-BMROOT=d:\wx2\wxwind~1\contrib\docs\latex\ogl ; Assume that bitmaps are where the source is
$(DOCSOURCEDIR)\classes.tex $(DOCSOURCEDIR)\topics.tex
+alldocs: mkdirs html htmlhelp htb hlp pdfrtf
html: $(DOCDIR)\html\fl\fl.htm
htmlhelp: $(DOCDIR)\htmlhelp\fl.chm
htb: $(DOCDIR)\htb\fl.htb
OGLINC = $(WXDIR)\contrib\include\wx\ogl
THISDIR = $(WXDIR)\contrib\src\ogl
!include $(WXDIR)\src\makevc.env
$(DOCSOURCEDIR)\classes.tex $(DOCSOURCEDIR)\intro.tex\
$(DOCSOURCEDIR)\topics.tex $(DOCSOURCEDIR)\sample.tex
+alldocs: mkdirs html htmlhelp htb hlp pdfrtf
html: $(DOCDIR)\html\ogl\ogl.htm
htmlhelp: $(DOCDIR)\htmlhelp\ogl.chm
htb: $(DOCDIR)\htb\ogl.htb
pdfrtf: $(DOCDIR)\pdf\ogl.rtf
ps: $(DOCDIR)\ps\ogl.ps
+ -mkdir $(DOCDIR)\html $(DOCDIR)\html\ogl $(DOCDIR)\htb $(DOCDIR)\htmlhelp $(DOCDIR)\winhelp $(DOCDIR)\pdf
touch $(DOCSOURCEDIR)\ogl.tex
-erase ogl.ph
hc ogl
- move ogl.hlp $(DOCDIR)\winhelp\ogl.hlp
- move ogl.cnt $(DOCDIR)\winhelp\ogl.cnt
+ move ogl.hlp ogl.cnt $(DOCDIR)\winhelp
- SourceDir=c:\wx2dev\wxWindows\deliver\wx
+ SourceDir=c:\wx2dev\wxWindows\deliver\wxWindows-2.3.3
--- /dev/null
+@echo off
+rem Convert a zip archive to one rooted at a particular directory.
+rem This script is used by zipdistinno.bat.
+set archive=%1
+set dirname=%2
+set changeto=%3
+if "%archive%" == "" goto usage
+if "%dirname%" == "" goto usage
+if "%1" == "-help" goto usage
+if "%1" == "--help" goto usage
+if "%1" == "/?" goto usage
+pushd %changeto%
+if direxist %dirname% erase /sxyz %dirname%
+mkdir %dirname%
+cd %dirname%
+unzip32 ..\%archive%
+cd ..
+erase %archive%
+zip32 -r %archive% %dirname%/*
+goto end
+echo rearchive archive.zip dir changetodir
+echo E.g. rearchive wxWindows-2.3.3-html.zip wxWindows-2.3.3 c:\wx2dev\wxWindows\deliver
cd $1
cat $1/distrib/msw/wx_html.rsp > /tmp/html_in.txt
expandlines /tmp/html_in.txt /tmp/html.txt
-$TAR cf $2/wxWindows-${WXVER}-html.tar -T /tmp/html.txt
+$TAR cf $2/wxWindows-${WXVER}-HTML.tar -T /tmp/html.txt
echo Re-tarring HTML in a subdirectory...
cd $2
mkdir wxWindows-${WXVER}
cd wxWindows-${WXVER}
-$TAR xf ../wxWindows-${WXVER}-html.tar
+$TAR xf ../wxWindows-${WXVER}-HTML.tar
cd ..
-rm -f wxWindows-${WXVER}-html.tar
-$TAR cf $2/wxWindows-${WXVER}-html.tar wxWindows-${WXVER}/*
+rm -f wxWindows-${WXVER}-HTML.tar
+$TAR cf $2/wxWindows-${WXVER}-HTML.tar wxWindows-${WXVER}/*
rm -f -r wxWindows-${WXVER}
-gzip $2/wxWindows-${WXVER}-html.tar
+gzip $2/wxWindows-${WXVER}-HTML.tar
### HTB docs
cd $1
cat $1/distrib/msw/wx_htb.rsp > /tmp/htb_in.txt
expandlines /tmp/htb_in.txt /tmp/htb.txt
-$TAR cf $2/wxWindows-${WXVER}-htb.tar -T /tmp/htb.txt
+$TAR cf $2/wxWindows-${WXVER}-HTB.tar -T /tmp/htb.txt
echo Re-tarring HTB in a subdirectory...
cd $2
mkdir wxWindows-${WXVER}
cd wxWindows-${WXVER}
-$TAR xf ../wxWindows-${WXVER}-htb.tar
+$TAR xf ../wxWindows-${WXVER}-HTB.tar
cd ..
-rm -f wxWindows-${WXVER}-htb.tar
-$TAR cf $2/wxWindows-${WXVER}-htb.tar wxWindows-${WXVER}/*
+rm -f wxWindows-${WXVER}-HTB.tar
+$TAR cf $2/wxWindows-${WXVER}-HTB.tar wxWindows-${WXVER}/*
rm -f -r wxWindows-${WXVER}
-gzip $2/wxWindows-${WXVER}-htb.tar
+gzip $2/wxWindows-${WXVER}-HTB.tar
### PDF docs
cd $1
cat $1/distrib/msw/wx_pdf.rsp > /tmp/pdf_in.txt
expandlines /tmp/pdf_in.txt /tmp/pdf.txt
-$TAR cf $2/wxWindows-${WXVER}-pdf.tar -T /tmp/pdf.txt
+$TAR cf $2/wxWindows-${WXVER}-PDF.tar -T /tmp/pdf.txt
echo Re-tarring PDF in a subdirectory...
cd $2
mkdir wxWindows-${WXVER}
cd wxWindows-${WXVER}
-$TAR xf ../wxWindows-${WXVER}-pdf.tar
+$TAR xf ../wxWindows-${WXVER}-PDF.tar
cd ..
-rm -f wxWindows-${WXVER}-pdf.tar
-$TAR cf $2/wxWindows-${WXVER}-pdf.tar wxWindows-${WXVER}/*
+rm -f wxWindows-${WXVER}-PDF.tar
+$TAR cf $2/wxWindows-${WXVER}-PDF.tar wxWindows-${WXVER}/*
rm -f -r wxWindows-${WXVER}
-gzip $2/wxWindows-${WXVER}-pdf.tar
+gzip $2/wxWindows-${WXVER}-PDF.tar
### Tex2RTF
#cd $1
if direxist %dest\wx erase /sxyz %dest\wx\
if not direxist %dest mkdir %dest
+if direxist %dest%\wxWindows-%version% erase /sxyz %dest%\wxWindows-%version%
# Copy FAQ from wxWebSite CVS
if not direxist %webfiles% echo Error - %webfiles% does not exist
cd %src
echo Zipping...
-Rem Zip up the complete wxMSW-xxx.zip file
-Rem NO, do it by unarchiving component files, deleting/copying some files, then
-Rem rearchiving.
-Rem zip32 -@ %dest\wxMSW-%version%.zip < %src\distrib\msw\generic.rsp
-Rem zip32 -@ -u %dest\wxMSW-%version%.zip < %src\distrib\msw\msw.rsp
-Rem zip32 -@ -u %dest\wxMSW-%version%.zip < %src\distrib\msw\wx_chm.rsp
-Rem zip32 -@ -u %dest\wxMSW-%version%.zip < %src\distrib\msw\jpeg.rsp
-Rem zip32 -@ -u %dest\wxMSW-%version%.zip < %src\distrib\msw\tiff.rsp
Rem Zip up the complete wxOS2-xxx.zip file
zip32 -@ %dest\wxOS2-%version%.zip < %src\distrib\msw\generic.rsp
zip32 -@ -u %dest%\wxOS2-%version%.zip < %src\distrib\msw\os2.rsp
zip32 -u -@ %dest%\wxOS2-%version%.zip < %src%\distrib\msw\contrib.rsp
zip32 -u -@ %dest%\wxOS2-%version%.zip < %src%\distrib\msw\makefile.rsp
+Rem Rearchive under wxWindows-%version%
+call %WXWIN%\distrib\msw\rearchive wxOS2-%version%.zip wxWindows-%version% %dest%
echo Zipping wxMac distribution
zip32 -@ %dest%\wxMac-%version%.zip < %src%\distrib\msw\generic.rsp
zip32 -u -@ %dest%\wxMac-%version%.zip < %src%\distrib\msw\mac.rsp
zip32 -u -@ %dest%\wxMac-%version%.zip < %src%\distrib\msw\stc.rsp
zip32 -u -@ %dest%\wxMac-%version%.zip < %src%\distrib\msw\contrib.rsp
zip32 -u -@ %dest%\wxMac-%version%.zip < %src%\distrib\msw\makefile.rsp
+call %WXWIN%\distrib\msw\rearchive wxMac-%version%.zip wxWindows-%version% %dest%
-Rem Below is the old-style separated-out format. This is retained only
-Rem for local use, and for creating wxMSW-xxx.zip.
+Rem Create wxWindows-%version%-win.zip which is used to create wxMSW
echo Zipping individual components
-zip32 -@ %dest\wxWindows-%version%-gen.zip < %src\distrib\msw\generic.rsp
-zip32 -@ -u %dest\wxWindows-%version%-gen.zip < %src\distrib\msw\makefile.rsp
-zip32 -@ %dest\wxWindows-%version%-msw.zip < %src\distrib\msw\msw.rsp
-zip32 -@ -u %dest\wxWindows-%version%-msw.zip < %src\distrib\msw\makefile.rsp
-zip32 -@ %dest\wxWindows-%version%-gtk.zip < %src\distrib\msw\gtk.rsp
-zip32 -@ -u %dest\wxWindows-%version%-gtk.zip < %src\distrib\msw\makefile.rsp
-Rem zip32 -@ %dest\wxWindows-%version%-stubs.zip < %src\distrib\msw\stubs.rsp
-zip32 -@ %dest\wxWindows-%version%-mot.zip < %src\distrib\msw\motif.rsp
-zip32 -@ -u %dest\wxWindows-%version%-mot.zip < %src\distrib\msw\makefile.rsp
-Rem (Obsolete) zip32 -@ %dest\wxWindows-%version%-user.zip < %src\distrib\msw\user.rsp
+zip32 -@ %dest\wxWindows-%version%-win.zip < %src\distrib\msw\generic.rsp
+zip32 -@ -u %dest\wxWindows-%version%-win.zip < %src\distrib\msw\makefile.rsp
+zip32 -@ -u %dest\wxWindows-%version%-win.zip < %src\distrib\msw\msw.rsp
+zip32 -@ -u %dest\wxWindows-%version%-win.zip < %src\distrib\msw\ogl.rsp
+zip32 -@ -u %dest\wxWindows-%version%-win.zip < %src\distrib\msw\mmedia.rsp
+zip32 -@ -u %dest\wxWindows-%version%-win.zip < %src\distrib\msw\stc.rsp
+zip32 -@ -u %dest\wxWindows-%version%-win.zip < %src\distrib\msw\tex2rtf.rsp
+zip32 -@ -u %dest\wxWindows-%version%-win.zip < %src\distrib\msw\jpeg.rsp
+zip32 -@ -u %dest\wxWindows-%version%-win.zip < %src\distrib\msw\tiff.rsp
+zip32 -@ -u %dest\wxWindows-%version%-win.zip < %src\distrib\msw\xml.rsp
+zip32 -@ -u %dest\wxWindows-%version%-win.zip < %src\distrib\msw\contrib.rsp
+zip32 -@ -u %dest\wxWindows-%version%-win.zip < %src\distrib\msw\dialoged.rsp
+zip32 -@ -u %dest\wxWindows-%version%-win.zip < %src\distrib\msw\utils.rsp
+zip32 -@ -u %dest\wxWindows-%version%-win.zip < %src\distrib\msw\utilmake.rsp
+zip32 -@ -u %dest\wxWindows-%version%-win.zip < %src\distrib\msw\univ.rsp
+call %WXWIN%\distrib\msw\rearchive wxWindows-%version%-win.zip wxWindows-%version% %dest%
zip32 -@ %dest\wxWindows-%version%-DocSource.zip < %src\distrib\msw\docsrc.rsp
+call %WXWIN%\distrib\msw\rearchive wxWindows-%version%-DocSource.zip wxWindows-%version% %dest%
zip32 -@ %dest\wxWindows-%version%-WinHelp.zip < %src\distrib\msw\wx_hlp.rsp
+call %WXWIN%\distrib\msw\rearchive wxWindows-%version%-WinHelp.zip wxWindows-%version% %dest%
zip32 -@ %dest\wxWindows-%version%-HTML.zip < %src\distrib\msw\wx_html.rsp
+call %WXWIN%\distrib\msw\rearchive wxWindows-%version%-HTML.zip wxWindows-%version% %dest%
zip32 -@ %dest\wxWindows-%version%-PDF.zip < %src\distrib\msw\wx_pdf.rsp
-zip32 -@ %dest\wxWindows-%version%-Word.zip < %src\distrib\msw\wx_word.rsp
+call %WXWIN%\distrib\msw\rearchive wxWindows-%version%-PDF.zip wxWindows-%version% %dest%
+Rem zip32 -@ %dest\wxWindows-%version%-Word.zip < %src\distrib\msw\wx_word.rsp
+Rem call %WXWIN%\distrib\msw\rearchive wxWindows-%version%-Word.zip wxWindows-%version% %dest%
zip32 -@ %dest\wxWindows-%version%-HTB.zip < %src\distrib\msw\wx_htb.rsp
+call %WXWIN%\distrib\msw\rearchive wxWindows-%version%-HTB.zip wxWindows-%version% %dest%
zip32 -@ %dest\wxWindows-%version%-HTMLHelp.zip < %src\distrib\msw\wx_chm.rsp
+call %WXWIN%\distrib\msw\rearchive wxWindows-%version%-HTMLHelp.zip wxWindows-%version% %dest%
Rem PDF/HTML docs that should go into the Windows setup because
Rem there are no WinHelp equivalents
-zip32 -@ %dest\extradoc-%version%.zip < %src\distrib\msw\extradoc.rsp
+zip32 -@ %dest\wxWindows-%version%-ExtraDoc.zip < %src\distrib\msw\extradoc.rsp
+call %WXWIN%\distrib\msw\rearchive wxWindows-%version%-ExtraDoc.zip wxWindows-%version% %dest%
Rem zip up Univ-specific files
-zip32 -@ %dest\wxWindows-%version%-univ.zip < %src\distrib\msw\univ.rsp
+zip32 -@ %dest\wxWindows-%version%-Univ.zip < %src\distrib\msw\univ.rsp
+call %WXWIN%\distrib\msw\rearchive wxWindows-%version%-Univ.zip wxWindows-%version% %dest%
rem VC++ project files
-zip32 -@ %dest\wxWindows-%version%-vc.zip < %src\distrib\msw\vc.rsp
+zip32 -@ %dest\wxWindows-%version%-VC.zip < %src\distrib\msw\vc.rsp
+call %WXWIN%\distrib\msw\rearchive wxWindows-%version%-VC.zip wxWindows-%version% %dest%
rem BC++ project files
-zip32 -@ %dest\wxWindows-%version%-bc.zip < %src\distrib\msw\bc.rsp
+zip32 -@ %dest\wxWindows-%version%-BC.zip < %src\distrib\msw\bc.rsp
+call %WXWIN%\distrib\msw\rearchive wxWindows-%version%-BC.zip wxWindows-%version% %dest%
rem CodeWarrior project files
-zip32 -@ %dest\wxWindows-%version%-cw.zip < %src\distrib\msw\cw.rsp
-rem OGL 3
-zip32 -@ %dest\ogl3-%version%.zip < %src\distrib\msw\ogl.rsp
-rem MMedia
-zip32 -@ %dest\mmedia-%version%.zip < %src\distrib\msw\mmedia.rsp
-rem STC (Scintilla widget)
-zip32 -@ %dest\stc-%version%.zip < %src\distrib\msw\stc.rsp
-rem GLCanvas: obsolete, now in main library
-rem zip32 -@ %dest\glcanvas.zip < %src\distrib\msw\glcanvas.rsp
-rem Tex2RTF
-zip32 -@ %dest\tex2rtf2-%version%.zip < %src\distrib\msw\tex2rtf.rsp
-rem JPEG source
-zip32 -@ %dest\jpeg-%version%.zip < %src\distrib\msw\jpeg.rsp
-rem TIFF source
-zip32 -@ %dest\tiff-%version%.zip < %src\distrib\msw\tiff.rsp
-zip32 -@ %dest\wxxrc-%version%.zip < %src\distrib\msw\xml.rsp
-zip32 -@ %dest\contrib-%version%.zip < %src\distrib\msw\contrib.rsp
+zip32 -@ %dest\wxWindows-%version%-CW.zip < %src\distrib\msw\cw.rsp
+call %WXWIN%\distrib\msw\rearchive wxWindows-%version%-CW.zip wxWindows-%version% %dest%
rem Dialog Editor source and binary
erase %dest\dialoged-source.zip
zip32 -j %dest\dialoged-%version%.zip %dest\dialoged-source.zip %src\bin\dialoged.exe %src\docs\winhelp\dialoged.hlp %src\docs\winhelp\dialoged.cnt
erase %dest\dialoged-source.zip
-rem Misc. utils not in the main distribution
-zip32 -@ %dest\utils-%version%.zip < %src\distrib\msw\utils.rsp
-zip32 -@ -u %dest\utils-%version%.zip < %src\distrib\msw\utilmake.rsp
copy %src\docs\changes.txt %dest\changes-%version%.txt
copy %src\docs\msw\install.txt %dest\install-msw-%version%.txt
copy %src\docs\mac\install.txt %dest\install-mac-%version%.txt
cd %dest
-rem Unzip the Windows files into 'wx'
-mkdir %dest\wx
+rem Unzip the Windows files into 'wxWindows-%version%'
+unzip32 -o wxWindows-%version%-win.zip
+unzip32 -o wxWindows-%version%-VC.zip
+unzip32 -o wxWindows-%version%-BC.zip
+unzip32 -o wxWindows-%version%-HTMLHelp.zip
+unzip32 -o wxWindows-%version%-ExtraDoc.zip
+Rem Need Word file, for Remstar DB classes
+Rem Not any more
+Rem unzip32 -o wxWindows-%version%-Word.zip
Rem After this change of directory, we're in the
Rem temporary 'wx' directory and not acting on
Rem the source wxWindows directory.
-cd %dest\wx
-unzip32 -o ..\wxWindows-%version%-msw.zip
-unzip32 -o ..\wxWindows-%version%-gen.zip
-unzip32 -o ..\wxWindows-%version%-univ.zip
-unzip32 -o ..\wxWindows-%version%-vc.zip
-unzip32 -o ..\wxWindows-%version%-bc.zip
-unzip32 -o ..\wxWindows-%version%-HTMLHelp.zip
-unzip32 -o ..\extradoc-%version%.zip
-Rem Need Word file, for Remstar DB classes
-unzip32 -o ..\wxWindows-%version%-Word.zip
-unzip32 -o ..\ogl3-%version%.zip
-unzip32 -o ..\mmedia-%version%.zip
-unzip32 -o ..\stc-%version%.zip
-unzip32 -o ..\jpeg-%version%.zip
-unzip32 -o ..\tiff-%version%.zip
-unzip32 -o ..\wxxrc-%version%.zip
-unzip32 -o ..\contrib-%version%.zip
-unzip32 -o ..\tex2rtf2-%version%.zip
+cd %dest%\wxWindows-%version%
rem Now delete a few files that are unnecessary
attrib -R *
-erase /Y BuildCVS.txt *.in *.spec *.guess *.sub mkinstalldirs modules install-sh *.sh descrip.mms
-erase /Y configure samples\configure samples\*.in demos\configure demos\*.in contrib\configure contrib\*.in
-erase /Y setup.h.in setup.h_vms
-erase /SY Makefile.in
+erase /Y BuildCVS.txt descrip.mms
+erase /Y setup.h_vms
erase /Y docs\html\wxbook.htm docs\html\roadmap.htm
Rem erase /Y contrib\docs\winhelp\mmedia.*
Rem erase /Y contrib\docs\winhelp\stc.*
copy %src\docs\htmlhelp\tex2rtf.chm bin
Rem Make wxMSW-xxx.zip
-zip32 -r ..\wxMSW-%version%.zip *
+cd %dest%
+zip32 -r wxMSW-%version%.zip wxWindows-%version%/*
+cd wxWindows-%version%
-rem Time to regenerate the Inno Setup script, wxwin2.iss.
-rem NB: if you've changed wxwin2.iss using ScriptMaker, call splitinno.exe
-rem from within distrib\msw, to split off innotop.txt and innobott.txt.
echo Calling 'makeinno' to generate wxwin2.iss...
call %WXWIN\distrib\msw\makeinno.bat
cd %dest
rem Put all the setup files into a single zip archive.
-zip32 wxMSW-%version%-setup.zip readme-%version%.txt setup.*
+zip32 wxMSW-%version%-setup.zip readme-%version%.txt setup*.*
echo wxWindows archived.
goto end
-echo DOS wxWindows distribution. Zips up all GTK/Motif/MSW/doc files,
-echo and optionally makes a deliver2\wx directory and a setup.exe
-echo if you specify 'inno' (skipping the zipping if you use 'innoonly').
+echo DOS wxWindows distribution. Zips up all MSW, OS/2, Mac and doc files,
+echo and optionally makes a setup.exe echo if you specify 'inno'
+echo (skipping the zipping if you use 'innoonly').
-echo "Usage: zipdist [inno | innoonly]"
+echo "Usage: zipdistinno [inno | innoonly]"
<a name="top"></a>
-<IMG src="logo.gif" align=left hspace=10 vspace=0>
+<IMG src="logo.gif" align=right hspace=10 vspace=0>
Welcome to wxWindows 2, the première cross-platform GUI C++ framework. This is an index of
the plain text, HTML, Windows Help and Acrobat documentation: availability depends on what you've
-downloaded from the <a href="http://www.wxwindows.org">wxWindows Web site</a>.<P>
+downloaded from the <a href="http://www.wxwindows.org">wxWindows Web site</a>.<br clear=all><P>
<FONT size=-1>
-<h3 align=center><a name="install"><hr>Installation and release notes<hr></a></h3>
+<table width=100% border=0 cellpadding=3 cellspacing=0>
+<td bgcolor="#004080" align=left height=24 background="images/bluetitlegradient.gif">
+<font size=+1 face="Arial, Lucida Sans, Helvetica" color="#FFFFFF">
+<b><a name="install">Installation and release notes</a></b>
<li>ReadMe: <a href="../readme.txt"><b>General ReadMe</b></a>,
<a href="../gtk/readme.txt">wxGTK</a>,
<a href="../motif/readme.txt">wxMotif</a>,
<a href="../x11/readme.txt">wxX11</a>,
-<a href="../msw/readme.txt">wxMSW</a>
+<a href="../x11/readme-nanox.txt">wxNanoX</a>,
+<a href="../msw/readme.txt">wxMSW</a>,
+<a href="../mac/readme.txt">wxMac</a>,
+<a href="../mgl/readme.txt">wxMGL</a>,
+<a href="../univ/readme.txt">Univ</a>
<li>Installation: <a href="../gtk/install.txt">wxGTK</a>,
<a href="../motif/install.txt">wxMotif</a>,
<a href="../x11/install.txt">wxX11</a>,
-<a href="../msw/install.txt">wxMSW</a>
-<li><a href="../changes.txt"><b>Change log</b></a>
-<li><a href="../bugs.txt"><b>Buglist</b></a>
+<a href="../msw/install.txt">wxMSW</a>,
+<a href="../mac/install.txt">wxMac</a>,
+<a href="../mgl/install.txt">wxMGL</a>,
+<a href="../os2/install.txt">wxOS2</a>
+<li><a href="../changes.txt"><b>General change log</b></a>, <a href="../gtk/changes.txt">wxGTK change log</a>
<li>Licence: <a href="../preamble.txt">Preamble</a>,
<a href="../licence.txt">Licence</a>,
<a href="../licendoc.txt">Documentation Licence</a>,
<li>List of <a href="../symbols.txt">preprocessor symbols</a> used in wxWindows
-<h3 align=center><a name="manuals"><hr>wxWindows manuals<hr></a></h3>
+Further platform-specific notes:
+<li> wxMSW: <a href="../msw/winxp.txt">Windows XP</a>
+<table width=100% border=0 cellpadding=3 cellspacing=0>
+<td bgcolor="#004080" align=left height=24 background="images/bluetitlegradient.gif">
+<font size=+1 face="Arial, Lucida Sans, Helvetica" color="#FFFFFF">
+<b><a name="manuals">wxWindows manuals</a></b>
+To use manuals in wxHTML Help form (extension htb), you can use the <b>HelpView</b>
+application, either compiling it from utils/helpview in the distribution,
+or downloading a binary, for example from <a href="http://www.storylinescentral.com/helpview.htm">here</a>.<P>
+See also the <a href="../pdf/wxTutorial.pdf">wxWindows Tutorial</a>
+by Franky Braem, in PDF format.<P>
-<table border=1 align=center>
+<table border=0 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0>
-<td align=center bgcolor="#C4ECF9">
+<td align=center bgcolor="#E0E0E0">
-<td align=center bgcolor="#C4ECF9">
+<td align=center bgcolor="#E0E0E0">
-<td align=center bgcolor="#C4ECF9">
+<td align=center bgcolor="#E0E0E0">
<B>MS HTML Help</B>
-<td align=center bgcolor="#C4ECF9">
+<td align=center bgcolor="#E0E0E0">
+<B>wxHTML Help</B>
+<td align=center bgcolor="#E0E0E0">
<td align=center>
-<a href="wx/wx.htm">Reference Manual</a>
+<a href="wx/wx.htm">wxWindows Reference</a>
+<td align=center>
+<a href="../winhelp/wx.hlp">wxWindows Reference</a>
+<td align=center>
+<a href="../htmlhelp/wx.chm">wxWindows Reference</a>
+<td align=center>
+<a href="../htb/wx.htb">wxWindows Reference</a>
+<td align=center>
+<a href="../pdf/wx.pdf">wxWindows Reference</a>
+<td align=center>
+<a href="dialoged/dlged.htm">Dialog Editor</a>
+<td align=center>
+<a href="../winhelp/dialoged.hlp">Dialog Editor</a>
<td align=center>
-<a href="../winhelp/wx.hlp">Reference Manual</a>
+<a href="../htmlhelp/dialoged.chm">Dialog Editor</a>
<td align=center>
-<a href="../htmlhelp/wx.chm">Reference Manual</a>
+<a href="../htb/dialoged.htb">Dialog Editor</a>
<td align=center>
-<a href="../pdf/wx.pdf">Reference Manual</a>
+<a href="../pdf/dialoged.pdf">Dialog Editor</a>
<td align=center>
-<a href="dialoged/dlged.htm">Dialog Editor Manual</a>
+<a href="tex2rtf/t2rtf.htm">Tex2RTF</a>
<td align=center>
-<a href="../winhelp/dialoged.hlp">Dialog Editor Manual</a>
+<a href="../winhelp/tex2rtf.hlp">Tex2RTF</a>
<td align=center>
-<a href="../htmlhelp/dialoged.chm">Dialog Editor Manual</a>
+<a href="../htmlhelp/tex2rtf.chm">Tex2RTF</a>
<td align=center>
-<a href="../pdf/dialoged.pdf">Dialog Editor Manual</a>
+<a href="../htb/tex2rtf.htb">Tex2RTF</a>
+<td align=center>
+<a href="../pdf/tex2rtf.pdf">Tex2RTF</a>
<td align=center>
-<a href="tex2rtf/t2rtf.htm">Tex2RTF Manual</a>
+<a href="fl/fl.htm">FL Library</a>
<td align=center>
-<a href="../winhelp/tex2rtf.hlp">Tex2RTF Manual</a>
+<a href="../winhelp/fl.hlp">FL Library</a>
<td align=center>
-<a href="../htmlhelp/tex2rtf.chm">Tex2RTF Manual</a>
+<a href="../htmlhelp/fl.chm">FL Library</a>
<td align=center>
-<a href="../pdf/tex2rtf.pdf">Tex2RTF Manual</a>
+<a href="../htb/fl.htb">FL Library</a>
+<td align=center>
+<a href="../pdf/fl.pdf">FL Library</a>
<td align=center>
-<a href="odbc/odbc.htm">Remstar ODBC Classes</a>
+<a href="ogl/ogl.htm">OGL Library</a>
+<td align=center>
+<a href="../winhelp/ogl.hlp">OGL Library</a>
<td align=center>
+<a href="../htmlhelp/ogl.chm">OGL Library</a>
<td align=center>
+<a href="../htb/ogl.htb">OGL Library</a>
<td align=center>
-<a href="../pdf/odbc.pdf">Remstar ODBC Classes</a>
+<a href="../pdf/ogl.pdf">OGL Library</a>
-<h3 align=center><a name="technotes"><hr>Technical notes<hr></a></h3>
+<table width=100% border=0 cellpadding=3 cellspacing=0>
+<td bgcolor="#004080" align=left height=24 background="images/bluetitlegradient.gif">
+<font size=+1 face="Arial, Lucida Sans, Helvetica" color="#FFFFFF">
+<b><a name="technotes">Technical notes</a></b>
<li><a href="../tech/index.txt">Index of technical notes</a>
-<li><a href="../tech/">Technical notes</a> in text form
-<li>Other documents:
- <ul>
- <li><a href="platform.htm">Platforms supported</a>
- <li><a href="i18n.htm">Languages supported by wxWindows</a>
- <li><a href="standard.htm">wxWindows programmer style guide</a>
- <li><a href="news.htm">wxWindows news</a>
- </ul>
+<li><a href="../tech/">Technical notes</a>
+<li><a href="platform.htm">Platforms supported</a>
+<li><a href="i18n.htm">Languages supported by wxWindows</a>
-<h3 align=center><a name="thirdparty"><hr>Third-party tools<hr></a></h3>
+<table width=100% border=0 cellpadding=3 cellspacing=0>
+<td bgcolor="#004080" align=left height=24 background="images/bluetitlegradient.gif">
+<font size=+1 face="Arial, Lucida Sans, Helvetica" color="#FFFFFF">
+<b><a name="thirdparty">Thirty-party tools</a></b>
<li><a href="gettext/index.html">gettext Manual</a>
-<h3 align=center><a name="samples"><hr>Samples<hr></a></h3>
+<table width=100% border=0 cellpadding=3 cellspacing=0>
+<td bgcolor="#004080" align=left height=24 background="images/bluetitlegradient.gif">
+<font size=+1 face="Arial, Lucida Sans, Helvetica" color="#FFFFFF">
+<b><a name="samples">Samples</a></b>
Each of the following demonstrates one or more aspect of wxWindows.<P>
<li><a href="../../samples/image">image</a>: shows off the cross-platform wxImage class.
<li><a href="../../samples/internat">internat</a>: use of wxWindows' internationalization support.
<li><a href="../../samples/joytest">joytest</a>: tests the wxJoystick class (currently Windows and GTK only).
+<li><a href="../../samples/keyboard">keyboard</a>: tests keyboard support.
<li><a href="../../samples/layout">layout</a>: shows the constraint layout system in action.
<li><a href="../../samples/listctrl">listctrl</a>: demonstrates the wxListCtrl (implemented natively on
WIN32, and using a generic version on other platforms).
platforms that don't support it, a normal-sized title bar is displayed.
<li><a href="../../samples/minimal">minimal</a>: just shows a frame, a menubar, and a statusbar. About as
small a wxWindows application as you can get.
+<li><a href="../../samples/mobile">mobile</a>: mini applications for embedded platforms.
<li><a href="../../samples/nativdlg">nativdlg</a>: shows how wxWindows can load a standard Windows
dialog resource, translating the controls into wxWindows controls (Windows only).
<li><a href="../../samples/newgrid">newgrid</a>: demonstrates the new wxGrid implementation, by Michael Bedward and others.
<li><a href="../../samples/propsize">propsize</a>: demonstrates proportional sizer classes.
<li><a href="../../samples/regtest">regtest</a>: tests the low-level Windows registry functions (Windows only).
<li><a href="../../samples/resource">resource</a>: shows how to use wxWindows resources (.wxr files).
-<li><a href="../../samples/richedit">richedit</a>: a work-in-progress rich text editor with plain text and HTML export
+<!-- <li><a href="../../samples/richedit">richedit</a>: a work-in-progress rich text editor with plain text and HTML export
<li><a href="../../samples/rotate">rotate</a>: demonstrates interpolated and non-interpolated
rotation of a wxImage.
<li><a href="../../samples/sashtest">sashtest</a>: demonstrates use of the wxSashWindow class to allow
<li><a href="../../samples/wizard">wizard</a>: demonstrates the wxWizard class.
-<h3 align=center><a name="demos"><hr>Demos<hr></a></h3>
+<table width=100% border=0 cellpadding=3 cellspacing=0>
+<td bgcolor="#004080" align=left height=24 background="images/bluetitlegradient.gif">
+<font size=+1 face="Arial, Lucida Sans, Helvetica" color="#FFFFFF">
+<b><a name="demos">Demos</a></b>
The following are fully-fledged applications.<P>
<li><a href="../../demos/poem">poem</a>: a little poetry display program.
-This is a simple, type safe, and reasonably efficient hash map class,
+This is a simple, type-safe, and reasonably efficient hash map class,
whose interface is a subset of the interface of STL containers.
-Returns an iterator pointing at the first element of the hash map
-( please remember that hash maps do not guarantee ordering ).
+Returns an iterator pointing at the first element of the hash map.
+Please remember that hash maps do not guarantee ordering.
-TRUE if the hash map does not contain any element, FALSE otherwise.
+Returns TRUE if the hash map does not contain any element, FALSE otherwise.
-Returns an iterator pointing at the one-after-the-last element of the hash map
-( please remember that hash maps do not guarantee ordering ).
+Returns an iterator pointing at the one-after-the-last element of the hash map.
+Please remember that hash maps do not guarantee ordering.
\func{size\_type}{erase}{\param{const key\_type\&}{ key}}
Erases the element with the given key, and returns the number of element
-erased ( either 0 or 1 ).
+erased (either 0 or 1).
\func{void}{erase}{\param{iterator}{ it}}
If an element with the given key is present, the functions returns
an iterator pointing at that element, otherwise an invalid iterator
-is returned ( i.e. hashmap.find( non\_existent\_key ) == hashmap.end() ).
+is returned (i.e. hashmap.find( non\_existent\_key ) == hashmap.end()).
-Microsoft Windows XP Support in wxWindows 2.3.2
+Microsoft Windows XP Support from wxWindows 2.3.2
Windows XP introduces the themes (called "visual styles" in the Microsoft
documentation) in Windows world. As wxWindows uses the standard Windows