Starting from wxWidgets 2.5.0 wxImage supports alpha channel data, that is in
addition to a byte for the red, green and blue colour components for each pixel
-it also stores a byte representing the pixel opacity. The alpha value of $0$
-corresponds to a transparent pixel (null opacity) while the value of $255$
+it also stores a byte representing the pixel opacity. An alpha value of $0$
+corresponds to a transparent pixel (null opacity) while a value of $255$
means that the pixel is 100\% opaque.
-Unlike the RGB data, not all images have the alpha channel and before using
+Unlike RGB data, not all images have an alpha channel and before using
\helpref{GetAlpha}{wximagegetalpha} you should check if this image contains
-alpha value with \helpref{HasAlpha}{wximagehasalpha}. In fact, currently only
-images loaded from PNG files with transparency information will have alpha
-channel but support for it will be added to the other formats as well (as well
-as support for saving images with alpha channel which is not still implemented
+an alpha channel with \helpref{HasAlpha}{wximagehasalpha}. Note that currently only
+images loaded from PNG files with transparency information will have an alpha
+channel but alpha support will be added to the other formats as well (as well
+as support for saving images with alpha channel which also isn't implemented).
\wxheading{Available image handlers}