--- /dev/null
+# File: makefile.b32
+# Author: Julian Smart
+# Created: 2000
+# Updated:
+# Copyright:
+# Makefile : Builds BC++ library for 32-bit BC++
+OBJECTS=xml.obj xmlbin.obj xmlbinz.obj xmlpars.obj xmlres.obj xmlrsall.obj \
+ xh_bttn.obj xh_chckb.obj xh_chckl.obj xh_choic.obj xh_combo.obj xh_dlg.obj \
+ xh_gauge.obj xh_html.obj xh_menu.obj xh_notbk.obj xh_panel.obj xh_radbt.obj \
+ xh_radbx.obj xh_sizer.obj xh_slidr.obj xh_spin.obj xh_stbmp.obj xh_sttxt.obj \
+ xh_text.obj
+!include $(WXDIR)\src\makelib.b32
--- /dev/null
+# File: makefile.g95
+# Author: Julian Smart
+# Created: 2000
+# Updated:
+# Copyright: (c) Julian Smart, 2000
+# Makefile for wxWindows wxXML library (Cygwin/Mingw32).
+WXDIR = ../../..
+OBJECTS=xml.o xmlbin.o xmlbinz.o xmlpars.o xmlres.o xmlrsall.o \
+ xh_bttn.o xh_chckb.o xh_chckl.o xh_choic.o xh_combo.o xh_dlg.o \
+ xh_gauge.o xh_html.o xh_menu.o xh_notbk.o xh_panel.o xh_radbt.o \
+ xh_radbx.o xh_sizer.o xh_slidr.o xh_spin.o xh_stbmp.o xh_sttxt.o \
+ xh_text.o
+include $(WXDIR)/src/makelib.g95
--- /dev/null
+# File: makefile.vc
+# Author: Julian Smart
+# Created: 1993
+# Updated:
+# Copyright: (c) 1993, AIAI, University of Edinburgh
+# "%W% %G%"
+# Makefile : Builds wxXML classes library (MS VC++).
+# Use FINAL=1 argument to nmake to build final version with no debugging
+# info
+# Set WXDIR for your system
+wxXMLDIR = $(WXDIR)\contrib\src\xml
+wxXMLINC = $(WXDIR)\contrib\include\wx\xml
+THISDIR = $(WXDIR)\contrib\src\xml
+# Set this to where your libxml is
+# Unfortunately we need this _before_ we include makelib.vc
+!if "$(FINAL)" == "1"
+OBJECTS=$(D)\xml.obj $(D)\xmlbin.obj $(D)\xmlbinz.obj $(D)\xmlpars.obj $(D)\xmlres.obj $(D)\xmlrsall.obj \
+ $(D)\xh_bttn.obj $(D)\xh_chckb.obj $(D)\xh_chckl.obj $(D)\xh_choic.obj $(D)\xh_combo.obj $(D)\xh_dlg.obj \
+ $(D)\xh_gauge.obj $(D)\xh_html.obj $(D)\xh_menu.obj $(D)\xh_notbk.obj $(D)\xh_panel.obj $(D)\xh_radbt.obj \
+ $(D)\xh_radbx.obj $(D)\xh_sizer.obj $(D)\xh_slidr.obj $(D)\xh_spin.obj $(D)\xh_stbmp.obj $(D)\xh_sttxt.obj \
+ $(D)\xh_text.obj
+!include $(WXDIR)\src\makelib.vc
+ $(LOCALDOCDIR)\bugs.tex $(LOCALDOCDIR)\changes.tex\
+ $(LOCALDOCDIR)\classes.tex $(LOCALDOCDIR)\intro.tex\
+ $(LOCALDOCDIR)\topics.tex $(LOCALDOCDIR)\sample.tex
+html: $(DOCDIR)\html\xml\xml.htm
+htmlhelp: $(DOCDIR)\htmlhelp\xml.chm
+htb: $(DOCDIR)\htb\xml.htb
+hlp: $(DOCDIR)\winhelp\xml.hlp
+pdfrtf: $(DOCDIR)\pdf\xml.rtf
+ps: $(DOCDIR)\ps\xml.ps
+ touch $(LOCALDOCDIR)\xml.tex
+$(DOCDIR)\winhelp\xml.hlp: $(LOCALDOCDIR)\xml.rtf $(LOCALDOCDIR)\xml.hpj
+ -erase xml.ph
+ hc xml
+ move xml.hlp $(DOCDIR)\winhelp\xml.hlp
+ move xml.cnt $(DOCDIR)\winhelp\xml.cnt
+ cd $(THISDIR)
+ -start $(WAITFLAG) tex2rtf $(LOCALDOCDIR)\xml.tex $(LOCALDOCDIR)\xml.rtf -twice -winhelp
+ cd $(THISDIR)
+$(DOCDIR)\pdf\xml.rtf: $(DOCSOURCES)
+ -copy *.bmp $(DOCDIR)\pdf
+ -start $(WAITFLAG) tex2rtf $(LOCALDOCDIR)\xml.tex $(DOCDIR)\pdf\xml.rtf -twice -rtf
+ cd $(THISDIR)
+$(DOCDIR)\html\xml\xml.htm: $(DOCSOURCES)
+ -mkdir $(DOCDIR)\html\xml
+ copy *.gif $(DOCDIR)\html\xml
+ -start $(WAITFLAG) tex2rtf $(LOCALDOCDIR)\xml.tex $(DOCDIR)\html\xml\xml.htm -twice -html
+ -erase $(DOCDIR)\html\xml\*.con
+ -erase *.con
+ -erase $(DOCDIR)\html\xml\*.ref
+ cd $(THISDIR)
+$(DOCDIR)\htmlhelp\xml.chm: $(DOCDIR)\html\xml\xml.htm $(DOCDIR)\html\xml\xml.hhp
+ cd $(DOCDIR)\html\xml
+ -hhc xml.hhp
+ move xml.chm $(DOCDIR)\htmlhelp\xml.chm
+ cd $(THISDIR)
+# An htb file is a zip file containing the .htm, .gif, .hhp, .hhc and .hhk
+# files, renamed to htb.
+# This can then be used with e.g. helpview.
+# Optionally, a cached version of the .hhp file can be generated with hhp2cached.
+$(DOCDIR)\htb\xml.htb: $(DOCDIR)\html\xml\xml.htm
+ cd $(DOCDIR)\html\xml
+ -erase /Y xml.zip xml.htb
+ zip32 xml.zip *.htm *.gif *.hhp *.hhc *.hhk
+ -mkdir $(DOCDIR)\htb
+ move xml.zip $(DOCDIR)\htb\xml.htb
+ cd $(THISDIR)
+ -latex xml
+ -latex xml
+ -makeindx xml
+ -bibtex xml
+ -latex xml
+ -latex xml
+ cd $(THISDIR)
+$(WXDIR)\docs\ps\xml.ps: $(LOCALDOCDIR)\xml.dvi
+ -dvips32 -o xml.ps xml
+ move xml.ps $(WXDIR)\docs\ps\xml.ps
+ cd $(THISDIR)
--- /dev/null
+# wxXML makefile
+WXDIR = ..\..\..
+!include $(WXDIR)\src\makewat.env
+WXXMLLIB = $(WXDIR)\lib\wxxml.lib
+THISDIR = $(WXDIR)\contrib\src\xml
+NAME = wxxml
+LNK = $(name).lnk
+OBJECTS=xml.obj xmlbin.obj xmlbinz.obj xmlpars.obj xmlres.obj xmlrsall.obj &
+ xh_bttn.obj xh_chckb.obj xh_chckl.obj xh_choic.obj xh_combo.obj xh_dlg.obj &
+ xh_gauge.obj xh_html.obj xh_menu.obj xh_notbk.obj xh_panel.obj xh_radbt.obj &
+ xh_radbx.obj xh_sizer.obj xh_slidr.obj xh_spin.obj xh_stbmp.obj xh_sttxt.obj &
+ xh_text.obj
+all: $(WXXMLLIB)
+ *wlib /b /c /n /P=256 $(WXXMLLIB) $(OBJECTS)
+clean: .SYMBOLIC
+ -erase *.obj *.bak *.err *.pch $(WXXMLLIB) *.lbc
--- /dev/null
+# Microsoft Developer Studio Project File - Name="wxXMLVC" - Package Owner=<4>
+# Microsoft Developer Studio Generated Build File, Format Version 6.00
+# ** DO NOT EDIT **
+# TARGTYPE "Win32 (x86) Static Library" 0x0104
+CFG=wxXMLVC - Win32 Debug
+!MESSAGE This is not a valid makefile. To build this project using NMAKE,
+!MESSAGE use the Export Makefile command and run
+!MESSAGE You can specify a configuration when running NMAKE
+!MESSAGE by defining the macro CFG on the command line. For example:
+!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "wxXMLVC.mak" CFG="wxXMLVC - Win32 Debug"
+!MESSAGE Possible choices for configuration are:
+!MESSAGE "wxXMLVC - Win32 Release" (based on "Win32 (x86) Static Library")
+!MESSAGE "wxXMLVC - Win32 Debug" (based on "Win32 (x86) Static Library")
+# Begin Project
+# PROP AllowPerConfigDependencies 0
+# PROP Scc_ProjName ""
+# PROP Scc_LocalPath ""
+!IF "$(CFG)" == "wxXMLVC - Win32 Release"
+# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 0
+# PROP BASE Output_Dir "Release"
+# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "Release"
+# PROP BASE Target_Dir ""
+# PROP Use_MFC 0
+# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 0
+# PROP Output_Dir "Release"
+# PROP Intermediate_Dir "Release"
+# PROP Target_Dir ""
+# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /GX /O2 /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /YX /FD /c
+# ADD CPP /nologo /MD /W3 /GX /O1 /Ob2 /I "../../../include" /I "../../include" /I "d:\libxml\libxml2-2.1.1" /D "WIN32" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "__WINDOWS__" /D "__WXMSW__" /D "__WIN95__" /D "__WIN32__" /D WINVER=0x0400 /D "STRICT" /FD /c
+# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x809
+# ADD RSC /l 0x809
+# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo
+# ADD BSC32 /nologo
+LIB32=link.exe -lib
+# ADD BASE LIB32 /nologo
+# ADD LIB32 /nologo /out:"..\..\lib\wxxml.lib"
+!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "wxXMLVC - Win32 Debug"
+# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 1
+# PROP BASE Output_Dir "Debug"
+# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "Debug"
+# PROP BASE Target_Dir ""
+# PROP Use_MFC 0
+# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 1
+# PROP Output_Dir "Debug"
+# PROP Intermediate_Dir "Debug"
+# PROP Target_Dir ""
+# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /GX /Z7 /Od /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /YX /FD /c
+# ADD CPP /nologo /MDd /W3 /GX /Z7 /Od /I "../../../include" /I "../../include" /I "d:\libxml\libxml2-2.1.1" /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "__WINDOWS__" /D "__WXMSW__" /D DEBUG=1 /D "__WXDEBUG__" /D "__WIN95__" /D "__WIN32__" /D WINVER=0x0400 /D "STRICT" /FD /c
+# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x809
+# ADD RSC /l 0x809
+# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo
+# ADD BSC32 /nologo
+LIB32=link.exe -lib
+# ADD BASE LIB32 /nologo
+# ADD LIB32 /nologo /out:"..\..\lib\wxxmld.lib"
+# Begin Target
+# Name "wxXMLVC - Win32 Release"
+# Name "wxXMLVC - Win32 Debug"
+# Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# End Target
+# End Project
--- /dev/null
+Microsoft Developer Studio Workspace File, Format Version 6.00
+Project: "wxXMLVC"=.\wxXMLVC.dsp - Package Owner=<4>
!include $(WXDIR)\src\makevc.env
-all: $(LIBTARGET)
cd $(WXDIR)\src\msw
$(CPPFLAGS2) /Fo$@ /c $<
+ cl @<<
+$(CPPFLAGS) /Fo$@ /c /Tp $<
+$(D) :
+ mkdir $(D)