that wxPoint now contains integer members, and there is a new class wxRealPoint. wxIntPoint
no longer exists.
+wxMetaFile and wxMetaFileDC have been renamed to wxMetafile and wxMetafileDC.
Some wxWindows 1.xx functionality has been left to ease the transition to 2.0. This functionality
(usually) only works if you compile with WXWIN\_COMPATIBILITY set to 1.
-OnMenuCommand, OnSize, OnActivate, OnPaint, others?? can all be prefixed with Old (e.g. OldOnMenuCommand)
-and will work as before. You are encouraged to convert your code to the new forms, but
-this will allow you to get your applications up and running a little more quickly.
-OnClose can be used as-is without an 'Old' prefix, but officially the OnCloseWindow event table handler should be
-used instead.
+Mostly this defines old names to be the new names (e.g. wxRectangle is defined to be wxRect).
\chapter{Quick reference}\label{quickreference}
-\func{\void}{WX\_CLEAR\_ARRAY}{\param{wxArray\& }{array}}
+\func{void}{WX\_CLEAR\_ARRAY}{\param{wxArray\& }{array}}
This macro may be used to delete all elements of the array before emptying it.
It can not be used with wxObjArrays - but they will delete their elements anyhow
\membersection{Default constructors}\label{wxarrayctordef}
Default constructor initializes an empty array object.
-\func{\void}{Add}{\param{T }{item}}
+\func{void}{Add}{\param{T }{item}}
-\func{\void}{Add}{\param{T *}{item}}
+\func{void}{Add}{\param{T *}{item}}
-\func{\void}{Add}{\param{T \&}{item}}
+\func{void}{Add}{\param{T \&}{item}}
Appends a new element to the array (where {\it T} is the type of the array
The first version is used with wxArray and wxSortedArray. The second and the
-third are used with wxObjArray. There is an {\bf important difference} between
+third are used with wxObjArray. There is an important difference between
them: if you give a pointer to the array, it will take ownership of it, i.e.
will delete it when the item is deleted from the array. If you give a reference
to the array, however, the array will make a copy of the item and will not take
-\func{\void}{Alloc}{\param{size\_t }{count}}
+\func{void}{Alloc}{\param{size\_t }{count}}
Preallocates memory for a given number of array elements. It is worth calling
when the number of items which are going to be added to the array is known in
This function does the same as \helpref{Empty()}{wxarrayempty} and additionally
frees the memory allocated to the array.
Empties the array. For wxObjArray classes, this destroys all of the array
elements. For wxArray and wxSortedArray this does nothing except marking the
-array of being empty - this function does not free the allocated memory, use
+array of being empty - this function does not free the allocated memory, use
\helpref{Clear()}{wxarrayclear} for this.
-\func{\void}{Insert}{\param{T }{item}, \param{size\_t }{n}}
+\func{void}{Insert}{\param{T }{item}, \param{size\_t }{n}}
-\func{\void}{Insert}{\param{T *}{item}, \param{size\_t }{n}}
+\func{void}{Insert}{\param{T *}{item}, \param{size\_t }{n}}
-\func{\void}{Insert}{\param{T \&}{item}, \param{size\_t }{n}}
+\func{void}{Insert}{\param{T \&}{item}, \param{size\_t }{n}}
-Insert a new item into the array before the item {\it n} - thus, {\it
-Insert(something, 0u}} will insert an item in such way that it will become the
+Insert a new item into the array before the item {\it n} - thus, {\it Insert(something, 0u)} will
+insert an item in such way that it will become the
first array element.
Please see \helpref{Add()}{wxarrayadd} for explanation of the differences
Returns TRUE if the array is empty, FALSE otherwise.
Frees all memory unused by the array. If the program knows that no new items
will be added to the array it may call Shrink() to reduce its memory usage.
-\func{\void}{Sort}{\param{CMPFUNC<T> }{compareFunction}}
+\func{void}{Sort}{\param{CMPFUNC<T> }{compareFunction}}
The notation CMPFUNC<T> should be read as if we had the following declaration:
template int CMPFUNC(T *first, T *second);
-where {\it T} is the type of the array elements. I.e. it is a function returning
+where {\it T} is the type of the array elements. I.e. it is a function returning
{\it int} which is passed two arguments of type {\it T *}.
Sorts the array using the specified compare function: this function should
--- /dev/null
+This class makes it easy to tell your user that the program is temporarily busy.
+Just create a wxBusyCursor object on the stack, and within the current scope,
+the hourglass will be shown.
+For example:
+ wxBusyCursor wait;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
+ DoACalculation();
+It works by calling \helpref{wxBeginBusyCursor}{wxbeginbusycursor} in the constructor,
+and \helpref{wxEndBusyCursor}{wxendbusycursor} in the destructor.
+\wxheading{Derived from}
+\wxheading{See also}
+\helpref{wxBeginBusyCursor}{wxbeginbusycursor}, \helpref{wxEndBusyCursor}{wxendbusycursor}
+\func{}{wxBusyCursor}{\param{wxCursor*}{ cursor = wxHOURGLASS\_CURSOR}}
+Constructs a busy cursor object, calling \helpref{wxBeginBusyCursor}{wxbeginbusycursor}.
+Destroys the busy cursor object, calling \helpref{wxEndBusyCursor}{wxendbusycursor}.
\twocolitem{\helpref{wxScreenDC}{wxscreendc}}{A device context to access the entire screen}
\twocolitem{\helpref{wxDC}{wxdc}}{The device context base class}
\twocolitem{\helpref{wxMemoryDC}{wxmemorydc}}{A device context for drawing into bitmaps}
-\twocolitem{\helpref{wxMetaFileDC}{wxmetafiledc}}{A device context for drawing into metafiles}
+\twocolitem{\helpref{wxMetafileDC}{wxmetafiledc}}{A device context for drawing into metafiles}
\twocolitem{\helpref{wxPostScriptDC}{wxpostscriptdc}}{A device context for drawing into PostScript files}
\twocolitem{\helpref{wxPrinterDC}{wxprinterdc}}{A device context for drawing to printers}
\twocolitem{\helpref{wxDDEClient}{wxddeclient}}{Represents a client}
\twocolitem{\helpref{wxDDEConnection}{wxddeconnection}}{Represents the connection between a client and a server}
\twocolitem{\helpref{wxDDEServer}{wxddeserver}}{Represents a server}
+\twocolitem{\helpref{wxTCPClient}{wxtcpclient}}{Represents a client}
+\twocolitem{\helpref{wxTCPConnection}{wxtcpconnection}}{Represents the connection between a client and a server}
+\twocolitem{\helpref{wxTCPServer}{wxtcpserver}}{Represents a server}
\twocolitem{\helpref{wxSocketClient}{wxsocketclient}}{Represents a socket client}
\twocolitem{\helpref{wxSocketHandler}{wxsockethandler}}{Represents a socket handler}
\twocolitem{\helpref{wxSocketServer}{wxsocketserver}}{Represents a socket server}
\input app.tex
\input array.tex
\input autoobj.tex
+\input busycurs.tex
\input button.tex
\input bitmap.tex
\input bbutton.tex
\input fildrptg.tex
\input filehist.tex
\input filetype.tex
+\input fltinstr.tex
+\input fltoutst.tex
\input focusevt.tex
\input font.tex
\input fontdlg.tex
\input imaglist.tex
\input ilayout.tex
\input indlgevt.tex
+\input inputstr.tex
\input joystick.tex
\input joyevent.tex
\input keyevent.tex
\input notebook.tex
\input noteevt.tex
\input object.tex
+\input outptstr.tex
\input pagedlg.tex
\input paintdc.tex
\input paintevt.tex
\input wxstring.tex
\input strlist.tex
\input stream.tex
+\input strmbase.tex
\input sysclevt.tex
\input settings.tex
\input tab.tex
\input txtdrptg.tex
\input valtext.tex
\input tempfile.tex
+\input tcpclint.tex
+\input tcpconn.tex
+\input tcpservr.tex
\input txtdatob.tex
\input textfile.tex
\input thread.tex
\func{bool}{GetPixel}{\param{long}{ x}, \param{long}{ y}, \param{wxColour *}{colour}}
Sets {\it colour} to the colour at the specified location. Windows only; an X implementation
-is being worked on. Not available for wxPostScriptDC or wxMetaFileDC.
+is being worked on. Not available for wxPostScriptDC or wxMetafileDC.
-\overview{Interprocess communications overview}{ipcoverview}
A wxDDEClient object represents the client part of a client-server DDE
-(Dynamic Data Exchange) conversation (available in {\it both}\/
-Windows and UNIX).
+(Dynamic Data Exchange) conversation.
To create a client which can communicate with a suitable server,
you need to derive a class from wxDDEConnection and another from wxDDEClient.
so that a user-overriden \helpref{wxDDEClient::OnMakeConnection}{wxddeclientonmakeconnection} member can return
a wxDDEConnection of the required class, when a connection is made.
+This DDE-based implementation is
+available on Windows only, but a platform-independent, socket-based version
+of this API is available using \helpref{wxTCPClient}{wxtcpclient}.
\wxheading{Derived from}
\wxheading{See also}
-\helpref{wxDDEServer}{wxddeserver}, \helpref{wxDDEConnection}{wxddeconnection},
-the chapter on interprocess communication in the user manual, and
-the programs in {\tt samples/ipc}.
+\helpref{wxDDEServer}{wxddeserver}, \helpref{wxDDEConnection}{wxddeconnection},
+\helpref{Interprocess communications overview}{ipcoverview}
-\func{wxDDEConnection *}{MakeConnection}{\param{const wxString\& }{host}, \param{const wxString\& }{service}, \param{const wxString\& }{topic}}
+\func{wxConnectionBase *}{MakeConnection}{\param{const wxString\& }{host}, \param{const wxString\& }{service}, \param{const wxString\& }{topic}}
Tries to make a connection with a server specified by the host
(machine name under UNIX, ignored under Windows), service name (must
-\func{wxDDEConnection *}{OnMakeConnection}{\void}
+\func{wxConnectionBase *}{OnMakeConnection}{\void}
The type of \helpref{wxDDEConnection}{wxddeconnection} returned from a \helpref{wxDDEClient::MakeConnection}{wxddeclientmakeconnection} call can
be altered by deriving the {\bf OnMakeConnection} member to return your
-own derived connection object. By default, an ordinary wxDDEConnection
+own derived connection object. By default, a wxDDEConnection
object is returned.
The advantage of deriving your own connection class is that it will
server. It can be created by making a connection using a\rtfsp
\helpref{wxDDEClient}{wxddeclient} object, or by the acceptance of a connection by a\rtfsp
\helpref{wxDDEServer}{wxddeserver} object. The bulk of a DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange)
-conversation (available in both Windows and UNIX) is controlled by
+conversation is controlled by
calling members in a {\bf wxDDEConnection} object or by overriding its
wxDDEConnection, in order to override the communication event handlers
to do something interesting.
+This DDE-based implementation is available on Windows only,
+but a platform-independent, socket-based version
+of this API is available using \helpref{wxTCPConnection}{wxtcpconnection}.
\wxheading{Derived from}
+\index{wxIPCFormat}wxIPCFormat is defined as follows:
+enum wxIPCFormat
+ wxIPC_INVALID = 0,
+ wxIPC_TEXT = 1, /* CF_TEXT */
+ wxIPC_BITMAP = 2, /* CF_BITMAP */
+ wxIPC_SYLK = 4,
+ wxIPC_DIF = 5,
+ wxIPC_TIFF = 6,
+ wxIPC_DIB = 8, /* CF_DIB */
+ wxIPC_PALETTE = 9,
+ wxIPC_PENDATA = 10,
+ wxIPC_RIFF = 11,
+ wxIPC_WAVE = 12,
+ wxIPC_FILENAME = 15, /* CF_HDROP */
+ wxIPC_LOCALE = 16,
+ wxIPC_PRIVATE = 20
\wxheading{See also}
\helpref{wxDDEClient}{wxddeclient}, \helpref{wxDDEServer}{wxddeserver}, \helpref{Interprocess communications overview}{ipcoverview}
-\func{bool}{Advise}{\param{const wxString\& }{item}, \param{char* }{data}, \param{int}{ size = -1}, \param{int}{ format = wxCF\_TEXT}}
+\func{bool}{Advise}{\param{const wxString\& }{item}, \param{char* }{data}, \param{int}{ size = -1}, \param{wxIPCFormat}{ format = wxCF\_TEXT}}
Called by the server application to advise the client of a change in
the data associated with the given item. Causes the client
-\func{bool}{Execute}{\param{char* }{data}, \param{int}{ size = -1},
-\param{int}{ format = wxCF\_TEXT}}
+\func{bool}{Execute}{\param{char* }{data}, \param{int}{ size = -1}, \param{wxIPCFormat}{ format = wxCF\_TEXT}}
Called by the client application to execute a command on the server. Can
also be used to transfer arbitrary data to the server (similar
-\func{bool}{OnAdvise}{\param{const wxString\& }{topic}, \param{const wxString\& }{item}, \param{char* }{data}, \param{int}{ size}, \param{int}{ format}}
+\func{virtual bool}{OnAdvise}{\param{const wxString\& }{topic}, \param{const wxString\& }{item}, \param{char* }{data}, \param{int}{ size}, \param{wxIPCFormat}{ format}}
Message sent to the client application when the server notifies it of a
change in the data associated with the given item.
+\func{virtual bool}{OnDisconnect}{\void}
Message sent to the client or server application when the other
application notifies it to delete the connection. Default behaviour is
-\func{bool}{OnExecute}{\param{const wxString\& }{topic}, \param{char* }{data}, \param{int}{ size}, \param{int}{ format}}
+\func{virtual bool}{OnExecute}{\param{const wxString\& }{topic}, \param{char* }{data}, \param{int}{ size}, \param{wxIPCFormat}{ format}}
Message sent to the server application when the client notifies it to
execute the given data. Note that there is no item associated with
-\func{bool}{OnPoke}{\param{const wxString\& }{topic}, \param{const wxString\& }{item}, \param{char* }{data}, \param{int}{ size}, \param{int}{ format}}
+\func{virtual bool}{OnPoke}{\param{const wxString\& }{topic}, \param{const wxString\& }{item}, \param{char* }{data}, \param{int}{ size}, \param{wxIPCFormat}{ format}}
Message sent to the server application when the client notifies it to
accept the given data.
-\func{char*}{OnRequest}{\param{const wxString\& }{topic}, \param{const wxString\& }{item}, \param{int *}{size}, \param{int}{ format}}
+\func{virtual char*}{OnRequest}{\param{const wxString\& }{topic}, \param{const wxString\& }{item}, \param{int *}{size}, \param{wxIPCFormat}{ format}}
Message sent to the server application when the client
calls \helpref{wxDDEConnection::Request}{wxddeconnectionrequest}. The server
-\func{bool}{OnStartAdvise}{\param{const wxString\& }{topic}, \param{const wxString\& }{item}}
+\func{virtual bool}{OnStartAdvise}{\param{const wxString\& }{topic}, \param{const wxString\& }{item}}
Message sent to the server application by the client, when the client
wishes to start an `advise loop' for the given topic and item. The
-\func{bool}{OnStopAdvise}{\param{const wxString\& }{topic}, \param{const wxString\& }{item}}
+\func{virtual bool}{OnStopAdvise}{\param{const wxString\& }{topic}, \param{const wxString\& }{item}}
Message sent to the server application by the client, when the client
wishes to stop an `advise loop' for the given topic and item. The
-\func{bool}{Poke}{\param{const wxString\& }{item}, \param{char* }{data}, \param{int}{ size = -1}, \param{int}{ format = wxCF\_TEXT}}
+\func{bool}{Poke}{\param{const wxString\& }{item}, \param{char* }{data}, \param{int}{ size = -1}, \param{wxIPCFormat}{ format = wxCF\_TEXT}}
Called by the client application to poke data into the server. Can be
used to transfer arbitrary data to the server. Causes the server
-\func{char*}{Request}{\param{const wxString\& }{item}, \param{int *}{size}, \param{int}{ format = wxCF\_TEXT}}
+\func{char*}{Request}{\param{const wxString\& }{item}, \param{int *}{size}, \param{wxIPCFormat}{ format = wxIPC\_TEXT}}
Called by the client application to request data from the server. Causes
the server connection's \helpref{wxDDEConnection::OnRequest}{wxddeconnectiononrequest} member to be called. Returns a
A wxDDEServer object represents the server part of a client-server DDE
-(Dynamic Data Exchange) conversation (available under both Windows
-and UNIX).
+(Dynamic Data Exchange) conversation.
+This DDE-based implementation is
+available on Windows only, but a platform-independent, socket-based version
+of this API is available using \helpref{wxTCPServer}{wxtcpserver}.
\wxheading{Derived from}
\wxheading{See also}
-\helpref{IPC overview}{ipcoverview}
+\helpref{wxDDEClient}{wxddeclient}, \helpref{wxDDEConnection}{wxddeconnection}, \helpref{IPC overview}{ipcoverview}
-\func{wxDDEConnection *}{OnAcceptConnection}{\param{const wxString\& }{topic}}
+\func{virtual wxConnectionBase *}{OnAcceptConnection}{\param{const wxString\& }{topic}}
When a client calls {\bf MakeConnection}, the server receives the
message and this member is called. The application should derive a
--- /dev/null
+% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% wxFilterInputStream
+% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+\wxheading{Derived from}
+The use of this class is exactly the same as of wxInputStream. Only a constructor
+differs and it is documented below.
+% -----------
+% ctor & dtor
+% -----------
+\func{}{wxFilterInputStream}{\param{wxInputStream\&}{ stream}}
--- /dev/null
+% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% wxFilterOutputStream
+% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+\wxheading{Derived from}
+The use of this class is exactly the same as of wxOutputStream. Only a constructor
+differs and it is documented below.
+% -----------
+% ctor & dtor
+% -----------
+\func{}{wxFilterOutputStream}{\param{wxOutputStream\&}{ stream}}
\func{void}{Dos2UnixFilename}{\param{const wxString\& }{s}}
-Converts a DOS to a UNIX filename by replacing backslashes with forward
+Converts a DOS to a Unix filename by replacing backslashes with forward
\func{void}{wxUnix2DosFilename}{\param{const wxString\& }{s}}
-Converts a UNIX to a DOS filename by replacing forward
+Converts a Unix to a DOS filename by replacing forward
slashes with backslashes.
Under Windows, the filename will include the drive and name of the
directory allocated for temporary files (usually the contents of the
-TEMP variable). Under UNIX, the {\tt /tmp} directory is used.
+TEMP variable). Under Unix, the {\tt /tmp} directory is used.
It is the application's responsibility to create and delete the file.
Returns the depth of the display (a value of 1 denotes a monochrome display).
-\func{bool}{wxMakeMetaFilePlaceable}{\param{const wxString\& }{filename}, \param{int }{minX}, \param{int }{minY},
+\func{bool}{wxMakeMetafilePlaceable}{\param{const wxString\& }{filename}, \param{int }{minX}, \param{int }{minY},
\param{int }{maxX}, \param{int }{maxY}, \param{float }{scale=1.0}}
-Given a filename for an existing, valid metafile (as constructed using \helpref{wxMetaFileDC}{wxmetafiledc})
+Given a filename for an existing, valid metafile (as constructed using \helpref{wxMetafileDC}{wxmetafiledc})
makes it into a placeable metafile by prepending a header containing the given
bounding box. The bounding box may be obtained from a device context after drawing
into it, using the functions wxDC::MinX, wxDC::MinY, wxDC::MaxX and wxDC::MaxY.
\item wxCF\_TEXT or wxCF\_OEMTEXT: {\it data} is a null-terminated text string.
\item wxCF\_BITMAP: {\it data} is a wxBitmap.
\item wxCF\_DIB: {\it data} is a wxBitmap. The bitmap is converted to a DIB (device independent bitmap).
-\item wxCF\_METAFILE: {\it data} is a wxMetaFile. {\it width} and {\it height} are used to give recommended dimensions.
+\item wxCF\_METAFILE: {\it data} is a wxMetafile. {\it width} and {\it height} are used to give recommended dimensions.
The clipboard must have previously been opened for this call to succeed.
to its previous state. These two calls can be nested, and a counter
ensures that only the outer calls take effect.
-See also \helpref{wxIsBusy}{wxisbusy}.
+See also \helpref{wxIsBusy}{wxisbusy}, \helpref{wxBusyCursor}{wxbusycursor}.
Creates and returns an object of the given class, if the class has been
registered with the dynamic class system using DECLARE... and IMPLEMENT... macros.
+Called when wxWindows exits, to clean up the DDE system. This no longer needs to be
+called by the application.
+See also helpref{wxDDEInitialize}{wxddeinitialize}.
+Initializes the DDE system. May be called multiple times without harm.
+This no longer needs to be called by the application: it will be called
+by wxWindows if necessary.
+See also \helpref{wxDDEServer}{wxddeserver}, \helpref{wxDDEClient}{wxddeclient}, \helpref{wxDDEConnection}{wxddeconnection},
\func{void}{wxDebugMsg}{\param{const wxString\& }{fmt}, \param{...}{}}
Display a debugging message; under Windows, this will appear on the
-debugger command window, and under UNIX, it will be written to standard
+debugger command window, and under Unix, it will be written to standard
The syntax is identical to {\bf printf}: pass a format string and a
\func{int}{wxEntry}{\param{int}{ argc}, \param{const wxString\& *}{argv}}
-wxWindows initialization under UNIX.
+wxWindows initialization under Unix.
\func{void}{wxError}{\param{const wxString\& }{msg}, \param{const wxString\& }{title = "wxWindows Internal Error"}}
Displays {\it msg} and continues. This writes to standard error under
-UNIX, and pops up a message box under Windows. Used for internal
+Unix, and pops up a message box under Windows. Used for internal
wxWindows errors. See also \helpref{wxFatalError}{wxfatalerror}.
Changes the cursor back to the original cursor, for all windows in the application.
Use with \helpref{wxBeginBusyCursor}{wxbeginbusycursor}.
-See also \helpref{wxIsBusy}{wxisbusy}.
+See also \helpref{wxIsBusy}{wxisbusy}, \helpref{wxBusyCursor}{wxbusycursor}.
\func{long}{wxExecute}{\param{const wxString\& }{command}, \param{bool }{sync = FALSE}, \param{wxProcess *}{callback = NULL}}
-\func{long}{wxExecute}{\param{const wxString\& *}{argv}, \param{bool }{sync = FALSE}, \param{wxProcess *}{callback = NULL}}
+\func{long}{wxExecute}{\param{char **}{argv}, \param{bool }{sync = FALSE}, \param{wxProcess *}{callback = NULL}}
-Executes another program in UNIX or Windows.
+Executes another program in Unix or Windows.
The first form takes a command string, such as {\tt "emacs file.txt"}.
\func{void}{wxFatalError}{\param{const wxString\& }{msg}, \param{const wxString\& }{title = "wxWindows Fatal Error"}}
-Displays {\it msg} and exits. This writes to standard error under UNIX,
+Displays {\it msg} and exits. This writes to standard error under Unix,
and pops up a message box under Windows. Used for fatal internal
wxWindows errors. See also \helpref{wxError}{wxerror}.
\func{wxString}{wxGetHomeDir}{\param{const wxString\& }{buf}}
-Fills the buffer with a string representing the user's home directory (UNIX only).
+Fills the buffer with a string representing the user's home directory (Unix only).
Copies the host name of the machine the program is running on into the
buffer {\it buf}, of maximum size {\it bufSize}, returning TRUE if
-successful. Under UNIX, this will return a machine name. Under Windows,
+successful. Under Unix, this will return a machine name. Under Windows,
this returns ``windows''.
See also \helpref{wxTimer}{wxtimer}.
Returns the amount of free memory in Kbytes under environments which
support it, and -1 if not supported. Currently, returns a positive value
-under Windows, and -1 under UNIX.
+under Windows, and -1 under Unix.
.Xdefaults). If {\it file} is NULL, WIN.INI or .Xdefaults is used,
otherwise the specified file is used.
-Under X, if an application class (wxApp::wx\_class) has been defined,
+Under X, if an application class (wxApp::GetClassName) has been defined,
it is appended to the string /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/ to try to find
an applications default file when merging all resource databases.
test for that resource's existence, and it also allows
the overloading of the function for different types.
-See also \helpref{wxWriteResource}{wxwriteresource}.
+See also \helpref{wxWriteResource}{wxwriteresource}, \helpref{wxConfigBase}{wxconfigbase}.
\func{int}{wxKill}{\param{long}{ pid}, \param{int}{ sig}}
-Under UNIX (the only supported platform), equivalent to the UNIX kill function.
+Under Unix (the only supported platform), equivalent to the Unix kill function.
Returns 0 on success, -1 on failure.
Tip: sending a signal of 0 to a process returns -1 if the process does not exist.
Initializes the generic clipboard system by creating an instance of
the class \helpref{wxClipboard}{wxclipboard}.
-Call this when your application is terminating, if you have
-called \helpref{wxIPCInitialize}{wxipcinitialize}.
-Initializes for interprocess communication operation. May
-be called multiple times without harm.
-See also \helpref{wxDDEServer}{wxddeserver}, \helpref{wxDDEClient}{wxddeclient}, \helpref{wxDDEConnection}{wxddeconnection}
-and the relevant section of the user manual.
Returns TRUE if between two \helpref{wxBeginBusyCursor}{wxbeginbusycursor} and\rtfsp
\helpref{wxEndBusyCursor}{wxendbusycursor} calls.
+See also \helpref{wxBusyCursor}{wxbusycursor}.
\func{wxString}{wxLoadUserResource}{\param{const wxString\& }{resourceName}, \param{const wxString\& }{resourceType=``TEXT"}}
See also \helpref{wxExecute}{wxexecute}.
\func{void}{wxSleep}{\param{int}{ secs}}
-Under X, sleeps for the specified number of seconds.
+Sleeps for the specified number of seconds.
all updated resource databases are written to their files.
Note that it is considered bad manners to write to the .Xdefaults
-file under UNIX, although the WIN.INI file is fair game under Windows.
+file under Unix, although the WIN.INI file is fair game under Windows.
-See also \helpref{wxGetResource}{wxgetresource}.
+See also \helpref{wxGetResource}{wxgetresource}, \helpref{wxConfigBase}{wxconfigbase}.
--- /dev/null
+% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% wxInputStream
+% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+\wxheading{Derived from}
+\wxheading{See also}
+% -----------
+% ctor & dtor
+% -----------
+Creates a dummy input stream.
+\func{}{wxInputStream}{\param{wxStreamBuffer *}{sbuf}}
+Creates an input stream using the specified stream buffer \it{sbuf}. This
+stream buffer can point to another stream.
+% -----------
+% IO function
+% -----------
+Returns the first character in the input queue without removing it.
+Returns the first character in the input queue and removes it.
+\func{wxInputStream\&}{Read}{\param{void *}{buffer}, \param{size_t}{ size}}
+Reads the specified amount of bytes and stores the data in \it{buffer}.
+\it{WARNING!} The buffer absolutely needs to have at least the specified size.
+This function returns a reference on the current object, so the user can test
+any states of the stream right away.
+\func{wxInputStream\&}{Read}{\param{wxOutputStream\&}{ stream_out}}
+Reads data from the input queue and stores it in the specified output stream.
+The data is read until an error is raised by one of the two streams.
+% ------------------
+% Position functions
+% ------------------
+\func{off_t}{SeekI}{\param{off_t}{ pos}, \param{wxSeekMode}{ mode = wxFromStart}}
+Changes the stream current position.
+Returns the current stream position.
+% ---------------
+% State functions
+% ---------------
+Returns the stream buffer associated with the input stream.
+Returns the last number of bytes read.
-A {\bf wxMetaFile} represents the MS Windows metafile object, so metafile
+A {\bf wxMetafile} represents the MS Windows metafile object, so metafile
operations have no effect in X. In wxWindows, only sufficient functionality
has been provided for copying a graphic to the clipboard; this may be extended
in a future version. Presently, the only way of creating a metafile
\wxheading{See also}
-\func{}{wxMetaFile}{\param{const wxString\& }{filename = ""}}
+\func{}{wxMetafile}{\param{const wxString\& }{filename = ""}}
Constructor. If a filename is given, the Windows disk metafile is
read in. Check whether this was performed successfully by
-using the \helpref{wxMetaFile::Ok}{wxmetafileok} member.
+using the \helpref{wxMetafile::Ok}{wxmetafileok} member.
Returns TRUE if the metafile is valid.
\func{bool}{Play}{\param{wxDC *}{dc}}
Plays the metafile into the given device context, returning
TRUE if successful.
\func{bool}{SetClipboard}{\param{int}{ width = 0}, \param{int}{ height = 0}}
Passes the metafile data to the clipboard. The metafile can no longer be
-used for anything, but the wxMetaFile object must still be destroyed by
+used for anything, but the wxMetafile object must still be destroyed by
the application.
Below is a example of metafle, metafile device context and clipboard use
to keep track of the maximum extent of drawing commands.
- wxMetaFileDC dc;
+ wxMetafileDC dc;
if (dc.Ok())
Draw(dc, FALSE);
- wxMetaFile *mf = dc.Close();
+ wxMetafile *mf = dc.Close();
if (mf)
bool success = mf->SetClipboard((int)(dc.MaxX() + 10), (int)(dc.MaxY() + 10));
This is a type of device context that allows a metafile object to be
created (Windows only), and has most of the characteristics of a normal
-\rtfsp{\bf wxDC}. The \helpref{wxMetaFileDC::Close}{wxmetafiledcclose} member must be called after drawing into the
+\rtfsp{\bf wxDC}. The \helpref{wxMetafileDC::Close}{wxmetafiledcclose} member must be called after drawing into the
device context, to return a metafile. The only purpose for this at
-present is to allow the metafile to be copied to the clipboard (see \helpref{wxMetaFile}{wxmetafile}).
+present is to allow the metafile to be copied to the clipboard (see \helpref{wxMetafile}{wxmetafile}).
Adding metafile capability to an application should be easy if you
-already write to a wxDC; simply pass the wxMetaFileDC to your drawing
+already write to a wxDC; simply pass the wxMetafileDC to your drawing
function instead. You may wish to conditionally compile this code so it
is not compiled under X (although no harm will result if you leave it
Note that a metafile saved to disk is in standard Windows metafile format,
and cannot be imported into most applications. To make it importable,
-call the function \helpref{::wxMakeMetaFilePlaceable}{wxmakemetafileplaceable} after
+call the function \helpref{::wxMakeMetafilePlaceable}{wxmakemetafileplaceable} after
closing your disk-based metafile device context.
\wxheading{Derived from}
\wxheading{See also}
-\helpref{wxMetaFile}{wxmetafile}, \helpref{wxDC}{wxdc}
+\helpref{wxMetafile}{wxmetafile}, \helpref{wxDC}{wxdc}
-\func{}{wxMetaFileDC}{\param{const wxString\& }{filename = ""}}
+\func{}{wxMetafileDC}{\param{const wxString\& }{filename = ""}}
Constructor. If no filename is passed, the metafile is created
in memory.
-\func{wxMetaFile *}{Close}{\void}
+\func{wxMetafile *}{Close}{\void}
This must be called after the device context is finished with. A
metafile is returned, and ownership of it passes to the calling
application (so it should be destroyed explicitly).
create an instance of each, and call each OnInit function. On exit, wxWindows will call the OnExit
function for each module instance.
+Note that your module class does not have to be in a header file.
+For example:
+ // A module to allow DDE initialization/cleanup
+ // without calling these functions from app.cpp or from
+ // the user's application.
+ class wxDDEModule: public wxModule
+ {
+ public:
+ wxDDEModule() {}
+ bool OnInit() { wxDDEInitialize(); return TRUE; };
+ void OnExit() { wxDDECleanUp(); };
+ };
\wxheading{Derived from}
--- /dev/null
+% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% wxOutputStream
+% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+\wxheading{Derived from}
+\wxheading{See also}
+% -----------
+% ctor & dtor
+% -----------
+Creates a dummy wxOutputStream object.
+\func{}{wxOutputStream}{\param{wxStreamBuffer*}{ sbuf}}
+Creates an input stream using the specified stream buffer \it{sbuf}. This
+stream buffer can point to another stream.
+% -----------
+% IO function
+% -----------
+\func{void}{PutC}{\param{char}{ c}}
+Puts the specified character in the output queue and increments the
+stream position.
+\func{wxOutputStream\&}{Write}{\param{const void *}{buffer}, \param{size_t}{ size}}
+Writes the specified amount of bytes using the data of \it{buffer}.
+\it{WARNING!} The buffer absolutely needs to have at least the specified size.
+This function returns a reference on the current object, so the user can test
+any states of the stream right away.
+\func{wxOutputStream\&}{Write}{\param{wxInputStream\&}{ stream_in}}
+Reads data from the specified input stream and stores them
+in the current stream. The data is read until an error is raised
+by one of the two streams.
+% ------------------
+% Position functions
+% ------------------
+\func{off_t}{SeekO}{\param{off_t}{ pos}, \param{wxSeekMode}{ mode}}
+Changes the stream current position.
+Returns the current stream position.
+% ---------------
+% State functions
+% ---------------
+\func{wxStreamBuffer *}{OutputStreamBuffer}{\void}
+Returns the stream buffer associated with the output stream.
\wxheading{Derived from}
\func{}{wxStreamBuffer}{\param{BufMode}{ mode}}
-Constructor, creates a new empty stream buffer which won't flush any datas
+Constructor, creates a new empty stream buffer which won't flush any data
to a stream. \it{mode} specifies the type of the buffer (read, write, read\_write).
Destructor, destroys the stream buffer.
It returns the real read size. If returned size is different of the specified
\it{size}, an error occured and should be tested using
Gets the current position in the \it{stream}.
\func{off\_t}{Seek}{\param{off\_t }{pos}, \param{wxSeekMode }{mode}}
--- /dev/null
+% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% wxStreamBase
+% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+\wxheading{Derived from}
+\wxheading{See also}
+% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% Members
+% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% -----------
+% ctor & dtor
+% -----------
+Creates a dummy stream object.
+This function returns the last error.
+% It is of the form:
+This function returns the size of the stream. For example, for a file it is the size of
+the file). Warning! There are streams which do not have size by definition, such as a socket.
+\func{size_t}{OnSysRead}{\param{void*}{ buffer}, \param{size_t}{ bufsize}}
+Internal function. It is called when the stream buffer needs a buffer of the
+specified size. It should return the size that was actually read.
+\func{size_t}{OnSysWrite}{\param{void *}{buffer}, \param{size_t}{ bufsize}}
+See \helpref{OnSysRead}{wxstreambaseonsysread}.
+\func{off_t}{OnSysSeek}{\param{off_t}{ pos}, \param{wxSeekMode}{ mode}}
+Internal function. It is called when the stream buffer needs to change the
+current position in the stream. See \helpref{wxStreamBuffer::Seek}{wxstreambufferseek}
+Internal function. Is is called when the stream buffer needs to know the
+current position in the stream.
--- /dev/null
+A wxTCPClient object represents the client part of a client-server conversation.
+It emulates a DDE-style protocol, but uses TCP/IP which is available on most platforms.
+A DDE-based implementation for Windows is available using \helpref{wxDDEClient}{wxddeclient}.
+To create a client which can communicate with a suitable server,
+you need to derive a class from wxTCPConnection and another from wxTCPClient.
+The custom wxTCPConnection class will intercept communications in
+a `conversation' with a server, and the custom wxTCPServer is required
+so that a user-overriden \helpref{wxTCPClient::OnMakeConnection}{wxtcpclientonmakeconnection} member can return
+a wxTCPConnection of the required class, when a connection is made.
+\wxheading{Derived from}
+\wxheading{See also}
+\helpref{wxTCPServer}{wxtcpserver}, \helpref{wxTCPConnection}{wxtcpconnection},
+\helpref{Interprocess communications overview}{ipcoverview}
+Constructs a client object.
+\func{wxConnectionBase *}{MakeConnection}{\param{const wxString\& }{host}, \param{const wxString\& }{service}, \param{const wxString\& }{topic}}
+Tries to make a connection with a server specified by the host
+(a machine name under Unix), service name (must
+contain an integer port number under Unix), and a topic string. If the
+server allows a connection, a wxTCPConnection object will be returned.
+The type of wxTCPConnection returned can be altered by overriding
+the \helpref{wxTCPClient::OnMakeConnection}{wxtcpclientonmakeconnection} member to return your own
+derived connection object.
+\func{wxConnectionBase *}{OnMakeConnection}{\void}
+The type of \helpref{wxTCPConnection}{wxtcpconnection} returned from a \helpref{wxTCPClient::MakeConnection}{wxtcpclientmakeconnection} call can
+be altered by deriving the {\bf OnMakeConnection} member to return your
+own derived connection object. By default, a wxTCPConnection
+object is returned.
+The advantage of deriving your own connection class is that it will
+enable you to intercept messages initiated by the server, such
+as \helpref{wxTCPConnection::OnAdvise}{wxtcpconnectiononadvise}. You may also want to
+store application-specific data in instances of the new class.
+\func{bool}{ValidHost}{\param{const wxString\& }{host}}
+Returns TRUE if this is a valid host name, FALSE otherwise.
--- /dev/null
+A wxTCPClient object represents the connection between a client and a server.
+It emulates a DDE-style protocol, but uses TCP/IP which is available on most platforms.
+A DDE-based implementation for Windows is available using \helpref{wxDDEConnection}{wxddeconnection}.
+A wxTCPConnection object can be created by making a connection using a\rtfsp
+\helpref{wxTCPClient}{wxtcpclient} object, or by the acceptance of a connection by a\rtfsp
+\helpref{wxTCPServer}{wxtcpserver} object. The bulk of a conversation is controlled by
+calling members in a {\bf wxTCPConnection} object or by overriding its
+An application should normally derive a new connection class from
+wxTCPConnection, in order to override the communication event handlers
+to do something interesting.
+\wxheading{Derived from}
+\index{wxIPCFormat}wxIPCFormat is defined as follows:
+enum wxIPCFormat
+ wxIPC_INVALID = 0,
+ wxIPC_TEXT = 1, /* CF_TEXT */
+ wxIPC_BITMAP = 2, /* CF_BITMAP */
+ wxIPC_SYLK = 4,
+ wxIPC_DIF = 5,
+ wxIPC_TIFF = 6,
+ wxIPC_DIB = 8, /* CF_DIB */
+ wxIPC_PALETTE = 9,
+ wxIPC_PENDATA = 10,
+ wxIPC_RIFF = 11,
+ wxIPC_WAVE = 12,
+ wxIPC_FILENAME = 15, /* CF_HDROP */
+ wxIPC_LOCALE = 16,
+ wxIPC_PRIVATE = 20
+\wxheading{See also}
+\helpref{wxTCPClient}{wxtcpclient}, \helpref{wxTCPServer}{wxtcpserver}, \helpref{Interprocess communications overview}{ipcoverview}
+\func{}{wxTCPConnection}{\param{char* }{buffer}, \param{int}{ size}}
+Constructs a connection object. If no user-defined connection object is
+to be derived from wxTCPConnection, then the constructor should not be
+called directly, since the default connection object will be provided on
+requesting (or accepting) a connection. However, if the user defines his
+or her own derived connection object, the \helpref{wxTCPServer::OnAcceptConnection}{wxtcpserveronacceptconnection}\rtfsp
+and/or \helpref{wxTCPClient::OnMakeConnection}{wxtcpclientonmakeconnection} members should be replaced by
+functions which construct the new connection object. If the arguments of
+the wxTCPConnection constructor are void, then a default buffer is
+associated with the connection. Otherwise, the programmer must provide a
+a buffer and size of the buffer for the connection object to use in
+\func{bool}{Advise}{\param{const wxString\& }{item}, \param{char* }{data}, \param{int}{ size = -1}, \param{wxIPCFormat}{ format = wxCF\_TEXT}}
+Called by the server application to advise the client of a change in
+the data associated with the given item. Causes the client
+connection's \helpref{wxTCPConnection::OnAdvise}{wxtcpconnectiononadvise}
+member to be called. Returns TRUE if successful.
+\func{bool}{Execute}{\param{char* }{data}, \param{int}{ size = -1}, \param{wxIPCFormat}{ format = wxCF\_TEXT}}
+Called by the client application to execute a command on the server. Can
+also be used to transfer arbitrary data to the server (similar
+to \helpref{wxTCPConnection::Poke}{wxtcpconnectionpoke} in that respect). Causes the
+server connection's \helpref{wxTCPConnection::OnExecute}{wxtcpconnectiononexecute} member to be
+called. Returns TRUE if successful.
+Called by the client or server application to disconnect from the other
+program; it causes the \helpref{wxTCPConnection::OnDisconnect}{wxtcpconnectionondisconnect} message
+to be sent to the corresponding connection object in the other
+program. The default behaviour of {\bf OnDisconnect} is to delete the
+connection, but the calling application must explicitly delete its
+side of the connection having called {\bf Disconnect}. Returns TRUE if
+\func{virtual bool}{OnAdvise}{\param{const wxString\& }{topic}, \param{const wxString\& }{item}, \param{char* }{data}, \param{int}{ size}, \param{wxIPCFormat}{ format}}
+Message sent to the client application when the server notifies it of a
+change in the data associated with the given item.
+\func{virtual bool}{OnDisconnect}{\void}
+Message sent to the client or server application when the other
+application notifies it to delete the connection. Default behaviour is
+to delete the connection object.
+\func{virtual bool}{OnExecute}{\param{const wxString\& }{topic}, \param{char* }{data}, \param{int}{ size}, \param{wxIPCFormat}{ format}}
+Message sent to the server application when the client notifies it to
+execute the given data. Note that there is no item associated with
+this message.
+\func{virtual bool}{OnPoke}{\param{const wxString\& }{topic}, \param{const wxString\& }{item}, \param{char* }{data}, \param{int}{ size}, \param{wxIPCFormat}{ format}}
+Message sent to the server application when the client notifies it to
+accept the given data.
+\func{virtual char*}{OnRequest}{\param{const wxString\& }{topic}, \param{const wxString\& }{item}, \param{int *}{size}, \param{wxIPCFormat}{ format}}
+Message sent to the server application when the client
+calls \helpref{wxTCPConnection::Request}{wxtcpconnectionrequest}. The server
+should respond by returning a character string from {\bf OnRequest},
+or NULL to indicate no data.
+\func{virtual bool}{OnStartAdvise}{\param{const wxString\& }{topic}, \param{const wxString\& }{item}}
+Message sent to the server application by the client, when the client
+wishes to start an `advise loop' for the given topic and item. The
+server can refuse to participate by returning FALSE.
+\func{virtual bool}{OnStopAdvise}{\param{const wxString\& }{topic}, \param{const wxString\& }{item}}
+Message sent to the server application by the client, when the client
+wishes to stop an `advise loop' for the given topic and item. The
+server can refuse to stop the advise loop by returning FALSE, although
+this doesn't have much meaning in practice.
+\func{bool}{Poke}{\param{const wxString\& }{item}, \param{char* }{data}, \param{int}{ size = -1}, \param{wxIPCFormat}{ format = wxCF\_TEXT}}
+Called by the client application to poke data into the server. Can be
+used to transfer arbitrary data to the server. Causes the server
+connection's \helpref{wxTCPConnection::OnPoke}{wxtcpconnectiononpoke} member
+to be called. Returns TRUE if successful.
+\func{char*}{Request}{\param{const wxString\& }{item}, \param{int *}{size}, \param{wxIPCFormat}{ format = wxIPC\_TEXT}}
+Called by the client application to request data from the server. Causes
+the server connection's \helpref{wxTCPConnection::OnRequest}{wxtcpconnectiononrequest} member to be called. Returns a
+character string (actually a pointer to the connection's buffer) if
+successful, NULL otherwise.
+\func{bool}{StartAdvise}{\param{const wxString\& }{item}}
+Called by the client application to ask if an advise loop can be started
+with the server. Causes the server connection's \helpref{wxTCPConnection::OnStartAdvise}{wxtcpconnectiononstartadvise}\rtfsp
+member to be called. Returns TRUE if the server okays it, FALSE
+\func{bool}{StopAdvise}{\param{const wxString\& }{item}}
+Called by the client application to ask if an advise loop can be
+stopped. Causes the server connection's \helpref{wxTCPConnection::OnStopAdvise}{wxtcpconnectiononstopadvise} member
+to be called. Returns TRUE if the server okays it, FALSE otherwise.
--- /dev/null
+A wxTCPServer object represents the server part of a client-server conversation.
+It emulates a DDE-style protocol, but uses TCP/IP which is available on most platforms.
+A DDE-based implementation for Windows is available using \helpref{wxDDEServer}{wxddeserver}.
+\wxheading{Derived from}
+\wxheading{See also}
+\helpref{wxTCPClient}{wxtcpclient}, \helpref{wxTCPConnection}{wxtcpconnection}, \helpref{IPC overview}{ipcoverview}
+Constructs a server object.
+\func{bool}{Create}{\param{const wxString\& }{service}}
+Registers the server using the given service name. Under Unix, the
+string must contain an integer id which is used as an Internet port
+number. FALSE is returned if the call failed (for example, the port
+number is already in use).
+\func{virtual wxConnectionBase *}{OnAcceptConnection}{\param{const wxString\& }{topic}}
+When a client calls {\bf MakeConnection}, the server receives the
+message and this member is called. The application should derive a
+member to intercept this message and return a connection object of
+either the standard wxTCPConnection type, or of a user-derived type. If the
+topic is ``STDIO'', the application may wish to refuse the connection.
+Under Unix, when a server is created the OnAcceptConnection message is
+always sent for standard input and output.
\section{Device context overview}\label{dcoverview}
Classes: \helpref{wxDC}{wxdc}, \helpref{wxPostScriptDC}{wxpostscriptdc},\rtfsp
-\rtfsp\helpref{wxMetaFileDC}{wxmetafiledc}, \helpref{wxMemoryDC}{wxmemorydc}, \helpref{wxPrinterDC}{wxprinterdc},\rtfsp
+\rtfsp\helpref{wxMetafileDC}{wxmetafiledc}, \helpref{wxMemoryDC}{wxmemorydc}, \helpref{wxPrinterDC}{wxprinterdc},\rtfsp
\helpref{wxScreenDC}{wxscreendc}, \helpref{wxClientDC}{wxclientdc}, \helpref{wxPaintDC}{wxpaintdc},\rtfsp
You never draw directly onto a window --- you use a {\it device context} (DC). \helpref{wxDC}{wxdc} is
the base for \helpref{wxClientDC}{wxclientdc}, \helpref{wxPaintDC}{wxpaintdc}, \helpref{wxMemoryDC}{wxmemorydc}, \helpref{wxPostScriptDC}{wxpostscriptdc},
-\rtfsp\helpref{wxMemoryDC}{wxmemorydc}, \helpref{wxMetaFileDC}{wxmetafiledc} and \helpref{wxPrinterDC}{wxprinterdc}.
+\rtfsp\helpref{wxMemoryDC}{wxmemorydc}, \helpref{wxMetafileDC}{wxmetafiledc} and \helpref{wxPrinterDC}{wxprinterdc}.
If your drawing functions have {\bf wxDC} as a parameter, you can pass any of these DCs
to the function, and thus use the same code to draw to several different devices.
You can draw using the member functions of {\bf wxDC}, such as \helpref{wxDC::DrawLine}{wxdcdrawline}\rtfsp
\wxheading{See also}
-\helpref{wxMutex}{wxmutex}, \helpref{wxCondition}{wxcondition}, \helpref{wxCriticalSection}{wxarraywxcriticalsection}
+\helpref{wxMutex}{wxmutex}, \helpref{wxCondition}{wxcondition}, \helpref{wxCriticalSection}{wxcriticalsection}
Called when the thread exits. This function is called in the context of the thread
associated with the wxThread object, not in the context of the main thread.
+Runs the thread.
\func{void}{SetPriority}{\param{int}{ priority}}
Give the rest of the thread time slice to the system allowing the other threads to run.
See also \helpref{Sleep()}{wxthreadsleep}.
Initialize using hours, minutes, seconds, and whether DST time.
\func{}{wxTime}{\param{const wxDate\&}{ date}, \param{hourTy }{h = 0}, \param{minuteTy }{m = 0}, \param{secondTy }{s = 0}, \param{bool }{dst = FALSE}}
Initialize using a \helpref{wxDate}{wxdate} object, hours, minutes, seconds, and whether DST time.
\section{Interprocess communication overview}\label{ipcoverview}
-Classes: \helpref{wxDDEServer}{wxddeserver}, \helpref{wxDDEConnection}{wxddeconnection},
+Classes: \helpref{wxDDEServer}{wxddeserver}, \helpref{wxDDEConnection}{wxddeconnection},
+\helpref{wxTCPServer}{wxtcpserver}, \helpref{wxTCPConnection}{wxtcpconnection},
-TODO: rewrite.
+wxWindows has a number of different classes to help with interprocess communication
+and network programming. This section only discusses one family of classes - the DDE-like
+protocol - but here's a list of other useful classes:
-The following describes how wxWindows implements DDE. The following
-three classes are central.
+\item \helpref{wxSocketEvent}{wxsocketevent},
+\helpref{wxSocketServer}{wxsocketserver}: classes for the low-level TCP/IP API.
+\item \helpref{wxProtocol}{wxprotocol}, \helpref{wxURL}{wxurl}, \helpref{wxFTP}{wxftp}, wxHTTP: classes
+for programming popular Internet protocols.
+Further information on these classes will be available in due course.
+wxWindows has a high-level protocol based on Windows DDE.
+There are two implementations of this DDE-like protocol:
+one using real DDE running on Windows only, and another using TCP/IP (sockets) that runs
+on most platforms. Since the API is the same apart from the names of the classes, you
+should find it easy to switch between the two implementations.
+The following description refers to 'DDE' but remember that the equivalent wxTCP... classes
+can be used in much the same way.
+Three classes are central to the DDE API:
\item wxDDEClient. This represents the client application, and is used
Windows parlance), the client application sends the message
MakeConnection to the client object, with a string service name to
identify the server and a topic name to identify the topic for the
-duration of the connection. Under UNIX, the service name must contain an
+duration of the connection. Under Unix, the service name must contain an
integer port identifier.
The server then responds and either vetos the connection or allows it.
\item Provide handlers for various messages that are sent to the client
side of a wxDDEConnection.
\item When appropriate, create a new connection by sending a MakeConnection
-message to the client object, with arguments host name (processed in UNIX only),
+message to the client object, with arguments host name (processed in Unix only),
service name, and topic name for this connection. The client object will call OnMakeConnection
to create a connection object of the desired type.
\item Use the wxDDEConnection member functions to send messages to the server.
with an Advise loop: selecting an item in the server list box causes
that item to be highlighted in the client list box.
-See also the source for wxHelp, which is a DDE server, and the files
-wx\_help.h and wx\ which implement the client interface to
\subsection{More DDE details}
A wxDDEClient object represents the client part of a client-server DDE
(Dynamic Data Exchange) conversation (available in both
-Windows and UNIX).
+Windows and Unix).
To create a client which can communicate with a suitable server,
you need to derive a class from wxDDEConnection and another from wxDDEClient.
MyConnection(void)::wxDDEConnection(ipc_buffer, 3999) {}
~MyConnection(void) { }
- Bool OnAdvise(char *topic, char *item, char *data, int size, int format)
+ bool OnAdvise(const wxString& topic, const wxString& item, char *data, int size, wxIPCFormat format)
{ wxMessageBox(topic, data); }
MyClient(void) {}
- wxDDEConnection *OnMakeConnection(void) { return new MyConnection; }
+ wxConnectionBase *OnMakeConnection(void) { return new MyConnection; }
Here, {\bf MyConnection} will respond to \helpref{OnAdvise}{wxddeconnectiononadvise} messages sent
by the server.
-When the client application starts, it must first call \helpref{wxIPCInitialize}{wxipcinitialize}\rtfsp
-before creating an instance of the derived wxDDEClient. In the following, command line
+When the client application starts, it must create an instance of the derived wxDDEClient. In the following, command line
arguments are used to pass the host name (the name of the machine the server is running
on) and the server name (identifying the server process). Calling \helpref{wxDDEClient::MakeConnection}{wxddeclientmakeconnection}\rtfsp
implicitly creates an instance of {\bf MyConnection} if the request for a
from the server, where the server calls the client when data has changed.
- wxIPCInitialize();
- char *server = "4242";
- char hostName[256];
- wxGetHostName(hostName, sizeof(hostName));
- char *host = hostName;
- if (argc > 1)
- server = argv[1];
- if (argc > 2)
- host = argv[2];
+ wxString server = "4242";
+ wxString hostName;
+ wxGetHostName(hostName);
// Create a new client
MyClient *client = new MyClient;
- the_connection = (MyConnection *)client->MakeConnection(host, server, "IPC TEST");
+ connection = (MyConnection *)client->MakeConnection(hostName, server, "IPC TEST");
- if (!the_connection)
+ if (!connection)
wxMessageBox("Failed to make connection to server", "Client Demo Error");
return NULL;
- the_connection->StartAdvise("Item");
+ connection->StartAdvise("Item");
+Note that it is no longer necessary to call wxDDEInitialize or wxDDECleanUp, since
+wxWindows will do this itself if necessary.
-\func{}{wxStringTokenizer}{\param{const wxString\& }{to\_tokenize}, \param{const wxString\& }{delims = " \t\r\n"}, \param{bool }{ret\_delim = FALSE}}
+\func{}{wxStringTokenizer}{\param{const wxString\& }{to\_tokenize}, \param{const wxString\& }{delims = " $\backslash$t$\backslash$r$\backslash$n"}, \param{bool }{ret\_delim = FALSE}}
Constructor. Pass the string to tokenze, a string containing delimiters,
a flag specifying whether delimiters are retained.
3. Change directory to wx\samples and type 'nmake -f'
to make all the samples. You can also make them individually.
+To build the release version using makefiles, add FINAL=1 to your
+nmake invocation, both when building the library and for samples.
+Use the 'clean' target to clean all objects, libraries and
+To build the DLL version using makefiles:
+1. Change directory to wx\src\msw. Type 'nmake -f dll pch'
+ to make both a suitable DLL and import library, and to build a
+ suitable precompiled header file for compiling applications.
+2. Invoke a sample makefile with 'nmake -f WXUSINGDLL=1'.
Note (1): if you wish to use templates, please edit
include\wx\msw\setup.h and set wxUSE_DEBUG_NEW_ALWAYS to 0.
Without this, the redefinition of 'new' will cause problems in
3. Change directory to a sample, such as wx\samples\minimal, and
type 'nmake -f makefile.dos'.
+Add FINAL=1 to your makefile invocation to build the release
+versions of the library and samples.
+Use the 'clean' target to clean all objects, libraries and
Borland C++ 4.5/5.0 compilation
// Get hostname.
WXDLLEXPORT bool wxGetHostName(char *buf, int maxSize);
+WXDLLEXPORT bool wxGetHostName(wxString& buf);
// Get user ID e.g. jacs
WXDLLEXPORT bool wxGetUserId(char *buf, int maxSize);
+WXDLLEXPORT bool wxGetUserId(wxString& buf);
// Get user name e.g. Julian Smart
WXDLLEXPORT bool wxGetUserName(char *buf, int maxSize);
+WXDLLEXPORT bool wxGetUserName(wxString& buf);
* Strip out any menu codes
class WXDLLEXPORT wxCursor;
WXDLLEXPORT void wxBeginBusyCursor(wxCursor *cursor = wxHOURGLASS_CURSOR);
// Restore cursor to normal
WXDLLEXPORT void wxEndBusyCursor(void);
// TRUE if we're between the above two calls
WXDLLEXPORT bool wxIsBusy(void);
+// Convenience class so we can just create a wxBusyCursor object on the stack
+class WXDLLEXPORT wxBusyCursor
+ inline wxBusyCursor(wxCursor* cursor = wxHOURGLASS_CURSOR) { wxBeginBusyCursor(cursor); }
+ inline ~wxBusyCursor() { wxEndBusyCursor(); }
/* Error message functions used by wxWindows */
// Non-fatal error (continues)
// Modified by:
// Created: 04/01/98
// RCS-ID: $Id$
-// Copyright: (c) Julian Smart and Markus Holzem
-// Licence: wxWindows license
+// Copyright: (c) Julian Smart
+// Licence: wxWindows licence
// ============================================================================
* File: client.cpp
* Purpose: wxSocket: client demo
- * Author: LAVAUX Guilhem (from
+ * Author: LAVAUX Guilhem
* Created: June 1997
* Updated:
- * Copyright: (c) 1993, AIAI, University of Edinburgh
- * (C) 1997, LAVAUX Guilhem
+ * Copyright: (c) 1997, LAVAUX Guilhem
#ifdef __GNUG__
#pragma implementation
#pragma interface
#ifndef WX_PRECOMP
#include "wx/wx.h"
#include "wx/socket.h"
#include "wx/url.h"
#include "wx/protocol/http.h"
+#if defined(__WXMOTIF__) || defined(__WXGTK__)
+#include "mondrian.xpm"
// Define a new application type
class MyApp: public wxApp
{ public:
MyFrame *frame = new MyFrame();
// Give it an icon
-#ifdef wx_msw
- frame->SetIcon(new wxIcon("mondrian"));
-#ifdef wx_x
- frame->SetIcon(new wxIcon("mondrian.xbm"));
+ frame->SetIcon(wxICON(mondrian));
// Make a menubar
wxMenu *file_menu = new wxMenu();
// Make a panel with a message
- (void)new wxPanel(frame, 0, 0, 300, 100);
+ (void)new wxPanel(frame, -1, wxPoint(0, 0), wxSize(300, 100));
// Show the frame
* File: server.cpp
* Purpose: wxSocket: server demo
- * Author: LAVAUX Guilhem (from
+ * Author: LAVAUX Guilhem
* Created: June 1997
* Updated:
- * Copyright: (c) 1993, AIAI, University of Edinburgh
- * (C) 1997, LAVAUX Guilhem
+ * Copyright: (C) 1997, LAVAUX Guilhem
#ifdef __GNUG__
#pragma implementation
#pragma interface
#ifndef WX_PRECOMP
#include "wx/wx.h"
#include "wx/socket.h"
+#if defined(__WXMOTIF__) || defined(__WXGTK__)
+#include "mondrian.xpm"
// Define a new application type
class MyApp: public wxApp
{ public:
MyFrame *frame = new MyFrame(NULL);
// Give it an icon
-#ifdef wx_msw
- frame->SetIcon(new wxIcon("mondrian"));
-#ifdef wx_x
- frame->SetIcon(new wxIcon("aiai.xbm"));
+ frame->SetIcon(wxICON(mondrian));
// Make a menubar
wxMenu *file_menu = new wxMenu;
return ( c >= 0 && c < 128 ) ;
+// Overloaded functions, taking a wxString
+bool wxGetHostName(wxString& name)
+ bool success = wxGetHostName(wxBuffer, 500);
+ if (success)
+ {
+ name = wxBuffer;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ return FALSE;
+bool wxGetUserId(wxString& buf)
+ bool success = wxGetUserId(wxBuffer, 500);
+ if (success)
+ {
+ buf = wxBuffer;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ return FALSE;
+bool wxGetUserName(wxString& buf)
+ bool success = wxGetUserName(wxBuffer, 500);
+ if (success)
+ {
+ buf = wxBuffer;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ return FALSE;
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
-struct wxBusyCursor
- wxBusyCursor() { wxBeginBusyCursor(); }
- ~wxBusyCursor() { wxEndBusyCursor(); }
IMPLEMENT_CLASS(wxExtHelpController, wxHTMLHelpControllerBase)
{ id = iid; url = iurl; doc = idoc; }
-struct wxBusyCursor
- wxBusyCursor() { wxBeginBusyCursor(); }
- ~wxBusyCursor() { wxEndBusyCursor(); }
IMPLEMENT_ABSTRACT_CLASS(wxHTMLHelpControllerBase, wxHelpControllerBase)
#include "wx/app.h"
-#include "wx/msw/private.h"
+#include "wx/module.h"
#include "wx/dde.h"
#ifndef __TWIN32__
+#include "wx/msw/private.h"
#include <windows.h>
#include <ddeml.h>
#include <string.h>
delete [] DDEDefaultIPCBuffer ;
+// A module to allow DDE initialization/cleanup
+// without calling these functions from app.cpp or from
+// the user's application.
+class wxDDEModule: public wxModule
+ wxDDEModule() {}
+ bool OnInit() { wxDDEInitialize(); return TRUE; };
+ void OnExit() { wxDDECleanUp(); };
// Global find connection
static wxDDEConnection *DDEFindConnection(HCONV hConv)