--- /dev/null
+// griddemo.cpp
+// grid test program
+#ifdef __GNUG__
+#pragma implementation
+#pragma interface
+// For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx/wx.h".
+#include "wx/wxprec.h"
+#ifdef __BORLANDC__
+#pragma hdrstop
+#ifndef WX_PRECOMP
+#include "wx/wx.h"
+#include "wx/colordlg.h"
+#include "wx/grid.h"
+#include "griddemo.h"
+bool GridApp::OnInit()
+ GridFrame *frame = new GridFrame;
+ frame->Show( TRUE );
+ return TRUE;
+BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE( GridFrame, wxFrame )
+ EVT_MENU( ID_TOGGLEROWLABELS, GridFrame::ToggleRowLabels )
+ EVT_MENU( ID_TOGGLECOLLABELS, GridFrame::ToggleColLabels )
+ EVT_MENU( ID_TOGGLECONTROLPANEL, GridFrame::ToggleControlPanel )
+ EVT_MENU( ID_TOGGLECELLEDIT, GridFrame::ToggleCellEdit )
+ EVT_MENU( ID_SETLABELCOLOUR, GridFrame::SetLabelColour )
+ EVT_MENU( ID_SETLABELTEXTCOLOUR, GridFrame::SetLabelTextColour )
+ EVT_MENU( ID_ROWLABELHORIZALIGN, GridFrame::SetRowLabelHorizAlignment )
+ EVT_MENU( ID_ROWLABELVERTALIGN, GridFrame::SetRowLabelVertAlignment )
+ EVT_MENU( ID_COLLABELHORIZALIGN, GridFrame::SetColLabelHorizAlignment )
+ EVT_MENU( ID_COLLABELVERTALIGN, GridFrame::SetColLabelVertAlignment )
+ EVT_MENU( ID_GRIDLINECOLOUR, GridFrame::SetGridLineColour )
+ EVT_MENU( ID_CLEARGRID, GridFrame::ClearGrid )
+ EVT_MENU( ID_ABOUT, GridFrame::About )
+ EVT_MENU( wxID_EXIT, GridFrame::OnQuit )
+ EVT_WXGRID_LABEL_LEFT_CLICK( GridFrame::OnLabelLeftClick )
+ EVT_WXGRID_CELL_LEFT_CLICK( GridFrame::OnCellLeftClick )
+ EVT_WXGRID_ROW_SIZE( GridFrame::OnRowSize )
+ EVT_WXGRID_COL_SIZE( GridFrame::OnColSize )
+ EVT_WXGRID_RANGE_SELECT( GridFrame::OnRangeSelected )
+ EVT_WXGRID_CELL_CHANGE( GridFrame::OnCellValueChanged )
+ : wxFrame( (wxFrame *)NULL, -1, "wxWindows grid class demo",
+ wxDefaultPosition,
+ wxDefaultSize )
+ int gridW = 600, gridH = 300;
+ int logW = gridW, logH = 80;
+ wxMenu *fileMenu = new wxMenu;
+ fileMenu->Append( wxID_EXIT, "E&xit" );
+ wxMenu *viewMenu = new wxMenu;
+ viewMenu->Append( ID_TOGGLEROWLABELS, "&Row labels", "", TRUE );
+ viewMenu->Append( ID_TOGGLECOLLABELS, "&Col labels", "", TRUE );
+ viewMenu->Append( ID_TOGGLECONTROLPANEL, "To&p controls", "", TRUE );
+ viewMenu->Append( ID_TOGGLECELLEDIT, "&In-place editing", "", TRUE );
+ viewMenu->Append( ID_SETLABELCOLOUR, "Set &label colour" );
+ viewMenu->Append( ID_SETLABELTEXTCOLOUR, "Set label &text colour" );
+ wxMenu *rowLabelMenu = new wxMenu;
+ viewMenu->Append( ID_ROWLABELALIGN, "R&ow label alignment",
+ rowLabelMenu,
+ "Change alignment of row labels" );
+ rowLabelMenu->Append( ID_ROWLABELHORIZALIGN, "&Horizontal" );
+ rowLabelMenu->Append( ID_ROWLABELVERTALIGN, "&Vertical" );
+ wxMenu *colLabelMenu = new wxMenu;
+ viewMenu->Append( ID_COLLABELALIGN, "Col l&abel alignment",
+ colLabelMenu,
+ "Change alignment of col labels" );
+ colLabelMenu->Append( ID_COLLABELHORIZALIGN, "&Horizontal" );
+ colLabelMenu->Append( ID_COLLABELVERTALIGN, "&Vertical" );
+ viewMenu->Append( ID_GRIDLINECOLOUR, "&Grid line colour" );
+ viewMenu->Append( ID_CLEARGRID, "Cl&ear grid cell contents" );
+ wxMenu *helpMenu = new wxMenu;
+ helpMenu->Append( ID_ABOUT, "&About wxGrid demo" );
+ wxMenuBar *menuBar = new wxMenuBar;
+ menuBar->Append( fileMenu, "&File" );
+ menuBar->Append( viewMenu, "&View" );
+ menuBar->Append( helpMenu, "&Help" );
+ SetMenuBar( menuBar );
+ grid = new wxGrid( this,
+ -1,
+ wxPoint( 0, 0 ),
+ wxSize( 400, 300 ) );
+ logWin = new wxTextCtrl( this,
+ -1,
+ wxEmptyString,
+ wxPoint( 0, gridH + 20 ),
+ wxSize( logW, logH ),
+ logger = new wxLogTextCtrl( logWin );
+ logger->SetActiveTarget( logger );
+ logger->SetTimestamp( NULL );
+ // this will create a grid and, by default, an associated grid
+ // table for string data
+ //
+ grid->CreateGrid( 100, 100 );
+ grid->EnableTopEditControl( TRUE );
+ grid->SetRowSize( 0, 60 );
+ grid->SetCellValue( 0, 0, "Ctrl+Home\nwill go to\nthis cell" );
+ grid->SetCellValue( 0, 1, "Blah" );
+ grid->SetCellValue( 0, 2, "Blah" );
+ grid->SetCellValue( 0, 5, "Press\nCtrl+arrow\nto skip over\ncells" );
+ grid->SetRowSize( 99, 60 );
+ grid->SetCellValue( 99, 99, "Ctrl+End\nwill go to\nthis cell" );
+ wxBoxSizer *topSizer = new wxBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL );
+ topSizer->Add( grid,
+ 1,
+ wxEXPAND );
+ topSizer->Add( logWin,
+ 0,
+ wxEXPAND );
+ SetAutoLayout( TRUE );
+ SetSizer( topSizer );
+ topSizer->Fit( this );
+ topSizer->SetSizeHints( this );
+ Centre();
+ SetDefaults();
+void GridFrame::SetDefaults()
+ GetMenuBar()->Check( ID_TOGGLEROWLABELS, TRUE );
+ GetMenuBar()->Check( ID_TOGGLECOLLABELS, TRUE );
+ GetMenuBar()->Check( ID_TOGGLECELLEDIT, TRUE );
+void GridFrame::ToggleRowLabels( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(ev) )
+ if ( GetMenuBar()->IsChecked( ID_TOGGLEROWLABELS ) )
+ {
+ grid->SetRowLabelSize( grid->GetDefaultRowLabelSize() );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ grid->SetRowLabelSize( 0 );
+ }
+void GridFrame::ToggleColLabels( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(ev) )
+ if ( GetMenuBar()->IsChecked( ID_TOGGLECOLLABELS ) )
+ {
+ grid->SetColLabelSize( grid->GetDefaultColLabelSize() );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ grid->SetColLabelSize( 0 );
+ }
+void GridFrame::ToggleControlPanel( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(ev) )
+ grid->EnableTopEditControl(GetMenuBar()->IsChecked(ID_TOGGLECONTROLPANEL));
+void GridFrame::ToggleCellEdit( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(ev) )
+ grid->EnableCellEditControl(
+ GetMenuBar()->IsChecked( ID_TOGGLECELLEDIT ) );
+void GridFrame::SetLabelColour( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(ev) )
+ wxColourDialog dlg( NULL );
+ if ( dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK )
+ {
+ wxColourData retData;
+ retData = dlg.GetColourData();
+ wxColour colour = retData.GetColour();
+ grid->SetLabelBackgroundColour( colour );
+ }
+void GridFrame::SetLabelTextColour( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(ev) )
+ wxColourDialog dlg( NULL );
+ if ( dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK )
+ {
+ wxColourData retData;
+ retData = dlg.GetColourData();
+ wxColour colour = retData.GetColour();
+ grid->SetLabelTextColour( colour );
+ }
+void GridFrame::SetRowLabelHorizAlignment( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(ev) )
+ int horiz, vert;
+ grid->GetRowLabelAlignment( &horiz, &vert );
+ switch ( horiz )
+ {
+ case wxLEFT:
+ horiz = wxCENTRE;
+ break;
+ case wxCENTRE:
+ horiz = wxRIGHT;
+ break;
+ case wxRIGHT:
+ horiz = wxLEFT;
+ break;
+ }
+ grid->SetRowLabelAlignment( horiz, -1 );
+void GridFrame::SetRowLabelVertAlignment( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(ev) )
+ int horiz, vert;
+ grid->GetRowLabelAlignment( &horiz, &vert );
+ switch ( vert )
+ {
+ case wxTOP:
+ vert = wxCENTRE;
+ break;
+ case wxCENTRE:
+ vert = wxBOTTOM;
+ break;
+ case wxBOTTOM:
+ vert = wxTOP;
+ break;
+ }
+ grid->SetRowLabelAlignment( -1, vert );
+void GridFrame::SetColLabelHorizAlignment( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(ev) )
+ int horiz, vert;
+ grid->GetColLabelAlignment( &horiz, &vert );
+ switch ( horiz )
+ {
+ case wxLEFT:
+ horiz = wxCENTRE;
+ break;
+ case wxCENTRE:
+ horiz = wxRIGHT;
+ break;
+ case wxRIGHT:
+ horiz = wxLEFT;
+ break;
+ }
+ grid->SetColLabelAlignment( horiz, -1 );
+void GridFrame::SetColLabelVertAlignment( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(ev) )
+ int horiz, vert;
+ grid->GetColLabelAlignment( &horiz, &vert );
+ switch ( vert )
+ {
+ case wxTOP:
+ vert = wxCENTRE;
+ break;
+ case wxCENTRE:
+ vert = wxBOTTOM;
+ break;
+ case wxBOTTOM:
+ vert = wxTOP;
+ break;
+ }
+ grid->SetColLabelAlignment( -1, vert );
+void GridFrame::SetGridLineColour( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(ev) )
+ wxColourDialog dlg( NULL );
+ if ( dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK )
+ {
+ wxColourData retData;
+ retData = dlg.GetColourData();
+ wxColour colour = retData.GetColour();
+ grid->SetGridLineColour( colour );
+ }
+void GridFrame::ClearGrid( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(ev) )
+ grid->ClearGrid();
+void GridFrame::About( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(ev) )
+ (void)wxMessageBox( "\n\nwxGrid demo \n\n"
+ "Michael Bedward \n"
+ "mbedward@ozemail.com.au \n\n",
+ "About",
+ wxOK );
+void GridFrame::OnSize( wxSizeEvent& WXUNUSED(ev) )
+ if ( grid && logWin )
+ {
+ int cw, ch;
+ GetClientSize( &cw, &ch );
+ int gridH = ch - 90;
+ int logH = 80;
+ if ( gridH < 0 )
+ {
+ gridH = ch;
+ }
+ grid->SetSize( 0, 0, cw, gridH );
+ logWin->SetSize( 0, gridH + 10, cw, logH );
+ }
+void GridFrame::OnQuit( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(ev) )
+ Close( TRUE );
+void GridFrame::OnLabelLeftClick( wxGridEvent& ev )
+ logBuf = "";
+ if ( ev.GetRow() != -1 )
+ {
+ logBuf << "row label " << ev.GetRow();
+ }
+ else if ( ev.GetCol() != -1 )
+ {
+ logBuf << "col label " << ev.GetCol();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ logBuf << "corner label";
+ }
+ if ( ev.ShiftDown() ) logBuf << " (shift down)";
+ wxLogMessage( "%s", logBuf.c_str() );
+ ev.Skip();
+void GridFrame::OnCellLeftClick( wxGridEvent& ev )
+ logBuf = "";
+ logBuf << "Cell at row " << ev.GetRow()
+ << " col " << ev.GetCol();
+ wxLogMessage( "%s", logBuf.c_str() );
+ // you must call event skip if you want default grid processing
+ // (cell highlighting etc.)
+ //
+ ev.Skip();
+void GridFrame::OnRowSize( wxGridSizeEvent& ev )
+ logBuf = "";
+ logBuf << "Resized row " << ev.GetRowOrCol();
+ wxLogMessage( "%s", logBuf.c_str() );
+ ev.Skip();
+void GridFrame::OnColSize( wxGridSizeEvent& ev )
+ logBuf = "";
+ logBuf << "Resized col " << ev.GetRowOrCol();
+ wxLogMessage( "%s", logBuf.c_str() );
+ ev.Skip();
+void GridFrame::OnRangeSelected( wxGridRangeSelectEvent& ev )
+ logBuf = "";
+ logBuf << "Selected cells from row " << ev.GetTopRow()
+ << " col " << ev.GetLeftCol()
+ << " to row " << ev.GetBottomRow()
+ << " col " << ev.GetRightCol();
+ wxLogMessage( "%s", logBuf.c_str() );
+ ev.Skip();
+void GridFrame::OnCellValueChanged( wxGridEvent& ev )
+ logBuf = "";
+ logBuf << "Value changed for cell at"
+ << " row " << ev.GetRow()
+ << " col " << ev.GetCol();
+ wxLogMessage( "%s", logBuf.c_str() );
+ ev.Skip();