wxStrcpy(tableName, tblName); // Table Name
if (tblPath)
wxStrcpy(tablePath, tblPath); // Table Path - used for dBase files
- else
- tablePath[0]=0;
if (qryTblName) // Name of the table/view to query
wxStrcpy(queryTableName, qryTblName);
int i;
// char sqlStmt[DB_MAX_STATEMENT_LEN];
wxString sqlStmt;
- wxString *s = NULL;
// Verify that the table exists in the database
-// if (!pDb->TableExists(tableName,pDb->GetUsername(),tablePath))
- if (!pDb->TableExists(tableName,NULL,tablePath))
+ if (!pDb->TableExists(tableName,pDb->GetUsername(),tablePath))
- s =new wxString("Table/view does not exist in the database");
- if (*(pDb->dbInf.accessibleTables) == 'Y')
- {
- (*s)+=", or you have insufficient permissions.\n";
- }
- else
- {
- (*s)+=".\n";
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // Verify the user has rights to access the table.
- // Shortcut boolean evaluation to optimize out call to TablePrivs
- // Unfortunely this optimization doesn't seem to be reliable!
- if (/* *(pDb->dbInf.accessibleTables) == 'N' && */
- !pDb->TablePrivileges(tableName,"SELECT",NULL,tablePath))
- s = new wxString("Current logged in user has insufficient privileges to access this table.\n");
- }
- if (s)
- {
- wxString p;
+ wxString s;
if (wxStrcmp(tablePath,""))
- p.sprintf("Error opening '%s/%s'.\n",tablePath,tableName);
- else
- p.sprintf("Error opening '%s'.\n", tableName);
- p += (*s);
- pDb->LogError(p.GetData());
+ s.sprintf("Error opening '%s/%s'.\n",tablePath,tableName);
+ else
+ s.sprintf("Error opening '%s'.\n", tableName);
+ if (!pDb->TableExists(tableName,NULL,tablePath))
+ s += "Table/view does not exist in the database.\n";
+ else
+ s += "Current logged in user does not have sufficient privileges to access this table.\n";
+ pDb->LogError(s.GetData());