from distutils.dep_util import newer
from distutils.spawn import spawn
+import distutils.command.install
import distutils.command.install_data
import distutils.command.install_headers
import distutils.command.clean
NO_SCRIPTS = 0 # Don't install the tool scripts
NO_HEADERS = 0 # Don't install the wxPython *.h and *.i files
+INSTALL_MULTIVERSION = 1 # Install the packages such that multiple versions
+ # can co-exist. When turned on the wx and wxPython
+ # pacakges will be installed in a versioned subdir
+ # of site-packages, and a *.pth file will be
+ # created that adds that dir to the sys.path. In
+ # addition, a module will be installed
+ # to site-pacakges that will allow applications to
+ # choose a specific version if more than one are
+ # installed.
+FLAVOUR = "" # Optional flavour string to be appended to VERSION
+ # in MULTIVERSION installs
+INSTALL_WXRC = 0 # Should the Python version of wxrc be installed?
WX_CONFIG = None # Usually you shouldn't need to touch this, but you can set
# it to pass an alternate version of wx-config or alternate
# flags, eg. as required by the .deb in-tree build. By
for x in range(len(sys.argv)):
if sys.argv[x].find(flag) == 0:
# String options
for option in ['WX_CONFIG', 'WXDLLVER', 'BUILD_BASE', 'WXPORT', 'SWIG',
+ ]:
for x in range(len(sys.argv)):
if sys.argv[x].find(option) == 0:
pos = sys.argv[x].find('=') + 1
+class wx_install(distutils.command.install.install):
+ """
+ Turns off install_path_file
+ """
+ def initialize_options(self):
+ distutils.command.install.install.initialize_options(self)
+ self.install_path_file = 0
class wx_install_headers(distutils.command.install_headers.install_headers):
Install the header files to the WXPREFIX, with an extra dir per
def adjustLFLAGS(lfags, libdirs, libs):
- '''Extrace the -L and -l flags and put them in libdirs and libs as needed'''
+ '''Extract the -L and -l flags and put them in libdirs and libs as needed'''
newLFLAGS = []
for flag in lflags:
if flag[:2] == '-L':
return newLFLAGS
+def getExtraPath(shortVer=True, addOpts=False):
+ """Get the dirname that wxPython will be installed under."""
+ if shortVer:
+ # short version, just Major.Minor
+ ep = "wx-%d.%d" % (VER_MAJOR, VER_MINOR)
+ # plus release if minor is odd
+ if VER_MINOR % 2 == 1:
+ ep += ".%d" % VER_RELEASE
+ else:
+ # long version, full version
+ ep = "wx-%d.%d.%d.%d" % (VER_MAJOR, VER_MINOR, VER_RELEASE, VER_SUBREL)
+ if addOpts:
+ ep += "-%s-%s" % (WXPORT, (UNICODE and 'unicode' or 'ansi'))
+ ep += "-" + FLAVOUR
+ return ep
# sanity checks
SCRIPTS = [opj('scripts/helpviewer'),
- opj('scripts/img2xpm'),
- opj('scripts/xrced'),
- opj('scripts/pyshell'),
+ opj('scripts/img2xpm'),
+ opj('scripts/pyalacarte'),
+ opj('scripts/pyalamode'),
+ opj('scripts/pyshell'),
- opj('scripts/pyalacarte'),
- opj('scripts/pyalamode'),
+ opj('scripts/xrced'),
+ SCRIPTS += [opj('scripts/wxrc')]
DATA_FILES += find_data_files('wx/tools/XRCed', '*.txt', '*.xrc')
zip(i_files, ["/wxPython/i_files"]*len(i_files))
+ EXTRA_PATH = getExtraPath()
+ open("src/wx.pth", "w").write(EXTRA_PATH)
+ CLEANUP.append("src/wx.pth")
# Do the Setup/Build/Install/Whatever
if __name__ == "__main__":
if not PREP_ONLY:
setup(name = 'wxPython',
version = VERSION,
description = DESCRIPTION,
+ extra_path = EXTRA_PATH,
ext_package = PKGDIR,
ext_modules = wxpExtensions,
data_files = DATA_FILES,
headers = HEADERS,
- cmdclass = { 'install_data': wx_smart_install_data,
+ # Override some of the default distutils command classes with my own
+ cmdclass = { 'install' : wx_install,
+ 'install_data': wx_smart_install_data,
'install_headers': wx_install_headers,
'clean': wx_extra_clean,
+ setup(name = 'wxPython-common',
+ version = VERSION,
+ description = DESCRIPTION,
+ long_description = LONG_DESCRIPTION,
+ author = AUTHOR,
+ author_email = AUTHOR_EMAIL,
+ url = URL,
+ download_url = DOWNLOAD_URL,
+ license = LICENSE,
+ platforms = PLATFORMS,
+ classifiers = filter(None, CLASSIFIERS.split("\n")),
+ keywords = KEYWORDS,
+ package_dir = { '': 'wxversion' },
+ py_modules = ['wxversion'],
+ data_files = [('', ['src/wx.pth'])],
+ options = { 'build' : { 'build_base' : BUILD_BASE },
+ },
+ cmdclass = { 'install_data': wx_smart_install_data,
+ },
+ )
--- /dev/null
+# Name: wxversion
+# Purpose: Allows a wxPython program to search for alternate
+# installations of the wxPython packages and modify sys.path
+# so they will be found when "import wx" is done.
+# Author: Robin Dunn
+# Created: 24-Sept-2004
+# RCS-ID: $Id$
+# Copyright: (c) 2004 by Total Control Software
+# Licence: wxWindows license
+If you have more than one version of wxPython installed this module
+allows your application to choose which version of wxPython will be
+imported when it does 'import wx'. You use it like this:
+ import wxversion
+ wxversion.require('2.4')
+ import wx
+Of course the default wxPython version can also be controlled by
+setting PYTHONPATH or by editing the wx.pth path configuration file,
+but using wxversion will allow an application to manage the version
+selection itself rather than depend on the user to setup the
+environment correctly.
+It works by searching the sys.path for directories matching wx-* and
+then comparing them to what was passed to the require function. If a
+match is found then that path is inserted into sys.path.
+import sys, os, glob, fnmatch
+def require(versions):
+ """
+ Search for a wxPython installation that matches version.
+ :param version: Specifies the version to look for, it can either be
+ a sting or a list of strings. Each string is
+ compared to the installed wxPythons and the best
+ match is added to the sys.path, allowing an 'import
+ wx' to find that version.
+ The version string is composed of the dotted
+ version number (at least 2 of the 4 components)
+ optionally followed by hyphen ('-') separated
+ options (wx port, unicode/ansi, flavour, etc.) A
+ match is determined by how much of the installed
+ version matches what is given in the version
+ parameter. If the version number components don't
+ match then the score is zero, otherwise the score
+ is increased for every specified optional component
+ that is specified and that matches.
+ """
+ assert not sys.modules.has_key('wx') and not sys.modules.has_key('wxPython'), \
+ "wxversion.require() must be called before wxPython is imported"
+ bestMatch = None
+ bestScore = 0
+ if type(versions) == str:
+ versions = [versions]
+ packages = _find_installed()
+ for pkg in packages:
+ for ver in versions:
+ score = pkg.Score(_wxPackageInfo(ver))
+ if score > bestScore:
+ bestMatch = pkg
+ bestScore = score
+ assert bestMatch is not None, \
+ "Required version of wxPython not found"
+ sys.path.insert(0, bestMatch.pathname)
+_pattern = "wx-[0-9].*"
+def _find_installed():
+ installed = []
+ for pth in sys.path:
+ # empty means to look in the current dir
+ if not pth:
+ pth = '.'
+ # skip it if it's not a package dir
+ if not os.path.isdir(pth):
+ continue
+ base = os.path.basename(pth)
+ # if it's a wx path that's already in the sys.path then skip it
+ if fnmatch.fnmatchcase(base, _pattern):
+ continue
+ # now look in the dir for matching subdirs
+ for name in glob.glob(os.path.join(pth, _pattern)):
+ # make sure it's a directory
+ if not os.path.isdir(name):
+ continue
+ # and has a wx subdir
+ if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(name, 'wx')):
+ continue
+ installed.append(_wxPackageInfo(name, True))
+ installed.sort()
+ installed.reverse()
+ return installed
+class _wxPackageInfo(object):
+ def __init__(self, pathname, stripFirst=False):
+ self.pathname = pathname
+ base = os.path.basename(pathname)
+ segments = base.split('-')
+ if stripFirst:
+ segments = segments[1:]
+ self.version = tuple([int(x) for x in segments[0].split('.')])
+ self.options = segments[1:]
+ def Score(self, other):
+ score = 0
+ # whatever version components given in other must match exactly
+ if len(self.version) > len(other.version):
+ v = self.version[:len(other.version)]
+ else:
+ v = self.version
+ if v != other.version:
+ return 0
+ score += 1
+ for opt in other.options:
+ if opt in self.options:
+ score += 1
+ return score
+ # TODO: factor self.options into the sort order?
+ def __lt__(self, other):
+ return self.version < other.version
+ def __gt__(self, other):
+ return self.version > other.version
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ return self.version == other.version
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ def test(version):
+ savepath = sys.path[:]
+ require(version)
+ print "Asked for %s:\t got: %s" % (version, sys.path[0])
+ sys.path = savepath[:]
+ # make some test dirs
+ names = ['wx-2.4',
+ 'wx-2.5.2',
+ 'wx-',
+ 'wx-',
+ 'wx-2.5.1',
+ 'wx-',
+ 'wx-2.5.3']
+ for name in names:
+ d = os.path.join('/tmp', name)
+ os.mkdir(d)
+ os.mkdir(os.path.join(d, 'wx'))
+ # setup sys.path to see those dirs
+ sys.path.append('/tmp')
+ # now run some tests
+ test("2.4")
+ test("2.5")
+ test("2.5-gtk2")
+ test("2.5.2")
+ test("2.5-ansi")
+ test("2.5-unicode")
+ # There isn't a unicode match for this one, but it will give the best
+ # available 2.4. Should it give an error instead? I don't think so...
+ test("2.4-unicode")
+ try:
+ # expecting an error on this one
+ test("2.6")
+ except AssertionError:
+ print "Asked for 2.6:\t got: Assertion"
+ # Try asking for multiple versions
+ test(["2.6", "2.5.3", "2.5.2-gtk2"])
+ # cleanup
+ for name in names:
+ d = os.path.join('/tmp', name)
+ os.rmdir(os.path.join(d, 'wx'))
+ os.rmdir(d)