was used to build Python.
+ For Python 2.3 and up, the version number is included in
+ sys.version. For earlier versions, assume the compiler is MSVC 6.
+ """
+ prefix = "MSC v."
+ i = string.find(sys.version, prefix)
+ if i == -1:
+ return 6
+ i = i + len(prefix)
+ s, rest = sys.version[i:].split(" ", 1)
+ majorVersion = int(s[:-2]) - 6
+ minorVersion = int(s[2:3]) / 10.0
+ # I don't think paths are affected by minor version in version 6
+ if majorVersion == 6:
+ minorVersion = 0
+ if majorVersion >= 6:
+ return majorVersion + minorVersion
+ # else we don't know what version of the compiler this is
+ return None
class MSVCCompiler (CCompiler) :
"""Concrete class that implements an interface to Microsoft Visual C++,
static_lib_format = shared_lib_format = '%s%s'
exe_extension = '.exe'
- def __init__ (self,
- verbose=0,
- dry_run=0,
- force=0):
+ def __init__ (self, verbose=0, dry_run=0, force=0):
CCompiler.__init__ (self, verbose, dry_run, force)
- versions = get_devstudio_versions ()
- if versions:
- version = versions[0] # highest version
- self.cc = find_exe("cl.exe", version)
- self.linker = find_exe("link.exe", version)
- self.lib = find_exe("lib.exe", version)
- self.rc = find_exe("rc.exe", version) # resource compiler
- self.mc = find_exe("mc.exe", version) # message compiler
- set_path_env_var ('lib', version)
- set_path_env_var ('include', version)
- path=get_msvc_paths('path', version)
- try:
- for p in string.split(os.environ['path'],';'):
- path.append(p)
- except KeyError:
- pass
- os.environ['path'] = string.join(path,';')
+ self.__version = get_build_version()
+ if self.__version >= 7:
+ self.__root = r"Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio"
+ self.__macros = MacroExpander(self.__version)
- # devstudio not found in the registry
- self.cc = "cl.exe"
- self.linker = "link.exe"
- self.lib = "lib.exe"
- self.rc = "rc.exe"
- self.mc = "mc.exe"
+ self.__root = r"Software\Microsoft\Devstudio"
+ self.__paths = self.get_msvc_paths("path")
+ if len (self.__paths) == 0:
+ raise DistutilsPlatformError, \
+ ("Python was built with version %s of Visual Studio, "
+ "and extensions need to be built with the same "
+ "version of the compiler, but it isn't installed." % self.__version)
+ self.cc = self.find_exe("cl.exe")
+ self.linker = self.find_exe("link.exe")
+ self.lib = self.find_exe("lib.exe")
+ self.rc = self.find_exe("rc.exe") # resource compiler
+ self.mc = self.find_exe("mc.exe") # message compiler
+ self.set_path_env_var('lib')
+ self.set_path_env_var('include')
+ # extend the MSVC path with the current path
+ try:
+ for p in string.split(os.environ['path'], ';'):
+ self.__paths.append(p)
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ os.environ['path'] = string.join(self.__paths, ';')
self.preprocess_options = None
self.compile_options = [ '/nologo', '/Ox', '/MD', '/W3', '/GX' ,
# find_library_file ()
-# class MSVCCompiler
+ # Helper methods for using the MSVC registry settings
+ def find_exe(self, exe):
+ """Return path to an MSVC executable program.
+ Tries to find the program in several places: first, one of the
+ MSVC program search paths from the registry; next, the directories
+ in the PATH environment variable. If any of those work, return an
+ absolute path that is known to exist. If none of them work, just
+ return the original program name, 'exe'.
+ """
+ for p in self.__paths:
+ fn = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(p), exe)
+ if os.path.isfile(fn):
+ return fn
+ # didn't find it; try existing path
+ for p in string.split(os.environ['Path'],';'):
+ fn = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(p),exe)
+ if os.path.isfile(fn):
+ return fn
+ return exe
+ def get_msvc_paths(self, path, platform='x86'):
+ """Get a list of devstudio directories (include, lib or path).
+ Return a list of strings. The list will be empty if unable to
+ access the registry or appropriate registry keys not found.
+ """
+ if not _can_read_reg:
+ return []
+ path = path + " dirs"
+ if self.__version >= 7:
+ key = (r"%s\%0.1f\VC\VC_OBJECTS_PLATFORM_INFO\Win32\Directories"
+ % (self.__root, self.__version))
+ else:
+ key = (r"%s\6.0\Build System\Components\Platforms"
+ r"\Win32 (%s)\Directories" % (self.__root, platform))
+ for base in HKEYS:
+ d = read_values(base, key)
+ if d:
+ if self.__version >= 7:
+ return string.split(self.__macros.sub(d[path]), ";")
+ else:
+ return string.split(d[path], ";")
+ return []
+ def set_path_env_var(self, name):
+ """Set environment variable 'name' to an MSVC path type value.
+ This is equivalent to a SET command prior to execution of spawned
+ commands.
+ """
+ if name == "lib":
+ p = self.get_msvc_paths("library")
+ else:
+ p = self.get_msvc_paths(name)
+ if p:
+ os.environ[name] = string.join(p, ';')