wxPropertyGrid is usually populated with lines like this:
wxPropertyGrid is usually populated with lines like this:
- pg->Append( new wxStringProperty(wxT("Label"),wxT("Name"),wxT("Initial Value")) );
+ pg->Append( new wxStringProperty("Label", "Name", "Initial Value") );
Naturally, wxStringProperty is a property class. Only the first function argument (label)
Naturally, wxStringProperty is a property class. Only the first function argument (label)
// Add int property
// Add int property
- pg->Append( new wxIntProperty(wxT("IntProperty"), wxPG_LABEL, 12345678) );
+ pg->Append( new wxIntProperty("IntProperty", wxPG_LABEL, 12345678) );
// Add float property (value type is actually double)
// Add float property (value type is actually double)
- pg->Append( new wxFloatProperty(wxT("FloatProperty"), wxPG_LABEL, 12345.678) );
+ pg->Append( new wxFloatProperty("FloatProperty", wxPG_LABEL, 12345.678) );
- pg->Append( new wxBoolProperty(wxT("BoolProperty"), wxPG_LABEL, false) );
+ pg->Append( new wxBoolProperty("BoolProperty", wxPG_LABEL, false) );
// A string property that can be edited in a separate editor dialog.
// A string property that can be edited in a separate editor dialog.
- pg->Append( new wxLongStringProperty(wxT("LongStringProperty"),
+ pg->Append( new wxLongStringProperty("LongStringProperty",
- wxT("This is much longer string than the ")
- wxT("first one. Edit it by clicking the button.")));
+ "This is much longer string than the "
+ "first one. Edit it by clicking the button."));
// String editor with dir selector button.
// String editor with dir selector button.
- pg->Append( new wxDirProperty(wxT("DirProperty"), wxPG_LABEL, ::wxGetUserHome()) );
+ pg->Append( new wxDirProperty("DirProperty", wxPG_LABEL, ::wxGetUserHome()) );
// wxArrayStringProperty embeds a wxArrayString.
// wxArrayStringProperty embeds a wxArrayString.
- pg->Append( new wxArrayStringProperty(wxT("Label of ArrayStringProperty"),
- wxT("NameOfArrayStringProp")));
+ pg->Append( new wxArrayStringProperty("Label of ArrayStringProperty",
+ "NameOfArrayStringProp"));
// A file selector property.
// A file selector property.
- pg->Append( new wxFileProperty(wxT("FileProperty"), wxPG_LABEL, wxEmptyString) );
+ pg->Append( new wxFileProperty("FileProperty", wxPG_LABEL, wxEmptyString) );
// Extra: set wild card for file property (format same as in wxFileDialog).
// Extra: set wild card for file property (format same as in wxFileDialog).
- pg->SetPropertyAttribute( wxT("FileProperty"),
+ pg->SetPropertyAttribute( "FileProperty",
- wxT("All files (*.*)|*.*") );
+ "All files (*.*)|*.*" );
// Add a file selector property.
// Add a file selector property.
- wxPGPropety* prop = pg->Append( new wxFileProperty(wxT("FileProperty"),
+ wxPGPropety* prop = pg->Append( new wxFileProperty("FileProperty",
wxEmptyString) );
// Valid: Set wild card by name
wxEmptyString) );
// Valid: Set wild card by name
- pg->SetPropertyAttribute( wxT("FileProperty"),
+ pg->SetPropertyAttribute( "FileProperty",
- wxT("All files (*.*)|*.*") );
+ "All files (*.*)|*.*" );
// Also Valid: Set wild card by property pointer
pg->SetPropertyAttribute( prop,
// Also Valid: Set wild card by property pointer
pg->SetPropertyAttribute( prop,
- wxT("All files (*.*)|*.*") );
+ "All files (*.*)|*.*" );
Using pointer is faster, since it doesn't require hash map lookup. Anyway,
Using pointer is faster, since it doesn't require hash map lookup. Anyway,
// One way to add category (similar to how other properties are added)
// One way to add category (similar to how other properties are added)
- pg->Append( new wxPropertyCategory(wxT("Main")) );
+ pg->Append( new wxPropertyCategory("Main") );
// All these are added to "Main" category
// All these are added to "Main" category
- pg->Append( new wxStringProperty(wxT("Name")) );
- pg->Append( new wxIntProperty(wxT("Age"),wxPG_LABEL,25) );
- pg->Append( new wxIntProperty(wxT("Height"),wxPG_LABEL,180) );
- pg->Append( new wxIntProperty(wxT("Weight")) );
+ pg->Append( new wxStringProperty("Name") );
+ pg->Append( new wxIntProperty("Age",wxPG_LABEL,25) );
+ pg->Append( new wxIntProperty("Height",wxPG_LABEL,180) );
+ pg->Append( new wxIntProperty("Weight") );
- pg->Append( new wxPropertyCategory(wxT("Attributes")) );
+ pg->Append( new wxPropertyCategory("Attributes") );
// All these are added to "Attributes" category
// All these are added to "Attributes" category
- pg->Append( new wxIntProperty(wxT("Intelligence")) );
- pg->Append( new wxIntProperty(wxT("Agility")) );
- pg->Append( new wxIntProperty(wxT("Strength")) );
+ pg->Append( new wxIntProperty("Intelligence") );
+ pg->Append( new wxIntProperty("Agility") );
+ pg->Append( new wxIntProperty("Strength") );
- wxPGProperty* carProp = pg->Append(new wxStringProperty(wxT("Car"),
+ wxPGProperty* carProp = pg->Append(new wxStringProperty("Car",
- pg->AppendIn(carProp, new wxStringProperty(wxT("Model"),
+ pg->AppendIn(carProp, new wxStringProperty("Model",
- wxT("Lamborghini Diablo SV")));
+ "Lamborghini Diablo SV"));
- pg->AppendIn(carProp, new wxIntProperty(wxT("Engine Size (cc)"),
+ pg->AppendIn(carProp, new wxIntProperty("Engine Size (cc)",
5707) );
wxPGProperty* speedsProp = pg->AppendIn(carProp,
5707) );
wxPGProperty* speedsProp = pg->AppendIn(carProp,
- new wxStringProperty(wxT("Speeds"),
+ new wxStringProperty("Speeds",
- pg->AppendIn( speedsProp, new wxIntProperty(wxT("Max. Speed (mph)"),
+ pg->AppendIn( speedsProp, new wxIntProperty("Max. Speed (mph)",
- pg->AppendIn( speedsProp, new wxFloatProperty(wxT("0-100 mph (sec)"),
+ pg->AppendIn( speedsProp, new wxFloatProperty("0-100 mph (sec)",
- pg->AppendIn( speedsProp, new wxFloatProperty(wxT("1/4 mile (sec)"),
+ pg->AppendIn( speedsProp, new wxFloatProperty("1/4 mile (sec)",
wxPG_LABEL,8.6) );
// This is how child property can be referred to by name
wxPG_LABEL,8.6) );
// This is how child property can be referred to by name
- pg->SetPropertyValue( wxT("Car.Speeds.Max. Speed (mph)"), 300 );
+ pg->SetPropertyValue( "Car.Speeds.Max. Speed (mph)", 300 );
- pg->AppendIn(carProp, new wxIntProperty(wxT("Price ($)"),
+ pg->AppendIn(carProp, new wxIntProperty("Price ($)",
// Using wxArrayString
wxArrayString arrDiet;
// Using wxArrayString
wxArrayString arrDiet;
- arr.Add(wxT("Herbivore"));
- arr.Add(wxT("Carnivore"));
- arr.Add(wxT("Omnivore"));
+ arr.Add("Herbivore");
+ arr.Add("Carnivore");
+ arr.Add("Omnivore");
- pg->Append( new wxEnumProperty(wxT("Diet"),
+ pg->Append( new wxEnumProperty("Diet",
const wxChar* arrayDiet[] =
{ wxT("Herbivore"), wxT("Carnivore"), wxT("Omnivore"), NULL };
const wxChar* arrayDiet[] =
{ wxT("Herbivore"), wxT("Carnivore"), wxT("Omnivore"), NULL };
- pg->Append( new wxEnumProperty(wxT("Diet"),
+ pg->Append( new wxEnumProperty("Diet",
arrayDiet) );
arrayDiet) );
// Using wxArrayString and wxArrayInt
wxArrayString arrDiet;
// Using wxArrayString and wxArrayInt
wxArrayString arrDiet;
- arr.Add(wxT("Herbivore"));
- arr.Add(wxT("Carnivore"));
- arr.Add(wxT("Omnivore"));
+ arr.Add("Herbivore");
+ arr.Add("Carnivore");
+ arr.Add("Omnivore");
wxArrayInt arrIds;
wxArrayInt arrIds;
// Note that the initial value (the last argument) is the actual value,
// not index or anything like that. Thus, our value selects "Omnivore".
// Note that the initial value (the last argument) is the actual value,
// not index or anything like that. Thus, our value selects "Omnivore".
- pg->Append( new wxEnumProperty(wxT("Diet"),
+ pg->Append( new wxEnumProperty("Diet",
- chs.Add(wxT("Herbivore"), 40);
- chs.Add(wxT("Carnivore"), 45);
- chs.Add(wxT("Omnivore"), 50);
+ chs.Add("Herbivore", 40);
+ chs.Add("Carnivore", 45);
+ chs.Add("Omnivore", 50);
// Let's add an item with bitmap, too
// Let's add an item with bitmap, too
- chs.Add(wxT("None of the above"), wxBitmap(), 60);
+ chs.Add("None of the above", wxBitmap(), 60);
- pg->Append( new wxEnumProperty(wxT("Primary Diet"),
+ pg->Append( new wxEnumProperty("Primary Diet",
chs) );
// Add same choices to another property as well - this is efficient due
// to reference counting
chs) );
// Add same choices to another property as well - this is efficient due
// to reference counting
- pg->Append( new wxEnumProperty(wxT("Secondary Diet"),
+ pg->Append( new wxEnumProperty("Secondary Diet",
chs) );
chs) );
long flags_prop_values[] = { wxICONIZE, wxCAPTION, wxMINIMIZE_BOX,
long flags_prop_values[] = { wxICONIZE, wxCAPTION, wxMINIMIZE_BOX,
- pg->Append( new wxFlagsProperty(wxT("Window Style"),
+ pg->Append( new wxFlagsProperty("Window Style",
- pg->Append( new wxDateProperty(wxT("MyDateProperty"),
+ pg->Append( new wxDateProperty("MyDateProperty",
wxDateTime::Now()) );
// Image file property. Wild card is auto-generated from available
// image handlers, so it is not set this time.
wxDateTime::Now()) );
// Image file property. Wild card is auto-generated from available
// image handlers, so it is not set this time.
- pg->Append( new wxImageFileProperty(wxT("Label of ImageFileProperty"),
- wxT("NameOfImageFileProp")) );
+ pg->Append( new wxImageFileProperty("Label of ImageFileProperty",
+ "NameOfImageFileProp") );
// Font property has sub-properties. Note that we give window's font as
// initial value.
// Font property has sub-properties. Note that we give window's font as
// initial value.
- pg->Append( new wxFontProperty(wxT("Font"),
+ pg->Append( new wxFontProperty("Font",
GetFont()) );
// Colour property with arbitrary colour.
GetFont()) );
// Colour property with arbitrary colour.
- pg->Append( new wxColourProperty(wxT("My Colour 1"),
+ pg->Append( new wxColourProperty("My Colour 1",
wxColour(242,109,0) ) );
// System colour property.
wxColour(242,109,0) ) );
// System colour property.
- pg->Append( new wxSystemColourProperty(wxT("My SysColour 1"),
+ pg->Append( new wxSystemColourProperty("My SysColour 1",
wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_WINDOW)) );
// System colour property with custom colour.
wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_WINDOW)) );
// System colour property with custom colour.
- pg->Append( new wxSystemColourProperty(wxT("My SysColour 2"),
+ pg->Append( new wxSystemColourProperty("My SysColour 2",
wxColour(0,200,160) ) );
// Cursor property
wxColour(0,200,160) ) );
// Cursor property
- pg->Append( new wxCursorProperty(wxT("My Cursor"),
+ pg->Append( new wxCursorProperty("My Cursor",
// the value to be validated.
wxVariant pendingValue = event.GetValue();
// the value to be validated.
wxVariant pendingValue = event.GetValue();
- if ( property->GetName() == wxT("Font") )
+ if ( property->GetName() == "Font" )
// Make sure value is not unspecified
if ( !pendingValue.IsNull() )
// Make sure value is not unspecified
if ( !pendingValue.IsNull() )
font << pendingValue;
// Let's just allow Arial font
font << pendingValue;
// Let's just allow Arial font
- if ( font.GetFaceName() != wxT("Arial") )
+ if ( font.GetFaceName() != "Arial" )
event.SetValidationFailureBehavior(wxPG_VFB_STAY_IN_PROPERTY |
event.SetValidationFailureBehavior(wxPG_VFB_STAY_IN_PROPERTY |
- wxPGProperty* colProp = new wxColourProperty(wxT("Text Colour"));
+ wxPGProperty* colProp = new wxColourProperty("Text Colour");
pg->SetPropertyEditor(colProp, wxPGEditor_TextCtrlAndButton);
pg->SetPropertyEditor(colProp, wxPGEditor_TextCtrlAndButton);
For example, if you have a wxFlagsProperty, you can
set its all items to use check box using the following:
For example, if you have a wxFlagsProperty, you can
set its all items to use check box using the following:
- pg->SetPropertyAttribute(wxT("MyFlagsProperty"),wxPG_BOOL_USE_CHECKBOX,true,wxPG_RECURSE);
+ pg->SetPropertyAttribute("MyFlagsProperty", wxPG_BOOL_USE_CHECKBOX, true, wxPG_RECURSE);
Following will set all individual bool properties in your control to
Following will set all individual bool properties in your control to