+ src/net/Makefile
--- /dev/null
+// Name: email.h
+// Purpose: wxEmail: portable email client class
+// Author: Julian Smart
+// Modified by:
+// Created: 2001-08-21
+// RCS-ID: $Id$
+// Copyright: (c) Julian Smart
+// Licence: wxWindows licence
+#ifdef __GNUG__
+#pragma interface "email.h"
+#ifndef _WX_EMAIL_H_
+#define _WX_EMAIL_H_
+#include "wx/net/msg.h"
+ * wxEmail
+ * Miscellaneous email functions
+ */
+class wxEmail
+//// Ctor/dtor
+ wxEmail() {};
+//// Operations
+ // Send a message.
+ // Specify profile, or leave it to wxWindows to find the current user name
+ static bool Send(wxMailMessage& message, const wxString& profileName = wxEmptyString );
+#endif //_WX_EMAIL_H_
--- /dev/null
+// Name: msg.h
+// Purpose: wxMailMessage
+// Author: Julian Smart
+// Modified by:
+// Created: 2001-08-21
+// RCS-ID: $Id$
+// Copyright: (c) Julian Smart
+// Licence: wxWindows licence
+#ifdef __GNUG__
+#pragma interface "msg.h"
+#ifndef _WX_MSG_H_
+#define _WX_MSG_H_
+ * wxMailMessage
+ * Encapsulates an email message
+ */
+class wxMailMessage
+ // A common usage
+ wxMailMessage(const wxString& subject, const wxString& to,
+ const wxString& body, const wxString& attachment = wxEmptyString,
+ const wxString& attachmentTitle = wxEmptyString)
+ {
+ m_to.Add(to);
+ m_subject = subject;
+ m_body = body;
+ if (!attachment.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ m_attachments.Add(attachment);
+ m_attachmentTitles.Add(attachmentTitle);
+ }
+ }
+ wxMailMessage() {};
+//// Accessors
+ void AddTo(const wxString& to) { m_to.Add(to); }
+ void AddCc(const wxString& cc) { m_cc.Add(cc); }
+ void AddBcc(const wxString& bcc) { m_bcc.Add(bcc); }
+ void AddAttachment(const wxString& attach, const wxString& title = wxEmptyString)
+ { m_attachments.Add(attach); m_attachmentTitles.Add(title); }
+ void SetSubject(const wxString& subject) { m_subject = subject; }
+ void SetBody(const wxString& body) { m_body = body; }
+ wxArrayString m_to; //The To: Recipients
+ wxArrayString m_cc; //The CC: Recipients
+ wxArrayString m_bcc; //The BCC Recipients
+ wxString m_subject; //The Subject of the message
+ wxString m_body; //The Body of the message
+ wxArrayString m_attachments; //Files to attach to the email
+ wxArrayString m_attachmentTitles; //Titles to use for the email file attachments
+#endif // _WX_MSG_H_
--- /dev/null
+// Name: smapi.h
+// Purpose: Simple MAPI classes
+// Author: PJ Naughter <>
+// Modified by: Julian Smart
+// Created: 2001-08-21
+// RCS-ID: $Id$
+// Copyright: (c) PJ Naughter
+// Licence: wxWindows licence
+#ifdef __GNUG__
+#pragma interface "smapi.h"
+#ifndef _WX_SMAPI_H_
+#define _WX_SMAPI_H_
+#include "wx/net/msg.h"
+class wxMapiData;
+//The class which encapsulates the MAPI connection
+class wxMapiSession
+ //Constructors / Destructors
+ wxMapiSession();
+ ~wxMapiSession();
+ //Logon / Logoff Methods
+ bool Logon(const wxString& sProfileName, const wxString& sPassword = wxEmptyString, wxWindow* pParentWnd = NULL);
+ bool LoggedOn() const;
+ bool Logoff();
+ //Send a message
+ bool Send(wxMailMessage& message);
+ //General MAPI support
+ bool MapiInstalled() const;
+ //Error Handling
+ long GetLastError() const;
+ //Methods
+ void Initialise();
+ void Deinitialise();
+ bool Resolve(const wxString& sName, void* lppRecip1);
+ wxMapiData* m_data;
+#endif //_WX_SMAPI_H_
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+// Name: web.h
+// Purpose: wxWeb: portable web browser-related class
+// Author: Julian Smart
+// Modified by:
+// Created: 2001-08-21
+// RCS-ID: $Id$
+// Copyright: (c) Julian Smart
+// Licence: wxWindows licence
+#ifdef __GNUG__
+#pragma interface "web.h"
+#ifndef _WX_WEB_H_
+#define _WX_WEB_H_
+ * wxWeb
+ * Miscellaneous web functions
+ */
+class wxWeb
+//// Ctor/dtor
+ wxWeb() {};
+//// Operations
+#endif //_WX_WEB_H_
--- /dev/null
+# $Id$
+top_srcdir = @top_srcdir@/..
+top_builddir = ../../..
+libsrc_dir = contrib/src/net
+HEADERS=msg.h email.h web.h
+OBJECTS=email.o web.o
+include $(top_builddir)/src/makelib.env
--- /dev/null
+# Microsoft Developer Studio Project File - Name="NetVC" - Package Owner=<4>
+# Microsoft Developer Studio Generated Build File, Format Version 6.00
+# ** DO NOT EDIT **
+# TARGTYPE "Win32 (x86) Static Library" 0x0104
+CFG=NetVC - Win32 Debug
+!MESSAGE This is not a valid makefile. To build this project using NMAKE,
+!MESSAGE use the Export Makefile command and run
+!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "NetVC.mak".
+!MESSAGE You can specify a configuration when running NMAKE
+!MESSAGE by defining the macro CFG on the command line. For example:
+!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "NetVC.mak" CFG="NetVC - Win32 Debug"
+!MESSAGE Possible choices for configuration are:
+!MESSAGE "NetVC - Win32 Release" (based on "Win32 (x86) Static Library")
+!MESSAGE "NetVC - Win32 Debug" (based on "Win32 (x86) Static Library")
+# Begin Project
+# PROP AllowPerConfigDependencies 0
+# PROP Scc_ProjName ""
+# PROP Scc_LocalPath ""
+!IF "$(CFG)" == "NetVC - Win32 Release"
+# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 0
+# PROP BASE Output_Dir "Release"
+# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "Release"
+# PROP BASE Target_Dir ""
+# PROP Use_MFC 0
+# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 0
+# PROP Output_Dir "Release"
+# PROP Intermediate_Dir "Release"
+# PROP Target_Dir ""
+# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /GX /O2 /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /YX /FD /c
+# ADD CPP /nologo /MD /W3 /GX /O1 /Ob2 /I "../../../include" /I "../../include" /D "WIN32" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "__WINDOWS__" /D "__WXMSW__" /D "__WIN95__" /D "__WIN32__" /D WINVER=0x0400 /D "STRICT" /FD /c
+# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x809
+# ADD RSC /l 0x809
+# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo
+# ADD BSC32 /nologo
+LIB32=link.exe -lib
+# ADD BASE LIB32 /nologo
+# ADD LIB32 /nologo /out:"..\..\..\lib\net.lib"
+!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "NetVC - Win32 Debug"
+# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 1
+# PROP BASE Output_Dir "Debug"
+# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "Debug"
+# PROP BASE Target_Dir ""
+# PROP Use_MFC 0
+# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 1
+# PROP Output_Dir "Debug"
+# PROP Intermediate_Dir "Debug"
+# PROP Target_Dir ""
+# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /GX /Z7 /Od /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /YX /FD /c
+# ADD CPP /nologo /MDd /W3 /GX /Z7 /Od /I "../../../include" /I "../../include" /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "__WINDOWS__" /D "__WXMSW__" /D DEBUG=1 /D "__WXDEBUG__" /D "__WIN95__" /D "__WIN32__" /D WINVER=0x0400 /D "STRICT" /FD /c
+# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x809
+# ADD RSC /l 0x809
+# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo
+# ADD BSC32 /nologo
+LIB32=link.exe -lib
+# ADD BASE LIB32 /nologo
+# ADD LIB32 /nologo /out:"..\..\..\lib\netd.lib"
+# Begin Target
+# Name "NetVC - Win32 Release"
+# Name "NetVC - Win32 Debug"
+# Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# End Target
+# End Project
--- /dev/null
+Microsoft Developer Studio Workspace File, Format Version 6.00
+Project: "NetVC"=.\NetVC.dsp - Package Owner=<4>
--- /dev/null
+// Name: email.h
+// Purpose: wxEmail: portable email client class
+// Author: Julian Smart
+// Modified by:
+// Created: 2001-08-21
+// RCS-ID: $Id$
+// Copyright: (c) Julian Smart
+// Licence: wxWindows licence
+#ifdef __GNUG__
+#pragma implementation "email.h"
+// For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx/wx.h".
+#include "wx/wxprec.h"
+#ifdef __BORLANDC__
+#pragma hdrstop
+#ifndef WX_PRECOMP
+#include "wx/wx.h"
+#include "wx/string.h"
+#include "wx/net/email.h"
+#ifdef __WXMSW__
+#include "wx/net/smapi.h"
+// Send a message.
+// Specify profile, or leave it to wxWindows to find the current user name
+#ifdef __WXMSW__
+bool wxEmail::Send(wxMailMessage& message, const wxString& profileName)
+ wxASSERT (message.m_to.GetCount() > 0) ;
+ wxString profile(profileName);
+ if (profile.IsEmpty())
+ profile = wxGetUserName();
+ wxMapiSession session;
+ if (!session.MapiInstalled())
+ return FALSE;
+ if (!session.Logon(profile))
+ return FALSE;
+ return session.Send(message);
+#error Send not yet implemented for this platform.
--- /dev/null
+# File: makefile.b32
+# Author: Julian Smart
+# Created: 1999
+# Updated:
+# Copyright:
+# Makefile : Builds Net library for 32-bit BC++
+OBJECTS = smapi.obj email.obj web.obj
+!include $(WXDIR)\src\makelib.b32
--- /dev/null
+# File: makefile.g95
+# Author: Julian Smart
+# Created: 1999
+# Updated:
+# Copyright: (c) Julian Smart, 1999
+# Makefile for wxWindows Net library Cygwin/Mingw32).
+WXDIR = ../../..
+OBJECTS = smapi.o email.o web.o
+include $(WXDIR)/src/makelib.g95
--- /dev/null
+# File:
+# Author: Julian Smart
+# Created: 2001
+# Updated:
+# Copyright: (c) 2001, Julian Smart
+# "%W% %G%"
+# Makefile : Builds net class library (MS VC++).
+# Use FINAL=1 argument to nmake to build final version with no debugging
+# info
+# Set WXDIR for your system
+GIZMOSDIR = $(WXDIR)\contrib\src\net
+GIZMOSINC = $(WXDIR)\contrib\include\wx\net
+THISDIR = $(WXDIR)\contrib\src\net
+!include $(WXDIR)\src\makevc.env
+OBJECTS = $(D)\smapi.obj $(D)\email.obj $(D)\web.obj
+all: $(D) $(LIBTARGET)
+$(D) :
+ mkdir $(D)
+ cd $(WXDIR)\src\msw
+ nmake -f FINAL=$(FINAL)
+ cd $(THISDIR)
+ cd $(WXDIR)\src\msw
+ nmake -f clean
+ cd $(THISDIR)
+ -erase $(LIBTARGET)
+ $(implib) @<<
+$(D)\net.obj: net.$(SRCSUFF)
+ cl @<<
+$(CPPFLAGS) /c /Fo$@ /Tp $(*B).$(SRCSUFF)
+ -erase $(D)\*.obj
+ -erase *.sbr
+ -erase *.exe
+ -erase *.res
+ -erase *.map
+ -erase *.pdb
+ -erase $(LIBTARGET)
+ $(LOCALDOCDIR)\bugs.tex $(LOCALDOCDIR)\changes.tex\
+ $(LOCALDOCDIR)\classes.tex $(LOCALDOCDIR)\intro.tex\
+ $(LOCALDOCDIR)\topics.tex $(LOCALDOCDIR)\sample.tex
+html: $(DOCDIR)\html\net\net.htm
+htmlhelp: $(DOCDIR)\htmlhelp\net.chm
+htb: $(DOCDIR)\htb\net.htb
+hlp: $(DOCDIR)\winhelp\net.hlp
+pdfrtf: $(DOCDIR)\pdf\net.rtf
+ps: $(DOCDIR)\ps\
+ touch $(LOCALDOCDIR)\net.tex
+$(DOCDIR)\winhelp\net.hlp: $(LOCALDOCDIR)\net.rtf $(LOCALDOCDIR)\net.hpj
+ -erase
+ hc net
+ move net.hlp $(DOCDIR)\winhelp\net.hlp
+ move net.cnt $(DOCDIR)\winhelp\net.cnt
+ cd $(THISDIR)
+ -start $(WAITFLAG) tex2rtf $(LOCALDOCDIR)\net.tex $(LOCALDOCDIR)\net.rtf -twice -winhelp
+ cd $(THISDIR)
+$(DOCDIR)\pdf\net.rtf: $(DOCSOURCES)
+ -copy *.bmp $(DOCDIR)\pdf
+ -start $(WAITFLAG) tex2rtf $(LOCALDOCDIR)\net.tex $(DOCDIR)\pdf\net.rtf -twice -rtf
+ cd $(THISDIR)
+$(DOCDIR)\html\net\net.htm: $(DOCSOURCES)
+ -mkdir $(DOCDIR)\html\net
+ copy *.gif $(DOCDIR)\html\net
+ -start $(WAITFLAG) tex2rtf $(LOCALDOCDIR)\net.tex $(DOCDIR)\html\net\net.htm -twice -html
+ -erase $(DOCDIR)\html\net\*.con
+ -erase *.con
+ -erase $(DOCDIR)\html\net\*.ref
+ cd $(THISDIR)
+$(DOCDIR)\htmlhelp\net.chm: $(DOCDIR)\html\net\net.htm $(DOCDIR)\html\net\net.hhp
+ cd $(DOCDIR)\html\net
+ -hhc net.hhp
+ move net.chm $(DOCDIR)\htmlhelp\net.chm
+ cd $(THISDIR)
+# An htb file is a zip file containing the .htm, .gif, .hhp, .hhc and .hhk
+# files, renamed to htb.
+# This can then be used with e.g. helpview.
+# Optionally, a cached version of the .hhp file can be generated with hhp2cached.
+$(DOCDIR)\htb\net.htb: $(DOCDIR)\html\net\net.htm
+ cd $(DOCDIR)\html\net
+ -erase net.htb
+ zip *.htm *.gif *.hhp *.hhc *.hhk
+ -mkdir $(DOCDIR)\htb
+ move $(DOCDIR)\htb\net.htb
+ cd $(THISDIR)
+ -latex net
+ -latex net
+ -makeindx net
+ -bibtex net
+ -latex net
+ -latex net
+ cd $(THISDIR)
+$(WXDIR)\docs\ps\ $(LOCALDOCDIR)\net.dvi
+ -dvips32 -o net
+ move $(WXDIR)\docs\ps\
+ cd $(THISDIR)
--- /dev/null
+Net library
+This is a library of email and other Internet-related functionality.
+wxMailMessage Populate this before sending a message
+wxMapiSession Encapsulates Simple MAPI functionality on Windows
+wxEmail Platform-independent mail functions, such as Send
+wxWeb Platform-independent web functions, such as OpenURL
--- /dev/null
+// Name: smapi.cpp
+// Purpose: Simple MAPI classes
+// Author: PJ Naughter <>
+// Modified by: Julian Smart
+// Created: 2001-08-21
+// RCS-ID: $Id$
+// Copyright: (c) PJ Naughter
+// Licence: wxWindows licence
+#ifdef __GNUG__
+#pragma implementation "smapi.h"
+// For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx/wx.h".
+#include "wx/wxprec.h"
+#ifdef __BORLANDC__
+#pragma hdrstop
+#ifndef WX_PRECOMP
+#include "wx/wx.h"
+#include "wx/string.h"
+#include "wx/msw/private.h"
+#include <mapi.h>
+#include "wx/net/smapi.h"
+class wxMapiData
+ wxMapiData()
+ {
+ m_hSession = 0;
+ m_nLastError = 0;
+ m_hMapi = NULL;
+ m_lpfnMAPILogon = NULL;
+ m_lpfnMAPILogoff = NULL;
+ m_lpfnMAPISendMail = NULL;
+ m_lpfnMAPIResolveName = NULL;
+ m_lpfnMAPIFreeBuffer = NULL;
+ }
+ //Data
+ LHANDLE m_hSession; //Mapi Session handle
+ long m_nLastError; //Last Mapi error value
+ HINSTANCE m_hMapi; //Instance handle of the MAPI dll
+ LPMAPILOGON m_lpfnMAPILogon; //MAPILogon function pointer
+ LPMAPILOGOFF m_lpfnMAPILogoff; //MAPILogoff function pointer
+ LPMAPISENDMAIL m_lpfnMAPISendMail; //MAPISendMail function pointer
+ LPMAPIRESOLVENAME m_lpfnMAPIResolveName; //MAPIResolveName function pointer
+ LPMAPIFREEBUFFER m_lpfnMAPIFreeBuffer; //MAPIFreeBuffer function pointer
+////////////////////////////////// Implementation /////////////////////////////
+ m_data = new wxMapiData;
+ Initialise();
+ //Logoff if logged on
+ Logoff();
+ //Unload the MAPI dll
+ Deinitialise();
+ delete m_data;
+void wxMapiSession::Initialise()
+ //First make sure the "WIN.INI" entry for MAPI is present aswell
+ //as the MAPI32 dll being present on the system
+ bool bMapiInstalled = (GetProfileInt(_T("MAIL"), _T("MAPI"), 0) != 0) &&
+ (SearchPath(NULL, _T("MAPI32.DLL"), NULL, 0, NULL, NULL) != 0);
+ if (bMapiInstalled)
+ {
+ //Load up the MAPI dll and get the function pointers we are interested in
+ m_data->m_hMapi = ::LoadLibrary(_T("MAPI32.DLL"));
+ if (m_data->m_hMapi)
+ {
+ m_data->m_lpfnMAPILogon = (LPMAPILOGON) GetProcAddress(m_data->m_hMapi, "MAPILogon");
+ m_data->m_lpfnMAPILogoff = (LPMAPILOGOFF) GetProcAddress(m_data->m_hMapi, "MAPILogoff");
+ m_data->m_lpfnMAPISendMail = (LPMAPISENDMAIL) GetProcAddress(m_data->m_hMapi, "MAPISendMail");
+ m_data->m_lpfnMAPIResolveName = (LPMAPIRESOLVENAME) GetProcAddress(m_data->m_hMapi, "MAPIResolveName");
+ m_data->m_lpfnMAPIFreeBuffer = (LPMAPIFREEBUFFER) GetProcAddress(m_data->m_hMapi, "MAPIFreeBuffer");
+ //If any of the functions are not installed then fail the load
+ if (m_data->m_lpfnMAPILogon == NULL ||
+ m_data->m_lpfnMAPILogoff == NULL ||
+ m_data->m_lpfnMAPISendMail == NULL ||
+ m_data->m_lpfnMAPIResolveName == NULL ||
+ m_data->m_lpfnMAPIFreeBuffer == NULL)
+ {
+ wxLogDebug(_T("Failed to get one of the functions pointer in MAPI32.DLL\n"));
+ Deinitialise();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ wxLogDebug(_T("Mapi is not installed on this computer\n"));
+void wxMapiSession::Deinitialise()
+ if (m_data->m_hMapi)
+ {
+ //Unload the MAPI dll and reset the function pointers to NULL
+ FreeLibrary(m_data->m_hMapi);
+ m_data->m_hMapi = NULL;
+ m_data->m_lpfnMAPILogon = NULL;
+ m_data->m_lpfnMAPILogoff = NULL;
+ m_data->m_lpfnMAPISendMail = NULL;
+ m_data->m_lpfnMAPIResolveName = NULL;
+ m_data->m_lpfnMAPIFreeBuffer = NULL;
+ }
+bool wxMapiSession::Logon(const wxString& sProfileName, const wxString& sPassword, wxWindow* pParentWnd)
+ wxASSERT(MapiInstalled()); //MAPI must be installed
+ wxASSERT(m_data->m_lpfnMAPILogon); //Function pointer must be valid
+ //Initialise the function return value
+ bool bSuccess = FALSE;
+ //Just in case we are already logged in
+ Logoff();
+ //Setup the ascii versions of the profile name and password
+ int nProfileLength = sProfileName.Length();
+ int nPasswordLength = sPassword.Length();
+ LPSTR pszProfileName = NULL;
+ LPSTR pszPassword = NULL;
+ if (nProfileLength)
+ {
+// pszProfileName = T2A((LPTSTR) (LPCTSTR) sProfileName);
+// pszPassword = T2A((LPTSTR) (LPCTSTR) sPassword);
+ pszProfileName = (LPSTR) sProfileName.c_str();
+ pszPassword = (LPSTR) sPassword.c_str();
+ }
+ //Setup the flags & UIParam parameters used in the MapiLogon call
+ FLAGS flags = 0;
+ ULONG nUIParam = 0;
+ if (nProfileLength == 0)
+ {
+ //No profile name given, then we must interactively request a profile name
+ if (pParentWnd)
+ {
+ nUIParam = (ULONG) (HWND) pParentWnd->GetHWND();
+ flags |= MAPI_LOGON_UI;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //No window given, just use the main window of the app as the parent window
+ if (wxTheApp->GetTopWindow())
+ {
+ nUIParam = (ULONG) (HWND) wxTheApp->GetTopWindow()->GetHWND();
+ flags |= MAPI_LOGON_UI;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //First try to acquire a new MAPI session using the supplied settings using the MAPILogon functio
+ ULONG nError = m_data->m_lpfnMAPILogon(nUIParam, pszProfileName, pszPassword, flags | MAPI_NEW_SESSION, 0, &m_data->m_hSession);
+ if (nError != SUCCESS_SUCCESS && nError != MAPI_E_USER_ABORT)
+ {
+ //Failed to create a create mapi session, try to acquire a shared mapi session
+ wxLogDebug(_T("Failed to logon to MAPI using a new session, trying to acquire a shared one\n"));
+ nError = m_data->m_lpfnMAPILogon(nUIParam, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, &m_data->m_hSession);
+ if (nError == SUCCESS_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ m_data->m_nLastError = SUCCESS_SUCCESS;
+ bSuccess = TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ wxLogDebug(_T("Failed to logon to MAPI using a shared session, Error:%d\n"), nError);
+ m_data->m_nLastError = nError;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (nError == SUCCESS_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ m_data->m_nLastError = SUCCESS_SUCCESS;
+ bSuccess = TRUE;
+ }
+ return bSuccess;
+bool wxMapiSession::LoggedOn() const
+ return (m_data->m_hSession != 0);
+bool wxMapiSession::MapiInstalled() const
+ return (m_data->m_hMapi != NULL);
+bool wxMapiSession::Logoff()
+ wxASSERT(MapiInstalled()); //MAPI must be installed
+ wxASSERT(m_data->m_lpfnMAPILogoff); //Function pointer must be valid
+ //Initialise the function return value
+ bool bSuccess = FALSE;
+ if (m_data->m_hSession)
+ {
+ //Call the MAPILogoff function
+ ULONG nError = m_data->m_lpfnMAPILogoff(m_data->m_hSession, 0, 0, 0);
+ if (nError != SUCCESS_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ wxLogDebug(_T("Failed in call to MapiLogoff, Error:%d"), nError);
+ m_data->m_nLastError = nError;
+ bSuccess = TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_data->m_nLastError = SUCCESS_SUCCESS;
+ bSuccess = TRUE;
+ }
+ m_data->m_hSession = 0;
+ }
+ return bSuccess;
+bool wxMapiSession::Resolve(const wxString& sName, void* lppRecip1)
+ lpMapiRecipDesc* lppRecip = (lpMapiRecipDesc*) lppRecip1;
+ wxASSERT(MapiInstalled()); //MAPI must be installed
+ wxASSERT(m_data->m_lpfnMAPIResolveName); //Function pointer must be valid
+ wxASSERT(LoggedOn()); //Must be logged on to MAPI
+ wxASSERT(m_data->m_hSession); //MAPI session handle must be valid
+ //Call the MAPIResolveName function
+// LPSTR lpszAsciiName = T2A((LPTSTR) (LPCTSTR) sName);
+ LPSTR lpszAsciiName = (LPSTR) sName.c_str();
+ ULONG nError = m_data->m_lpfnMAPIResolveName(m_data->m_hSession, 0, lpszAsciiName, 0, 0, lppRecip);
+ if (nError != SUCCESS_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ wxLogDebug(_T("Failed to resolve the name: %s, Error:%d\n"), sName, nError);
+ m_data->m_nLastError = nError;
+ }
+ return (nError == SUCCESS_SUCCESS);
+bool wxMapiSession::Send(wxMailMessage& message)
+ wxASSERT(MapiInstalled()); //MAPI must be installed
+ wxASSERT(m_data->m_lpfnMAPISendMail); //Function pointer must be valid
+ wxASSERT(m_data->m_lpfnMAPIFreeBuffer); //Function pointer must be valid
+ wxASSERT(LoggedOn()); //Must be logged on to MAPI
+ wxASSERT(m_data->m_hSession); //MAPI session handle must be valid
+ //Initialise the function return value
+ bool bSuccess = FALSE;
+ //Create the MapiMessage structure to match the message parameter send into us
+ MapiMessage mapiMessage;
+ ZeroMemory(&mapiMessage, sizeof(mapiMessage));
+ mapiMessage.lpszSubject = (LPSTR) message.m_subject.c_str();
+ mapiMessage.lpszNoteText = (LPSTR) message.m_body.c_str();
+// mapiMessage.lpszSubject = T2A((LPTSTR) (LPCTSTR) message.m_subject);
+// mapiMessage.lpszNoteText = T2A((LPTSTR) (LPCTSTR) message.m_body);
+ mapiMessage.nRecipCount = message.m_to.GetCount() + message.m_cc.GetCount() + message.m_bcc.GetCount();
+ wxASSERT(mapiMessage.nRecipCount); //Must have at least 1 recipient!
+ //Allocate the recipients array
+ mapiMessage.lpRecips = new MapiRecipDesc[mapiMessage.nRecipCount];
+ //Setup the "To" recipients
+ int nRecipIndex = 0;
+ int nToSize = message.m_to.GetCount();
+ for (int i=0; i<nToSize; i++)
+ {
+ MapiRecipDesc& recip = mapiMessage.lpRecips[nRecipIndex];
+ ZeroMemory(&recip, sizeof(MapiRecipDesc));
+ recip.ulRecipClass = MAPI_TO;
+ wxString& sName = message.m_to[i];
+ //Try to resolve the name
+ lpMapiRecipDesc lpTempRecip;
+ if (Resolve(sName, (void*) &lpTempRecip))
+ {
+ //Resolve worked, put the resolved name back into the sName
+ sName = lpTempRecip->lpszName;
+ //Don't forget to free up the memory MAPI allocated for us
+ m_data->m_lpfnMAPIFreeBuffer(lpTempRecip);
+ }
+ //recip.lpszName = T2A((LPTSTR) (LPCTSTR) sName);
+ recip.lpszName = (LPSTR) sName.c_str();
+ ++nRecipIndex;
+ }
+ //Setup the "CC" recipients
+ int nCCSize = message.m_cc.GetCount();
+ for (i=0; i<nCCSize; i++)
+ {
+ MapiRecipDesc& recip = mapiMessage.lpRecips[nRecipIndex];
+ ZeroMemory(&recip, sizeof(MapiRecipDesc));
+ recip.ulRecipClass = MAPI_CC;
+ wxString& sName = message.m_cc[i];
+ //Try to resolve the name
+ lpMapiRecipDesc lpTempRecip;
+ if (Resolve(sName, (void*) &lpTempRecip))
+ {
+ //Resolve worked, put the resolved name back into the sName
+ sName = lpTempRecip->lpszName;
+ //Don't forget to free up the memory MAPI allocated for us
+ m_data->m_lpfnMAPIFreeBuffer(lpTempRecip);
+ }
+ //recip.lpszName = T2A((LPTSTR) (LPCTSTR) sName);
+ recip.lpszName = (LPSTR) sName.c_str();
+ ++nRecipIndex;
+ }
+ //Setup the "BCC" recipients
+ int nBCCSize = message.m_bcc.GetCount();
+ for (i=0; i<nBCCSize; i++)
+ {
+ MapiRecipDesc& recip = mapiMessage.lpRecips[nRecipIndex];
+ ZeroMemory(&recip, sizeof(MapiRecipDesc));
+ recip.ulRecipClass = MAPI_BCC;
+ wxString& sName = message.m_bcc[i];
+ //Try to resolve the name
+ lpMapiRecipDesc lpTempRecip;
+ if (Resolve(sName, (void*) &lpTempRecip))
+ {
+ //Resolve worked, put the resolved name back into the sName
+ sName = lpTempRecip->lpszName;
+ //Don't forget to free up the memory MAPI allocated for us
+ m_data->m_lpfnMAPIFreeBuffer(lpTempRecip);
+ }
+ //recip.lpszName = T2A((LPTSTR) (LPCTSTR) sName);
+ recip.lpszName = (LPSTR) sName.c_str();
+ ++nRecipIndex;
+ }
+ //Setup the attachments
+ int nAttachmentSize = message.m_attachments.GetCount();
+ int nTitleSize = message.m_attachmentTitles.GetCount();
+ if (nTitleSize)
+ {
+ wxASSERT(nTitleSize == nAttachmentSize); //If you are going to set the attachment titles then you must set
+ //the attachment title for each attachment
+ }
+ if (nAttachmentSize)
+ {
+ mapiMessage.nFileCount = nAttachmentSize;
+ mapiMessage.lpFiles = new MapiFileDesc[nAttachmentSize];
+ for (i=0; i<nAttachmentSize; i++)
+ {
+ MapiFileDesc& file = mapiMessage.lpFiles[i];
+ ZeroMemory(&file, sizeof(MapiFileDesc));
+ file.nPosition = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+ wxString& sFilename = message.m_attachments[i];
+ //file.lpszPathName = T2A((LPTSTR) (LPCTSTR) sFilename);
+ file.lpszPathName = (LPSTR) sFilename.c_str();
+ //file.lpszFileName = file.lpszPathName;
+ file.lpszFileName = NULL;
+ if (nTitleSize && !message.m_attachmentTitles[i].IsEmpty())
+ {
+ wxString& sTitle = message.m_attachmentTitles[i];
+ //file.lpszFileName = T2A((LPTSTR) (LPCTSTR) sTitle);
+ file.lpszFileName = (LPSTR) sTitle.c_str();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //Do the actual send using MAPISendMail
+ ULONG nError = m_data->m_lpfnMAPISendMail(m_data->m_hSession, 0, &mapiMessage, MAPI_DIALOG, 0);
+ if (nError == SUCCESS_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ bSuccess = TRUE;
+ m_data->m_nLastError = SUCCESS_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ wxLogDebug(_T("Failed to send mail message, Error:%d\n"), nError);
+ m_data->m_nLastError = nError;
+ }
+ //Tidy up the Attachements
+ if (nAttachmentSize)
+ delete [] mapiMessage.lpFiles;
+ //Free up the Recipients memory
+ delete [] mapiMessage.lpRecips;
+ return bSuccess;
+long wxMapiSession::GetLastError() const
+ return m_data->m_nLastError;
--- /dev/null
+// Name: web.h
+// Purpose: wxWeb: portable web browser-related class
+// Author: Julian Smart
+// Modified by:
+// Created: 2001-08-21
+// RCS-ID: $Id$
+// Copyright: (c) Julian Smart
+// Licence: wxWindows licence
+#ifdef __GNUG__
+#pragma implementation "web.h"
+// For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx/wx.h".
+#include "wx/wxprec.h"
+#ifdef __BORLANDC__
+#pragma hdrstop
+#ifndef WX_PRECOMP
+#include "wx/wx.h"
+#include "wx/string.h"
first/last page). Except for this extra knowledge, wxWizardPage is just a
panel, so the controls may be placed directly on it in the usual way.
-This class allows to decide what is the orde fo pages in the wizard
-dynamically (during run-time) and so providex maximal flexibility. Usually,
+This class allows the programmer to decide the order of pages in the wizard
+dynamically (during run-time) and so provides maximal flexibility. Usually,
however, the order of pages is known in advance in which case
\helpref{wxWizardPageSimple}{wxwizardpagesimple} class is enough and it is simpler
to use.
+ // Experimental: this seems to help with the scroll problem. See messages from Jekabs Andrushaitis <>
+ // wx-dev list, entitled "[wx-dev] wxMSW-EVT_KEY_DOWN and wxMSW-wxTextCtrl" and "[wx-dev] TextCtrl (RichEdit)"
+ // Unfortunately, showing the selection in blue when the control doesn't have
+ // the focus is non-standard behaviour, and we need to find another workaround.
+ //msStyle |= ES_NOHIDESEL ;
m_isRich = TRUE;
int ver = wxRichEditModule::GetLoadedVersion();
SendMessage(hWnd, EM_SETSEL, 0, MAKELPARAM(pos, pos));
#endif // Win32/16
- static const wxChar *nothing = _T("");
- SendMessage(hWnd, EM_REPLACESEL, 0, (LPARAM)nothing);
+ if ( !m_isRich)
+ {
+ static const wxChar *nothing = _T("");
+ SendMessage(hWnd, EM_REPLACESEL, 0, (LPARAM)nothing);
+ }
void wxTextCtrl::SetInsertionPointEnd()